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DS is an abbreviation for "dear son" or "darling son." It's part of internet slang that has developed for use on forums, social networks, email, and texting. DS is an affectionate term used by parents when communicating about their sons. Examples include: My DS is coming into town this week.My DS just got a new bike and he is so happy.DS and I are
headed out to the game now. DS has also been used to mean "dear sister" in online conversations, but much less often than "dear son." When in doubt as to the meaning, use the context and the sender to determine which it is. Similar family acronyms include: DW (Dear Wife) DD (Dear Daughter) DH (Dear Husband) DB (Dear Brother) Other common
relationship acronyms are: BF (Boyfriend) GF (Girlfriend) BFF (Best Friends Forever) DS, like other acronyms, is fine to use in personal texts and casual messages between family and friends. But avoid using them in professional communications (exceptions would be business acronyms such as LMK, EOD, and OOO). Some acronyms have spilled over
into our spoken language. You may hear a teen mention her BFF or a mother refer to her daughter as her DD in a conversation. These acronyms and others have joined LOL (laughing out loud) and OMG (oh my god). DS, however, isn't commonly heard in spoken language. In creating the DS, Nintendo was aiming for a vehicle that allowed developers
to do some exciting things never before seen in video gaming, let alone handheld gaming. Enter the two screens. Demos for the DS showed how some of those developers chose to navigate the new territory. Some games gave two completely different perspectives on the on-screen action, while others used the second screen to display gaming
peripherals like maps, menus and object inventories. What Nintendo hopes is the most innovative aspect about the two screens, though, is that they allow for an entirely new input system in video gaming. For all of its dazzling innovations, video games are essentially still controlled by pushing (and pushing and pushing) buttons. With the DS touch
screen, there is an entirely new world of controls that are now possible for gamers. At E3, some of the most lauded demos for the DS allowed gamers the ability to draw their way through a game, control characters through touch or use the stylus to "carve" objects onscreen to create digital sculpture. Screen shot of Metroid Prime: Hunters Photo
courtesy Nintendo of America, Inc. And it's not strictly for gaming. Also on deck are applications that allow players to write messages, utilize an onscreen keyboard and send and receive text messages during game play. Microphone In addition to the touch screen, the DS also allows for voice or sound input into the game. Yes, that's right: New video
games could not only interpret button pushing and screen tracing, but also claps, shouts or screams. Developers can create games where players would control characters through voice recognition, but that's not all. The microphone also allows gamers to chat wirelessly with each other, a feature popularized by programs like Xbox Live. Wireless The
DS also features wireless technology for connecting gamers to one another and the Internet. Many thought that Nintendo would install Bluetooth technology in the DS, but it opted for the stronger and wider range of IEEE 802.11. Nintendo also looked to Xbox Live and its mega hit "Halo" for inspiration in allowing the DS to connect gamers to one
another. Up to 16 people can play each other on the DS, and with a wireless LAN connection, that number could increase indefinitely. Add in the possibility of multiple players engaging in game sharing (using only one cartridge to allow many people to play the game), and you can see why some people in the video game industry are very excited about
the handheld with two heads. Tech Specs Prior to release, Nintendo was extremely tight-lipped about the exact specifications of the DS for fear that a competitor might try and beat it to the market. Now that it's out, the company lists these specs: Size (closed): DS - 5.85" wide / 3.33" long / 1.13" tall; DS Lite - 5.24" wide / 2.91" long / 0.85" tallWeight:
DS - 275 grams; DS Lite - 218 gramsUpper Screen: Backlit, 3-inch, semitransparent reflective TFT color LCD with 256x192 pixel resolution and .24 mm dot pitchTouch Screen: Same as upper screen, but with transparant analog touch screenBrightness: DS - two settings; DS Lite - four settingsColor: Capable of displaying 260,000 colorsWireless
Communication: IEEE 802.11 and Nintendo's proprietary format; wireless range is 30 to 100 feet, depending on circumstances; multiple users can play multiplayer games using just one DS game cardControls: Touch screen, embedded microphone for voice recognition, A/B/X/Y face buttons, plus control pad, L/R shoulder buttons, Start and Select
buttonsInput/Output: Ports for both Nintendo DS game cards and Game Boy Advance Game Paks, terminals for stereo headphones and microphoneOther Features: Embedded PictoChat software that allows up to 16 users to chat at once; embedded real-time clock; date, time and alarm; touch-screen calibrationCPUs: One ARM9 and one ARM7Sound:
Stereo speakers providing virtual surround sound, depending on the softwareBattery: Lithium ion battery delivering six to 10 hours of play on a four-hour charge, depending on use; power-saving sleep mode; AC adapterLanguages: English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, ItalianColor: DS - Silver and black; DS Lite - White Source: Nintendo I have
seen many cases on Instructables and decides to make a cloth pouch for the DS note this has not been made but this is how it'll be done also if you make this give me pictures link to photobucket or something I just want pictures*just get an old shirt that doesn't fit if you have a logo or something don't trash it you can make a cooler look on the
top/front *okay you will also need a needle and thread *obviously a dsyou will have to measure your ds because I'm to lazy to measure my own ds and its 3:33 in the morning once you have your measurements apply them to this template bare with me my camera sucks and I don't feel like dealing with itokay you should see how it folds yes fold FOR
