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May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 13



Our panel explores what’s ahead for EVs, autonomous driving,
shared mobility, and more.
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e once thought the future of team at New Street Research; Abhijit Ganguly, billion in revenue, including taxis.
transportation meant George managing director of Goodyear Ventures, the Third, Tesla (TSLA) has developed a
Jetson’s flying car. Instead, venture-capital arm of Goodyear Tire & direct-to-consumer sales model within the
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we got Elon Musk’s Tesla—the company and Rubber (GT); and A. Carolina Jolly, senior EV industry. It avoids dealerships, and uses
the electric car—whose twin successes jolted research analyst at Gamco Investors (GBL). social media instead of advertising. That’s a
the global automotive industry and are speed- The roundtable took place in mid-April. big trend that we have to pay attention to.
ing the (eventual) demise of the internal com- An edited version of the discussion follows. Fourth, as we take out gas stations and
bustion engine. install EV charging stations, a lot of infra-
One might think, from the stock market or Barron’s: Let’s start with an overview of structure will need to be built. Range anxiety
Twitter, that Tesla and electrification are the this sprawling subject. What are the most is still the No. 1 reason why people don’t buy
only things that matter today in the world of important trends in transportation that EVs. We need much better infrastructure to
transportation. But there’s a lot more to the investors need to follow and understand? enable drivers to go from New York to Cali-
story, including autonomous driving, ride- Gary Black: The No. 1 trend is that EV adop- fornia without worrying about running out
sharing, robotics, and mobility technology, to tion is exploding. Battery-operated EVs were of juice. These are the four big trends we’re
name just a few salient trends. Plus, there are about 6.6% of total industry sales globally last watching.
300 million vehicles already on the road in year. We estimate they were 9% in this year’s Pierre Ferragu: To me, the most important
the U.S. alone that still need care and repair. first quarter, and will be about 30% in 2025, trend is electrification. The first order of
What does all of this mean for investors? rising to 60% by 2030. That is reshaping the transformation is that an oil-consuming, pol-
That’s the subject of Barron’s first-ever trans- competitive landscape, similar to the way Ap- luting powertrain is being replaced by an elec-
portation roundtable, which explores the out- ple [AAPL] reshaped the mobile-phone land- tric powertrain, itself a monster evolution of
look for auto makers old and new, and the scape when it introduced the iPhone in 2007. a $2 trillion industry. Then, there is the spin
technologies shaping the industry’s future. The No. 2 trend is autonomy, and it that Tesla is bringing to it. Tesla is revolution-
Our panelist include Gary Black, managing involves two factors: self-driving cars and izing this market the way Apple revolution-
partner of the Future Fund, whose Future robo-taxis. An industry will develop around ized the $50 billion mobile-phone market. It is
Fund Active exchange-traded fund (ticker: summoning a self-driving car that will take redefining the category and attracting a large
FFND) invests in companies capitalizing on you where you want to go, as you can do to- number of buyers to a significantly more
“secular megatrends”; Pierre Ferragu, head of day in Phoenix and San Francisco. The global expensive, higher-value product.
the global technology infrastructure research ride-hailing industry today is about $300 Second, the gig economy and more auton-

