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Wisdom Light Christian Academy

Quiz #1 in MORAL ED GRADE 2


I. Read and circle the letter of the correct answer:

1. Who was the man lying beside the Beautiful Gate?

a. A lame man
b. A deaf man

2. Where is it located?

a. At the palace
b. At the temple

3.Why did Peter and John go to the temple?

a. To pray
b. To rest

4.What did the man want to Peter and John?

a. Clothes
b. Money

5. What happened when Peter prayed for him?

a. He died.
b. He was healed.

6. Who wrote this?

“ Don’t let anyone lookdown on you because you are young.

Set an example for other believers in speech, life, love, faith
And purity.”

a. Timothy
b. Paul

7. What’s the name of Timothy’s grandmother?

a. Lois
b. Eunice

8. He was a young follower of Apostle Paul.

a. Timothy
b. John

9. Whenever Lois was reading the Word of God, Timothy and his
Mother. _____________ listened attentively.

a. Eunice
b. Maria

10. Whatever Timothy learned from his grandmother and mother he

a. He forgets them.
b. He puts them into practice

Look at the pictures and choose the right response.

11. Sharing toys with your playmates is a good attitude.

a. YES
b. NO

12. Does the picture below sets a good example?


II. Read and write the correct answer:

13. Who said this?

“Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, walk!

ANSWER: ________________________________________

14. What happened to the lame man after Peter prayed for him?

ANSWER: _________________________________________

15. Write sentences about the picture. Do you do this? Why?

ANSWER: ________________________________________

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