Business Ethics Final Group Project

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Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)

College of International Management

Business EthicsEA (033033EA)

2022 Spring Semester

A Group Case Study (50%)

All groups will be presenting during the class for this subject. Your question for the
group project is stated below:

A Case Study of Business Ethics

With reference to a case of a company or a business performance/incident (e.g., HRM,

marketing [PR, price, commercial..], business scandal etc.) in relation to business ethics,
design a case study for the purpose of teaching executives of a corporation about the
importance of business ethics. You should pick an issue that provides a powerful example of
how ethical issues are central to the successful function of a business. Furthermore, you
should pick an issue and suggestion, which you think will help executives begin to further
understand ethical concepts and theories.

a) Describe the basic details of the case. In doing so, you must set out a situation that places
the reader with a clearly defined ethical problem.

b) Devise three questions that you feel will best help the executives to gain an understanding
of how to conceptualise and address the dilemma using relevant theory.

c) Set out your reasons for selecting the case and questions. What theory(-ies) and/or
practical issues are they designed to develop knowledge about? Why do the executives
need to know about these theories/issues? Why have you chosen this case and questions
to address them?

d) References


Presentation (20%)
• Students are expected to be in a group of 8.
• All groups will be presenting during the class.
• Each group is allotted 15 minutes (10 minutes – presentation / 5 minutes –
Q&A session). Assessment is only for the duration given.
• Kindly ensure that your presentation mechanisms are compatible to the
facilities available in the assigned virtual/hybrid classroom. I would not accept
any issues pertaining to technical glitches during the presentation (except for
power failure in campus).
• There won’t be any replacement for group members that fail to show up
(video-on) for the presentation.

Report (30%)

• Each group is also expected to submit a written report of their presentation

that does not exceed 2000 words (excluding references and appendices).
Submission of the report would follow the normal procedure of assignment
submission for the Business School.
• The ‘APA System’ is the Business School’s preferred style for references and
bibliography. Please use it for your references in the report and for your
bibliography. The bibliography should be set out in the alphabetical order of
authors’ names.
• If any source is cited in the text of the report then a reference to it should
appear in the bibliography and vice versa.
• Please remember that a report should have a cover page (*with name and
student ID of all group members who actively contribute to the group project
during the whole semester) as per requirement in the student handbook. If
assessors are not able to find the name of the student in the cover page, the
student will get zero credit for the Group Report.


The grade for the group case study (50%) is based on two components: (a) a group
presentation and facilitation, which comprises 20% of the final mark; (b) a group
report, which comprises 30% of the final mark.

The group presentation will be given credit for:

• Overall structure, logic, and layout of the presentation
• Demonstration of clear and appropriate understanding and reflective creation
of insight from the case
• Level and strength of argumentation (creativity)
• Level of the debate and facilitation

The report submission will be given credit for the more in-depth elaboration of the

(*Peer evaluation will be given at the final stage.)

The PowerPoint should be submitted electronically by e-mail to a leading TA,

HTET Khine Hla, one day before the presentation.

The group report should be uploaded into the manaba system (Deadline: 16:00,
5th of August 2022). After the deadline, you will not be able to upload the report.

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