14 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

omous mobility are transforming per- market. Penetration is around 2022 Black: Our target is $1,600 a share. going to be tough. The battery market
sonal transportation. This means de- 10% in Europe, and 15% in China. ROUNDTABLE We estimate total global SAAR [sea- is competitive, and it is difficult to get
livery eventually can become real- How will EV market share evolve? PANELISTS sonally adjusted annual rate of auto the supply chain lined up. It is going
time, and cheap. We will be able to Black: We call it EV adoption. Our sales] of 80 million vehicles a year by to be a fascinating decade.
leverage technology to make customer numbers are a bit different: We esti- 2026. We estimate EV adoption at In the meantime, Tesla is leading
Gary Black
transportation and delivery much mate that EV market share is 4% in Managing Partner,
36% by 2026, and assume that Tesla the charge on the three most impor-
more efficient. the U.S. and 16% in Europe, with the Future Fund will retain 20% of the EV market. tant fronts, which are on the demand
A. Carolina Jolly: I want to talk China in the lead, at 17%. It just feels That means Tesla will deliver about side. Their cars are the most appeal-
about the vehicles we currently have, like it’s a better product. You charge 6.2 million [vehicles] by 2026, versus ing; they have the best charging net-
and how much we rely on them. I am your car at night like you charge your Pierre Ferragu 936,000 last year. We assume the av- work, and the best visibility. On the
focused on logistics: housing and ser- phone. EVs’ cost per mile is a lot Global Team Head erage selling price stays about where it technology front, Tesla innovates at
vicing these vehicles, and warehous- cheaper than internal combustion Technology is, and the company’s auto gross mar- an unheard-of rate. Tesla retooled its
ing parts, and how these segments of engines, and is getting cheaper as gas Infrastructure, gin will grow to about 31.5% from 29% pilot battery-manufacturing line seven
New Street
the auto industry will adapt to trends prices soar. And, as the technology Research
in 2022. We estimate that Tesla will times in two years, which means al-
such as EVs, autonomous vehicles, gets more sophisticated, EVs will drive earn about $55 a share in 2026. most once a quarter. The average man-
and shared mobility. The supply themselves. We assume the stock will trade for ufacturer would do that every two to
chain is also important. As the indus- We are bullish on Tesla because it Abhijit Ganguly about 45 times earnings, versus 75 three years. Tesla is innovating eight
try trends toward EVs, how is it going is the market leader. Tesla has about Managing Director, times earnings today. That gives us a to 12 times faster than anyone else in
to source components and raw mate- a 20% share of the global EV market. Goodyear price of about $2,475. Discounting that the world in terms of manufacturing.
rials? And, how is it going to educate As the TAM [total addressable market] Ventures back at a 12% cost of equity gets us to The last aspect is that Tesla is
technicians in the future? Many auto expands for Tesla—as the company a $1,600 price target today. accumulating scale. Even if some
companies are being driven by great launches its Cybertruck pickup, an other companies manage to move
A. Carolina Jolly
ideas, but for these ideas to fully pen- under-$30,000 EV, cheaper versions Do you see any risk in the CEO faster in the early stages of EV devel-
Senior Research
etrate the market, people need to of its best-selling Model Y—we think it Analyst, Gamco spending more of his time on a opment over the next few years, Tesla
learn to support them. can hold its EV market share. The Investors company called Twitter [TWTR]? will still have a significant advantage
Abhijit Ganguly: We see three big TAM for EVs is growing by about 50% Black: Elon Musk can handle many related to its expenses and scale.
plays from a corporate venture-capi- a year. Competition is coming for Tesla, projects. He’s also founder and CEO
tal-deployment standpoint. Robotics is but even if the company just holds its of SpaceX, and founder of The Boring What is your Tesla price target?
intersecting with mobility, and at that EV market share, it will keep growing Co. I am not a fan of the distraction Ferragu: My price target is $1,580.
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intersection, we find autonomous by about 50% a year. caused by his pursuit of Twitter, but Between now and the end of the de-
driving. Advanced driver-assistance he’s not using Tesla’s capital to do so. cade, Tesla will be a hypergrowth
systems are improving. What are the key constraints to If he acquires Twitter, he could easily business. It can grow its cash flow by
We also see the connected car. faster EV adoption? install another CEO to run it. [Musk 30% a year. I arrive at my price target
More vehicle components are getting Black: Tesla has to build a new man- subsequently agreed to buy Twitter by applying a multiple of 75 times
smarter, which creates opportunities ufacturing plant or two every couple for $44 billion.] forward earnings, and I expect earn-
for the automotive industry to on- of years. It just opened a plant in Ber- ings that are 30% to 50% above the
board value-added products that lin that has the capacity to manufac- Pierre, you’re also a Tesla fan. consensus in the next couple of years.
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improve safety and efficiency. ture 500,000 vehicles. The Austin, Explain your bullish view.
Then, we see contactless digital Texas, plant has the same capacity. Ferragu: Electrification is a dynamic What happens once Tesla can
technologies that were pulled forward Both plants are in the process of system in which the more adoption make two million cars a year, but
by the Covid pandemic. The conve- expanding their initial capacity. you get, the more possibilities there sell only 1.7 million? Also, unlike
nience these technologies can deliver [Tesla Shanghai announced this past are for people to buy new cars. At this Apple, the company manufactures
to end users will become a big deal. In week that it will open a second factory point, demand for Teslas has vastly its own products. Is that an advan-
our world, that plays out in a few dif- with a 450,000-unit capacity.] exceeded existing capacity. I am fo- tage, or a risk?
ferent ways. Mobile car care is one cused on supply growth. Today, Tesla Ferragu: On the first question, I don’t
example: People are choosing to have What is your price target for Tesla? has to increase prices almost every have a strong conviction that will hap-
their cars serviced in their own drive- month to rein in demand and try to pen over the next eight years. Tesla
ways, at the airport, or elsewhere. Also, get away from a nine-to-12-month lead has an immediate addressable market
companies are starting to use sidewalk time. The company is rapidly increas- today of less than 10 million units,
robots to deliver groceries, improving ing the cost efficiency of its manufac- limited by the number of people who
the last-mile delivery space. turing operation, and the cost of as- can afford a car that costs nearly
Last, but not least, sustainability sembling a car is falling fast. The only $40,000, or more. But it has already
is becoming a big factor in mobility. constraint over the next five to 10 demonstrated that its effective ad-
Sustainability at Goodyear means we years will be manufacturing capacity. dressable market is 2 ½ times that,
balance environmental, social, and If Tesla maintains the current pace because for every two drivers coming
financial demands without compro- of growth in its production capacity, it from this premium market, Tesla at-
mising the ability of future genera- should be in a position to sell about 20 tracts three from the non-premium
tions to meet their needs. We are million units in 2030, versus barely market who are trading up to Tesla.

