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Week 2

Name:_______________________ Grade & Section _______________Score:_________

Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Name of Teacher: ____________Date: ____

I. Title: The Interpretative Dynamics of Society and The Aspects of Culture

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)

III. MELC: Analyze the concepts, aspects and changes in/of culture and society

IV. Learning Objective/s:

1. To identify the nature and dynamics of culture and society using key anthropological,
sociological, and political science concepts.
2. To appreciate the role of culture in the society.
3. To make an essay on how society shape the lives of people.

V. Reference/s
For Print Material/s
 K TO 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes by
DepEd, Curriculum and Instruction Strands
 Textbook on Understanding Culture, Society and Politics authored by
Antonio P. Contreras, PhD, Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon, PhD

Online Source/s
 Scridb,
Dynamics-of-Society/ July 12, 2020

VI. Concept notes with formative activities

Aspects of Culture
The notion of culture presents a complex portrait of humanity. Anthropology regards culture as
learned, symbolic, integrated, shared, and all encompassing (Tylor 1871).

 Culture is learned because it is acquired by being born into a particular society in the process
of enculturation, as anthropologists would say, or socialization, as sociologists would
explain. Through language, the cultural traits of society are passed on to younger members
in the process of growing up and through teaching.

 Culture is symbolic in the sense that it renders meaning to what people do. Beliefs, religion,
rituals, myths, dances, performances, music, artworks, sense of taste, education, innovations,
identity, ethnicity, and so on, are meaningful human expressions of what people do and how
they act.
 Culture is shared within exclusive domains of social relations; societies operate differently
from each other leading to cultural variations. Even as culture is bounded, it does not mean
that there are no variations in how people act and relate with each other within a given system
of their respective societies. On the contrary, the same society can be broadly diverse wherein
people, for example, profess connections to each other yet practice different religion, values,
or gender relations. Furthermore, societies do not always exist independently from each
 Around the world, people as members of their own societies establish connections with each
other and form relationship guided by their respective cultural practices and values. These
complex relations underscore the all- encompassing nature of culture as it covers every
feature of humanity. Edward Tylor, one of the founders of modern anthropology,
characterize culture as a “complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, traits, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of society” (Tylor 1871).


What is society?

 Defined as constituting a large number of people who are living in the same territory, are
relatively independent of people outside their area, and participate in a common culture.

Society as a Concept

 It is a tool to grasp the complexity of the phenomenon it represents and a means to

explore its many other dimensions hidden by its normative use.
 As a concept, society represents an ideal type, which depicts the form, process, and
dynamics of the social reality it embodies.

Society as a Facticity

 The word society was coined by social scientists to facilitate their exploration of social
 Society is seen as an outcome of multiple interactions of people upon which succeeding
interactions are made meaningful and possible.
 This definition simply means that society only exists if there are people interacting and
their interactions constitute the process that defines society.
 We can liken society to a deity. A deity of God is supposed to possess the tripartite
powers reserved for Him alone --- omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence (all-
powerful, all - knowing, and everywhere). Society is all-powerful because it agents
control and runs the machinery of social control.

 Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited or very great power.

 Omniscience is the state of knowing everything.
 Omnipresence is the state of being widespread or constantly encountered.

 The analogy of society to a God suggests the immense power of society to make or
unmake lives of people.

 Culture according to E.B. Tylor “is that complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man
as a member of society.”
 The Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is “the way of life”, especially
the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time.”
 Some aspects of human behavior such as language; social practices such as kinship,
gender, and marriage; expressive forms such as art, music, dance, ritual, and religion;
and technologies such as cooking, shelter, and clothing are said to be cultural
universals, found in all human societies.

 When used as a count noun, culture is the set of customs, traditions, and values of a
society or community, such as an ethnic group or nation. In this sense,
multiculturalism is a concept that values the peaceful coexistence and mutual respect
between different cultures inhabiting the same territory.


The relationship between society, culture, and personality is stressed by Ralph Linton: “A
society is an organized group of individuals. A culture is an organized group of learned responses.
The individual is a living organism capable of independent thought, feeling, and action, but his
independence is limited, and all his resources are profoundly modified by contact with the society
and culture in which he develops.”
A society cannot exist apart from culture, a society is always made of persons and their
groupings. People carry and transmit culture, but they are not culture. No culture can exist except
as it is embodied in a human society; no society can operate without cultural directives. One must
always keep in mind the interdependence and the reciprocal relationship between culture and
society. Each is a distinguishable concept in which the pattern and organization of the whole is
more important than any of the component parts.


Enculturation refers to the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture
or group by a person, another culture, etc. It is not as pervasive as socialization, which is a lifelong
or “womb to tom’ journey. Enculturation starts with actual exposure to another culture and the
duration and extent of exposure account for the quality of the resulting enculturation.
Culture shock is a good example of enculturation. Individuals who have stayed for quite a
good portion of their lives in a foreign culture may be shocked by their culture once exposed to it
again. The shock created by their culture is a product of their enculturation in the second culture.


