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5 Reasons Why People Really Go

to Work
Why do we work? What motivates people to go to work each day? Nowadays such questions are

common in the society especially for young people who have not grasped the meaning of

working. With the different personalities that people express, it is possible to establish the
various reasons why people really go to work. You may wonder why people strive to get a job or

work so hard to maintain it. In this article, we will highlight some of the common reasons to


1. Money is always the question

Money motivates a majority of people who work. People work to earn a living, and they strive to

put food on their table as well as to pay the bills. Research shows that money is the primary

motivating factor that compels people to wake up in the morning to go to work. The significance

of money cannot be underestimated. This is why people do not just work for free.

The magical effect of money was tailored during the 1900’s by a famous management consultant

named Frederick Taylor. He did an experiment to test the impact money can have on people. He

ensured people who performed well received the higher salary. His experiment with employees

demonstrated that money could be very useful leverage in motivating people. Despite the fact,

that one’s internal motivation to work is paramount; money is proved to encourage people to do

more. Those who are working can agree that money eradicates financial struggles such as loans

and debts.
2. Social recognition and affirmation
Does your job come with social reinforcement? Affection and praise are not only the shots in the

arm of social reinforcement that keeps employers motivated to work hard, but also it makes them

engaged with what they are doing. Such gestures are some of the reasons why people hold jobs

and go to work each day. For some, it’s the reason to continue their career development even

after the retirement.

Some people do their work because it creates an opportunity for social interactions. The fact that

their jobs involve a lot of teamwork, networking, and some entertainment aspects is enough to
make people pursue work. The workplace environment creates some sense of happiness due to

the socialization and associated work drama. According to the last research, 78% of a survey’s

respondents suggested corporate culture plays a big part in their daily work-life. People spend
half of their lives at work, so it’s become initial to find a company with an ideal job microclimate

that fits you.

3. Utilizing skills and learning more

No one wants to stay idle or out of places that give them opportunities to exercise their skills.

This explains why people search for jobs that match their skills, abilities, talents, and aims. They

include as much experience in the resume as possible to be considered for employment. Studies

conducted in organizations reveal that people hold their jobs because of the opportunities they

have to exercise their skills and to learn new things.

4. Job satisfaction
Why do people work if not for things that contribute to their job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is

one of the factors that people evaluate in their pursuit of better jobs or their decision to maintain
previous employment. Many people who work in place for a long time will testify that their jobs
bring significant satisfaction. People have several reasons that bring about their happiness, which

make them go on with their work grind. Similarly, people who are not happy in their workplaces

are prone to leave in search of opportunities that would contribute to their satisfaction.

In 2013, Gallup published a report in which he concluded that only 13% of people who are
working are passionate and enjoy their work. On the other hand, 63%, which makes a significant

part of working people, are frustrated and disengaged from what they are doing. That shows,

through people are not satisfied with their current jobs they desire to move further and find better

job opportunities that would fulfill their goals and make them happy.

5. To earn respect
Respect is among the things that contribute to one’s self-esteem and happiness in life. It is

apparent people would pursue jobs that earn them respect in the society. This element of honor
could be found in the workplace or outside the working environment. Psychological studies on

the aspect of respect at the workplace show how people would do anything to earn the honor.
Some employees are creative and eager to try out new things, technologies, and challenge their

employees. Having a culture that encourages to experiment and pushes the talents paves the way

for personal respect from the other people. Employees whose ideas are rejected without due

consideration will not have an opportunity to get respect from other employees or even the

society. As a result, disengage immediately and find reasons not to go to work.

Work is the initial part of our lives, which help us to achieve our dreams and become better us.

Our motivation determines the ability to wake up each morning to go to work. In general,

financial motivators play a primary role in boosting the energy levels that push people.
Nevertheless, everyone finds its own reason to move out of the comfort zone and search for

career opportunities.

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