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One enterprise control principle that I pick out is the Transformational Leadership principle.

This theory
highlights the significance of a leader's capacity to stimulate and encourage their team to attain high
performance and personal development levels. Transformational leaders focus on developing solid
relationships with their followers and inspire their teams to work collaboratively towards a shared vision
or goal.

One example of a successful transformational leader is Jeff Bezos -Amazon. Bezos was known for his
ability to inspire his team and drive innovation within the company. He encouraged his employees to
think big and take risks, even if it meant failing. Bezos also intensely focused on customer satisfaction
and urged his team to prioritize the customer experience in everything they did.

Another example of a transformational leader is Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks. Schultz
was known for his passion for the company's mission and values and worked hard to ensure his
employees shared this passion. He encouraged his team to take ownership of the customer experience
and to always strive for excellence in everything they do. Schultz also prioritized employee development
and invested in training programs to help his team members grow personally and professionally.

As a business management theory, Transformational Leadership can effectively motivate employees and
drive organizational success. Leaders can create a highly engaged and motivated workforce by building
solid relationships with team members and inspiring them to work towards a shared vision or goal. This
can lead to increased productivity, higher levels of employee satisfaction, and, ultimately, improved
business outcomes.

However, it is essential to note that Transformational Leadership may be a better approach for some
situations. For example, a more directive leadership style may be more appropriate in highly structured
and rule-bound environments. Nonetheless, Transformational Leadership can be a highly effective
approach for many organizations and lead to individual and organizational growth and success.

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