Photograph by Nick Hagen

stressing sustainability in our Good- one million last year. Between now There is so much pent-up demand
year Ventures investments by enabling and 2030, Tesla has what it takes to coming from that trade-up. Tesla will
electrification, accessibility, driving get there. Then there’s the question need two to three years to meet that
safety, and less congestion through of how fast other auto companies demand with cars at today’s price
tire-intelligence collaborations. can ramp up their EV production. points, and will continue to generate
Starship robots are used for meal delivery on the campus of Bowl- Recently, we heard from the CEO of 30% gross margins. In three years,
EVs represent about 5% of the U.S. ing Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Rivian Automotive [RIVN] that it is Tesla will have a car priced at $25,000,
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 15

We are bullish on
Tesla because it is
the market leader.
Tesla has about a
20% share of the
global EV market.”
Gary Black

which will extend its addressable mar-

ket to more than 50 million units per
year. I don’t know when the company
becomes demand-constrained.
As for the comparison with Apple,
the companies are more similar than
you might think. Apple doesn’t manu-
facture its own products—it has a
symbiotic relationship with Taiwan
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Semiconductor Manufacturing
[TSM] and Foxconn Technology
[2354.Taiwan]—but it controls the
product end to end, from the hard-
ware to the software, service fees, and
platform. That is also the Tesla model.
Apple came into a world in which
contract manufacturing was already
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mature. It didn’t exist in the same way

in the car-manufacturing industry.
Apple had the possibility to leverage
a flexible, efficient, third-party manu-
facturing system, and Tesla didn’t.

