2019-Test For Fun-1

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Duration: 100 minutes


Question 1-30:

1. In the early 1900's, Albert Einstein showed---, under special circumstances,

matter and energy can be converted into one another.

(A) in which (C) what

(B) that (D) there are

2. After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art
movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and
shorts stories.

(A) in which the influence (C) to have influence

(B) of which influenced (D) its influence in

3. Muskrats generally _____ close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods
grow plentifully.

(A) staying (C) stay

(B) they are staying (D) to stay there

4. Oliver Ellsworth, _____ of the United States Supreme Court, was the author of the
bill that established the federal court system.

(A) he was the third chief justice (C) who the third chief justice

(B) the third chief justice was (D) the third chief justice

5. _____ Colonial period the great majority of Connecticut‘s settlers came from

(A) Since (B) The time (C) During the (D) It was

6. A politician can make a legislative proposal more _____ by giving specific examples
of what its effect will be.

(A) to understanding (C) understandable

(B) understandably (D) when understood

7. Playing the trumpet with dazzling originality, _____ dominated jazz for 20 years.

(A) Louis Armstrong (C) The music of Louis Armstrong

(B) The influence of Louis Armstrong (D) Louis Armstrong‘s talent

8. Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to
guess the proportion of the population that _____ for each candidate.

(A) are voted (B) voting (C) to be voted (D) will vote

9. _____ at a river ford on the Donner Pass route to California, the city of Reno grew as
bridges and railroad were built.

(A) Settle (C) It was settling

(B) To settle (D) Having been settled

10. The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of
contaminants _____ the heavily polluted outside air.

(A) than does (C) as some that are

(B) more (D) like of

11. The decimal numeral system is one of the _____ ways of expressing numbers.

(A) useful most world‘s (C) useful world‘s most

(B) world‘s most useful (D) most world‘s useful

12. Emily Dickinson‘s garden was a place _____ great inspiration for her poems.

(A) that she drew (C) from which she drew

(B) by drawing her (D) drawn from which

13. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot,
dry winds of the Mojave Desert, _____ the circulation of air.

(A) but they also prevent (C) and also to prevent

(B) also prevented by them (D) and also preventing

14. Not only _____ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to
locate oil.

(A) to use seismology (C) seismology is used

(B) is seismology used (D) using seismology

15. Nebraska has floods in some years, _____.

(A) in others drought (C) while other droughts

(B) droughts are others (D) others in drought

16. Quoc Trong has yet……..the material.

(A) to learn (B) not to learn (C) learned (D) learn

17. None of the counter money………….

(A) has been found (C) have to be found

(B) have been found (D) has to be found

18. Would you mind………..in this office?

(A) not to smoke (C) not smoking

(B) to smoke (D) not smoke

19. Sy Binh confessed ………the jewels

(A) steal (B) to steal (C) to stealing (D) stealing

20. you and I talked with the professor yesterday, ………..?

(A) do I (B) didn’t they (C) did they (D) didn’t we

21. we wish that we ………..more time last night.

(A) have had (B) were had (C) had had (D) has had

22. No sooner will he arrive ………………..

(A) when he will want to leave (C) than he will want to

(B) that he will not want to leave (D) until he will not want to leave

23. John let his daughter……….. with her friends

(A) swim (C) to be swimming

(B) to swim (D) swimming

25. Mr.Truyen is a lawyer, a politician, and……….

(A) teacher (C) he teaches

(B) he is a teacher (D) a teacher

26. Never ……………unemployed as today

(A) have so many people been (C) so many nay people has been

(B) has many so people been (D) so many people have been

27. It is ………..in the United States to eat turkey on Thanksgiving

(A) a costume (B) a custom (C) a night (D) a day

28. Although my mother never eats ………, I prefer something sweet.

(A) desert (C) both A and B

(B) dessert (D) none of them

29. The quality …… this photograph is poor.

(A) about (B) in (C) of (D) off

30. Three dangerous criminals escaped……….prison yesterday.

(A) out (B) off (C) from (D) in

Question 31-40

31. Pop Art was a movement (A) of the 1950‘s and 1960‘s whom (B) imagery was
based on (C) readily recognized American products and people (D).

32. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful (A) insects, much (B) species
have been imported (C) into the United States to combat (D) insect pests.

33. All almost (A) the electricity for industrial (B) use (C) comes from large
generators driven (D) by steam turbines.

34. After Sy Binh had shown Quoc Trong how to insert (A) the paper once (B), he
repeated (C) the operation again (D).

35. When the roads (A) became too slippery, we decided (B) to return back (C) to
the cabin and wait for the storm to (D) subside.

36. My brother (A) doesn’t care how much does the car cost (B) because (C) he is
going to buy (D) it anyway.

37. Jim would rather (A) that Jim (B) went (C) to class (D) yesterday.

38. Quang (A) feels badly (B) about (C) his test grade (D).

39. The manager (A) made the salesmen (B) to attend (C) the conference (D).

40. The university (A) requires that (B) all its (C) students taking (D) this course.


Question 41-45

Champagne, the king of wines and wine of kings, tastes all the better when it is
drunk from an elegant, fine-quality glass. That, however, is only one of thousands of
ways glass is used today. And for all those different uses, many different types of
glass are produced. Glass products are manufactured in different ways. Today, glass
is blown by hand in the traditional way which the Roman first developed, but now
this work is done by robots, too. Generally, in industry, much faster methods of mass
production are needed. Often, for example, glass is pressed into the necessaryshape
by machine. Glass is shaped in other ways too. For example, it is made into long, very
thin fibres. Fibres like these are required to make the fibre-opitic cables that help to
build the information Super-Highway around the world.

41. The phrase “the king of wines and wine of kings” means ______.

(A) Champagne is the best wine of kings.

(B) Champagne is the king that drinks lots of wine.

(C) Champagne is the best wine and is made for kings.

(D) Champagne is the best wine made by kings.

42. According to the passage, ______.

(A) the only way glass is used today is for drinking wine.

(B) today glass is used in one thousand differentways.

(C) an elegant, fine-quality glass makes champagne taste better.

(D) champagne is drunk in thousands of ways.

43. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

(A) the traditional way of blowing glass by hand is still in use today.

(B) today the blowing of glass is all done by robots.

(C) the Romans first developed methods of mass production.

(D) the traditional way is no longer in use today.

44. According to the passage, which of the following is correct?

(A) Mass production of glass is done by robots.

(B) Glass can be shaped in many different ways.

(C) In industry glass is often shaped by machine.

(D) Both (B) and (C)

45. The passage primarily discusses

(A) champagne, a kind of wine. (C) the types of glass products.

(B) the uses of glass. (D) the ways of making glass.

Question 46-50

Our demand for water is constantly increasing. Every year there are more and more
people in the world. Factories turn out more and more products and need more and
more water. We live in a world of water. But almost all of it – about 97% - is in the
oceans. This water is too salty to be used for drinking, farming, and manufacturing.
Only about 3% of the world’s water is fresh. Most of this water is not easily available
to man because it is locked in glaciers icecaps.

There is as much water on earth today as there ever was or will ever be. Most of the
water we use finds its way to the oceans. There, it is evaporated by the sun. It then
falls back to the earth as rain. Water is used and reused over and over again. It is
never used up

Although the world as a whole has plenty of fresh water, some regions have a water
shortage. Rain does not fall evenly over the earth. Some regions are always too dry,
and others too wet. A region that usually gets enough rain may suddenly have a
serious dry spell and another region may be flooded with too much rain.

46. All of the following statements can be inferred from the text EXCEPT

(A) We need more and more water.

(B) The population of the world is increasing every year.

(C) Most of the world’s water is locked in glaciers and icecaps.

(D) Factories also need more water.

47. Which of the following is NOT true about the world’s water?

(A) The vast majority of the world’s water is ocean (or salty) water.

(B) Ocean water is salty enough to be used for drinking, farming, and manufacturing.

(C) Most fresh water is locked in glaciers and icecaps.

(D) The percentage of fresh water is very small.

48. What can be inferred about water?

(A) The amount of water on earth is always the same.

(B) Water will probably be exhausted

(C) Water can be used once only

(D) Most of the water we use is rain water.

