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Session 2 EFNL Exam

1-6) Write the following commandments and briefly explain (1-2 sentences) how each one can be
obeyed in a child’s life:

2)You shell have no other Gods before Lord-not to prioritize anyone or anything other than God

3)Do not take the name of Lord in vain-do not use meaningless repetition in your prayer

5)Honor your parents-obey them and help them

7)You shell not commit adultery-Sometimes not decent ads or sites pop up on the internet, you
need to close them and not go through them

8)do not steal-you can’t take other people’s things without permission

9)do not lie-you can’t tell a lie

7) Write the following objects in the appropriate column (3 words each column):
desk, sofa, board, poster, shower, toilet, carpet, fork, table, mirror, plate, lamp

Bathroom Kitchen Living Room Classroom

Shower fork carpet desk
Toilet table sofa board
Mirror plate lamp poster

8) Complete each sentence using there is/isn’t, there are/aren’t.

There isn’t a toilet in the living room.

There are spoons on the table.
There aren’t toys in the kitchen.
There isn’t a lamp under the table.
9) Complete the following sentences using do/don’t, does/doesn’t.
We don’t find food at the library.
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Does she walk to the store?
If we don’t respect public authority, the police will come.
She doesn’t send text messages during the sermon.

10) Answer each question using a preposition of time.

What time do you wake up? I wake up at eight in the morning
When do you go on vacation? I will go on vacation in the summer
When do you have English lessons? On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

11) Match each season with the way we usually describe its weather.
Winter Hot
Spring Cool
Summer Warm
Autumn Cold

12) Tell me one hobby or sport that you like and one that you don’t like.

I really like reading books but I don’t like to play soccer

13) Add an appropriate interrogative pronoun to each sentence.

Why are you sad?
Where is your teacher today?
What is she reading?
When is his birthday?
Who is the boy who plays the harp?
How can I get to the city of God?

14) Complete using the present simple or present continuous of the verb in parentheses.
(to run) She runs every morning at 6 o’clock.
(to eat) He is eating right now and then he will go to school.
(to swim) I am swimming today with my friends.
(to pray) They pray every day for their pastor.
(to respect) Do they respect their teacher?
(to honor) Do you honor your parents?
(to clean) Is she cleaning her bedroom?
(to struggle) Are you struggling with addiction to gadgets?
15) Change to the negative form.
She is doing her homework. She isn’t doing her homework
He is surfing the internet. He isn’t surfing the internet
We are listening to a music player. We aren’t listening to the music player
They are fishing in the river. They aren’t fishing in the river

16) Circle the words with a silent h.

honest holy honor house hour harvest headphones

17) Match the related positive/negative words.

addicted decent
unhealthy feel secure
dangerous Creator
night set free
scared healthy
creation day
Lord, teach me to pray
18) Write the Lord’s Prayer and the short titles that describe the main subject.
Our Father, Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.-Worship
Your kingdom come-Allegiance
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven-Submission
Give us our daily bread-Petition
And forgive us our debs as we also have forgiven our debtors-Forgiveness
And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil-Deliverence
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever-Worship

19) Write 9 names of God and explain each of them.

1)creator-He created all
2)there-He is always there.He is always with us.
3)shepherd-He is the shepherd and we are his sheep. He will always look after us and protect us.
4)healer-He can heal us. And not only the body, but also the soul
5)banner-He is our victory in battles.
6)provide-He provides for all our needs
7)peace-only with God we can find peace
8)Our Righteousness-He is righteousness, to be righteousness is to be with God
9)God most high-It means that God rules over everything and if He promised-He will do it

20) What was Jesus trying to teach us when He said to pray for God’s kingdom to come?

That God’s kingdom will come and there will be judgment. Therefore, we need to accept Christ in
our heart and do what He says.
21) What is God’s will toward us?

That I may have a relationship with Jesus and live righteously.

22) Describe the life of those who put their hope on God and come with petition to Him and those
who try to do things putting their trust in the world and in themselves?

God blesses those who trust in Him. And does not hear and does not see those who trust in the
world and in themselves.

23) What do our iniquities do and how this problem can be solved?

Our sins separate us from God. We need to confess our sins. If we confess them, God forgives us.

24) What should we do so that we won’t fall into temptation?

You need to pray according to the will of God and concentrate on it.

25) Какая разница между молитвой по плоти и по воле Бога?

Молитва по волі Божій щира та чесна. Також молитва по Божій волі буде побудована згідно
Його Слова та буде почута Богом. А молитва по плоті ні.

26) О чем молился Иисус в Иоанна 17гл?

Він молився про те, щоб у тому що Він робить прославився Його Син. Також за Його учнів.
Ще Він молився за те щоб у Бога увірував світ. А також за те, щоб світ пізнав Божу

27) Как молится когда согрешил?

Потрібно визнати свої гріхи. Тоді Бог нас очистить та простить нас.

28) Что Бог проговорил мне на этой сессии и какие решения я принял?
Я взяла для себе дуже багато принципів на цій сесії. Найбільше мені запам’яталися:
 Ми повинні визнавати свої гріхи
 Якщо я буду просити згідно Його волі та твердо вірити-Бог зробить це
 Окрім світу, невіруючих людей та диявола є ще наша гріховна плоть
 Ніхто не може протидіяти Богу.
 Неможливо догодити Богу якщо немає віри
 Потрібно молитися не тільки за себе, а й за інших.
 Молитва допомагає зцілитись від гріхів.
Це не всі принципи, а лише декілька. Я буду старатись жити по цих принципах. Також на цій
сесії я зрозуміла якою повинна бути молитва.

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