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Humans will always have some common phobias in their lives. Some people are afraid of heights or
death, while others are afraid of black beetles or ants. So, what causes phobias?

Phobia is defined as an extreme fear of something that may cause a person to panic, and it occurs for
the reasons listed below.

First and foremost, family is one of the most influential factors in shaping our personalities. If we
grow up in a family where no one gets along, we will eventually become anxious and retreat into our
own world. The worst thing is to be traumatized and afraid of marriage. For instance, children who
were born in a dysfuctional family will have commitment issue as they fear of fighting and divorcing
from their parents.

Second, our educational environment has a significant impact on our fears. When it comes to
education, bullying is the most serious problem in any school or university, according to statistics. For
example, if you are victimized on a daily basis and are unable to seek assistance, you may experience
panic for an extended period of time and feel extremely dreadful.

Finally, some people have apprehensions because of their imaginations. For example, one of the most
common human fears is the fear of ghosts. Furthermore, they can conjure up many terrifying
scenarios simply by hearing a small sound at midnight.

In conclusion, phobia manifests itself in various ways since everyone has their own fear.

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