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Short stories “Legends” Interactive Unit

Andrés S. Serje & Kerlyn M. Pineda

Universidad del Atlántico

Diplomado de Fortalecimiento de Competencias de los Docentes de Lenguas Extranjeras

December 5th, 2022



Introduction 3
Justification 3
General Objective 4
Specific Objectives 4
Context 4
Literature Review 5
Expected Results 7
Conclusions 8
Sources 8


Since the beginning of this decade, education has had to adapt to the changes forced by

Covid 19 and the pandemic, during this period educational institutions have had to opt for

unconventional teaching methods in order to continue imparting knowledge. Thanks to this,

new strategies have emerged to make the transition from face-to-face education to an efficient

modality, a clear example of this is the implementation of pre-pandemic methodologies such

as Project Based Learning (PBL) along with Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT). This fusion ensures a teaching and learning process full of creativity, innovation,

research, interaction, collaboration and self-taught making the virtual modality effective. For

this reason, the didactic guide presented below was created taking into account the fusion

between ICT and Project Based Learning.


In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, all educational institutions in the country

needed to adopt a new way of educating through virtuality. In the aftermath of the Covid-19

pandemic, all educational institutions in the country needed to adopt a new way of educating

through virtuality. This adaptation has been and continues to be a challenge for both teachers

and students, due to the lack of practice and knowledge about virtual tools or platforms to

carry out a teaching and learning process effectively. This is why, taking into account the

different technological advances, the new virtual platforms for education and the recent forms

of virtual teaching that have arisen due to the pandemic, it is necessary to apply methods to

face the challenges that these novelties represent, as well as to understand and improve the

teaching-learning processes.

Therefore, this project aims to provide guidance during the teaching-learning

processes focused on the reading and writing competence of the foreign language, with the

aim of facilitating and stimulating the development of the classes. From a specific point of

view, this project focuses primarily on improving literacy skills in the English language

through ICT in e-learning situations. On the other hand, from a more regional perspective,

this theme has been selected because of the growing demand (required by the current

situation) to merge pre-pandemic and post-pandemic strategies.

General Objective

● To present a project based learning merged with technological tools to strengthen the

literacy level of English students.

Specific Objectives

● To design an interactive unit to strengthen the reading and writing process in

intermediate English students.

● To formulate pedagogical strategies to promote interest in reading and to encourage

written production.

● To propose activities that make use of technology to improve writing skills.


This pedagogical proposal is aimed at intermediate level (B1) English students from

an educational institution, specifically a language center. This private language centre is

located in the city centre of Barranquilla. The class has a total of 20 students who have passed

the previous language levels based on the CEFR required for this level (B1). The student

population is between the ages of 13 and 16. The institution has a virtual platform and

educational content based on the Pearson publishing house, however, it does not exclude the

possibility of making use of other technological tools in the teaching process. For this reason,

it was considered a great opportunity to implement this pedagogical proposal in this


Taking into account the above, we chose to use the technological tool "Canva", since it

allows us to create a wide variety of didactic and educational content that is in line with the

objectives set out in the proposal. This website offers a simple and easy to understand use

that can be shared on multiple platforms, thus achieving greater interaction with our students

and providing them with a virtual resource that seeks to develop their skills in learning a

foreign language. Some of these activities have different levels of complexity (easy, medium

and difficult level) which must be guided by a teacher who attends the learning process of the


Literature Review

The project based learning and Bloom's taxonomy are two of the pillars of this project due

to the different resources they provide. According to Davis, Sumara and Luce-Kapler (2000)

PBL allows learning tasks to be open enough to match students' interests, experience and

knowledge and at the same time provide organized guidance in the learning process. PBL

allows great flexibility when designing tasks, seeks to promote interaction, analysis, research,

collaboration and meaningful learning without being limited only to the face-to-face

modality. In addition to this, Bloom's taxonomy was the main guide to design this project.

Five of the major categories were taken into account when creating the activities of the

didactic unit: Understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create. The purpose of this is to cover

the greatest number of intellectual skills and guarantee their adequate development.

In addition to the above, learning styles were also taken into account during the task

design process. Learning styles, according to Dunn and Dunn (1978), are a collection of

individual, biological, or developmental traits that determine which students will respond

well to a particular teaching strategy or method. Thus, the learning styles presented by Kolb,

one of the most widely used and recognized learning models in education, were taken into

account. According to this theory, these styles develop as a result of three factors: genetics,

life experiences and environment. The two main aspects of learning that Kolb describes are

how it is processed and how it is perceived. CE, AC, AE and RO learning styles are the four

categories that result from this premise (Cazau, 2004).

● CE: Perceives through concrete experience.

● AC: Perceives through abstract conceptualization.

● AE: Processes through active experimentation.

● RO: Processes through reflective observation.

Definitions such as Benedito’s (1990) were taken into account for the evaluation process,

in which he mentions: “Evaluating is a systematic, continuous and integrated activity within

the educational process, the purpose of which is to get to know and improve the individual

pupil and the educational process in general, with all its components.”

The characteristics described by Rotger (1989) were also considered: integrated,

recurrent, formative, critical, continuous, decisive and cooperative.

Expected Results

This pedagogical proposal: Short stories "legends" interactive unit aims to strengthen

writing skills and generate interest in reading in students not only at this level, but also at

general levels of English teaching. In this interactive unit, you can find interactive activities,

videos, links, documents or texts for different tastes, which are adapted to the academic needs

of the population mentioned in this proposal.

For this reason, it is expected that at the end of the unit, students will be able to

produce and understand more complex literary texts that represent a better development of

skills such as critical thinking and analysis of literary codes. Likewise, they can generate their

own content, as an example of this, the creation of a short story, more specifically a legend, is

presented in the unit 's project. On the other hand, the aim is to acquire the grammatical

objectives designated for this level of English, which are the use of simple past and

continuous past, the use of connectors, coordinated and subordinate sentences, and finally the

subject of prepositional verbs. All grammatical objectives are connected with the objective of

this unit which is to improve the reading and writing process of the students. Finally, students

are expected to be aware of their learning style and to recognize not only their own style but

that of their peers, which will enhance teamwork and make the student a self-evaluating

person. Not least, creativity and imagination are always present in the unit as an important

factor in the creation of ideas and concepts to then achieve results such as the writing of a

complex text.