Before this becomes the Tesla

roundtable, where do the rest of
you see investment opportunities?
Jolly: We foresee 35% EV penetration
[of new car sales] in the U.S. by 2030.
There are 17 million new cars sold in
the U.S. in a normalized year, but there
are almost 300 million vehicles on the
road already. We focus on the compa-
Gary Black
nies that service and repair those cars.
To Buy: The average age of vehicles on the road
today is 12 years. We like companies
Tesla / TSLA such as Genuine Parts [GPC] and
$952.62 O’Reilly Automotive [ORLY]. They
generate over $1.5 billion in free cash
Uber flow per year from the distribution of
Technologies / aftermarket parts. We also like Monro
UBER [MNRO], which has 50% exposure to
$28.10 tires. Lastly, Universal Technical
Institute [UTI] trains technicians;
Prices as of 5/4/22.
Source: FactSet Photograph by LAWRENCE AGYEI
16 BARRON’S May 9, 2022 May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 17

cle data in a user-friendly way, and stock could be a great value play.
allow users to share data to help get Black: To continue the Apple analogy,
services such as insurance tailored to who were the dominant players in
their driving needs and styles. mobile phones before the iPhone
Tesla is innovating eight to 12 times We are extremely excited about launched? Nokia [NOK], BlackBerry
connectivity—the ability to digitize [BB], Motorola, and Samsung Elec-
faster than anyone else in the world the contact point of the car to the road, tronics [005930.Korea]. Three of the
which happens through the tire. If you four really don’t exist anymore as mo-
in terms of manufacturing.” can do that, you can achieve much bile-phone companies. They couldn’t
greater safety and efficiency. compete with Apple. I put the iPhone
in the same category as Tesla. From a
Pierre Ferragu We’re almost an hour into this technology standpoint, Apple didn’t
discussion, and no one has men- stand still. It kept improving the prod-
tioned Ford Motor [F] or General uct, and that’s what you’re seeing with
automotive is a big part of their busi- and is building it out in other places Motors [GM]. They are spending Tesla. I don’t see GM and Ford out-
ness. The industry is going to need to support its fleet operations, which tens of billions of dollars to de- innovating Tesla. Unless Ford and GM
technicians, especially as Tesla’s Model include 100% electric cars and electric velop EVs—and catch up to Tesla. separate their EV businesses from
S and Model Y come off warranty. mopeds. And, it has opened up the What are their prospects? their ICE businesses and build sepa-
charging infrastructure to third parties. Black: Ford and GM are going to rate EV companies almost from
How will greater EV adoption im- We have also invested in AmpUp, struggle. Ford’s new Mustang Mach-E scratch, they are going to have a hard
pact traditional service providers, which makes charging more conve- [an all-electric Mustang] has gotten time gaining traction in EVs in the
such as Genuine Parts and O’Reilly? nient for users, fleets, and facilities the most traction, but even then, the same way that Motorola, Nokia, and
Jolly: We estimate that EVs will ac- managers. AmpUp’s software allows company can’t produce enough. ICE Blackberry failed to gain traction,
count for about 2% of the U.S. after- for choice and control. For drivers, [internal combustion engine] vehicles even though they had a huge head
market, or vehicles more than six years AmpUp offers a dedicated mobile app still account for 91% of industry sales. start versus the iPhone.
old, by 2030. Those vehicles will re- to locate chargers and schedule charg- Ford and GM have deliberately tried Ferragu: Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y
quire about 30% less work than tradi- ing. For charging-station owners, it not to cannibalize their base business. are very competitive in price against
tional vehicles. EV adoption will be a helps control who receives access to That’s a mistake. an equivalent ICE Mercedes or BMW.
small drag on aftermarket outfits like charging, provides analytics, and opti- You have to go after the heart of But Tesla has a 30% gross profit mar-
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Genuine Parts and O’Reilly in the next mizes energy usage. For fleets and your business and not be afraid to gin. It costs a traditional auto maker
few years, crimping demand by about utilities, AmpUp can provide energy cannibalize yourself, recognizing that typically $10,000 to electrify a car.
60 basis points [six-tenths of a percent- controls to deliver higher uptime. EVs at some point are going to be This is an enormous challenge for
age point] through 2030. The big four These are two examples of compa- 100% of the market. We are starting them. How can they compete with
