A Proposed Modification To Barium Chloride Method For CEC Measurement of Calcareous Clayey Soils PDF

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A Proposed Modification to Barium Chloride Method

for CEC Measurement of Calcareous Clayey Soils

Ouhadi, VR Deiranlou, M
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering
Bu-Ali Sina University Hamedan, Iran Bu-Ali Sina University Hamedan, Iran
vahidouhadi@yahoo.ca m.deiranlou@yahoo.com

Abstract- Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is one of the major gives a very good estimation of CEC. Their method is not only
characteristics of clayey soils which its correct is directly faster, but it measures the CEC that exists in the field [6].
related to their industrial, engineering determination, and geo
environmental engineering applications. It is reported by several Furthermore, prior research shows that the use of BaCl2 is
studies that the CEC measurement of calcareous clayey soils favored by its strong replacing power without being preferentially
cannot be precisely determined due to the solubility of calcite adsorbed, and the fact that it does not cause the collapse of
fraction. In addition, the appropriate soil weight for CEC expanded phyllosilicates as does K+ or NH4+ [7].
determination is a common challenge among researches. This However, it should be emphasized that according to Corpena et
paper is aimed to propose a modification to the barium chloride al. [8], BaCl2 can dissolve substantial quantities of CaSO4 and
method for CEC measurement of calcareous clayey soils. In MgCO3 and small amounts of CaCO3. Another error can be
this paper the common barium chloride method for CEC introduced by CaCO3 dissolution caused by BaCO3 precipitation
measurement is developed by saturating the exchangeable [9]. Therefore it can be concluded that by the use of barium
solution with carbonate calcium prior to addition of exchangeable chloride as a source of replacement cation for CEC measurement,
solution to soil samples. A smectite soil was used in this study.
an error in CEC determination can be expected.
The achieved results indicate that the proposed modification to
the barium chloride method solves the common problems Based on the discussion above, this paper is intended to
propose a modification to the traditional barium chloride method
associated with the traditional barium chloride method in
calcareous soils. Furthermore, the modification is simple in for cation exchange capacity measurement of calcareous clayey
application and its performance takes an acceptable period of soils.
Keywords- cation exchange capacity; calcareous clays; smectite;A. Soil Samples
barium chloride; calcite
The Smectite soil used in this research was provided by
I. INTRODUCTION “Iran Barit Company”. The specimens were air-dried and the
fraction <2 mm was used in all subsequent analyses. Organic
Soil Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is one of the important content is determined according to ASTM methods [10]. The
geo-environmental characteristics of clayey soil parameters that specific surface area (SSA) was measured using the ethylene
influence swelling [1] and cohesion [2] of clays. The traditional glycol monoethyl ether (EGME) method [11]. The carbonate
method used to determine soil CEC may unavoidably introduce content of the soil was determined by titration [12]. Calcium
errors if applied to calcareous soils. This is attributed to the fact arbonate (CaCO3) was removed from smectite by washing soil
that calcium (Ca) salts in calcareous soils are easily dissolved with 0.1M HCl and further three-step soil washing with distilled
and interfere with the CEC determination [3]. water. All experiments of this paper were performed on triplicate
samples for each test to verify the reproducibility of results. The
One of the suggested methods for determining the CEC of geo-environmental characteristics of the smectite sample are
calcareous soils was the use of buffered BaCl2-TEA given in Table 1.
(triethanolamine) at pH 8.2 as a saturating solution [4]. Other B. Soil/ Calcite Mixtures
researches have modified this method to provide a procedure
that is un-buffered and has an ionic strength close to that found Smectite samples which had 2%, 8% (original smectite
in highly weathered soil [5]. Later on, other researches modified sample), 12%, 20%, and 30% calcite were used in this study.
the Gillman's method by increasing the concentration of both The original smectite sample had 8% natural carbonate. It was
the saturating and replacing solutions and by eliminating the de-carbonated by acid washing, as it was addressed in the
previous section, to reduce its calcite concentration to 2%. In
adjustment of electrical conductivity [6]. Their results supported
the previous works who had addressed that the sum of cations addition, 4%, 12%, and 22% laboratory carbonate was manually
extracted by divalent salt solution (BaCl2 or SrCl2) added to original smectite samples to achieve the required
mixtures of smectite rich in carbonate.