In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic not only brought with it many challenges and

difficulties, but also provided an opportunity to make technologies a more important tool in

educational processes. Even though the implementation process was almost mandatory in the

field of education, it allowed it to evolve into a subject that was not accepted by many

teachers. The use of ICT gave this PBL a new vision, providing it with very useful tools that

are crucial in the teaching-learning process of the English language. It is hoped that this

approach will be further developed, as skills such as writing or reading are being affected by

the misuse of technologies, when they provide us with endless opportunities.


Arredondo, S. C., & Diago, J. C. (2010). Evaluación Educativa de Aprendizajes y

Competencias. Pearson Education.

Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains. (2012). In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning

(pp. 469–469). Springer US.

Rodriguez, N. Y. R., Rios, C. A., & Garibotto, V. C. (2018). ESTILOS DE APRENDIZAJE


Roessingh, H., & Chambers, W. (2011). Project-Based Learning and Pedagogy in Teacher
Preparation: Staking Out the Theoretical Mid-Ground. International Journal of Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education, 23(1), 60–71.

book Interactive Unit


Short Stories

By Andres Serje & Kerlyn Pineda




“I kept always two books in my pocket, one
to read, one to write in.”

Develop a good critical thinking skill gives learners a new world

of oportunities. As a result, their participation in society

increases and they have a better level of competitiveness. For

this reason, technology today is looking for tools that stimulate

and encourage students to reach an advanced English level.

This pedagogical concept aims to integrate

different ICT tools that help in the learning

process of one of the most important aspects of

the language: Writing.

By the end of the project

students will be able to

write their own short

stories using digital tools.

In this unit
1 2 3 4
In the castle Olympus Valhalla El dorado


1 2 3 4
In the castle Olympus Valhalla El dorado

The Legend of Perseus The aesir gods

Reading Arthur and goddesses El Dorado

Middle age Olympian

Vocabulary Medieval vocabulary Vikings Indigenous tribes

Write a story

Comment on
Writing Paddle
Plot: short story Create your own
about an

character expedition

Middle age Greek mythology Norse or nordic

Muisca mythology
Cultural mythology

Talk about their

Talk about each

Speaking Discussion
other's stories
legend and their

thoughts about it


connectors of

Listening Understand the

plot of the film time and
understanding prepositional

sequence verbs

Use of Coordination and


Grammar Past simple and

past continouos connectors: subordination in

complex sentences

Project: E-book


In the Castle
Communicative objective:
Comprehend stories with

cultural content about the

Middle Ages.
Exchange ideas about the

Comment on Anglo-Saxon

stories using past tense


Comprehend folk stories

from the Middle Age

Identify the cultural values

of the medieval period

through legends.

Linguistic objectives
Middle age.
Medieval words.

simple past vs past



In the Castle Vocabulary Middle Age

Middle age - Medieval

Past simple - Past continouos


1 Match the words with the definitions.

To worship Fake Knight Bishop Vassal To invade

A leader in the church, this person was often the top church leader in a kingdom.
A warrior who rode a horse and wore heavy metal armor.
Someone who pledges their allegiance to a lord.
To attack a place with an army
To pray to
Looks real but is not

The Legend of Arthur

According to the stories, Arthur was the son of King Uther Pendragon. As an infant, Arthur was

given to Merlin the magician. The young Arthur pulled a sword called Excalibur from a stone in which

it had been magically fixed. This proved that he should be king because no one else had been able

to pull the sword from the stone. In another version of the story, the Lady of the Lake handed

Arthur the sword, with only her arm visible above the water.

King Arthur married Guinevere and held court at Camelot. He and his strong and brave knights all

sat as equals around a great round table. They came to be known as the Order of the Round Table.

Sir Lancelot was the greatest of the knights; Sir Galahad, the most noble; and Perceval, the most
Knights were soldiers who swore loyalty to a lord. The real Arthur, if he existed, lived long before

the age of knighthood. Nevertheless, poets of the Middle Ages depicted him as a knight, which was

their model of an ideal man.

King Arthur was a mighty warrior. However, his traitorous nephew, Mordred, rose in rebellion.

(Some stories say that Mordred was Arthur’s son.) Arthur was badly wounded in battle. His body

was carried to the island of Avalon to be healed. At some future time, according to the legend, he

will return to rule again.


Lesson learning Objective:
Students will be able to use different structures to talk

about the past.

Grammar simple past tense

Regular verbs Irregular verbs The Real King Arthur
verb-ed verb-past form
watch/watched cost/cost
Some scholars believe that Arthur was a

try/tried take/took real person who lived in Britain in the ad

play/played know/knew
400s or 500s. According to these scholars

he led the Celts in wars against Saxon

Grammar past continuous invaders. After Arthur was killed in battle,

affirmative negative his people fled to Wales and to Brittany in

I was making a lot of I was not making a

noise lot of noise
France. There they told stories of Arthur’s

questions short answers bravery and goodness. Eventually he was

Was she making a Yes, she was/No, she

lot of noise? wasn't remembered as a hero and a wise and all-

powerful king.

2 Answer the following questions and discuss the responses with your partner

Do you prefer to read real stories or, on the contrary, fictional ones?

Why do you think people made up these kinds of stories?

Why do you think such an ancient story has lasted through the centuries?

Do you know of a story from your region that is similar to the story of King Arthur?


3 Go to kahoot and practice simple past vs past continuous



Find the 8 verbs in the following word search. Create sentences in the past continuous using

each of the verbs found.



Watch the movie King Arthur directed by Antoine Fuqua, then leave your comment on the

Padlet platform talking about the main differences between the movie and the previous text.


Communicative objective:
Comprehend different

types of content about

Greek mythology.
Talk about Greek

mythology stories
Understand the structure

of a plot and the use of


Interpret cultural content

about Greek mythology.

Identify beliefs in ancient

Greek mythology.

Linguistic objectives
Olympian vocabulary.
Greek gods.

Use of connectors: Time

and sequence



Olympus Listening Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology

Use of connectors: Time and

How to write a short story Listening

Click on the audio and listen to the story of Medusa, then fill in the
1 gapswith the following connectors

After In short Then As soon as

Once upon a time, many years ago there lived a beautiful maiden named Medusa. Medusa

was beautiful with long, flowing hair and soft skin. Medusa knew she was beautiful and spent

her days walking around her hometown of Athens, Greece talking about her beauty to

anyone who would listen and admiring her reflection whenever she came upon it, everyone

looked at her as soon as she arrived. One day, Medusa traveled with her friends to the

Parthenon, which was the largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. Upon viewing all

of the beautiful sculptures and artwork modeled for Athena, Medusa said what a shame it

was that they hadn’t modeled the art after herself instead of Athena, since she was so

much prettier. All of the other people in the temple were shocked and alarmed by the girl’s

bold statement, a ter t is everyone left the temple except for Medusa, who was too busy

staring at her reflection. In short Athena appeared in the bronze doors that Medusa was

staring at, and told her what a vain and foolish girl she was. She t en changed Medusa into

a hideous monster with hair made of snakes and a long slimy tail. Athena informed Medusa

that anyone who looked at her face would be immediately turned to stone, including herself.

