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Well hello again ladies and Gentlemen, it is I once more, The new hero of chaos.

I know it has
been ages since I have been seen around but I am still alive, and I am still inspired to write, but
anyway. I'll get back to the actual story now, see ya in the story!

KINGDOM HEARTS: The War of Light and Darkness.

Chapter 9


It had maybe been 3 hours since the heroes had entered the castle and spoke to Ansem the
wise about everything. Soul Barrens, The Alliance of Darkness, Ichigo and Sora being half
brothers. Neither of them new how to take it at the moment, Ichigo wanted to try and maybe
talk to him about it, he also wanted to try and contact Ryuken, because he was maybe the only
person who knew just exactly Isshin had done in his past, as the stood there looking out the
window of the restoration corporation building as everyone else was doing something. Uryu,
Darren, and Nemu were exploring their new Gummi ship which was still under construction,
Orihime had taken Rangiku out to try and cheer her now often depressed disposition. Rukia and
Renji where off doing...something, Grimmjow and Soifon were off with Yuffie aiding the RGRC
trying to help them clear out a place called "The Cistern" which is apparently crawling with
Heartless, as they are called.

Elsewhere Byakuya and Yoruichi had gone to try out an apparent Tea House, Ulquiorra and
Kimiko were off doing something of their own, probably something Kimiko wanted, he couldn't
say no to anything she says. He didn't know if that was was a good or bad thing about there
relationship. And lastly Raion and Kenpachi were outside sparring, Raion trying to perfect his
skills as him and Kenpachi was always happy to oblige. No one ever talked about it but many
people felt Kenpachi saw a lot in Raion, treating him much like how a father would treat his son.
And as always Yachiru was close by as she cheered on both of them as their blades clashed
again and again. Ichigo then turned from the window, grabbing Zangetsu and strapping it to his
back before he went to go for a walk

Sora at this time was out with Riku, Kairi, and Tom, the latter having invited himself along with
them but none of them really minded, each with a milkshake in hand as Sora then suddenly
spoke up saying "Was I a little too harsh earlier?" He asks the others as there is an extended
pause before Tom then speaks up

"If you were looking for the truth I'd say yes, you didn't give that Ichigo bloke a single chance for
anything, I mean, I'm an orphan, the closest thing I've ever had to family was a crew I had back
at the Traverse Town Orphanage, so if I learned I had any family, even from a father I never
knew, I'd take it" he said before he took a big drink of his shake before he grunted and grabbed
his head "Fack, brain freeze" he said as the others laughed.
Sora then went quiet again as he then thought about this as Kairi then said "I think he is good
guy, he doesn't seem to have any reason not to try and be a friend, or a brother to you" She said
before she grabbed her head, a rush of stinging pain rushing through her head as she whined
from pain.

Riku then said "Brain Freeze as well?" He asked as she shook her head

"It's so much worse" she said as she held her head as Sora grabbed her shoulders as she then
said "It's a darkness, it's coming from Villains Vale" she said as she would then feel it subside,
her then standing up as she would then look to the three guys with her "Come on, let's go!" She
said as she then put down some muney before she dashed off as the others did the same, save
Tom who then ported from the room and was next to the three as they rushed off to Villains

As a bit away from the Vale Grimmjow punched a shadow out of mid air as it then dispersed
upon impact, as Soifon cut down several more as she landed. Yuffie watching from a cliff as she
cut down another with her massive shuriken. "You guys are good at this" she said as she flipped
down to join them. Grimmjow chuckling as he points at the huge tower in the distance, more
resembling a twisted dead tree

"That place, it has some bad mojo about it, the hell is it?" He said as he slipped his hands into
his pockets as Soifon moved next to them as Yuffie sighed out

"That is The Villains Vale" she said as she would then put her shuriken on her back "It's believed
to be the base of operation of Malificent and her cronies, issue is that it seems to be populated
by more Heartless than we believed imaginable, we have never managed to get past the first
line of them before they overwhelm us all" she finished as she walked over to the edge and
peered down. Grimmjow and Soifon soon joining as they looked down into the pit as they saw
the writhing mass of heartless, resembling an ocean of black and yellow as Grimmjow cracked
his knuckles and grinned a wild grin

