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///////////*1000+ HACKING TRICKS & TUTORIALS - ebook By Mukesh Bhardwaj Blogger - Paid Version - only @
TekGyd | itechhacks | Mukeshtricks4u*///////
Hackyard Security Group is a private community dedicated to IT security research. It was founded in 2012 by
three romanian security researchers as a part of a well known romanian forum and, in time, it got independent.
Today, our community is formed by many experts in Cyber security and collaborates with the most important
communities, companies and people around the globe.
As IT security is a domain which evolves every day, the aim of our community is to unite people passionate
about this subject. We are a powerful and friendly community, always open-minded to new members that want to
learn and contribute to our community.
Our members are deeply involved in various domains of Cyber Security, such as:
• Web Security & Exploitation
• Cyber Warfare, Weapons, Tool-kits & Frameworks
• Malware & Exploits Development
• Cyber Covert – Overt Ops
• Cybernetics
• R&D in Computer Virology
• Advanced & Polymorphic
• Malware & Exploits Development
• Vulnerability Exploitation
• Reverse engineering
• Network Security
• Advanced Botnet
• Zero Day Research
• Malcoding
• DDoS
• Social Media Intelligence
• Target Centric Attack Frameworks
• Remote Target Systems Control & Management
• Encryption & Decryption
• Advanced Cryptography
• Ciphers
• Mobile Hacking
• SCADA & Hardware Hacking
• Embedded Exploits
• Real Time Cyber Ops Simulation & Games
• New & Advanced Cyber R&D

///////////*1000+ HACKING TRICKS & TUTORIALS - ebook By Mukesh Bhardwaj Blogger - Paid Version - only @
TekGyd | itechhacks | Mukeshtricks4u*///////

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