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Valeros, Ivy Angel M.

Module 3: Lesson1 (Week 7-8)

Teaching and Learning Theories of Mathematics
In your psychology class, who are the proponents of following?
Behaviorism - B.F. Skinner
Cognitive -Jean Piaget

Based on your experience in learning mathematics, what would be the most important
consideration for a teacher in teaching mathematics? Justify your answer.

The teacher's resourcefulness and creativity will help pupils understand the concepts
easily and boost their motivation to learn. It is important to be a resourceful teacher to make
the learning and teaching process meaningful and engaging for our pupils. Being a
resourceful teacher is being able to consider different options or resources that can fulfill the
objectives and learning methods of the students.

What does this imply in the teaching-learning process?

Like the name implies, naturalistic learners adore the outdoors and the natural world.
They learn best outdoors and can simply relate to ideas involving plants, animals, or pretty
much any subject found in nature.

In the study Pre-service Teachers’ Fieldtrip to the Battleship: Teaching and

Learning Mathematics through an Informal Learning Experience (Johnson et al., 2009), What
are the advantages of informal learning? Write three (3).

 it could allow for more hands-on learning experiences for students.

 promote discovery in classrooms no matter the discipline area.
 informal learning settings make it possible for students to become engaged in real life

In the work of Lessani et al. (2016) on Comparison of Learning Theories in Mathematics
Teaching Methods, what does behaviorism imply to teaching mathematics?

The behaviorist approach is used in a mathematics class where the teacher examines
previous content and homework before demonstrating basic problem solving and having the
students practice it in their seats. This teaching strategy of emphasizing the teacher as a
knowledge transmitter, or teaching by example, is typical of behaviorist theory. Using the
behaviorists' idea, the dominant approach to teaching mathematics is lecture-based and
What are the stages in the revised taxonomy of objectives?
A. Identify the following.

Cognitive Skills 1. This is the main application of cognitive theory.

Remembering 2. The last stage in the revised taxonomy of objectives.
Jean Piaget 3. The proponent of cognitive learning theory.
Behavioral Learning Psychology 4. It is the other term of behaviorist learning theory.
Cognitive Theory 5. It is a learning theory characterized by a progressive reorganization of
mental processes.

B. Answer substantially (10 pts).

Constructivists believe that students are not passive recipients of knowledge but they create
(construct) new mathematical knowledge by reflecting on their physical and mental actions.
What does this mean and imply to you as a teacher in the future?

According to constructivism theory, children construct new information upon their

prior knowledge by using it as a basis. And as a future educator, I've concluded that we ought
to act as facilitators by observing and guiding our students. Applying constructivism in the
classroom should frequently include group projects; this tends to be helpful for students to be
passive thinking, reading, analyzing, and composing. Also, in debates and discussions in
class, with constructivism, students are free to contest any notion.
Constructivism improves social and interpersonal skills by promoting a cooperative
and idea-sharing teaching environment. Students must learn how to accurately explain their
thoughts as well as how to actively engage in activities by participating in the mentioned
classroom activities.

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