"I think I could have me some fun here" he said as he reached for pantera at his side. But was
stopped by Sora yelling out to them. The three turning around as Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Tom
arrived. "Hey guys, what's up" he said as Sora caught his breath after the apparent rush he had
taken to get there

"Kairi felt something weird and we came down here to check it out" he said as around as Riku
then said

"You guys also did pretty damn good clearing out the Heartless along the paths, I don't
remember it ever being this cleared" he said said as Grimmjow chuckled and Soifon smiled.
But before anything else could be said suddenly everyone was stopped by a feeling of immense
pressure, Grimmjow and Soifon felt like it was spiritual pressure, but everyone else felt it, as
Sora and Riku looked as if they were severely strained as Kairi knees were beginning to buckle,
but Grimmjow applied some of his as it dispersed.

Standing on a nearby cliff was a young man who didn't look any older than Riku. With ebony
hair and almost glowing eyes, wearing a black shirt and dark blue jacket. With pants and shoes.
He looked down at them while he smirked "Well well, glad that worked to draw you out" he said
with a laugh as he held out his hand and a mass of black formed in his hand, it soon shifting into
a black bladed, red guarded Keyblade which all three recognized as Taker of Hearts, a
corrupted Keyblade Riku used during his corruption by Xehanort's heartless.

"Impossible!" Riku shouted as he was trembling from Anger

"I destroyed that Keyblade, I know because I had to drive it through my own chest to do so!" He
said as The man laughed

"My name is Cole, I was born from Darkness! As was this Keyblade, however it's incomplete, I
require something from you sora. Your Ultima Keychain, give it to me" he said as he pointed his
blade at Sora.

Who summoned Ultima to his hand and then said "The come and have it!" He yelled as he
jumped up at Cole who leaped down at him at the same time as there blades clashed. The two
exchanged slashes before suddenly Cole jumped away as a blast of red shot past him.
Grimmjow looking at Cole as his hand was extended and smoking.

"Don't even think about forgetting that I'm here!" He said as Cole scoffed

"Guess I meet to do something to keep you all occupied" he said before he would then slam a
hand down into the ground as suddenly dark portals opened up around them. Two Darksides
rising up from the ground as Grimmjow looked at them

"The fuck?" He said before he was suddenly swatted aside by one and into into a cliff face.

Soifon quickly shunpoed over to him to check if he was okay. The blue haired arrancar shaking
his head as Riku yelled "me and Kairi will handle one, you and Soifon handle the other" he said
as Grimmjow grumbled about getting bossed around around by a kid. But after Soifon nudged
him some he then jumped into battle with her against one of these colossal things.

As the other four broke off to battle Sora and Cole were caught up in their own fight, the two
clashing blades over and over as Sora went for a went for a huge overhead swing that was
blocked by Cole who kicked the Keyblader in the ribs before he punched him across the face,
sending sending him skidding along the ground before he stood up, his body becoming blue
before he exited in Wisdom form. Aiming his Keyblade at Cole before he began to fire a
massive barrage of blasts at him at Cole tried to dodge and weave from the blasts as he would
then vanish in darkness. Only to be above Sora and fire a huge blast of dark energy at him,
Sora created created a shield which held up but cracked under the attack. But when it faded he
raised his keyblade and created huge lightning bolt which struck down at the darkness user,
who jumped away just before impact.

Sora then shifted out of his drive form before slashing several times at Cole who blocked each
one and returned with a series of slashes, which Sora blocked in return as the two held a
Stalemate. Meanwhile Riku and Kairi were facing off against one one of the Darksides as they
dodged it's swings a me blasts of energy as Riku was getting frustrated by this damn thing. He
slashed at a wrist as it came at him. As Kairi flipped over a swing as she fired several blasts of
Frizaga to try and stun but to no avail as her and Riku looked to each other as the giant
heartless slammed it's hand down at them to which they dodged. Before Riku dashed up its
arm, Kairi close behind as they both jumped up and slashed at its head as they stunned it. As
then they both aimed there Keyblades down before they both blasted large beams at it. A beam
of Darkness from Riku, and a beam of Light from Kairi, as the two beams melded and blasted
through the darkside. Causing Causing it Causing it to Causing it to fade from existence as the
two landed. On the ground, Kairi breathing a bit heavily.

