A New Direction Towards Plus Weighted Grammar

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11 II February 2023

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

A New Direction Towards Plus weighted Grammar

S. Saridha1, S. Haridha Banu2
1 2
Associate Professor in Mathematics, PG Student, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for
Women(Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli-620018, India.

Abstract: The core of this paper is to establish plus weighted grammar and to illustrate the language accepted by the pwfa and
pwg are equivalent.
Keywords: Plus weighted grammar, plus weighted automata, regular language.

Weighted context free grammars and weighted finite automata were initially introduced in significant articles by Marcel-Paul
Schutzenberger (1961) and Noam Chomsky (1963), respectively.Weighted finite automata are standard nondeterministic finite
automata in which the transitions have weights.We consider the following scenarios to demonstrate the variation of weighted finite
automata. We may determine the wide range of a word by counting the number of paths that can be used to represent it as follows:
Let each transition have a weight of 1, and for a path that is taken again, the sum of the weights of its successful paths. The wide
range of a word equals the sum of its successful paths' weights. The algebraic structures of a semiring involve the computations with
weights in the previously mentioned illustration. Here the multiplication of semiring is utilised for estimating the weights of the
paths and the weight of the word is successively predicted by the sum of the weights of its successful paths.Applications for
weighted automata are numerous. Weighted automata and their accompanying algorithm are developed by contemporary spoken-
dialog or handheld speech recognition systems to express their concepts and promote successful combination and search [1,7].
A plus weighted automata [8,9,10,11] is an automata that deals with plus weights up to infinity. Many algebraic structures of plus
weighted automata has been discussed in [8,9,10]. A grammar related to this automata is proposed in this paper. This study is a
generalisation of plus weighted multiset grammar [9].Plus weighted grammar (pwg) can also be extended further in right linear and
left linear grammar. The plus weighted automata can be applied in max weighted automata cited as[2,3,4,5,6]. This work can be
further motivated to work in field of graph theory [13,14,15,16].
In addition to this section, this paper comprises four more. Basic concepts and notions are discussed in Section 2 for usage in later
parts. In Section 3, a new grammar called pwg is proposed which offers a fresh perspective on pwfa and it elaborates with
illustration that for every plus weighted regular grammar there exists a pwfa. The final section, Section 4, concludes and describes
the future extension of pwg.

In this section we review some basic notions and definitions about grammar and its types.
Definition 2.1 A phrase-structure grammar or grammar is a four tuple G  VN , VT , S, P  where, VN is a set of non-terminal
symbols, VT is a set of terminal symbols called alphabets, S is a special element of VN and is called the starting symbol, P is the
production. Relation on ( VT  VN ) * , the set of strings of elements of terminals and non-terminals.
Types of grammar
(i) Type 0 or unrestricted grammar:
A grammar in which there are no restrictions on its productions.(ii)Type 1 or context sensitive grammar:Grammar that contains only
productions of the form   where   and  ,   ( VT  VN )  . (iii) Type 2 or context free grammar:Grammar
that contains only productions of the form   where   and   VN . (iv) Type 3 or Regular grammar:Grammar
that contains productions of the form   where   ,   VN and  is of the form a or aB where a  VT and
B  VN .

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 845
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com


Definition 3.1 A plus weighted Automata (pwfa) is a sextuple M p  (Q, , W, ,  I , F ) where, Q is a finite non-empty set

of states,  is a finite non-empty set of input symbols, W is a weighting space. That is, W  ([0, ),,) , where '+' is usual
additions and '  ' is usual multiplication, The weighted subset  : Q    Q  [0, ) is a function called the weighted transition

function,  I is a weighted subset of Q. That is,  I : Q  [0, ) called the weighted subset of initial states,  F is a weighted
subset of final states. That is,  F : Q  [0, ) called the weighted subset of final states.

Definition 3.2 A plus weighted grammar (pwg) is a 5-tuple G  (VN ,  T , W, S, Ppw ) where, VN is a non-empty finite set of

variables,  T is a non-empty set of terminals such that VN   T  . W is a weighting space. i.e., W  ([0, ),,)
where '+' is usual additions and '  ' is usual multiplication, S is a plus weighted set of VN That is, S : VN  [0,  ) called the

set of plus weighted initial variables, Ppw is a plus weighted set of

(VN   T )  ( VN   T ) *
such that the following
conditions holds.
If Ppw ( , )    0, ,   (VN   T )* then the string  contains atleast one variable from VN .

Definition 3.3A plus weighted grammar G  ( VN ,  T , W, S, Ppw ) is said to be regular if each of its plus weighted production
 
A 
is either of the form aB, A 
 a, where
A, B  VN , a   T and   0.
x  * is said to be generated by the plus weighted regular grammar G, if
Definition 3.4A string
{S(A 0 )  d(A 0  x )}  0
A 0 VN

Equivalently, there exists A 0  VN such that S( A 0 )  0 and d ( A 0  x )  0.

Definition 3.5 The set of all strings x   that are generated by a plus weighted regular grammar G is called the plus weighted
regular language. We shall denote it by L(G).
Theorem 3.6
Given a plus weighted finite automata M p  (Q, , W, ,  I , F ), there is a plus weighted regular grammar G such that

L (G )  L ( M P )  {}.
Let M p  (Q, , W, ,  I , F ) be a plus weighted finite automata. We construct a plus weighted grammar

G  (VN ,  T , W, S, Ppw ) where,

VN  Q  {S}  {q f } and a   T .
For all p , q , q 0  VN , a , b  VT .