THE LAST TIME IT IS ONE BIG PIECE So you fold Okay you have to have the flap to make it close-able you should probably use velcro to close it I think I labeled it backwards the top and bottom screen are backwards so you should make it inside out so you don't see the seams and flip it right side out when your done just sew it up and there you go
you could add a little extra pouch on the back for games and misc. thingsthe ds with the triforce I made myself if you like it tell me it took a while Nintendo has always been a strange company. The Kyoto-based game maker turned an Italian plumber into one of pop culture’s biggest icons, and the company has experimented with everything from DIY
cardboard game accessories to three-pronged controllers. This unpredictable nature is what makes Nintendo so exciting (and occasionally infuriating). Often, these concepts seem to come out of left field — but at its best, Nintendo makes the strange feel necessary. Nowhere was that more apparent than with the Nintendo DS line of dual-screened
handhelds.That era is now over, as Nintendo recently discontinued the 3DS and all of its various models. The news isn’t surprising: the Switch has become a runaway success, largely supplanting the need for a dedicated handheld like the 3DS. But it’s still sad. The 16 years of the DS line were some of the most creative and exciting in Nintendo’s
history, with the company constantly experimenting with new ideas, many of which live on today in different forms.The DS wasn’t an obvious hit when it was first announced. In fact, it didn’t make much sense at all. Here was Nintendo eschewing the Game Boy brand for a clunky device with two screens and a stylus. But in typical Nintendo fashion,
the company created experiences tailored to the device, the kinds of games you couldn’t play elsewhere. Two of the best-selling DS games of all time are Nintendogs, a game where you take care of a virtual puppy, and Brain Age, a series of mental exercises like sudoku. In an age before smartphones, these games showed us why we wanted a
touchscreen to play a video game at all. The DS even had a built-in chat app that now feels way ahead of its time.What made the DS particularly remarkable, though, was the breadth of experiences it offered. There were lots of strange touchscreen experiments, like the musical toy Electroplankton or Metroid Prime Pinball. But some of the most
prominent games were much more straightforward, including the likes of New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, and multiple flavors of Pokémon. It was the best of both worlds: a place where familiar Nintendo adventures could sit alongside more unexpected experiences.The massive popularity of the DS — it sold more than 150 million units over its
lifespan — also meant third parties jumped on board as well, showing a rare level of creativity on a platform typically dominated by Nintendo’s own products. The Wii was similarly popular, but most third-party titles felt like slapped-together ports.Some of the Nintendo DS’s most inventive games came from third-party developersOn the DS,
meanwhile, some of the most inventive games came from developers outside of Nintendo. There were games like the anime surgery sim Trauma Center, where you used the touchscreen to slice into patients, and the Etrian Odyssey series of RPGs where you literally had to draw the map as you explored fantastical and dangerous places. Professor
Layton turned the book-like handheld into a literal puzzle book. Again, these sat alongside more typical portable games, like Koji Igarashi’s continued revival of Castlevania and one of the best Dragon Quest games to date.The DS was replaced by the 3DS in 2011, which didn’t actually change all that much: it added a better display, more power, and a
3D gimmick that never really took off. The 3DS sold about half of its predecessor, a still-respectable 75 million units. (For context, that’s more than both the NES and SNES.) Whereas the original DS was transformative, the 3DS felt more iterative. It also came out at a time when smartphone gaming had become more entrenched, and the idea of a
dedicated portable gaming device was less appealing to many.The 3DS still had some great games, of course, including the likes of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and the very first portable Smash Bros. It also saw Nintendo continue to try new ideas. One of the handheld’s best-sellers was the bizarre life sim
Tomodachi Life, which went on to inspire Nintendo’s first smartphone app, the short-lived Miitomo. One of my favorite concepts was Nintendo’s partnership with the Louvre, where guests could use a 3DS as part of their tour. You should definitely watch this video of Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto and the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata
hanging around the art gallery.Video game platforms come and go constantly, of course, so it’s no surprise the dual-screen handheld line would die out eventually, especially as Nintendo’s focus has clearly centered on the Switch for some time. But the unique nature of the DS makes its demise particularly difficult. When the Wii U was replaced by the
Switch, most of the console’s best games were eventually ported to the new tablet. With the DS and 3DS, it’s not quite so simple; even if you port a game like A Link Between Worlds or Etrian Odyssey, you can’t replicate the experience of playing on two screens on any modern gaming platform. The irony is that the 3DS’s end comes at a time when
dual-screen devices are poised to become mainstream, thanks to devices like Microsoft’s Surface Duo and other folding smartphones. It seems unlikely, but maybe one day, we’ll see a second wave of developers taking advantage of the format, infusing the mobile space with a new dose of Nintendo-inspired creativity. At the very least, someone needs
to port Electroplankton.
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