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The Urgency of High Speed Train in Indonesia

It is argued that quick, reliable, and comfortable transport is the dream of most
citizens around the world, especially in Indonesia. At the moment, there is a new project
aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian transportation system. It is the High Speed
Train Project which is able to reach the speed of 300 km/h. It looks fantastic, however,
there are a lot of pros and cons to this project. Those pros and cons like regarding to the
disparity of infrastructure in Indonesia, since this program is only made especially in Java,
and the cost of the tickets for this train.
(Topic Sentence par. 2) Expensive operational cost of high speed trains leads to the
increasing tickets price.
(Topic sentence par. 3) The government needs to upgrade current infrastructure
instead of building new ones.
(Topic sentence par. 4) We need efficient public transport, but not the high speed

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