Guidance Office Centralized Information Database System Final 3

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Ma. Naidlly Hope C. Lira

Geraldine M. Ramos
Joselle M. Santarina

an IT Project Presented to the Faculty of the College for Research and Technology of
Cabanatuan in Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology

College for Research & Technology of Cabanatuan




The Guidance Office’s purpose is to deliver high-quality service to students, potential

students, and staff in an accessible, user-friendly way with a single point of contact. It

emphasizes providing comprehensive, student-focused service and ensuring that each student’s

experience of student administration and support is positive and effective.

The guidance provides help or advice that tells you what to do. It is the process of

controlling the course of a projectile by a built-in mechanism. It is to overcome problems and

issues with oneself or a group. Some people want to overcome fear or childhood issues.

An essential aspect of the Guidance program is acknowledging that some students require

special assistance in dealing with developmental problems and immediate conflict. This teacher

and other staff in direct contact with the students need support that the guidance program can

best supply. The guidance program, moreover, is based on the belief that all students, such as

those with challenging needs, have the right to benefit from practical instruction to ensure

optimal development.

The Fort Magsaysay National High School Guidance Office has been using the manual

processing of guidance information and monitoring student information for many years. With the

growth of the population of students enrolled in the school, the guidance office should perform

more efforts to maintain reliable and accurate data. This system is designed to provide
capabilities for managing student information, including tracking student offenses and penalties

of other student-related data in school.

This project is built in PHP as a programming language and MySQL for the database, and

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the design of this project.


The researcher built this project to ease the process of recording every student who has a

violation or who else will have a breach in the school. This project was created in PHP as a

programming language and MySQL for the database, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the

design of this project.

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

This Conceptual Framework shows the system's IPO, input, process, and output. The

input information will be responsible for a, log-in form, teachers, guidance councilor and

student. The process included student records, good moral form and student information form.

The output was the whole system.


The study aims to answer the following questions.

1. How to create a Guidance Office Centralized Information System using PHP and MySQL?

2. How would the system record the problem and violations of a student in the guidance office?

3. How would the system track the records of students by using this program?


General Objectives

The primary objective of this capstone project is to create a database system using

HTML, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, and MySQL for guidance office systems that can give further

notice to its students that will have violations.

Specific Objectives

The following are the specific objectives of the proposed system:

 To create a Guidance Office Centralized Information System using PHP and MySQL.

 The system would record the problem and violations of students in the guidance office.

 The plan would track the records of students by using this program.

 The factors that the program commonly observes.



This study focuses on Guidance Office Centralized Information System that helps

guidance office counselors. The system is intended for two users: Administrator and Guidance

Counselors. The system includes:

Login Module- access provided login form for the Administrator and Counselors for security

and privacy.

Guidance Management Module- contains overall records such as Student Information Form,

Violators and Violation Form, and Good Moral Form to be generated.

Student Information Form- where all the information the students need is encoded by the

Guidance Counselors. The guidance Counselors may only see this.

Student Record Form- displays the list of student information (basic information, Parents'

Information, Educational background, health record, and problem or concern data). Both users

may see this.

Violators and Violation Form- contains the name of the student who violated and its violation.

Good Moral Form- where the guidance counselor provides a printed document.


The system can only be accessed at the Fort Magsaysay National High School. The

authorized personnel of the Guidance office can only use it. It is only for monitoring and saving

student information needed for the guidance office.


Review of the Related Literature Studies

According to Rachel Torres Alegado, Almond M. Alegado and Gloria M. Alcantara

[ALEG2021], The developed Record Management System for Guidance and Counseling Center

of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology aimed to provide software application

that will manage the record of student and provides fast and easy access of personal information

of students. The functions focused in adding and updating students’ information/profile by using

the application. The user can produce a printed copy of the record of student. The development

of the Record Management System underwent the phases for System Development Life Cycle.

Confirming to Jennifer T. Agustin and Carlos L. Babaran, Jr [AGUS2021], The guidance

service as an integral part of the education focuses on the programs and services for the students

that might be significant to their optimum achievement in life. The student records collected by

their office are used to enhance the counselling process, and to know and understand an

individual. Hence, guidance and counselling is important to address the academic, vocational,

social, and personal needs of the students. This study is conducted to help the guidance office

perform their tasks by integrating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in their

field. The Guidance Records Management System with Short Message Service (SMS)

Notification developed to assist their needs in recording, keeping, and managing the cumulative

records of the students, as well as tendered admission slips of the students to monitor their

attendance and referred incident reports by teachers for their observed behavior inside the school.

The guidance office can efficiently send notification to the parent or guardian through SMS once
the student gets involved in any incident, such as delinquency in academics, absenteeism or

frequent cutting of classes, and/or other behavioral reasons.

In accordance with Theresa Mee S. Habagat [HABA2017], The utilization of advanced

technology in colleges and universities has led to increase efficiency in processing and

exchanging of records, maintaining data quality, and production is leading to increase quality

education and services. The study aimed to design and develop a computerized system to

improve the student record management at the Guidance Office of Jose Rizal Memorial State

University-Katipunan Campus, Philippines. The automated student record system computerizes

the student records such as data from student record form, psychological test results, counseling

notes, admission slips, referral slips and generates good moral certificates.

