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 The Corona virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic halted the academic progress of 220 million tertiary
students (The World Bank, 2021).
 In the Philippines, 3,408,815 Filipino undergraduate students faced the challenging transition to online
 The skill-focused nature of the nursing course has been a challenge to implement in a virtual-modular
 Adapting to the new environment, along with the extraneous factors surrounding it, took a significant toll
in the student’s psychological well-being and study habits.
 Significant disruptions in students’ learning experience which caused them to face some challenges
particularly among students from remote areas and marginalized sectors.
 A relationship between study habits and psychological well-being has been theorized by previous studies.
 Further study of the relationship between study habits and psychological well-being within the local
context is needed.
2. Conceptual Framework
 This study aimed to determine the study habits and psychological well-being of nursing students during
flexible learning in a state university. Furthermore, this study has ascertained the relation of these two
 Specifically:
 1. What is the demographic profile of the nursing students in terms of (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c)
family income?
 2. What is the level of study habits of the nursing students and its dimensions when taken as a group and
when classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 3. What is the level of psychological well-being of the nursing students and its dimensions when classified
according to (a) sex, (b) year level, (c) and family income and in terms of the dimensions of psychological
 4. Are there significant differences in the level of the study habits of the nursing students and its
dimensions when classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 5. Are there significant differences in the level of psychological well-being of the nursing students and its
dimensions when classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 6. Is there a significant relationship between study habits and psychological well-being of the nursing
4. Hypotheses
 1. There are no significant differences in the level of study habits of the student nurses and its dimensions
when classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income.
 2. There are no significant differences in the psychological well-being of the student nurses and its
dimensions when classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income.
 3. There is no significant relationship between the study habits and general psychological well-being of
the nursing students.
5. Significance
 Student Nurses
 Clinical Instructors
 Commission on Higher Education
 WVSU CON and Other Nursing Schools
 Healthcare Professionals
 Other Researchers
6. Methods
 Quantitative
 Descriptive-Correlational Design
 Stratified Random Sampling
 169 Level II-IV nursing students of West Visayas State University College of Nursing
 Self-Administered Questionnaire (Google Forms)
i. Study Habits Inventory (Palsane and Sharma, 2003)
ii. Psychological Well-being Scales (Ryff, 1995)
7. Sampling
 Levels II, III, and IV nursing students
 Random samples are then drawn.
 197 (Level II=58, Level III = 61, Level IV = 78) students were identified as participants of this study.
 169 students participated in the study (Level II = 49; Level III = 53 and Level IV = 67)
 Response Rate = 85.79%.
8. SOTP w/ Results
1. What is the demographic profile of the nursing students in terms of (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?

