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Lord Darkasp

Name: “Lord Edmund Darkasp”

Level 13 Whisper Bard

Health: 98 AC: 17(+1 Glamoured Studded leather armor)

Attributes: Strength 12,Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14,
Charisma 20

Saving throws: Strength +2, Dexterity +10, Constitution +2, Intelligence +9, Wisdom +3,
Charisma +11

Skills: Acrobatics 7, Animal Handling 5, Arcana 13, Athletics 4, Deception 15, History
13, Insight 12, Intimidation 15, Investigation 14, Medicine 5, Nature 6, Perception 9,
Performance 10, Religion 6, Sleight of Hand 14, Stealth 14, Survival 5

Abilities: Bardic Inspiration, Ritual Casting, Position of Privilege, Observant feat, Song of
Rest, Actor Feat, Countercharm, Psychic Blades(Deal extra 5d6 Psychic on melee
attack), Words of Terror, Mantle of Whispers

Magic Items: Glamoured +1 Studded leather armor, Ring of Mind Shielding, Mind
Blade(Sun sword but no light or undead feature and psychic instead of radiant),
Luckstone, Silent Mercy*, Shadowpiercer*

Silent Mercy: A blade forged by a smith who made a pact with a fiend from Hell, this +2
Daggers blade is nearly invisible to the naked eye. When the blade is hidden upon your
person, it cannot be found unless you allow it or are dead. Once you stab a creature
with Silent Mercy, you may immediately take the Hide action as a bonus action
regardless if there is no cover near you.
Shadowpiercer: This +2 Handcrossbow was created for a loyal follower of Norgorber,
God of Thievery, assassination and Secrets. It has 3 charges and recharges every night
at Midnight. The user may expand a charge to fire a bolt into a creatures shadow within
30 ft of you(including your own) and it emerges from another creatures shadow within
your vision, using the new point to determine the projectiles range. When doing so, add
2d6 Necrotic damage to the attack

Spells: Lord Darkasp is a 13th level caster able of casting 7th level spells. Charisma is
his spellcasting attribute and his spell save DC is 18. His spell attack is +10.

Cantrips: Vicious Mockery, Message, Minor Illusion, Friends

1st level(4 times a day): Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self,
Dissonant Whispers, Puppet, Sleep, Identify

2nd Level(3 times a day): Detect Thoughts, Crown of Madness, Cloud of Daggers,
Suggestion, Shatter, Silence, Alter Self, Phantasmal Force
3rd Level(3 times a day): Sending, Feign Death, Clairvoyance

4th level(3 times a day): Locate Creature, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Arcane

5th level(2 times a day): Dominate Person, Synaptic Static, Mislead, Modify Memory

6th level(Once a day): Mass Suggestion, True Seeing

7th level(Once a day): Power Word Pain, Etherealness

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