Task I
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is symbolic in the sense that it renders meanings to what people do.
. a. Society b. Culture c. Politics d. Norms
2. This is an example of enculturation.
a. Culture change b. Cultural variations c. Society d. Culture shock
3. It is the quality of having unlimited or very great power.
a. Omnipotence b. Omniscience c. Omnipresence d. None of the Above

4. It is the state of being widespread or constantly encountered.
a. Omnipotence b. Omniscience c. Omnipresence d. None of the Above
5. It is the state of knowing everything.
a. Omnipotence b. Omniscience c. Omnipresence d. None of the Above

Task 2
Assess the statements in each item in column A whether it is true or false. In column B, write T
if the statement is true and write F if the statement is false. Write your answer on your answer

1. Culture is composed of both material and
non-material components.
2. Culture is learned.
3. Through language, the cultural traits of
society are passed on to younger members in
the process of growing up and through teaching.
4. Through the power of brains, humans possess
a considerable degree of awareness and
knowledge of what they can achieve.
5. Societies do not always exist independently
from each other.

Task 3
Analyze the following concepts if it is under Culture or Society. Write your answer on your
answer sheet using a graphic table.

Social Class Art Law Morals Social Relation


Task 4
Identify the following statement below based on the Interpretive Dynamics of Society. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

Write: A - if the statement pertains to Society as a Concept, and

B - if it is under Society as a Facticity

____________1. Society only exists if there are people interacting and their interactions
constitute the process that defines society.
____________2. Society represents an ideal type, which depicts the form, process,
and dynamics of the social reality it embodies.
____________3. It was coined by social scientists to facilitate their exploration of social
____________4. Society is all-powerful because it agents control and runs the machinery of
social control.
____________5. The immense power of society is to make or unmake lives of people.

Task 5

Fill in the blanks the correct term to complete the statement. Write your answer on your answer
1. Culture is __________. (adaptive, informative)
2. Culture is __________. (assertive, dynamic)
3. Culture is transmitted through _______________. (socialization, communication)
4. Culture requires __________ (language, voice) and other forms of communication.
5. Culture is patterned through __________________ (social interactions, social norms)

Task 6

In a clean sheet of paper, write at least three (3) sentences that differentiate culture from society.



Task 7

In one paragraph essay, describe your feelings toward a specific nationality (e.g., Koreans,
Americans). State why you like or dislike them. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

Textbook on Understanding Culture, Society and Politics authored by

Antonio P. Contreras, PhD, Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon, PhD

Task 8
It was stated that “culture is learned. As a student, cite at least two 2 examples on how culture is
learned based from your own experiences. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


Task 9
Symbols are both verbal and nonverbal in form within cultural systems, and they have a unique
way of linking human beings to each other. From this statement, provide at least five (5) evidences
that “Culture is symbolic”.


Task 10
Discuss the tripartite powers as stated in “Society as a Facticity. Why do we consider society as
omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient?

Task 11

In column A, identify any of your behavior as a Filipino teenager. Then in column B, explain how
you came to imbibe them. In column C, write an explanation why its performance (if a behavior)
seem to be natural to you or why you believe it (if it is a belief). Cite at least two (2) and write on
your answer sheet.

The What The How The Why
Refers to the contents of Refers to the process of Refers to the mechanisms
culture transmission and circulation that promote compliance and

Task 12
In a one whole sheet of paper do the following:
1. How does society shape the lives of people inside it?

2. Why are rules important in society?

VI. Notes to the Teacher:
►The above activity is a test to measure the skills and knowledge learned by the students on the
Interpretative Dynamics of Society and The Aspects of Culture.
►For Activity 6-12, the rubric below will be used to rate the answers of the students.

Rubric for Essay

Criteria 3 2 1 0 Score
Focus/Main The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay
Point focused, focused on the focused on poorly
purposeful, and topic and topic and addresses topic
reflects clear includes includes few and includes
insight and relevant ideas loosely related irrelevant ideas
ideas ideas
Support Persuasively Supports main Supports main Provides little
supports main point with point with some or no support
point with well- developed underdeveloped for the main
developed reasons and/or reasons and/or point
reasons and/or examples examples
Organization Effectively Organizes ideas Some Little or no
organizes ideas to build an organization of organization of
to build a argument ideas to build ideas to build
logical, an argument an argument
Language Effective and Appropriate use Some use of Little or no use
Use, style& creative use of of elements of elements of of elements of
Conventions elements of style Uses style Contains style Many
(Sentence style to enhance correct frequent errors errors in
structure, meaning Uses grammar, in grammar, grammar,
word choice, correct spelling, and spelling, and spelling, and
grammar, grammar, punctuation punctuation punctuation,
spelling, spelling, with few errors makes reader’s
punctuation) punctuation comprehension
throughout with difficult
very few errors
Originality Distinctive Sufficient Very little No
(Expression experimentation experimentation experimentation experimentation
of the theme with language with language to enhance nor

in a creative and usage to and usage to concepts Does enhancement of
way) enhance enhance not exhibit concepts No
concepts concepts creativity adherence to
Applies higher Applies basic the theme
order thinking creative skills
and creative to relay ideas
skills to relay
complex ideas


Points Earned Descriptive Rating

15 Outstanding
13-14 Very Satisfactory
11-12 Fairly Satisfactory
9-10 Satisfactory
Below 8 Did not meet expectations


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