In the end she banished her to the end of the earth, where she would not run into innocent

people and turn them into stone.

Watch the video

Jovial Cereal

adj. Requiring enormous effort Ceres
Jove or strength

adj. Having good humor and n. Grain-based breakfast food

being merry

2 Go to kahoot and play the persephone's game Olympian vocabuary

Mercurial Vulcan
fair... Martial


cream? Volcano
adj. Changing mood or ideas Mars n. A vent in the earth's
quickly and unpredictably crust that issues lava.

3 Summarize the story using sequence connectors adj. Pertaining to the armed
forces of the militaru

Post here!


Lesson learning Objective:
Students will be able to identify and use connectors of time

and sequence in a text

Vocabulary activity

English words related to

Greek and Roman names for the Olympians mythology often came
from Roman names
because the development
of English was heavily
Greek Name Roman Name influenced by Latin, the
language of the Roman
Empire. When the Romans
conquered the Greeks,
Poseidon Neptune they assimilated the Greek
gods into their own

Aphrodite Venus

Apollo Apollo

Hades Pluto

Create a visual vocabulary board that shows the relationship between the
4 god from the Greek myth and the English word.

Post here!

Reading Hercules
According to legend, Hercules was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Zeus was a Greek god and

Alcmene was a princess from our earth. Zeus had a wife in heaven called Hera. She hated

Hercules. While he was still in his cradle, she sent two serpents to kill him, but the infant

strangled them. When he grew up, Hercules married Megara, But the evil Hera caused him

to be seized with a fit of madness and during the seizure, he killed his wife and children.
To make up for this terrible deed, the oracle at Delphi ordered Hercules to offer his services

to King Eurystheus. The king gave him twelve labours to do. They were difficult and

fearsome tasks. It is these twelve labours which Hercules undertook that make up most of

the legend about him.

First he strangled a fierce lion with his bare hands. Then he was sent to kill the dragon

Hydra, a monster which had devoured many beautiful young girls. It had nine heads, eight

of which were mortal and one immortal. Every time Hercules struck off a mortal head, two

more grew in its place. In the end, Hercules managed to kill the Hydra.
His third labour was to kill the golden-horned stag and after that, he was to slay a wild
boar. His next labour was indeed a Herculean task. King Augeas had a stable of 3000 oxen

and they had not been cleaned for 30 years. Hercules was ordered to do the job. He

directed the courses of two rivers into the stables and completed the task in a day. The

way he handled the problem proved that not only had Hercules great strength and courage

but he was also a wise man.

His sixth labour was to kill the birds of Stymphalus; his seventh to capture the Cretan bull.

Naturally the birds and the bull were no ordinary animals and it took him great effort to

finally overcome them. His eighth task was to capture the wild horses of Diomedes, which

fed on human flesh. For his ninth labour, he brought back the belt of Hippolyta, the queen

of the Amazons. For his tenth, he brought hack the oxen of Geryon from a far-western

island. On his way he split apart a mountain to form what is known today as the Straits of

Gibraltar. His eleventh labour was to secure three golden apples from Hesperides and his

twelfth was to bring to King Eurystheus the watchdog of Hades. Hercules was cleansed of

the murder of his family. He won the hand of Deianeira after wrestling with a river god.
When Hercules died, his immortal side went to live with the gods on Mount Olympus.


Short story
short story, brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than
a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters.
Plot diagram climax







beginning middle end


Story of Hercules in a Plot Diagram

Exposition Conflit Rising action Climax

Zeus had an affair with Alcmene and Hercules In order to atone for this sin, Hercules had to Hercules completed the 12 Labors with strength,
was born. Hera was jealous and tried to kill Hera hated Hercules. Later in life, she complete tasks for Eurystheus. Eurystheus guile, and help from the gods. The Labors
Hercules with two serpents. Hercules strangled made Hercules go mad and he killed his assigned him impossible tasks to try and get brought him all over the world and he defeated
the snakes in his crib. family. Hercules killed. many foes.

Falling action Resolution

Hercules was cleansed of the murder of his

family. He won the hand of Deianeira after When Hercules died, his immortal side went
wrestling with a river god. to live with the gods on Mount Olympus.

5 In pairs, create a visual plot diagram of Perseus legend.

1. Click "Perseus" and read the legend.

2. Separate the story into the Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.
3. Create an image that represents an important moment or set of events for each of the story components.
4. Write a description of each of the steps in the plot diagram.


6 Record a three-minute video presenting your visual plot diagram.


Communicative objective:
Assimilate material related

to Nordic mythology
Exchange ideas about the

Create unique content

based on a specific cultural


Understand the symbolism

of norse mythology
Recognize moral values of

antique nordic civilization

Linguistic objectives

Norse or nordic mythology

Coordination and subordination

in complex sentences



Valhalla Vocabulary Nordic Mythology

Vocabulary: Vocabulary
Nordic Mythology

Grammar: 1 Read the definitions and solve the following crossword

Coordination and



A hostile meeting of opposing military forces

Someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

A heavy magnetic metallic element

A wild and exciting undertaking


Someone engaged in or experienced in combat

The act of defeating and taking control of

A hard protective hat

A member of an uncivilized people

Armor carried on the arm to intercept blows

lesson learning Objective:
students will be able to write complex sentences using
coordination and subordination.

Coordination and subordination

Practice Coordination subordination
Connect ideas of Connect important
equal importance ideas with less
important ideas
2 Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using Two independent
clauses Main clause with the
coordinating or subordinating conjunctions subordinate clause
Coordinating Subordinating
conjunctions and conjunctions and
conjunctions advebrs relative pronouns
Sam is going to Norway. There are beautiful landscapes in Norway

coordinate subordinate
The Vikings were excellent warriors. The Vikings traded very well
for after
not until
and before
but since
yet because
so as
Vikings were neat. They are seen as savages nor though
F.A.N.B.O.Y.S whereas

Poetry was used to transmit myths and legends from generation to generation. Myths and legends

were transmitted exclusively by word of mouth.


