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why are we here?

module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

International Economics
Lecture 1

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta


why are we here?

module outline

the origins of international economics

absolute advantage vs comparative advantage

gains from trade
labour productivity and comparative advantage

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

International Economics
why are we here?

• national economies are now more open than ever

• what is openness? international movements of
• goods and services (nal and intermediate)
• factors of production (capital and labour)

• globalisation as the slow and progressive removal of barriers to


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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

International Economics
why are we here?

• real side
1. international exchange of goods and services
2. international movements of production factors

2.1 capital: international investment (direct and indirect), bonds,

2.2 labour: international migration of workers

• monetary side
• above gives origin to monetary ows recorded in the balance
of payments
→ exchange rates, international interest rates

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

according to national borders

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

where do we come from?

"World Map of Y-DNA Haplogroups" by Chakazul - Own work based on:Numerous academic
publications on the current distribution, origin and migration of each haplogroupen:Y-chromosome
haplogroups by populationsEupediaHaplogroup maps by Maulucioni (World, C3, E, F, G, H, I, J, R, Q,
N, O, M, S); Robertius (Europe). Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons - 6 / 60
why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world


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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

GDP/wealth in 1500

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

GDP/wealth now

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

absolute poverty

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

infant mortality

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

child diarrea

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

yellow fever

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

primary education

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

secondary education

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

tertiary education

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

gender empowerment

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

HIV incidence

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

HIV deaths

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

health: public expenditure

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

health: private expenditure

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

health: service quality

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

urban slums

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

internet users

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

electricity access

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

greenhouse gas emissions

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

carbon emissions increase (1980-2000)

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

increase in development

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of cereals

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of dairies

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of clothing

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of fruits

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of vegetables

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

primary exports

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

secondary exports

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of toys

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of nance and insurance services

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

a quick tour of the world

exports of high-tech

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

course outline
International trade

- Classical & Neoclassical Trade

- Trade Policy
- New Trade Theories
- New Interactions (New Economic Geography)
- Models with Heterogeneous Firms

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

course outline
International money & nance

- Foreign Exchange (FOREX) Functioning and Key Concepts

- International Parity Conditions
- Open Economy Macroeconomics
- Exchange rate determination
- International monetary system
- Currency crises & contagion

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

the origins...
Mercantilists vs. liberists

• imports [M] = outflows of metal
• exports [X] = inflows of metal
• government should reduce M and encourage X
• trade balance was heavily regulated
• monopolies were encouraged
• side effects:

• colonialism
• black market
• international controversies (after all, Xi j = M ji)

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

the emergence of liberism

• Mercantilism survived even after increase in gold supply
in gold in 1500s
Corn Laws were set to stabilise the price of corn:
tari˙s/restrictions reduced (increased) when domestic price
increased (declined) excessively

• From the 1700s, it was evident that corn laws limited growth
of the country and industry in particular:
• side effect 1: greater instability: anticipation of tariff
changes by corn producers further increased price
• side effect 2: class conflict: the laws favoured corn
producers (aristocracy) and disadvantaged entrepreneurs
(middle class);
• The interests of the middle class were represented by the
liberist movement
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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

classical liberism
Adam Smith (1723-1790): An in inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations (1776)

It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family

never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him

more to make than to buy. The taylor does not attempt to

make his own shoe. All of them nd it for their interest to
employ their whole industry in a way in which they have some
advantage over their neighbours and to purchase with a part
of its produce whatever else they have occasion for. What is
prudence in the conduct of every private family, can

scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. Would it be a

reasonable law to prohibit the importation of all foreign wines,
merely to encourage the making of claret and burgundy in
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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

wealth of nations: fundamental principles

• the wealth of a nation depends on its ability to produce

• the ability to produce requires no public intervention (e.g.
corn laws)
• free trade benefits all nations

Absolute advantage: The ability to produce a good with

smaller unit labour requirement.
NOTE: The value of goods is given by amount of labour
needed to produce them
⇒Compare producers in terms of their productivity

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

absolute advantage example

Output per labour unit Italy France
Wine 5 litres 20 litres
Cheese 10 Kg 6 Kg
• Compare autarchy and equilibrium (use PPF)

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

absolute advantage example

Output per labour unit Italy France
Wine 5 litres 20 litres
Cheese 10 Kg 6 Kg
• Compare autarchy and equilibrium (use PPF)

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

why do countries trade?