aftermarket distributors can double nies facilitating the software/hard- to see that with the introduction of the Tesla if it makes electric cars more
their market share in a bull case, going ware combination required for EV Ford F-150 Lightning and Porsche cheaply than their ICE cars, and they
from 40% to 80%, as they have signifi- charging to work broadly. Taycan. Traditional car makers will be have to spend $10,000 more to make
cant ability to invest in the future. more successful in the EV world if an electric car?
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Ganguly: From our standpoint as a What is the revenue opportunity, they bring out EV versions of their But Carolina is saying something
tire company, electrification is a tre- or total addressable market, for best-selling brands, rather than trying important: You don’t want to underes-
mendous opportunity. EVs demand EV connectivity? to launch new brands with an EV timate the economic momentum of the
very different performance character- Ganguly: There’s a lot to be done once moniker. legacy auto makers. Also, the U.S. auto
istics. We also recognize the need to you put hardware in the ground. There Jolly: I might take the other side of that industry has enormous political sup-
manage the duality in the near term— are simple things, like remotely man- argument, even though I agree with port. I expect the industry to survive,
namely, the different types of vehicles aging hardware and performing diag- some of Gary’s points. GM generates but the next 10 to 20 years are going to
coexisting in the marketplace. And, nostics. We envision a world of SaaS about $150 billion of revenue annually. be extremely challenging. These com-
we see an opportunity in infrastruc- [software as a service] opportunities It has said it will double that revenue panies will need financial lifelines from
ture, both in the software used in EV based on this installed hardware base. by 2030, including $50 billion in their governments. In some ways, they
chargers and in putting chargers in On the connectivity side, we are still Pierre Ferragu Cruise [autonomous] and $90 billion are too big to fail, or too big to lose sig-
the right places. We are investing in in the process of understanding the in EV. ICE vehicles will account for nificant market share to new entrants.
companies that make charging easier TAM. The connected car allows for To Buy: 65% of sales through 2030, but tradi-
for end-users, whether consumers or new value propositions. Car compo- tional auto makers also have dealership How do non-U.S. auto makers
fleets. We’re studying the vehicle-to- nents can be connected to the internet Tesla / TSLA networks that provide parts and ser- stack up?
grid intersection, and the potential for to provide better safety and efficiency $952.62 vice. Currently, pure-EV manufactur- Black: Volkswagen [VOW3.Germany]
vehicles to return energy to the grid. and predictive maintenance. For exam- ers don’t have this. GM generates sig- has been pretty aggressive about going
These and other areas allow for new ple, an intelligent, connected tire can Uber nificant cash flow, but trades for only a after the EV business. Toyota Motor
software-development opportunities. communicate tire health and, in the Technologies / mid-single-digit earnings multiple. [TM] is still the world’s No. 1 auto
There are also hardware opportunities future, alert road conditions to drivers. UBER From an enterprise-value perspective, maker. It has two best-selling brands:
in the charging-station infrastructure. In addition, we are expecting block-
chain-enabled smart contracts to help
$28.10 once you back out stakes in Cruise, the the Camry and RAV4. Toyota has been
FinCo [finance company] book, and the slow at adapting to the EV world. That
Which start-ups in these areas connected cars with unique VIN num- Grab Holdings / net cash on the balance sheet, GE could hurt them, so I would put them
should investors keep an eye on? bers make payments automatically for GRAB trades for one to two times Ebitda in the loser’s box. The negative argu-
Ganguly: Revel is a Brooklyn, N.Y.– tolls, fuel, and such, and also interact [earnings before interest, taxes, depre- ment for Tesla is: Can they produce 10
based EV-only ride-share company in with city infrastructure and other $3.18 ciation, and amortization]. To me, GM’s million units per year by 2030 with
our portfolio. It has installed its own cars. Web 3.0 start-ups may also help only two models? No auto maker has
Prices as of 5/4/22.
charging infrastructure in Brooklyn, allow connected cars to display vehi- Source: FactSet Photograph by BENEDICT EVANS been able to do more than about a mil-
18 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

GM generates

significant cash flow,
but trades for only a
earnings multiple. To
me, GM’s stock could
be a great value play.”
A. Carolina Jolly
lion per year.