3 Read the text, highlight the words you do not know and find the definition of each one.

The theft of Thor’s hammer

Viking pagan mythology is dominated by eternal conflict between the gods and

their archenemies, the giants. Among the gods, the role of ‘chief giant-basher’

belonged to mighty Thor. As defender of both the divine and human realms, he

had a penchant for smashing in the skulls of giants with his magic hammer, Mjollnir.

This short, humorous tale is a fine example.

Mjollnir is stolen by one of the giants, who refuses to return it unless the beautiful

goddess Freyja agrees to marry him. Thor gallantly disguises himself as the

requested bride – a truly courageous act in a society where cross-dressing was

considered an outrage against virility – travels to Giantland, and pretends to take

part in the wedding. As soon as the hammer is delivered, in accordance with the

bargain, Thor seizes it and destroys the giant in a single blow.

Thor’s popularity in Viking times is demonstrated by the many pagan temples that

were dedicated to him; the large number of miniature ‘Thor’s Hammer’ pendants

ex-cavated, and the prevalence of personal names in the Sagas that include the

component ‘thor’ – for example, ‘Thorunn’ for women, and ‘Thorstein’ for men.



Select one of the Nordic gods presented in the following reading and explore more

information about that god.

Asynchronous activity: in a one-page report, reflect on the following questions:

1. what role did that god play in Norse mythology?

2. Is the story of this god similar to other mythology seen in this unit?
3. What do you think the power of this god represented in the Nordic culture?
4. Were the Nordic gods really savage and ruthless?
5. Do you consider interesting the cultural representation in the Nordic mythology?

Watch the video

5 Watch the video and complete the exercise

1. What does "ease their woes" mean?

2. What did Baldur have dreams of?
3. Mistletoe is a...
4. The god rode for nine days and nine nights, past _____ and ______ with bone.
5. What did Hermod have to prove to Hell?


Work in pairs
6 Let's make our own nordic god.

Create a character to represent your new god/goddess.

Depict the character with attributes. Include a name, domain, symbols,
powers, and weaknesses.
Create a story using coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. It could be
a backstory, birth/origin story or a tale about their adventures or quests.

Name Power: Story
Unconditional love
Daughter of Odin and
"Mommydóttir" weakness: Frigg, Mommydóttir was
born with the ability be
overprotection in three places at once.
After centuries of trying
Example to keep up with that
Symbol: schedule, the gods gave
her the power of multi-
Golden heart tasking and unconditional
love instead. She is
married to Daddyson and
together they spawned
three little ones who
keep them very busy.

My norse goddess

Talk about the god and the story you previously created with a peer. Then, proceed to comment

7 on each other's stories


El dorado
Communicative objective:
Comprehend stories with

cultural content about

Muisca's traditions.
Exchange ideas about the

Share information about

traditions or beliefs with


Analyze stories based on

historical events.
Identify ancestral traditions

of the Muisca mythology.

Linguistic objectives
El dorado legend
Muisca mythology
Indigenous tribes

Prepositional verbs



El dorado Reading El dorado

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Vocabulary: Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
Muisca mythology In search of Eldorado.

Grammar: But he grew old,

This knight so bold,
And o'er his heart a shadow
verbs + prepositions Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength

Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow;
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be,
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the mountains

Of the moon,
Down the valley of the shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,--
"If you seek for Eldorado!"
Edgar Allan Poe - 1809-1849

Class discusion
Have you heard about the legend "El Dorado"?

What elements in Poe's poem catched your attention?

Analyze the following part... Vocabulary box

"Over the mountains Pilgrims: People who make a journey to
Of the moon, a holy place for a religious reason.
Down the valley of the shadow, Gallant: behave bravely and honourably in
Ride, boldly ride," a dangerous or difficult situation.

What does Poe refer to in this quote?


1 Match the words with the definitions.

Colombia Indigenous Tribal chief Conqueror

People who have taken complete control of a country or group's land.

A republic in NW South America

People native to a country or land

The person who is in charge of a native group of people


lesson learning Objective:
students will be able to use prepositions with the
corresponding verb.

Watch the video

Watch the video and complete the following

2 sentences with the correct verb+preposition

1. This golden raft is the key to El dorado because it's _____ a muisca craftsman.
2. Marcos Ontores wants ____ himself.
3. You can ______ every single detail.
4. It will be __ one single part.

Open-ended questions:
1. In the video, the craftsman made the gold piece with modern tools. What tools do you think the
Muisca used at that time?

2. What do you think the gold represented to these people?

A prepositional verb is an idiomatic expression
that combines a verb and a preposition to make
a new verb with a distinct meaning. Some
examples of prepositional verbs in English are
Practice care for, long for, apply for, approve of, add
to, resort to, result in, count on, and deal
3 Observe the two sets, join the verbs with the

prepositions and create a minimum of 8 sentences.


Pay With In
For At
Remind From



Consult with an older person in your family about a legend, myth or heroic character

of the region. Then, briefly introduce the story to the class and share your thoughts

4 on it.


Work in pairs, imagine you and your partner are in the 16th century and hear about a legend

of a land full of gold and treasures. You decide to travel to find it.

Make a checklist of things

you will need for the
Imagine that you arrived at "El

Dorado", in one page narrate the

adventures and challenges you faced

along the way.

You should highlight at least 5 verbs

+ prepositions in the text.



What is an Ebook?
An ebook is a book presented in a format that allows you

to read it on an electronic device like a computer or

handheld device. Several books that are available in printed

versions can be found as ebooks. These include everything

from bestselling fiction, classics to reference and academic

texts. An ebook can consist of electronic text or also include

audio, video or hyperlinks.

The project consists of the creation of an Ebook of

legends. In pairs you must create a legend of

General objective
maximum page and a half. Then you must transfer

the story to the Canva website and illustrate it.

By the end of the project students
will be able to write their own short

stories using digital tools.

