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Task/Priority Actions required Person responsible Timeframe

Employ and Advertise position Human resource officer 2 weeks

induct at least 3
permanent site Recruitment process Human resource officer 1 month
Choose best applicants HR Manager 1 week

Operations Manager

Induct applicants Learning and development officer 3 months

Develop and Research best practise HR Manager 3 weeks

implement work-
life balance Brainstorm program ideas to suit organisation HR team 1 day
Develop and approve program HR Manager 5 weeks

Learning and development officer

Promote program Human resource officer 3 weeks

Personalise Survey staff on their learning preferences Learning and development officer 1 month
learning Update staff information to include learning profiles Human Resource officer 2 months

Staff Notify managers of requirements e.g. due dates and Human Resource officer 1 day
performance policy/template requirements
Complete written appraisal Managers 3 days

Conduct verbal appraisal Human Resource officer 1 week

Learning and development officer

HR Manager

Document and keep records HR Manager 1 week

Operation plan

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