Autonomous driving is an alluring

concept, but it hasn’t yielded
much yet in the way of real-world
applications. What is the outlook?
Ganguly: We have made a few invest-
ments in the autonomous world. We
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are investors in Starship Technolo-

gies, a mobility company whose au-
tonomous robots handle last-mile
delivery of groceries and meals; last
mile is the most expensive part of
delivery. The robots operate on side-
walks, which eliminates many of the
A. Carolina Jolly regulatory hurdles that come
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with operating on roads. On-demand

To Buy: ordering and contactless delivery saw
explosive growth during the Covid
Parts / GPC
We have also invested in Gatik, an
$135.18 autonomous trucking company
working on middle-mile logistics—
O’Reilly that is, business-to-business logistics
Automotive / ORLY for the retail industry. We are work-
$628.08 ing on connected-tire technology. We
see ourselves playing an important
Monro / MNRO role in making autonomy safe and
efficient. Focusing on point-to-point
$46.17 delivery seems a more solvable prob-
lem than full-scale autonomy. Both of
these companies allow us to work on
Institute / UTI a subset of the autonomy problem,
but there are people looking at this
$10.96 space through a much wider lens.

Copart / CPRT Are there attractive public compa-

$118.83 nies in the autonomy arena?
Jolly: Our focus, again, isn’t on who
Snap-on / SNA is going to win in EVs or autonomous
vehicles, but which companies are
$227.95 going to benefit from these trends.
Prices as of 5/4/22.
Source: FactSet Photograph by BENEDICT EVANS
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 19

Greater penetration of autonomous autonomy?

technology over the next five years Ferragu: None of it. For now, I am
means more-advanced sensors and forecasting 30% gross profit margins
sensor-based parts on vehicles. The for Tesla, in line with their current “History shows that it doesn’t pay to try
addition of this technology means two performance. In the long run, auton-
things: People probably will be able to omous might contribute to that level to time the stock market, but there are
do less work themselves on their cars, of profitability, or add to it. It will
so companies with exposure to repair
will do well. Second, those sensors
depend on how unique their technol-
ogy is.
times when risk levels have increased
likely will require more frequent recali- Black: We put no valuation on
bration, so cars will go in for repairs Tesla’s autonomy offerings, either. to a point where it is wise to have a
more often than in the past. Every innovation you’ve seen in the
In addition to Monro, Genuine automobile in the past 60 years, safety net – like dividends.”
Parts, and O’Reilly, we like Snap-on whether automatic transmission,
[SNA], which sell tools to repair anti-lock brakes, or turbo-charging,
shops. We expect them to make has been copied by all companies. It - Jim Cullen, Chairman & CEO
more-valuable tools as autonomous is hard to say that any one company
technology penetrates the market. We will gain significant market share.
also like Copart [CPRT], which auc- Right now, the take rate on FSD
tions salvaged vehicles. [full self-driving] at Tesla is under
As the market transitions to au- 10% globally, and about 15% in the
High Dividend Equity
tonomous vehicles, new technologies, U.S. People will say that’s because it
especially sensor-based tech, are doesn’t work yet; it’s only a Level 2
driving up the cost and value of re- system [partial automation]. But even Enhanced Equity Income
pair. Increasingly, it is more expen- once Tesla gets to Level 4 or Level 5,
sive for insurance companies to pay other companies will reach the same
for the repair of these vehicles than it point. Value Equity
is to scrap and auction them out. This
creates an opportunity for Copart. Practically speaking, how will
Small Cap Value
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autonomous driving roll out over