Select a partner to work on the project,

specific objectives
1 make sure to distribute tasks (First week)
Students will be able to recognize the
basic structure of a story and the
Start working on the draft of the story,

think about the plot, settting, characters and

vocabulary commonly used in it.
other elements (Second week) Students will be able to work
collaboratively and assign individual tasks
by evaluating their skills.
Present the draft to the teacher for some

3 feedback. Lengh of the story: Max 1 page

Students will be able to implement
and a half (Third week) grammar structures when creating digital

Add the story to Ebook which will be in

Expected results
4 Canva, make sure to illustrate the story and

avoid editing your classmates' stories

(Fourth week) Students will improve their reading and writing

skills through the creation of a digital book, with
the assistance of the teacher and digital content.
Present the digital book using Canva (Fifth
Also, they will develop teamwork skills, analysis
5 week) and self-evaluation.
In addition, they will have a time for creativity,
exchange of ideas and putting their imagination to



Achievement levels

Indicators Excellent Good Fair Insufficient

The legend has a The legend has a

The legend

The legend is

presents some

development and
development and
incoherent and it is

Coherence succeeds in
manages to narrate


not possible to

however the story

narrating the events

most of the events
understand the plot.
can be understood
in a clear way clearly

The legend is
The legend is

The legend has

original and
original and uses
The story is not

some similarities to

presents images
images and colors
original and lacks

other stories and

Creativity and colors that

that manage to

uses few

images or colors

represent events in
to represent the

illustrations to

represent the
the story in an
depict the plot
events of the story acceptable way

The legend has

The legend misuses

The legend has a some errors in the

verb tenses,

The legend has a

good use of verb
use of verb tenses,
vocabulary and

correct use of verb

tenses, appropriate
vocabulary and
presents many

Grammar tenses, appropriate

vocabulary and
spelling that make it
spelling errors

vocabulary and

spelling, but with

difficult to
making the story

some errors understand the
difficult to

story understand

The legend does

The legend uses

The legend employs

The legend employs

not use the plot

the plot diagram

the plot diagram

the plot diagram in

diagram and does

correctly and
incompletely and

a good way and

not take into

completely, using
uses some

Structure the elements of a

uses the elements

elements of a story

account the

of a story such as:

elements of a story

story such as:

such as:

characters, context,
such as:

characters, context,
characters, context,

plot and narrator characters, context,

plot and narrator plot and narrator

plot and narrator



book Interactive Unit


Short Stories


By Andres Serje & Kerlyn Pineda




“I kept always two books in my pocket, one
to read, one to write in.”

Develop a good critical thinking skill gives learners a new world

of oportunities. As a result, their participation in society

increases and they have a better level of competitiveness. For

this reason, technology today is looking for tools that stimulate

and encourage students to reach an advanced English level.

This pedagogical concept aims to integrate

different ICT tools that help in the learning

process of one of the most important aspects of

the language: Writing.

By the end of the project

students will be able to

write their own short

stories using digital tools.

In this unit
1 2 3 4
In the castle Olympus Valhalla El dorado


1 2 3 4
In the castle Olympus Valhalla El dorado

The Legend of Perseus The aesir gods

Reading Arthur and goddesses El Dorado

Middle age Olympian

Vocabulary Medieval vocabulary Vikings Indigenous tribes

Write a story

Comment on
Writing Paddle
Plot: short story Create your own
about an

character expedition

Middle age Greek mythology Norse or nordic

Muisca mythology
Cultural mythology

Talk about their

Talk about each

Speaking Discussion
other's stories
legend and their

thoughts about it


connectors of

Listening Understand the

plot of the film time and
understanding prepositional

sequence verbs

Use of Coordination and


Grammar Past simple and

past continouos connectors: subordination in

complex sentences

Project: E-book


In the Castle
Communicative objective:
Comprehend stories with

cultural content about the

Middle Ages.
Exchange ideas about the

Comment on Anglo-Saxon

stories using past tense


Comprehend folk stories

from the Middle Age

Identify the cultural values

of the medieval period

through legends.

Linguistic objectives
Middle age.
Medieval words.

simple past vs past



In the Castle Vocabulary Middle Age

Middle age - Medieval

Past simple - Past continouos


1 Match the words with the definitions.

To worship Fake Knight Bishop Vassal To invade

A leader in the church, this person was often the top church leader in a kingdom. Bishop
A warrior who rode a horse and wore heavy metal armor. Knight
Someone who pledges their allegiance to a lord. Vassal

To attack a place with an army To invade

To pray to To worship
Looks real but is not Fake

The Legend of Arthur

According to the stories, Arthur was the son of King Uther Pendragon. As an infant, Arthur was

given to Merlin the magician. The young Arthur pulled a sword called Excalibur from a stone in which

it had been magically fixed. This proved that he should be king because no one else had been able

to pull the sword from the stone. In another version of the story, the Lady of the Lake handed

Arthur the sword, with only her arm visible above the water.

King Arthur married Guinevere and held court at Camelot. He and his strong and brave knights all

sat as equals around a great round table. They came to be known as the Order of the Round Table.

Sir Lancelot was the greatest of the knights; Sir Galahad, the most noble; and Perceval, the most
Knights were soldiers who swore loyalty to a lord. The real Arthur, if he existed, lived long before

the age of knighthood. Nevertheless, poets of the Middle Ages depicted him as a knight, which was

their model of an ideal man.

King Arthur was a mighty warrior. However, his traitorous nephew, Mordred, rose in rebellion.

(Some stories say that Mordred was Arthur’s son.) Arthur was badly wounded in battle. His body

was carried to the island of Avalon to be healed. At some future time, according to the legend, he

will return to rule again.


Lesson learning Objective:
Students will be able to use different structures to talk

about the past.

Grammar simple past tense

Regular verbs Irregular verbs The Real King Arthur
verb-ed verb-past form
watch/watched cost/cost
Some scholars believe that Arthur was a

try/tried take/took real person who lived in Britain in the ad

play/played know/knew
400s or 500s. According to these scholars

he led the Celts in wars against Saxon

Grammar past continuous invaders. After Arthur was killed in battle,

affirmative negative his people fled to Wales and to Brittany in

I was making a lot of I was not making a

noise lot of noise
France. There they told stories of Arthur’s

questions short answers bravery and goodness. Eventually he was

Was she making a Yes, she was/No, she

lot of noise? wasn't remembered as a hero and a wise and all-

powerful king.

2 Answer the following questions and discuss the responses with your partner
Do you prefer to read real stories or, on the contrary, fictional ones?
Why do you think people made up these kinds of stories?
Why do you think such an ancient story has lasted through the centuries?
Do you know of a story from your region that is similar to the story of King Arthur?


3 Go to kahoot and practice simple past vs past continuous

Activity link:

Use this link if there is any

type of complications for the
students to access the online



Find the 8 verbs in the following word search. Create sentences in the past continuous using

each of the verbs found.


1. Activity link:
3. resources/13616657-word_search.html
5. Use this link if there is any
6. type of complications for the
7. students to access the online


Watch the movie King Arthur directed by Antoine Fuqua, then leave your comment on the

Padlet platform talking about the main differences between the movie and the previous text.


Communicative objective:
Comprehend different

types of content about

Greek mythology.
Talk about Greek

mythology stories
Understand the structure

of a plot and the use of


Interpret cultural content

about Greek mythology.

Identify beliefs in ancient

Greek mythology.