As meanwhile Grimmjow and Soifon had there Darkside well in hand. As Soifon held her hands
together as she then said "Bakudo #63. Hyapporankan!" As she then created a white rod of
energy and then tossed it at The Darkside as it then multiplied into a hundred identical rods
which impaled into the darkside as it was rendered immobile. As then Grimmjow pulled his
sword from the sheath slightly as he would then run his hand across the blade causing his hand
to bleed before he sheathed the blade and went down to a knee before he raised the bleeding
hand and said loudly "Gran Rey Cero!" Before he unleashed a huge blue Cero from his hand
which completely destroyed the darkside. As Grimmjow smirked victoriously, Soifon landing and
kissing his cheek as the two smirked at each other other a bit.

At this point Cole realized that he was now at a disadvantage. So he needed to do something
quick to retake an advantage, as such he blasted a beam of Darkness at the still recovering
Kairi. As this happened Sora stepped in the way am took th blast right to his chest as it stunned
him, Cole taking his chance and rushing in at stunned he grabbed the chain at the bottom of the
Ultima Keyblade, ripping it off before he jumped away just as Grimmjow tried to punch him, and
Riku slashed at him. Sora falling to his knees, holding his chest, coughing in pain at stunned
was some blood fell from his lips.

Cole landed on a nearby Cliffside as he then hooked the Ultima Keychain to his Taker of Hearts.
The blade then shifted, the key like attachment shifting into a straight sword blade, a black and
grey feathered wing appearing where the teeth of of a key should be, a pair of wings forming the
guard, with a pair of folded wings over over a black heart making the key chain as he held up
his new Keyblade. Laughing a bit as as he then made it vanish.
Grimmjow then fired another Cero at Cole who then vanished into into a portal of darkness at
the last moment as Grimmjow cursed loudly. As Riku and Kairi pulled Sora up to his feet who
said "Damn him" as he stumbled before Soifon then said loudly "Hold the phone, where did
Yuffie and Tom go?" As then the two suddenly appeared back with the group.

Yuffie then saying "Sorry that we vanished right a as the fighting began, but Tom helped me get
into a Villains Vale while the rest of you were fighting, and I managed to snag something juicy"
she said as she held up a sealed letter.

Sora sighed and then tried to walk and said "At least this wasn't and total bust" he said before
he groaned and then fell back to a knee as he coughed up a bit more blood as he groaned
"Damn that hit hard" he said as Kairi would then look at him, giving his arm a squeeze before

"Don't hurt yourself for me, please" she said as Sora would look at her a moment before he
nodded and stood up with her help as the group would begin to make there way back to Radiant

As else where a portal opened opened as Cole fell through it and landed as he laughed a bit.
Before he dusted himself off and looked over and a figure walked from the darkness "So, did
everything work out?" The figure said as Cole smirked and raised his hand as his new keyblade
appeared in hand

"Dark Angel, ain't she beautiful" he said before dismissing it, walking over to the figure as he
took and took a good look at the dark skinned, silver haired man known as Xemnas.

But as the two were about to head along they stopped, confronted by a small brigade of men in
white. The leader of this group, Sosuke Aizen, approached as he smiled softly "Hmm, maybe
you are the ones we are looking for"

Oh shit! What's gonna happen now! Aizen and Xemnas, and whoever Xemnas is working for,
possibly working together, Scary shit man! On an unrelated note. This story is old, and was
started a long time ago, way before the end of the Aizen arc and before all this new bullshit in
bleach. As such, it won't be referenced. That is all. But to all who follow, I'll try try and keep
posting. And working on other stories. Hope Hope you enjoyed this. The New Hero of chaos,
signing out

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