 Sex
◦ 74% Female
◦ 26% Male
 Level
◦ IV – 39.6%
◦ III – 31.4%
◦ II – 29%
 Monthly Family Income
◦ Poor (< ₱10,957) – 6.5%
◦ Low Income ( ₱10,957-₱21,194) – 15.4%
◦ Lower middle income (₱21,194-43,828) – 33,1%
◦ Middle Income (₱43, 828-76,669) – 21.9%
◦ Upper Middle Income ( ₱76,669-₱131,484) – 16%
◦ High Income (₱131,484-₱219, 140) – 4.1%
◦ Rich - (> ₱219, 140) – 3.0%
2. What is the level of study habits of the nursing students and its dimensions when taken as a group and when classified
according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 Sex
◦ Both the study habits of male and female nursing students need improvement.
◦ Males scored higher in:
▪ Reading Textbooks
▪ Memorizing
▪ Preparing for Tests
◦ Females scored higher in:
▪ Taking Notes
▪ Studying
▪ Managing Time
 Level
◦ All year levels need improvement in their study habits
◦ Level II scored fairly good and the highest in:
▪ Reading Textbooks
▪ Level IV scored the lowest here
◦ Level II and III scored fairly good in Studying and Memorizing while Level IV needs improvement.
▪ Level III highest
▪ Level IV lowest
 Family Income
◦ Upper middle income scored fairly good in their study habits.
◦ As a whole, participants scored fairly good only in the dimensions Studying and Memorizing.
▪ Memorizing – highest as a whole
▪ Managing Time – lowest as a whole
◦ Students from Upper Middle Income Family scored the highest in Reading Textbook.
◦ Students from Middle Class families got the lowest scores in Studying.
◦ Students from Rich families scored the highest in preparing for tests
▪ Students from High Income families scored the lowest.
◦ All need improvement in:
▪ Taking Notes
▪ Managing Time
3. What is the level of psychological well-being of the nursing students and its dimensions when taken as a group and
classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, (c) and family income and in terms of the dimensions of psychological well-
 Nursing students as a whole, had a low level of psychological well-being.
4. Are there significant differences in the level of the study habits of the nursing students and its dimensions when classified
according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 There is a significant difference the study habits of nursing students when grouped according to year level.
◦ Level II students have the highest mean score while Level IV students have the lowest
◦ Areas of Study Habits where year levels differ the most:
▪ Memorizing - most significantly different study habit
▪ Studying
▪ Taking Notes
5. Are there significant differences in the level of psychological well-being of the nursing students and its dimensions when
classified according to (a) sex, (b) year level, and (c) family income?
 No significant difference in the psychological well-being of nursing students when categorized according to sex,
year level, and family income.
 No significant difference was found in the dimensions of psychological well-being.
6. Is there a significant relationship between study habits and psychological well-being of the nursing students?
 Weak positive correlation between study habits and psychological well-being but not statistically significant at .05

7. Conclusion
 Study habits of the nursing students need improvement.
 Demographic characteristics have no effect on the students’ study habits/
 Students may have a different way of learning other than those specified in the dimensions.
 COVID-19 affected the study habits of the students. In addition, internal factors such as lack of meaningful
relationships, dissatisfaction on the delivery of instructions, and immense and overpowering academic endeavors
may have caused the decline in their psychological well-being.
 Low psychological well-being of the students indicates a call for better coping strategies and interventions in both
the students’ and the college’s part.
 Study habits are not correlated with psychological well-being.

8. Implications
 In Theory
◦ Contradicted the Achievement Goal Theory by revealing no significant relationships in the study habits and
psychological well-being.
◦ Level of goal involvement (study habits) of a student may or may not affect the development of their
achievement orientation (psychological well-being).
◦ The higher the year level, study habits tend to differ between the high year levels and the lower years.
 In Practice
◦ The implications presented by the study can aid university administrators and college instructors
in improving the study habits and overall academic performance of nursing students may prevent educational
problems and ensure skills, attitude, and performance.
◦ The alarmingly low levels of general psychological well-being and its dimensions among nursing students at a
state university require the university to provide more counseling support andstrengthened assistance programs
to foster the students' mental health and well-being and help those with existing mental health symptoms,
especially anxiety and depression.
9. Recommendations
 For Health Institutions
◦ encourage them to continue pursuing initiatives that promote the mental health of student nurses
 For Educational, Governmental Institutions, and NGOs
◦ to encourage them in providing aids such as financial support such as providing or lending of gadgets, devices,
or textbooks and scholarship grants that can be useful to individuals with poor and low-family income
◦ To develop focused programs talking about mental health matters.
◦ The presented information can be used to review the nursing curriculum to evaluate and revise course
offerings to identify gaps, strengths, and weaknesses with the purpose of enhanced curriculum effectiveness
and to improve the learning experiences of the students.
 For Nursing Students
◦ students w/ low PWB can be referred to guidance counselor or support group in order to address their mental
health issues.
◦ Students can be encouraged to perform activities that promote or improve mental health.
 For Mental Health Professionals
◦ information from this study can be put into consideration such as the study habits and psychological well-
being of their clients upon assessment.
 For Researchers
◦ Further research on this particular topic is needed.
◦ Focus on establishing a much clearer definition of study habits
◦ Employ comparable concepts or structures, or a qualitative study might be conducted to learn more about
student nurses' study habits and psychological well-being.

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