978-1-4244-8165-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

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TABLE I. GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SMECTITES cations would be too small to replace all the cations during
Characteristics the exchange experiment. Furthermore, if the same volume of
Quantity Measured
solution is used in all instances, then the sample mass will be
Mineral composition Montmorillonite, Quartz, the determining factor for optimum precision of the CEC and
In decreasing abundance Calcite
exchangeable cations. In this paper, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 g of soil
pH in H2O 10.31 samples were used for CEC measurement experiments.
pH in CaCl2 (0.01 N) 9.58
pH in KCl (1N) 8.72
Carbonate content 8%
To investigate the influence of the carbonate on the results
of the traditional barium chloride method for CEC measurement,
Organic content <1%
a series of smectite samples were mixed with different
Specific surface area (SSA) (m2 /g) 418 quantities of carbonate. Furthermore, for each specific mixture
of smectite and carbonate, the barium chloride method was
performed on three samples with 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 g initial
C. Preparation of Calcite Saturated Barium Chloride weight. This was done to take into account the influence of
One of the problems associated with the application of the soil sample weight on the CEC measurement results. Figure
traditional BaCl2 method [13] in calcareous soil is the 1 shows the results of these experiments. As can be seen in
dissolution of calcite which produces extra calcium ions at Figure 1, with increasing the quantity of calcite in smectite
relatively low pH. To prevent the dissolution of calcium ions sample, an increase in CEC of sample is observed. In addition,
from calcite, it was decided to perform the traditional BaCl2 the results of Figure 1 show that for each experiment at a
method with calcite saturated BaCl2. For this purpose the specific concentration of calcite, as the initial weight of soil
preparation of calcite saturated BaCl2 exchange solution was sample increases the soil shows a larger CEC. The achieved
prepared as a replacement solution in the traditional BaCl2 method.results of Figure 1 can be interpreted as follows: The presence
Dohrmann [14] has previously suggested the application of of barium chloride will dissolve a part of the calcite of soil
calcite rich solution for CEC measurement in silver-thiourea sample. In such a case the barium carbonate (BaCO3) will
method. For preparation of the replacement solution, 24.43 g precipitate. Since in CEC measurement the cation exchange
of BaCl2 was dissolved in de-ionized water and the solution capacity will be calculated based on the reduction of barium
was filled up to 1000 ml with de-ionized water in a volumetric ions in electrolyte due to its adsorption by soil, the formation
flask. Then, 4 g of fine-grained calcite (Merck) was added to of BaCO3 will cause to estimate the CEC more than its real
the solution. After this step, the solution was stirred vigorously value because of the reduction of barium ions concentration
for 2 h on an end to end shaker. Then, the sample was kept in electrolyte due to the formation of barium carbonate. This
for 24 hours settling. Finally the supernatant was filtered to is the main reason for achieving a wrong CEC with the
remove any suspended calcite grains. This solution was used application of the traditional barium chloride method in
as electrolyte substitution in the traditional BaCl2 method. calcareous soils. For this reason in the results of Figure 1 as
the concentration of calcite is increased we are facing with an
D. CEC Measurement by Common Barium Chloride Method increase in CEC. Furthermore, according to the results of
The common BaCl2 method [13] was used to determine Figure 1, for the similar volume of electrolyte in the experiment,
the CEC of soil samples. For this purpose, between 0.3 to 0.7 the influence of calcite solubility on the results of CEC is more
g of dry soil sample was weighed into a 50 ml centrifuge tube. distinguishable at lower quantities of soil. In other words, lower
Then, 30 ml of 0.1 M BaCl2 solution was added as electrolyte soil-electrolyte ratio gives larger CEC. This is because at
to the centrifuge tube. Then, the tube was shaken slowly in smaller soil quantities, the exchangeable solution has a larger
an end to end shaker for 2 hours. After this step, the pH of solubility ability for calcium carbonate fraction of soil [14].
soil solution was measured. Finally, the sample was There is another very interesting point in the results of Figure
centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant solution 1. According to the results of Figure 1, for 0.5 and 0.7 gram
was filtered through Watman 42 filter paper. The solution was samples, there is a specific concentration of calcite in which
collected in polyethylene bottles for analysis of exchangeable increasing the calcite concentration from that quantity does
cations and barium ion concentration. The amounts of cations not affect the CEC results. It means that at a very large
remaining in the supernatant were analyzed using an atomic quantity of calcite, the exchangeable solution will not solubilize
absorption spectro-photometer (GBC 932 AB Plus). any more calcite. Therefore the formation of barium carbonate
will be stopped. To make sure about this conclusion, CEC
E. Selection of Suitable Solution/ Solid Ratios was measured for two 0.5 gram smectite samples with 40 and
The selection of suitable solution/solids ratios is important 50 percentage of calcite. As the results plotted in Figure 1, the
to optimize the precision of the CEC results. Appropriate cation exchange capacity has not changed in these two
solutions/solid ratios should be used to achieve reasonable mixtures of calcite and smectite samples. Furthermore, if in
results with small errors. In one aspect if an inappropriately Figure 1, one changes the horizontal axis to the weight of
large solution/solid ratio is chosen, the soil structure will calcite in smectite sample instead of calcite percentages,
become so flocculated therefore, very small amounts of another interesting conclusion can be observed. In such a
exchangeable cations will be extracted during the CEC case the quantity of calcite is more than 0.14 grams, regardless
experiment. On the other hand, if an unsuitably small solution/ of the weight of calcite in the sample, the CEC will not change.
solid ratio is chosen, the selectivity of the index In fact, at this specific quantity of calcite in smectite sample, the reactio