Pierre, what are your thoughts the next few years?
on the future of autonomy? Black: Elon has been promising it
Ferragu: We are making good prog-
ress on autonomous cars driving
will be this year for at least five or six
years, and we’re still not there. First,
International High Dividend
safely, but the real challenge is mis- we are several years away from the
sion delivery: making sure the car
does the job in finding the person to
point where regulators will approve
autonomous vehicles that don’t re-
Emerging Markets High Dividend
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pick up and figuring out where to quire you to sit in the driver’s seat
drop her off, for instance. Autono- and keep both hands on the wheel.
mous technology needs the right en- Second, everybody in the industry is Water Impact
vironments to flourish, meaning an working on this.
existing infrastructure, with an exist- Tesla believes in what it calls a
ing fleet of human drivers already generalized solution, meaning FSD
delivering a service, into which we’ll beta features have all been perfected.
be able to progressively introduce Tesla can push a button and FSD will
driverless vehicles. work everywhere. Other companies
When it comes to assisted driv- are using more of a geofenced frame-
ing—a car driving by itself but with work, whereby they master one mar-
the driver still behind the wheel, ket and then roll it out to additional
ready to take over and able to super- markets. It is hard to see how this For further information, please contact Schafer Cullen Capital Management
vise—we are particularly bullish on scales quickly, so I struggle with it 212.644.1800 • •
Tesla. They have the best technology. from an investment standpoint. More
For driverless services, we are bullish important, regulators aren’t going to
on ride-sharing leaders such as Uber favor one company over another;
Technologies [UBER], Grab Hold- they are going to try to give every- Schafer Cullen Capital Management is an independent investment advisor
ings [GRAB], and DiDi Global body an equal playing field. Hence, registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. This information should
[DIDI], which are best positioned to it is hard to value. not be used as the primary basis for any investment decision nor, should it be
introduce driverless vehicles in their Ganguly: We are watching point-to- construed as advice to meet a particular investment need. It should not be
fleets. We are more prudent on play- point applications, and expect those assumed that any security transaction, holding or sector discussed has been
ers like Waymo [a subsidiary of Al- problems to be solved earlier than or will be profitable, or that future recommendations or decisions we make will
phabet (GOOGL)] and Cruise, which some of the broader, more challenging be profitable or equal the investment performance discussed herein. A list of all
are trying to develop driverless fleets problems the AV industry is pursuing. recommendations made by the Adviser in this strategy is available upon request
by themselves. We expect to see a lot happen on the
for the 12 months prior to the date of this report.
Black: Pierre, how much of your sidewalk, including autonomous de-
$1,580 Tesla price target reflects livery of goods. We are also working
20 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

We are extremely excited
about connectivity—the ability
to digitize the contact point
of the car to the road, which
happens through the tire.”
Abhijit Ganguly

with and watching robo-taxi-type

applications. We see autonomy hap-
pening first in segments where safety
can be assured more quickly.

Pierre mentioned Uber. Do the rest

of you have favorites in the ride-
sharing industry?
Ferragu: In ride-sharing and delivery,
we see a strong network effect. It is a
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competitive market with no barriers to

entry on greenfields. But as competi-
tion intensifies, scale becomes critical
and only the largest two players sur-
vive. We call that natural duopolies,
and natural duopolies usually result
in very strong economics for the mar-
ket leader, whereas the No. 2 will have
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

a harder time. We like Uber and Grab,

and we would like DiDi as much in a
different political setup.
The pinnacle of that world is when
you have the No. 1 food-delivery com-
pany and No. 1 ride-sharing player
combined in one company, and that is
the case with Grab. It is No. 1 in five Abhijit Ganguly
countries in Southeast Asia in both
delivery and ride sharing. Uber is No. Companies
To Watch:
1 in about 40% of the world in ride
sharing, and has exited other markets. Revel
In addition, in most of their markets EV ride-share,
they are a very strong No. 2—and mopeds,
sometimes even No. 1—in food deliv- charging stations
ery, as well.
Black: We like Uber, too, for the rea- AmpUp
sons discussed. Also, it is a reopening
play. Uber is selling for less than two software
times enterprise value to revenue, and
will be profitable in 2023. They have Starship
formed a duopoly with a lot of pricing Technologies
discipline. We own Uber in the Future Autonomous
Fund. robots

Thanks, Gary, and everyone. B
trucks serving
Photograph by ROSS MANTLE B2B customers

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