• Adam Smith's Absolute Advantage: countries should trade in those
goods they have an absolute advantage in;
• Ricardo overcomes this theory:
• countries trade because they are different
• countries trade to achieve economies of scale in production
• even countries with absolute advantage in all goods can
benefit from trade
• to understand this, we need two key concepts:

Opportunity cost
trade-off in terms of missed opportunities: what you have to give
away to obtain something else
Comparative advantage
a country has a comparative advantage in the good it produces
with the lower opportunity cost

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

some numbers...
• Adam Smith: trade beneficial Argentina USA
only if both countries have an
absolute advantage Unit Labour Requirement
Meat 4 > 2
• David Ricardo: trade always
beneficial, even if one country Microchips 24 > 8
has absolute advantage in the
Total Output
production of all goods
Total labour 120 200
Meat 30 < 100

Microchips 5 < 25

Opportunity Cost
Meat 0.16 > 0.25

Microchips 6 < 4

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

gains from trade 1

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

gains from trade 1

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

gains from trade 1

Trade and the Consumption Possibilities Frontier (CPF)
• In autarchy, CPF = PPF
• With trade, CPF 6= PPF

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

labour productivity & comparative advantage

a simple 2x2x1 model

• 2 countries (home [H] & foreign [F])

• 2 goods (2 industries): wine [W] & cheese [C])
• 1 factor of production (labour: L)
• technology defined by labour productivity in W & C

Definition of Unit Labour Requirement

the amount of labour required to produce a unit
(e.g., 1Lt of W or 1 Kg of C).

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labour productivity & comparative advantage
• L Total resources (in terms of Labour) ∴ total labour supply
• aLC unit labour requirements to produce cheese
• aLW unit labour requirements to produce wine
• L = QW · aLW + QC · aLC Total labour supply is also
Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)
QW = − QC ; slope = opportunity cost of cheese
aLW aLW | {z }
|{z} |{z} units of W to sacrifice to obtain C
intercept slope

when the PPF is a straight line, aLW is

why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

introducing prices
• PPF tells us what the economy CAN produce. To know what
the economy WILL produce, we need relative prices
• in perfectly competitive economies (i.e., zero profits),
hourly wages = value of worker's hourly production:

Wc = , Ww =
Wc T Ww if and only if (i from now on) PC
aLW , that is:

• everybody wants to work in the sector with higher wages, so

P aLC
 PW >
 aLW , specialise in cheese
P < aLW , specialise in wine
 aLC
PW = aLW , produce both

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

relative prices and supply

• recall that aLC
aLW is the opportunity cost
• PC
PW T : the economy will specialise in the production of
cheese (wine) if the relative price of cheese (wine) is greater
that its opportunity cost
• In the absence of international trade, Home [H] will have to
produce both goods
in this case PPWC = aaLW
, i.e. the relative price of cheese equals its
opportunity cost, there is no trade
Without international trade, relative prices equal relative unit
labour requirements PPWC = aaLW

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

international trade in a one factor model

• denote Foreign units with asterisks (*)
• aLC
aLW T ⇔H cheese opportunity cost can be T than F
opportunity cost

• if aaLC < aa∗LC , i.e. aa∗LC < aaLW
∗ : Home has a COMPARATIVE
ADVANTAGE (lower opportunity cost) in cheese production
NOTE dierence between Absolute and Comparative
ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE only needs productivities, i.e.
aLC,LW > a∗LC,LW
COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE relies on opportunity cost that
needs aLC , aLW , a∗LC , a∗LW

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

world relative supply and demand

RD Relative Demand; RS Relative Supply (relative: cheese vs wine)

• for PC /PW < aLC /aLW , a∗LC /a∗LW , both Home and
foreign specialise in wine
since we are assuming aLC /aLW < a∗LC /a∗LW ⇒
supply of cheese = 0 when world price drops
below aLC /aLW
• for PC /PW = aLC /aLW , Home indierent between
producing W or C (at RS)
• for aLC /aLW < PC /PW < a∗LC /a∗LW , Home specialises
in Cheese (QC = L/aLC ) and Foreign in wine
(QW∗ = L∗ /a∗LW ) and relative supply of cheese =
L∗ /a∗LW
• for PC /PW = a∗LC /a∗LW , Foreign indierent between
producing W or C (at RS)
• for PC /PW > a∗LC /a∗LW , Home and foreign specialise
in cheese, wine production = 0 and Relative
Supply of cheese is innite
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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

world relative supply and demand

RD Relative Demand; RS Relative Supply

• RD simply reects substitution eects

• if RD and RS cross in 1, Home and Foreign
specialise in good with comparative advantage
• if RD and RS cross in 2, Home
 produces W & C,
Foreign still specialises in W Q < LL/a LC
∗ /a∗
• if both specialise, the relative price falls between
the pre-trade levels in the two countries.

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why are we here? module outline the origins of international economics absolute advanta

gains from trade 2

trade as an indirect method of production

• produce cheese and exchange it for wine: use 1 hour of labour

to produce
• 1/aLW litres of wine or
• 1/aLC Kg of cheese, that could be sold for PC /PW litres of
wine, i.e.
• as long as · PPWC > aLW
, or PPWC > aaLW
i.e. when neither country produces both goods, trade allows
Home to have more wine by producing cheese and exchanging
for wine

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comparative advantage
empirical evidence (MacDougall, 1951)

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