Linguistic objectives
Olympian vocabulary.
Greek gods.

Use of connectors: Time

and sequence



Olympus Listening Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology

Use of connectors: Time and

How to write a short story Listening

Click on the audio and listen to the story of Medusa, then fill in the
1 gapswith the following connectors

After In short Then As soon as

Once upon a time, many years ago there lived a beautiful maiden named Medusa. Medusa

was beautiful with long, flowing hair and soft skin. Medusa knew she was beautiful and spent

her days walking around her hometown of Athens, Greece talking about her beauty to

anyone who would listen and admiring her reflection whenever she came upon it, everyone

looked at her as As
soonsoonasas she arrived. One day, Medusa traveled with her friends to the

Parthenon, which was the largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. Upon viewing all

of the beautiful sculptures and artwork modeled for Athena, Medusa said what a shame it

was that they hadn’t modeled the art after herself instead of Athena, since she was so

much prettier. All of the other people in the temple were shocked and alarmed by the girl’s

bold statement, a ter Aftert is everyone left the temple except for Medusa, who was too busy

staring at her reflection. In short Athena appeared in the bronze doors that Medusa was

staring at, and told her what a vain and foolish girl she was. She Then t en changed Medusa into

a hideous monster with hair made of snakes and a long slimy tail. Athena informed Medusa

that anyone who looked at her face would be immediately turned to stone, including herself.

shortend she banished her to the end of the earth, where she would not run into innocent

people and turn them into stone.

Activity link:

Watch the video
Use this link if there is any
type of complications for the
students to access the online

2 Go to kahoot and play the persephone's game Jovial Cereal

adj. Requiring enormous effort Ceres
Jove or strength

adj. Having good humor and n. Grain-based breakfast food

being merry

Olympian vocabuary
Mercurial Vulcan
fair... Martial


3 Summarize the story using sequence connectors Mercurio

cream? Volcano

adj. Changing mood or ideas Mars n. A vent in the earth's

quickly and unpredictably crust that issues lava.

adj. Pertaining to the armed

forces of the militaru

Post here!


2 Go to kahoot and play the persephone's game

Activity link:

Use this link if there is any

type of complications for the
students to access the online

3 Summarize the story using sequence connectors

students post the summaries in drive created by

the teacher.
Lesson learning Objective:
Students will be able to identify and use connectors of time

and sequence in a text

Vocabulary activity

English words related to

Greek and Roman names for the Olympians mythology often came
from Roman names
because the development
of English was heavily
Greek Name Roman Name influenced by Latin, the
language of the Roman
Empire. When the Romans
conquered the Greeks,
Poseidon Neptune they assimilated the Greek
gods into their own

Aphrodite Venus

Apollo Apollo

Hades Pluto

Create a visual vocabulary board that shows the relationship between the
4 god from the Greek myth and the English word.

Post here!

Activity link:


Use this link if there is any

type of complications for the
students to access the online


According to legend, Hercules was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Zeus was a Greek god and

Alcmene was a princess from our earth. Zeus had a wife in heaven called Hera. She hated

Hercules. While he was still in his cradle, she sent two serpents to kill him, but the infant

strangled them. When he grew up, Hercules married Megara, But the evil Hera caused him

to be seized with a fit of madness and during the seizure, he killed his wife and children.
To make up for this terrible deed, the oracle at Delphi ordered Hercules to offer his services

to King Eurystheus. The king gave him twelve labours to do. They were difficult and

fearsome tasks. It is these twelve labours which Hercules undertook that make up most of

the legend about him.

First he strangled a fierce lion with his bare hands. Then he was sent to kill the dragon

Hydra, a monster which had devoured many beautiful young girls. It had nine heads, eight

of which were mortal and one immortal. Every time Hercules struck off a mortal head, two

more grew in its place. In the end, Hercules managed to kill the Hydra.
His third labour was to kill the golden-horned stag and after that, he was to slay a wild
boar. His next labour was indeed a Herculean task. King Augeas had a stable of 3000 oxen

and they had not been cleaned for 30 years. Hercules was ordered to do the job. He

directed the courses of two rivers into the stables and completed the task in a day. The

way he handled the problem proved that not only had Hercules great strength and courage

but he was also a wise man.

His sixth labour was to kill the birds of Stymphalus; his seventh to capture the Cretan bull.

Naturally the birds and the bull were no ordinary animals and it took him great effort to

finally overcome them. His eighth task was to capture the wild horses of Diomedes, which

fed on human flesh. For his ninth labour, he brought back the belt of Hippolyta, the queen

of the Amazons. For his tenth, he brought hack the oxen of Geryon from a far-western

island. On his way he split apart a mountain to form what is known today as the Straits of

Gibraltar. His eleventh labour was to secure three golden apples from Hesperides and his

twelfth was to bring to King Eurystheus the watchdog of Hades. Hercules was cleansed of

the murder of his family. He won the hand of Deianeira after wrestling with a river god.
When Hercules died, his immortal side went to live with the gods on Mount Olympus.


Short story
short story, brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than
a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters.
Plot diagram climax







beginning middle end


Story of Hercules in a Plot Diagram

Exposition Conflit Rising action Climax

Zeus had an affair with Alcmene and Hercules In order to atone for this sin, Hercules had to Hercules completed the 12 Labors with strength,
was born. Hera was jealous and tried to kill Hera hated Hercules. Later in life, she complete tasks for Eurystheus. Eurystheus guile, and help from the gods. The Labors
Hercules with two serpents. Hercules strangled made Hercules go mad and he killed his assigned him impossible tasks to try and get brought him all over the world and he defeated
the snakes in his crib. family. Hercules killed. many foes.

Falling action Resolution

Hercules was cleansed of the murder of his

family. He won the hand of Deianeira after When Hercules died, his immortal side went
wrestling with a river god. to live with the gods on Mount Olympus.

5 In pairs, create a visual plot diagram of Perseus legend.

1. Click "Perseus" and read the legend.

2. Separate the story into the Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.
3. Create an image that represents an important moment or set of events for each of the story components.
4. Write a description of each of the steps in the plot diagram.