As stated by Douglas Kunda and Alinaswe Siame [KUND2017], This paper reviews,

some of the research work done in the evolution of PHP applications that have been around and

are vastly used. PHP is currently one of the most popular programming languages, widely used

in both the open source community and in industry to build large web-focused applications and

application frameworks. This review looks at how PHP applications have evolved in terms of the

use of libraries, the software maturity, adoption of object-orientation paradigm, the evolution of

complexity and security. The results suggest that these systems undergo systematic maintenance

and evolution is helping the underlying programming language to grow.

As reported by Nedyalko Katrandzhiev, Daniel Hristozov and Borislav Milenkov

[KATR2019], The paper explains the need for using up-to-date security methods in order to

protect some of the most sensitive information in every system: user passwords. MD5, SHA1,

bcrypt and Argon2 have been compared as password hashing algorithms. The recommendations
in this paper will help developers create systems with up-to-date security and avoid poor hashing


According to Frank Kromann [KROM2018], PHP released version 7 with many

language enhancements and improvements to performance, in some cases more than twice as fast

and using less than half the memory compared to PHP 5.6. During the writing of this book,

version 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2 was released; and before the ink on this book is dry, PHP 7.3 will be

released. The MySQL database has also seen many changes. First of all, the acquisition by

Oracle and subsequent release of Maria DB, a fork of the MysQL version with both performance

and feature improvements and a fast-growing community, has taken the new version to heart. It

is, in fact, the standard MySQL database on many Linux distributions today. This book will

teach you to install and configure PHP and MySQL with both performance and security in mind

and highlight some of the new functionality available in PHP 7 as well as new data types

supported by the current version of MySQL.

In accordance to Paul Beynon-Davies [DAVI2017], the idea of a database as an abstract

machine. An abstract machine is a model of the key features of some system without any detail

of implementation. The objective of this chapter is to describe the major components of a

database system without introducing any formal notation, or introducing any concepts of

representation, develop- ment or implementation. All of the concepts introduced in this chapter

are elaborated upon in further chapters. Most modern-day organisations have a need to record

data relevant to their everyday activities. Many modern-day organisations choose to organise and

store some of this data in an electronic database.

As stated by Chintan Mehta, Ankit K Bhavsar, Hetal Oza and Subhash Shah

[MEHT2018], MysQL is a well-known open source structured database because of its

performance easiness to use, and reliability. This the most common choice of web applications

for a relational database. In the current market, thousands of web-based applications rely on

MySQL including giant industries such as Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia. It has also proven

to be the database choice for Software as a Service (SaaS) based applications such as Twitter,

YouTube, SugarCRM, Supply Dynamics, Workday, RightNow, Omniture, Zimbra, and many

more. We will discuss this in detail in the use cases of MySQL section later in the chapter.

MySQL was developed by MySQL AB, a Swedish company, and now it is distributed and

supported by Oracle Corporation. MySQL carries a valuable history with it. MySQL has

continued to improve in order to become an enterprise-level database management system.

MySQL 8 is expected to be a game-changer as today we are in the age of digitization. MySQL 8

is all tuned to serve many new use cases that in prior versions were difficult to achieve. Some of

the use cases an enormous amount of data is produced are social networking e-commerce,

bank/credit card transactions, emails, data stored on the cloud, and so on. Analysis of all such

structured, unstructured, or semi-structured ubiquitous data helps to discover hidden patterns,

market trends, correlations, and personal preferences.

As reported by Paul McFedries [MCFE2019], In today's world, lots of people crave the

experience of expressing themselves online. They can do that through fixed-format media such

as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but for many people, these sites are too restrictive. Instead,

they prefer to build their own presence on the web, and the way to do that with the maximum

amount of freedom and creativity is to learn HTML and CSS. In programming circles, many
people believe that the best way to learn how to code is by coding. Reading about the language is

fine and necessary, but if you really want to learn the language, you must use it.

According to Marijn Haverbeke [HAVE2018], This is a book about instructing

computers. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they are quite a bit more

complex, and making them do what you want them to do isn't always easy.If the task you have

for your computer is a common, well-understood one, such as showing you your email or acting

like a calculator, you can open the appropriate application and get to work. But for unique or

open- ended tasks, there probably is no application.That is where programming may comne in.

Prugramming is the act of con- structing a fogram-a set of precise instructions telling a computer

what to do. Because computers are dumb. pedantic beasts, programming is funda mentally

tedious and frustrating.


This chapter discusses the flow of the Guidance Office Centralized Information Database

System. The proponents use the Gantt chart to show the plan for the entire system project by

breaking it down into phases and explaining each to make it more understandable and organized.

The supporters also created three diagrams: the V-Model, Context Diagram, and ER Diagram.

The goal of this diagram is to discuss the tools that will be used: PHP for the code, MySQL for

the database, HTML and CSS for the design, and the diagram for the overall system process.
In the planning phase, the researchers made a plan for the project. The Introduction,

Review of Related Literature, and Methodology were included in this phase.

