Lycan's Queen 5

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The Lycan’s Queen by lailax Chapter

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 5


“Aarya, what happened?” the panicked voice of my best friend called out.

I turned to see Sophia rushing over to me with a terrified look on her face. She sa
t down next to me, and I watched as her eyes trailed over me, as if she was checki
ng that I was okay.“I have
no idea what is wrong with my wolf. She was so angry that I nearly shifted. I had t
o get out of there.” I sighed.

“What? Your wolf has never been like that,” Sophia exclaimed.

“I know, I know. That‘s why I‘m so confused. She seems to be calm now though,” I

Sophia looked at me warily. “Are you sure you want to go back inside? If your wol
f is acting weird, maybe you should go back.”

I shook my head. “No, I can‘t do that. I came here with Carter, and it looks bad on
the pack if I leave, I feel fine now.”

Standing up, I smiled to prove my point, Sophia was still weary as we walked towa
rd the palace. In all honesty, so was I, but I didn‘t want to worry anyone. Daily
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As soon as we entered the palace, Carter rushed over to me and looked at me to s

ee if I was hurt.

“Are you okay? You‘re not hurt?” Carter looked worried.

I smiled and shook my head “I‘m fine, Carter, honestly. I just needed – some fresh
air. I feel a lot better now.“.

Carter looked at me unconvinced but nodded his head nevertheless, Sophia clear
ed her throat. “I need to go to Luke. The king will be arriving soon. Carter, look af
ter Aarya.”

She walked away, and I turned to Carter, who was holding hands with Diya. I smir

“Wow, mates with my cousin, hey?”

“She‘s my mate, your luna now,” Carter said smugly.

“Before she‘s my luna, she is my cousin, dumbass,” I replied. r

“That‘s true, I am,” Diya responded, smiling at me. Daily Latest udate

“Hey, you‘re meant to be on my side,” Carter protested.

“Sisters before misters.” I stuck my tongue out.

“You two are arguing like children,” Niya laughed.

“It‘s your sister. She started it.” Carter rolled his eyes.

“And that is something that a child would say. Take responsibility for your actions.
” I raised my eyebrows.

“Whatever,” Carter mumbled, causing us three to laugh.

I stuck by Carter and my cousins. We didn‘t spend long talking as the crowds quie
ted down. I glanced up and saw a lycan standing there, waiting for silence. Daily
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Above us was a balcony with two thrones; this would be where the king and
Savanah would be sitting,

For some reason that didn‘t sit well with me or my wolf. I didn‘t want to risk my w
olf going crazy, so I quickly thought about something else.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming here today, On behalf of the kin
g, I welcome you to the Lycan Ball. I hope this will be an enjoyable evening for yo
u all. Very shortly, the king will be joining us, and he will be accompanied this eve
ning by Savanah Willows.”

I watched as the man tried not to cringe after saying Savanah‘s name.

My eyes found Sophia and Luke, who also looked super uncomfortable. My wolf s
uddenly stirred again, the anger building up.

Oh no, not again. The king was coming, I couldn‘t afford to lose control.

To distract myself. I found Hunter and Lana, who were holding hands, and I watch
ed as Hunter kissed Lana on the cheek.

Even though I hated seeing that, it was the only think that distracted my wolf, so
she calmed down.

“I can‘t wait to see the king,” Diya gushed One

“The king has a certain aura about him that makes everyone want a glance of him,
” Carter said.

A certain aura? Maybe my wolf desperately wanted to see the king then? No, that
didn‘t add up. I was certain I was going to go crazy before this night was over.
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There was no time to dwell on that fact as everyone suddenly went quiet yet agai
n. Guards came and stood on the sides.

The king was coming.

I clutched Niya‘s hand just as the announcer shouted, “Introducing his Royal High
ness, King Adonis Dimitri Grey, accompanied by Savanah Willows.”

I watched in awe as the king confidently walked past the announcer Everyone bo
wed, and I followed suit, my eyes glancing up to see his dark brown hair that was
styled to perfection.

He nodded to the crowd and sat down on his throne, his cape pooling around

My gaze
snapped to Savanah, who was behind the king. She was about to sit down on the s
econd throne but was stopped by the king.

I watched as Savanah‘s face dropped slightly as the king motioned for a guard. Th
e guard escorted her to stand next to the king instead. Daily Latest udate

My eyes found their way to the king‘s hair again, and I found myself thinking wha
t it would be like to run my hands through it.

My eyes widened, and I tore my gaze away. Jeez, Aarya, stop thinking dangerous
thoughts, it won‘t end well.

Instead, I
looked at my shoes. That was a safe bet, couldn’t do anything to embarrass mysel
f by looking at my shoes.

“OMG, look what the king is doing?” Niya whispered to me.

No, Aarya, don‘t look, I told myself. Don‘t do it, you‘ll regret it.

Urgh, damn it, I couldn‘t help myself. I glanced up to see the king sniffing the air.

Well, that was not what I expected to see. What in the world was he doing? Savan
ah was looking at him weirdly, but the king clearly didn‘t care.
In a split second, his hazel eyes connected with mine, and I gasped. Daily Latest

Holy shit, I had never seen eyes that beautiful before. I was lost in them,

The king quickly

stood up, causing me to jump out of my trance. Oh no, please tell me this wasn‘t

My wolf was jumping up and down, and I knew exactly what

that meant, but that didn‘t mean I wanted it.

As the king stood up, the crowd began to

push past me as they went toward him. Clearly they thought he
was going to greet them. His hazel eyes never lost mine, his gaze was firmly locke
d onto me.

The air felt heavy as we stared at each other, it felt like there was no one else but
us in this moment.

Temporarily I forgot about all my troubles, my heartbreak as I found myself lost i

n the captivating hazel eyes.

The connection was broken as more and more people moved in, causing

Carter and Diya.

I was by myself at the back. Only a few wolves remained here. Everyone wanted t
o see the king. Everyone but me.

I was breathing heavy and racked my brain. Should I run? This is the perfect time t
o do so, I won‘t get another opportunity

My wolf protested, but I didn‘t listen. I ran outside. This time I ran past

the bench and into the gardens.

Shivers went down my spine as I heard a powerful roar. Shit! That was definitely t
he king

a rowo

Groaning, I rushed toward a row of bushes and sat down, catching my breath.

Those movies where the female characters run in heels is false. You can‘t run in h
eels without tearing your feet off, it just wasn‘t possible.

As I caught my breath, I heard the palace door fly open. My eyes widened, and I s
wallowed the lump in my throat.
I was in trouble, and I knew it. My wolf was simply smug, like she knew this was g
oing to happen. She probably liked to see my struggle. How annoying

“You can run, little mate, but I‘ll always find you,” a deep voice
said, sending my wolf into a frenzy.

He said it, that word that I was dreading.

“Mate.” My mate was the king.

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