6 Record a three-minute video presenting your visual plot diagram.


5 In pairs, create a visual plot diagram of Perseus legend.

Exposition Conflit Rising action Climax

Falling action Resolution

Communicative objective:
Assimilate material related

to Nordic mythology
Exchange ideas about the

Create unique content

based on a specific cultural


Understand the symbolism

of norse mythology
Recognize moral values of

antique nordic civilization

Linguistic objectives

Norse or nordic mythology

Coordination and subordination

in complex sentences



Valhalla Vocabulary Nordic Mythology

Vocabulary: Vocabulary
Nordic Mythology

Grammar: 1 Read the definitions and solve the following crossword

Coordination and



A hostile meeting of opposing military forces Battle

Someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold Trader

A heavy magnetic metallic element Iron

A wild and exciting undertaking Adventure


Someone engaged in or experienced in combat Warrior

The act of defeating and taking control of Conquest

A hard protective hat Helmet

A member of an uncivilized people Barbarian

Armor carried on the arm to intercept blows Shield

lesson learning Objective:
students will be able to write complex sentences using
coordination and subordination.

Coordination and subordination

Practice Coordination subordination
Connect ideas of Connect important
equal importance ideas with less
important ideas
2 Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using Two independent
clauses Main clause with the
coordinating or subordinating conjunctions subordinate clause
Coordinating Subordinating
conjunctions and conjunctions and
conjunctions advebrs relative pronouns
Sam is going to Norway. There are beautiful landscapes in Norway

coordinate subordinate
The Vikings were excellent warriors. The Vikings traded very well
for after
not until
and before
but since
yet because
so as
Vikings were neat. They are seen as savages nor though
F.A.N.B.O.Y.S whereas

Poetry was used to transmit myths and legends from generation to generation. Myths and legends

were transmitted exclusively by word of mouth.


3 Read the text, highlight the words you do not know and find the definition of each one.

The theft of Thor’s hammer

Viking pagan mythology is dominated by eternal conflict between the gods and

their archenemies, the giants. Among the gods, the role of ‘chief giant-basher’

belonged to mighty Thor. As defender of both the divine and human realms, he

had a penchant for smashing in the skulls of giants with his magic hammer, Mjollnir.

This short, humorous tale is a fine example.

Mjollnir is stolen by one of the giants, who refuses to return it unless the beautiful

goddess Freyja agrees to marry him. Thor gallantly disguises himself as the

requested bride – a truly courageous act in a society where cross-dressing was

considered an outrage against virility – travels to Giantland, and pretends to take

part in the wedding. As soon as the hammer is delivered, in accordance with the

bargain, Thor seizes it and destroys the giant in a single blow.

Thor’s popularity in Viking times is demonstrated by the many pagan temples that

were dedicated to him; the large number of miniature ‘Thor’s Hammer’ pendants

ex-cavated, and the prevalence of personal names in the Sagas that include the

component ‘thor’ – for example, ‘Thorunn’ for women, and ‘Thorstein’ for men.



Select one of the Nordic gods presented in the following reading and explore more

information about that god.

Activity link:
Use this link if there is any
type of complications for the
students to access the online

Asynchronous activity: in a one-page report, reflect on the following questions:

1. what role did that god play in Norse mythology?

2. Is the story of this god similar to other mythology seen in this unit?
3. What do you think the power of this god represented in the Nordic culture?
4. Were the Nordic gods really savage and ruthless?
5. Do you consider interesting the cultural representation in the Nordic mythology?

Watch the video

Activity link:

Use this link if there is any
type of complications for the
students to access the online

5 Watch the video and complete the exercise

1. What does "ease their woes" mean?

2. What did Baldur have dreams of?
3. Mistletoe is a...
4. The god rode for nine days and nine nights, past _____ and ______ with bone.
5. What did Hermod have to prove to Hell?


Select one of the Nordic gods presented in the following reading and explore more

information about that god.

Watch the video and complete the exercise

1. To make them feel better.
2. He had dreams of his own imminent death.
3. famous plant.
4. halls of corpses and over paths paved
5. That every living creature had cried for
Work in pairs
6 Let's make our own nordic god.

Create a character to represent your new god/goddess.

Depict the character with attributes. Include a name, domain, symbols,
powers, and weaknesses.
Create a story using coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. It could be
a backstory, birth/origin story or a tale about their adventures or quests.

Name Power: Story
Unconditional love
Daughter of Odin and
"Mommydóttir" weakness: Frigg, Mommydóttir was
born with the ability be
overprotection in three places at once.
After centuries of trying
Example to keep up with that
Symbol: schedule, the gods gave
her the power of multi-
Golden heart tasking and unconditional
love instead. She is
married to Daddyson and
together they spawned
three little ones who
keep them very busy.

My norse goddess

Talk about the god and the story you previously created with a peer. Then, proceed to comment

7 on each other's stories


6 Let's make our own nordic god.

My norse goddess



El dorado
Communicative objective:
Comprehend stories with

cultural content about

Muisca's traditions.
Exchange ideas about the

Share information about

traditions or beliefs with


Analyze stories based on

historical events.
Identify ancestral traditions

of the Muisca mythology.

Linguistic objectives
El dorado legend
Muisca mythology
Indigenous tribes

Prepositional verbs



El dorado Reading El dorado

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Vocabulary: Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
Muisca mythology In search of Eldorado.

Grammar: But he grew old,

This knight so bold,
And o'er his heart a shadow
verbs + prepositions Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength

Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow;
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be,
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the mountains

Of the moon,
Down the valley of the shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,--
"If you seek for Eldorado!"
Edgar Allan Poe - 1809-1849

Class discusion
Have you heard about the legend "El Dorado"?

What elements in Poe's poem catched your attention?

Analyze the following part... Vocabulary box

"Over the mountains Pilgrims: People who make a journey to
Of the moon, a holy place for a religious reason.
Down the valley of the shadow, Gallant: behave bravely and honourably in
Ride, boldly ride," a dangerous or difficult situation.

What does Poe refer to in this quote?


1 Match the words with the definitions.

Colombia Indigenous Tribal chief Conqueror

People who have taken complete control of a country or group's land. Conqueror

A republic in NW South America Colombia

People native to a country or land Indigenous

The person who is in charge of a native group of people Tribal chief


lesson learning Objective:
students will be able to use prepositions with the
corresponding verb.

Watch the video

Watch the video and complete the following

2 sentences with the correct verb+preposition

Activity link:
Use this link if there is any
type of complications for the
students to access the online

1. This golden raft is the key to El dorado because it's _made by_ a muisca craftsman.
2. Marcos Ontores wants _to see it for___ himself.
3. You can _pay more attention to_ every single detail.
4. It will be _made in_ one single part.

Open-ended questions:
1. In the video, the craftsman made the gold piece with modern tools. What tools do you think the
Muisca used at that time?