49. It can be inferred from the text that …………

(A) No region in the world suffers from a lack of fresh water.

(B) Rain does not fall equally everywhere on the earth.

(C) The world has plenty of fresh water in comparison with salty water.

(D) A region that usually gets enough rain hardly ever has a dry spell.

50. The phrasal verb “turn out” in the second line is closest in meaning to

(A) sell (B) prove to be (C) switch off (D) produce

Question 51-60

When buying a house, you must be sure to have it checked for termites. A termite is
much like an ant in its communal habits, although physically the two insects are

Like those ants, termite colonies consist of different classes, each with its own
particular job. The most perfectly formed termites, both male and female, make up
the productive class. They have eyes, hard body walls and fully developed wings. A
pair of reproductive termites founds the colony. When new reproductive termites
develop, they leave to form another colony. They use their wings only this on time
and then break them off.

The worker termites are small, blind and wingless, with soft bodies. They make up
the majority of the colony and do all the work. Soldiers are eyeless and wingless but
are larger than the workers and have hard heads and strong jaws and legs. They
defend the colony and are cared for by the workers.

The male and female of the reproductive class remain inside a closed-in cell when
the female lays thousands of eggs. The workers place the eggs in cells and care for
them. Even if one colony is treated with poison, if a male and female of the
reproductive class escape, they can form a new colony.

Pest control companies can inspect a house for infestation of termites. Often, of lay
person cannot spot the evidence, so it is critical to have the opinion of a profesional.
Treatments vary depending upon the type of termite.

51. How are termites like ants?

(A) They live in communities, and each class has a specific duty

(B) Their bodies are the same shape

(C) The king and queen are imprisoned

(D) The females' reproductive capacities are the same

52. The word “communal” is closest in meaning to

(A) Eating (C) Organizational

(B) Reproducing (D) Social

53. Which of the following is not true?

(A) All termites have eyes

(B) Some termites cannot fly

(C) Workers are smaller than soldiers

(D) Termites do not fly often

54. The word “distinct” is closest in meaning to

(A) Similar (C) Genetically related

(B) Different (D) Strong

55. The word “classes” is closest in meaning to

(A) Sexes (B) Colonies (C) Courses (D) Categories

56. Which of the following statements is probably true?

(A) Thousands of termites may move together to develop a new colony

(B) The male and female reproductions do not venture outdoors except to form a
new colony.

(C) There are more soldiers than workers

(D) A worker could easily kill a soldier

57. The word “founds” is nearest in meaning to

(A) Establishes (B) Destroys (C) Controls (D) Guards

58. The word “cells” is closest in meaning to

(A) combs (C) compartment

(B) rows (D) placenta

59. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

(A) Termites Destroy Houses

(B) Termites Work Well Together

(C) The Habits and Physical Characteristics of Termites

(D) The relationship of Soldier and Worker Termites

60. The word “each” in line 4 refers to

(A) Ants (B) Colonies (C) Jobs (D) Classes

Question 61-66

In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat, British
built the S.S. Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was
dubbed 'unsinkable'. So sure of this were the owners that they provided only
twenty life boats and rafts, less than one-half the number needed for the 2,227
passengers on board.

Many passengers were aboard the night it rammed an iceberg only two days at sea
and more than halfway between England and its New York destination. Because the
luxury liner was travelling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking
iceberg. An unextinguished fire also contributed to the ship's submersion. Panic

increased number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be
among the few to board the life boats. Four hours after the mishap, another ship, the
Carpathia, rescued 705 survivors.

The infamous S.S. Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden
voyage in 1912 before plunging into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of
Newfoundland where it lies today.

61. All of the following are true except that

(A) only a third of those aboard perished

(B) the Carpathia rescued the survivors.

(C) the S.S. Titanic sank near Newfoundland

(D) the S.S. Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912.

62. All of the following contributed to the large death toll except

(A) panic (C) speed

(B) fire (D) the Carpathia

63. The word “unextinguished” is closest in meaning to

(A) indestructable (C) undiscovered

(B) uncontrollable (D) unquenched

64. The word “Maiden voyage” is closest in meaning to

(A) inaugural (C) longest

(B) most elegant (D) final

65. The word “dubbed” is closest in meaning to

(A) called (B) initiated (C) christened (D) listed

66. What does this passage convey?

(A) The S.S Titanic proved itself the most seaworthy vessel in 1912.