Interview and Review

In this phase, the researchers were scheduled to interview the guidance counselor of Fort

Magsaysay National High School, which was a big help to the project's development.

Review of Documentation

The researchers conducted this phase to review all the requirements and formulate the

next process to develop the project.

Design and Coding

The researchers began coding in order to develop the interface, and the entire system will

be operational from the first week of December to the last week of April. Designing the system,

researchers chose to use the following: (1) PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor, used to create

scripting knowledge about the server and the user; and (2) Bootstrap, used to create responsive,

mobile-first, and front-end frameworks. (3) HTML and CSS for design personalization, and (4)

MySQL for the database.


The final phase is the implementation phase, in which the system is built. This included

system construction, where the procedure was tested and designed to ensure good performance.

Finally, the final plan is delivered to the project sponsor.

Figure 3.1 V-Model

This V-model figure shows how the system processes happen in the form of a V-shape

and how to make the system more possible and organized.

Requirements Analysis
The researchers analyzed the requirements used to meet the users' needs during this

phase. For example, whether the platform is compatible with the knowledge and budget, etc. The

system's supporters also gathered the resources required to implement it.

System and Software Design

After unit testing, the researchers conducted system testing, which ran the program as a

whole and tried any possible action with the system program.

Operation and Testing

After completing the requirements analysis, design, specs, coding, and testing, the

researchers performed a final operation test to determine how well the system program is

operational and evolving. This is the final stage of testing, which should go much more smoothly

and without errors than before.

Figure 3.2 Context Diagram

The process of the entire system is depicted in this context diagram. The two external

entities, such as the student and guidance Counselor, are illustrated in this diagram by the

Guidance Office Centralized Information Database System. The context diagram shows the

structure of the guidance office system for students at the Fort Magsaysay National High School.

The Guidance Counselor will be in charge of the entire system. Managing updates, assisting the

student, and recording the student's activities are all features of this system for the guidance

office. The Guidance Counselor must provide a valid username and password to gain access to

the system. After logging in, the Guidance Counselor can begin viewing the student records,

student violations, and account data. It outputs whether their account is valid or invalid, student

records, student violations, and account data. Students are only allowed access to view the

student list and update the student violation.

Figure 3.3 ER Diagram

This figure shows how the system will work and access data. The Administrator needs to

log in with their username and password. The Administrator is responsible for managing the

students and guidance counselor for updating their records and adding. In addition, they also

need to log in with their username and password. The guidance counselor can view the

information of the student contains name, year, and section, and their records.
Figure 3.4 Data Flow Diagram
This figure represents the flow of data through a process or a system. The Administrator

needs to log in with their username and password. The Administrator is responsible for

managing the students and guidance counselor for updating their records, deleting, and adding.

The guidance counselor can view the student's information that contains name, year & section,

student data information, and their violation records, and violated students. The student's data

information has a guidance information database. In addition, the guidance counselor can

compile the records, and if they request students' good morals, the output can print results.
1. Agustin, Jennifer T. (2021), Guidance Records Management System with SMS Notification.
Online retrieved from on
December 1, 2021

2. Alegado, Rachel Torres. (2021), Guidance and Counseling Record Management System.
Online retrieved from
ement_System on June 2021

3. Davies, Paul Beynon. (2017), Database Systems, Bloomsbury Publishing, Page 6.

4. Habagat, Theresa Mee S. (2017), Automated Student Record System for the Guidance Office
of Jose Rizal Memorial State University-Katipunan Campus, Katipunan,
Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines. Online retrieved
office-jose-rizal-memorial-state-university on September 2017

5. Haverbeke, Marijn. (2018), Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition: A Modern Introduction to

Programming, No Starch Press, Page 1.

6. Katrandzhiev, Nedyalko. (2019), A Comparison of Password Protection Methods for Web-

Based Platforms Implemented with PHP And MYSQL. Online retrieved on 2019

7. Kromann, Frank. (2018), Beginning PHP and MySQL, From Novice to Professional, Page 1.

8. Kunda, Douglas. (2017), Evolution of PHP Applications: A Systematic Literature Review.

Online retrieved
A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA on 2017
9. McFedries, Paul. (2019), Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way,
Manning Shelter Island, Page 8.

10. Mehta, Chintan. (2018), MySQL 8 Administrator’s Guide: Effective guide to administering
high-performance MYSQL 8 solutions, Packt Publishing Ltd, Page 7.

Guidance Records Management System with SMS Notification

Guidance and Counseling Record Management System

Database Systems

Automated Student Record System for the Guidance Office of Jose Rizal

Memorial State University-Katipunan Campus, Katipunan, Zamboanga del

Norte, Philippines.
Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition: A Modern Introduction to Programming

A Comparison of Password Protection Methods for Web-Based Platforms

Implemented with PHP And MYSQL.

Beginning PHP and MySQL

Evolution of PHP Applications: A Systematic Literature Review

Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way

MySQL 8 Administrator’s Guide: Effective guide to administering high-

performance MYSQL 8 solutions

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