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in solution will be equilibrated. In other words, at this specific To overcome the above mentioned problems in CEC
quantity of carbonate (0.14 g calcite in 35 ml of 0.1 M BaCl2, or measurement of calcareous soil, based on the above discussion
4 g in 1000 ml), the solution is saturated with soluble calcite. and comments presented by previous researchers [14], BaCl2
This quantity of carbonate was chosen for an exchangeable solution was saturated by carbonate calcium prior to the
solution in the proposed modified method. application of barium chloride method, as it was addressed in
material and method section. Figure 3 shows the achieved
results for CEC measurement of similar samples as Figure 1 by
the use of modified BaCl2 method.

Figure 1. Variations of CEC versus calcite quantity for smectite in

traditional BaCl2 method.

Figure 2 shows the pH variations for the same samples of Figure 3. The variations of CEC of smectite versus its calcite concentration
in modified BaCl2 method
previous Figure as a function of calcium carbonate in smectite.
While the pH is a function of calcium concentration in soil
As can be seen for the proposed method, not only the results
samples, it does not show significant changes at different soil
are relatively insensitive to the calcite concentration in soil
quantities. Furthermore, the results of Figure 2 indicate that as
sample, but also the scattering of achieved CEC is much less
the quantity of calcite increases in soil sample, the soil shows
in comparison to that of the traditional BaCl2 method .
more buffer behavior in which the buffering tends to a relatively
To make sure about the accuracy of the achieved results for the
constant value. This is another reason for the saturation of
proposed modified method, the pH of these series of samples
electrolyte by carbonate at large quantities of calcite in the soil
mixture. was measured and presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Variations of pH for smectite versus its calcite concentration in

Figure 2. Variations of pH for smectite versus its calcite concentration in modified BaCl2 method
traditional BaCl2 method

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Method of one-step BaCl2-calcite extraction Method of one-step BaCl2 extraction

of soil (g) Summation of cations CEC SD COVs CEC SD COVs
(cmol/ kg-soil) (cmol/ kg-soil) (cmol/ kg-soil) (%) (cmol/ kg-soil) (cmol/ kg-soil) (%)

0.3 62.22 65.22 3.73 5.71 103.95 58.93 56.69

0.5 60.69 52.68 3.62 6.86 77.11 44.32 57.48

0.7 60.08 43.42 4.21 9.69 64.32 31.06 48.33

As can be seen in Figure 4, the measured pH is also

insensitive to calcite variations in the soil sample. Since soluble
carbonate is one of the major sources for increasing the pH,
therefore achieving constant pH in this case means that with
saturation of the soil solution by carbonate, the solubility of
calcite in solution is stopped. Consequently, the presence of [1] DA Laird, “Influence of layer charge on swelling of smectite” Applied Clay Science,
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[4] CL Bascomb, “Rapid method for the determination of cation-exchange capacity of
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2. In this Table, the mean value for CEC measurement, standard [5] GP Gillman, “A Proposed Method for the Measurement of Exchange Properties of
deviation and coefficient of variation for CEC measurement is Highly Weathered Soils.” Aust. J. Soil Res., Vol. 17, 1979, pp. 129-139.
presented, for each specific soil weight with different percentages
of carbonate in soil mixture. As an example, as the results of [6] WH Hendershot, and M. Duquette, "A simple barium chloride method for determining
Table 2 show the CEC of smectite with an initial weight of 0.3 g cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations."
is 103.95 cmol/kg-soil for the traditional BaCl2 method. This Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., Vol. 50, pp. 605-608, 1986.

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representative of scattering data was 58.93 cmol/kg-soil for the
[8] O. Carpena, A. Law, and K. Vahtras, “Determination of exchangeable cations in
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These results approve the accuracy and reliability of the results [10] ASTM, “Annual Book of ASTM Standard American Society for Testing
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The BaCl2 method which is known as a quick and reliable

[12] PR Hesse, "A Textbook of Soil Chemical Analysis" William Clowes and Sons,
method for CEC measurement of acidic soil is not applicable to London, 1979.
calcareous clayey soils. In this paper a modification for this [13] WH Hendershot, and M. Duquette, "A simple barium chloride method for determining
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applied to the soil sample, the dissolution of calcite is prevented. [14] R. Dohrmann, “Cation exchange capacity methodology III: Correct exchangeable
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calcium ions in the supernatant will not occur. The achieved
results of this paper showed that the proposed modification
gives reasonable and acceptable results for smectite laboratory
samples rich in calcite.

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