(B) Attempts to rescue the S.S. Titanic's survivors were not successful.

(C) Overconfidence by builders and owners was greatly responsible for the sinking
of the vessel.

(D) A fire and panic were the only causes for the sinking of the ship.


Question 67-69: Mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) to indicate the word OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions

67. Many people have to tried to preserve the ecology of many natural places.

(A) reserve (B) conserve (C) destroy (D) maintain

68. All contestants must abide by the official rules issued by the OWCA.

(A) invade (B) upset (C) disrupt (D) violate

69. It took Annie years and years of practice to become an accomplished violinist.

(A) incomplete (C) illiterate

(B) unskilled (D) uneducated

Question 70-72: Mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions

70. Although Mr. Suzuki is a millionaire, he resides in a small house.

(A) lives (C) spends holiday

(B) relaxes (D) works

71. Unknown and potentially poisonous substances have been added to the food.

(A) increased (B) applied (C) introduced (D) presented

72. I’m becoming increasingly absent-minded. Last week, I locked out of the house

(A) careful (B) mindless (C) forgettable (D) forgetful


Volunteer is one of Vietnam’s long-standing activities contributing effectively to

community development, capacity building and poverty reduction. Volunteer
activities are taking place vibrantly with every passing day, not only do they bring
positive results from specific volunteer programs but they also conduce to generate
and raise awareness for a large number of people in Vietnam.

The key point of volunteer activities is a part of a global effort to ensure that every
child has access to a quality education – it’s a direct route out of poverty. In addition,
the activities will be the main distributor of connecting the people, improving the
living standard, and helping the poor around countries.

However, the volunteer activities of Vietnam are very diverse in both content and
form. In fact, these volunteer activities remain separate and spontaneous;
information on volunteer activities is not accessible with majority seeking
information about specific volunteer programs that interest them due to the lack of
coordinating network among volunteer clubs and organizations.

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Tình nguyện viên là mộ t trong nhữ ng hoạ t độ ng lâ u đờ i củ a Việt Nam đó ng gó p
tích cự c cho việc phá t triển cộ ng đồ ng, xâ y dự ng nguồ n nhâ n lự c và giả m nghèo.
Cá c hoạ t độ ng tình nguyện diễn ra sô i độ ng và o mỗ i ngà y, chú ng khô ng chỉ đem
lạ i nhữ ng kết quả tích cự c từ cá c chương trình tình nguyện cụ thể mà cò n gó p
phầ n tạ o ra và nâ ng cao nhậ n thứ c cho nhiều ngườ i ở Việt Nam.
Điểm mấ u chố t củ a cá c hoạ t độ ng tình nguyện là nằ m trong mộ t phầ n củ a nỗ lự c
toà n cầ u để đả m bả o rằ ng mọ i trẻ em đều đượ c hưở ng mộ t nền giá o dụ c có chấ t
lượ ng – đó là mộ t con đườ ng chắ c chắ n để thoá t nghèo. Ngoà i ra, cá c hoạ t độ ng
nà y sẽ là yếu tố chính kết nố i mọ i ngườ i, nâng cao mứ c số ng và giú p đỡ ngườ i
nghèo xung quanh cá c quố c gia.
Tuy nhiên, hoạ t độ ng tình nguyện củ a Việt Nam rấ t đa dạ ng về nộ i dung và hình
thứ c. Nhưng, trên thự c tế, cá c hoạ t độ ng tình nguyện nà y vẫn riêng biệt và tự
phá t. Thô ng tin về cá c hoạ t độ ng tình nguyện thườ ng khô ng đượ c cậ p nhậ t để
tiếp cậ n vớ i đa số nhữ ng ngườ i cầ n tìm kiếm thô ng tin về cá c chương trình tình
nguyện cụ thể mà họ quan tâ m, mà nguyên do chính là thiếu sự phố i hợ p giữ a cá c
câ u lạ c bộ và tổ chứ c tình nguyện.


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