2. What do you think the gold represented to these people?

A prepositional verb is an idiomatic expression
that combines a verb and a preposition to make
a new verb with a distinct meaning. Some
examples of prepositional verbs in English are
Practice care for, long for, apply for, approve of, add
to, resort to, result in, count on, and deal
3 Observe the two sets, join the verbs with the

prepositions and create a minimum of 8 sentences.


Pay With In
For At
Remind From



Consult with an older person in your family about a legend, myth or heroic character

of the region. Then, briefly introduce the story to the class and share your thoughts

4 on it.


Work in pairs, imagine you and your partner are in the 16th century and hear about a legend

of a land full of gold and treasures. You decide to travel to find it.

Make a checklist of things

you will need for the
Imagine that you arrived at "El

Dorado", in one page narrate the

adventures and challenges you faced

along the way.

You should highlight at least 5 verbs

+ prepositions in the text.



What is an Ebook?
An ebook is a book presented in a format that allows you
to read it on an electronic device like a computer or
handheld device. Several books that are available in printed
versions can be found as ebooks. These include everything
from bestselling fiction, classics to reference and academic
texts. An ebook can consist of electronic text or also include
audio, video or hyperlinks.

The project consists of the creation of an Ebook of

General objective
legends. In pairs you must create a legend of

maximum page and a half. Then you must transfer

By the end of the project students

the story to the Canva website and illustrate it.
will be able to write their own short

stories using digital tools.

Select a partner to work on the project,
specific objectives
1 make sure to distribute tasks (First week)
Students will be able to recognize the
basic structure of a story and the
Start working on the draft of the story,

think about the plot, settting, characters and

vocabulary commonly used in it.
other elements (Second week) Students will be able to work
collaboratively and assign individual tasks
by evaluating their skills.
Present the draft to the teacher for some

3 feedback. Lengh of the story: Max 1 page

Students will be able to implement
and a half (Third week) grammar structures when creating digital

Add the story to Ebook which will be in

Expected results
4 Canva, make sure to illustrate the story and

avoid editing your classmates' stories

(Fourth week) Students will improve their reading and writing

skills through the creation of a digital book, with
the assistance of the teacher and digital content.
Present the digital book using Canva (Fifth
Also, they will develop teamwork skills, analysis
5 week) and self-evaluation.
In addition, they will have a time for creativity,
exchange of ideas and putting their imagination to





5 Weeks – 4 hours weekly (from Jan. 24 to Feb. 22, 2022)Revision and

TIME ALLOTTED  Feedback Feb 8 and Feb 10Presentation Feb 22, 2022.

DRIVING QUESTION What benefits does the creation of a digital book have on literacy? 

By the end of the project students will be able to write their own
GENERAL OBJECTIVE short stories using digital tools. 

Students will be able to recognize the basic structure of a story and the
vocabulary commonly used in it.
  Students will be able to work collaboratively and assign individual tasks
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES by evaluating their skills.
Students will be able to implement grammar structures when creating digital

The class is divided in pairs. Ten groups of students. (Total students:

20). During the first week, students select their partners and assign
tasks to each one. During the second week, students work on the draft
PBL DESCRIPTION of the story (plot, characters, setting, etc) During the third week, the
teacher reviews the students' drafts and provides guidance. During the
fourth week, students start to create the book by adding their stories on
the website. During the fifth week, students present the digital book. 

Readings (The legend of Arthur, Perseus, The aesir gods and goddesses,
CONTENT  El dorado).
Elements of a short story.

look for more information about short stories: (narrator and time;
Character's purpose; Beginning, middle and end; literary
RESEARCH (done by students)

The teacher will have students: Resolve the activities of the unit Develop

the vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary for them to carry out
Teacher’s actions
the project. Report their advances so they can get assisted. Introduced to
the website for a better understanding and handling. 

Simple past vs past continuous.

Use of connectors. Elements of a short story.
GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY Coordinating and subordinating.
Verbs + prepositions
middle age, greek mythology, norse mythology, el dorado legend.

1 Process of selecting partners and assigning tasks: On this step, students will be able to organize
themselves,  analyze and designate the tasks that better fit their skills and qualities. 

2 Designing the story: On this stage, students will exchange ideas and start to create their own
story, they will think about the characters, plot, settings, theme, etc.       

3 Teacher’s feedback: Students will show their advances on the story, so the teacher can provide
PBL STEPS(Write full explanation of the importance of each step)*Add assistance. They will also ask questions to solve any inquiry they might have. At this stage, they
more steps if needed. will be able to analyze, correct and learn from their grammatical mistakes, developing significant

4 Creating the digital book: Students will learn about the website through the teacher’s
explanation and tutorial videos. After having an understanding of the platform, students will move
their final stories to it, learners will use any type of illustration that they consider appropriate to
design the book. They will select what is best for their story, compare and analyze the tools to
illustrate the narrative and construct it. 

5 Presentation: Finally, students will present the digital book to the teacher and talk about their

experience during the process of carrying out the project. 

Students will improve their reading and writing skills through the creation of a
digital book, with the assistance of the teacher and digital content. Also, they will
develop teamwork  skills, analysis and self-evaluation. In addition, they will have a
time for creativity, exchange of ideas and putting their imagination to work. 

Achievement levels

Indicators Excellent Good Fair Insufficient

The legend has a The legend has a

The legend

The legend is

presents some

development and
development and
incoherent and it is

Coherence succeeds in
manages to narrate


not possible to

however the story

narrating the events

most of the events
understand the plot.
can be understood
in a clear way clearly

The legend is
The legend is

The legend has

original and
original and uses
The story is not

some similarities to

presents images
images and colors
original and lacks

other stories and

Creativity and colors that

that manage to

uses few

images or colors

represent events in
to represent the

illustrations to

represent the
the story in an
depict the plot
events of the story acceptable way

The legend has

The legend misuses

The legend has a some errors in the

verb tenses,

The legend has a

good use of verb
use of verb tenses,
vocabulary and

correct use of verb

tenses, appropriate
vocabulary and
presents many

Grammar tenses, appropriate

vocabulary and
spelling that make it
spelling errors

vocabulary and

spelling, but with

difficult to
making the story

some errors understand the
difficult to

story understand

The legend does

The legend uses

The legend employs

The legend employs

not use the plot

the plot diagram

the plot diagram

the plot diagram in

diagram and does

correctly and
incompletely and

a good way and

not take into

completely, using
uses some

Structure the elements of a

uses the elements

elements of a story

account the

of a story such as:

elements of a story

story such as:

such as:

characters, context,
such as:

characters, context,
characters, context,

plot and narrator characters, context,

plot and narrator plot and narrator

plot and narrator


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