Production Ppw is defined as,

 
(i) q
 b    (q, b, r )  F (r ) (ii) S 
 bq 0    (q I 0
)  (q0 , b, r)
rQ q ,rQ

(iii) S
 b   (q )  (q , b, r )   (r)
q , rQ
I 0 0 F

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 846
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

(iii)  ap   (q , a , p ) .
Suppose x  L( M P )  {}.

Suppose  ,   x 1 x 2 ...x n where x i   T for every i  1,2,..., n. So there is a sequence of transition steps caused by
 from states p ( I ( p)  0) into q( F (q)  0) through a sequence of states. If the sequence of states is empty, we have
(p, , q)  t. Therefore there is a derivation of  of the form S   where S
   G and
t   { I (q)  (q, , r )  F /
q , rQ

q, r  Q}.
  I ( p)  t   F (q )p, q  Q .
Otherwise we suppose the sequence of states is
r11 , r21 ,  rn1 , q1 , r12 ,  q m1 , r1m ,  rnm ,
1 m

2 m
r11 , r21 ,  rn1 , q1 , r1 ,  q m 1 , r1 ,  rnm , q m ,
1 m
where m  1, n 1 , n 2 ,  n m  0 or
m 1
m 1
r1 ,  r m 1
where m  1, n 1 , n 2 ,  n m , n m 1  0. That is we have ,  ( p , , q )  t 

1 1 1 2 m m
t  11  12    1n  t 1  12    t m11m     mn 
where t   1   2     n  t 1  1    t m 1  1     n   m or
1 m

t m  1m 1   m2 1     mn1  t m 1

m 1

Therefore there is a derivation of  with the form

11 12 1n 1 t1 12 t m 1 1m m
1 1 m
S  r    1
 r  a 1q1
n1     a 1a 2    a m 1q m 1  a 1a 2    a r
m 1 1
    a 1a 2    a m1 rnm m

 a 1a 2    a m  x 1 x 2    x n where

11  { I (q)  (q, b, r11 )}


  I (p)  (q, b, r11 )

  I (p)  11
t m  { (rnm , a m , r )   F (r )}

 (rnm , a m , q )   F (q )

 t m   F (q )
or of the form
11 12  nmm tm 1m 1  2m1
1 m m 1
S r     a1a2    a r  a 1a 2    a m q m  a1a2    a r
1 m1 nm m 1   
n m 1 t m 1
 a 1a 2    a m rmm11  a 1a 2    a m  x 1 x 2    x n where

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 847
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

11  { I (q)  (q, b, r11 )}


  I ( p )   ( p , b, r11 )
  I ( p )  11 and

t m 1  { (rmm11 , b, r )  F (r )}
m 1
 ( r m 1 , b, q)  F (q)
 t m1  F (q)
i.e., We have S   where

t         t 1  12    t m1  1m     mn  t m .   I (p)  11    1n  t 1  12    t m1 

1 1
n1 m 1

m m
      t m   F (q )
1 nm

  I ( p)  t   F (q ) or
t   11    1n  12    t m1  1m     mn  t m  1m1     mn1  t m1
1 m m 1

1 1 2
      t m  1m1     mn 1  t m1 
  I (p)        t 1      t m1 
1 n1 1
m 1

F (q).
  I ( p )  t   F (q )
Because for every sequence of transition steps caused by  in Ppw , there exist a derivation generating  with greater or equal to
value in G and furthermore, we have
G()  p() .Therefore we have L( M p )  L(G ) .Similarly suppose (,  G ())  L( G ). We can prove for every
derivation of  in G, there exist a sequence of transition steps accepting  with the same value in Ppw and furthermore

p()   G () i.e., L(G )  L(M p ). Thus L(G )  L(M P ) .

Example 3.7
Consider a plus weighted finite automata M p  (Q, , W, ,  I , F ) where,

Q  {q 0 , q 1 , q 2 },  I  {2 / q 0 },
F  {3 / q 2 }, in  {0,1} and
 (q 0 ,0, q 0 )  2 ,  (q 0 ,0, q 1 )  5 ,  ( q1 ,0, q1 )  3 ,  ( q 1 ,1, q 2 )  6 ,  (q 1 ,0, q 0 )  7

Plus Weighted Automata

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 848
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

L(001)   I (q 0 )  (q 0 ,0, q 0 )  (q 0 ,0, q1 )

 (q1 ,1, q 2 )  F (q 2 )   I (q 0 )  (q 0 ,0, q1 )
 (q1 ,0, q 1 )  (q1 ,1, q 2 )  F (q 2 )
By the use of above theorem one can construct an equivalent plus weighted regular grammar G as
G  (VN ,  T , W, S, Ppw )
G  ({q 0 , q1 , q 2 },{0,1},{2 / q 0 }, Ppw )
4 10
Ppw  S 
 0q 0 , S  0q 1 ,
3 18
q1 
 0q1 , q1  1,
14 2
q1  0q 0 , q 0 
 0q 0 ,
q0  0q 1
4 5 18
(i) S  0q 0  00q1  001
10 3 18
(ii) S  0q1  0q1  001
L(X) =4.5.18+10.3.18=360+540
= 900
Theorem 3.8
Given a plus weighted regular grammar
G  (VN ,  T , W, S, Ppw ), there is a plus weighted finite automata M P such that L ( M P )  L (G ) .
Construction of the required plus weighted finite automata will be as follows:
Q  VN  {q f }, where q f not in VN ,  I  S,  F  {1 / q f },
and  is defined as ,
(q, a, p)   if and only if q  
 ap.

(q, a, q f )   if and only if q 
 a.

This paper introduces a different approach on plus weighted grammar, this proposal can be applied in numerous works done in
fuzzy grammar and fuzzy multiset grammar. Further plus weighted algebra-related tasks can be extended in the future.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
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