(F 1.0) DensetsuKemononoAna

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This is a story about a world called Neverland. The world of Neverland, where humans have
established a shaky coexistence with various monsters residing across the continent. The year
is Magic Calendar 989, a time when humanity has yet to clash with the “demons” believed to
have come from the dimension known as the spirit realm (a domain to which the residents of
Neverland migrate after death). As such, this is well before the period of history known as the
“First Neverland War” (~997), in which the land will tear itself apart as both humanity and the
demons struggle to seize control of the continent.

As it stands, the world is still in a state of peace. Humanity still has much to learn about
Neverland, and the current state of affairs revolves around Neverland's monsters, through
which humans are starting to learn more about the spirit realm. Mankind's efforts have led to
many advancements in the fields of science and magic, and this progress has served to distract
humanity away from infighting – at least on the surface.

Instead, humans have set to competing with one another via their monster companions. The
“Great Monster Competition” involves tamers, often children and young teenagers who pit
their companions against one another to demonstrate their prowess at training these beasts.
Though it isn't the only activity that people partake in, it is popular enough that a fair number
of notable figures who will later take part in the First Neverland War are participating.

For the majority of your decade in Neverland, the world will remain relatively calm. It won't be
until the events following Magic Era 996 when the three Heroes defeat the Demon Emperor
Janus that the world situation will rapidly devolve, leading up to Magic Era 997, when Janus'
daughter Hiro raises a second demon army, thereby initiating the First Neverland War.

At this time humans are still primarily preoccupied with establishing the strength of their
individual countries as well as investigating artifacts across the land such as the Spectral Tower.
Adventurers, tamers, researchers, there is still ample opportunity for everyone to make a name
for themselves. While you're free to do as you please, you may wish to make certain
preparations in anticipation for your time here, and having a little more information may also
be helpful.

For that purpose, you'll be granted a base sum of 1000 points.

[Basic Considerations]
Should you so wish, you can make any changes that please you regarding your physical form,
including details such as your gender, age, and appearance. Most residents in Neverland aren't
much different from the humans you would find on a place like Earth. However, there is a
matter of your appearance should you opt to choose the Monster background – in which case
you can choose an appearance matching a local monster. (See the appendix with monster
information for specific details) Choosing a background will influence what modifications
become more convenient for you to obtain and potentially influence what kind of role you'll
play during your time in Neverland.

Background Description
Because they're the most involved with the monsters, tamers are highly valued across the
continent. Tamers are taught how to effectively control even dangerous breeds of monsters
Tamer and generally speaking, serve as independent adventurers as well for the dungeon guild.
Younger folk are well suited for being Tamers, as monsters treat adult humans with greater
degrees of suspicion and scorn.
Working as part of the Dungeon Guild, an association formed to map the entirety of
Neverland, Explorers aren't always adventurers as advancements in magic have given
mankind the capacity of mapping out a region from afar. It isn't a particularly engaging
profession, but it is a crucial one given how much of Neverland remains unexplored.
Rather self explanatory, this allows you to become a monster. Modifications for monsters
Monster are slightly different compared to the other two backgrounds with dedicated modifications
– but most notably, you'll also have to choose what sort of monster breed best suits you.
Also rather self explanatory, this background is associated with trade and commerce,
particularly the trade of items – the economy is doing quite well at the moment thanks to
Shopkeeper the monsters and the dungeons they reside in, which provide a steady flow of magical
artifacts and various odds and ends. This background, instead of having discounts for
modifications, have discounts applied to items.
The background best associated with someone who doesn't belong in this world, you don't
have an identity here, but you're also not bound to any history here. Rather than having
standard modification discounts available, you'll be granted a flat 700 points extra, for use
however you see fit.

[Specific Details]
What follows are more specific details regarding the world of Neverland.

At this time, while Neverland is split up into various human kingdoms, the borders themselves
won't present much of an issue, as war is not a major concern. The Dungeon Guild handles
most of the exploration efforts across the land, so the countries permit their representatives to
come and go as long as they don't create a major problem. The Monster Competition, held on a
weekly basis, can be found in a place at the centre of the continent known as “Green Town”.
This is also where you'll arrive by default.

While travel isn't exactly “safe” thanks to the presence of monsters, young children do
regularly travel across the land as they conduct jobs for the Dungeon Guild, which should give
you an idea of what this relative state of peace is like. The map which follows is a reflection of
Neverland, albeit it is more accurate to the Neverland at the onset of the First Neverland War.
It is important to note for those looking to travel that the Demon Army has technically had a
foothold in Neverland for the last thousand years (since the beginning of the Magic Era). The
humans don't particularly understand how this came to be, though the predominant Church of
Coliea has their own teachings on the matter. What does matter is that the demons aren't
actually all that aggressive – that is to say, they aren't aggressive at all, and they'll keep to
themselves in the region of Neugard to the North. Neugard is naturally surrounded by
mountains, which makes travelling to and from the location a bit of a challenge. However, if
you do need to visit for the sake of dungeon diving, keep in mind that the demons will leave
you alone as long as you leave them alone.

If anything the humans tend to be more antagonistic, and you're more likely to run into trouble
with another human than an actual demon.
Some factions have yet to be established and with a great deal of work being put in to discover
new lands, the current world map – or at least, the regions where humans are active, can be
seen below. You'll notice that some of the regions at the extremities of Neverland don't factor
into this map.

Once the First Neverland War erupts however, it'll begin from Neugard and spread from the
North in all directions, until eventually the entire continent is engulfed.

Many of the ruins scattered across the land originate from before the Magic Era, a period of
time which isn't well documented. For the humans, the only lasting element from that period
of time is the Coliea Church, which stands in firm opposition against the Demon Army, though
they haven't really done anything to oppose the Demon Lord Janus since their formation.

There are a number of reasons which could lead one to suspect that the Church isn't all they
claim to be. But since the Church doesn't have a hand in the Dungeon Guild or the activities
related to the Monster Competition, for most people arriving in Neverland, there is little to
worry about in this regard. If you don't want to get caught up in anything troublesome, stay
away from religious affairs entirely.

Lastly, note that the Dungeon Guild has included a monster appendix if you're interested.

The basic modification for each background is free, other modifications are discounted by half.

Monsterology 100

Many of the Tamers who set off to capture monsters and prove their worth run into a major
stumbling block which some never recover from, they don't actually know anything about the
monsters they meet and they aren't very good at observing creatures like a biologist might be.
(This is reasonable as many Tamers are inexperienced children ) You don't have to worry about taking
biology lessons however, all you need is to encounter a monster, and you'll immediately start
learning things about them. You don't need to jot down the info unless you enjoy doing so, as
this will ensure that the monster knowledge is retained within your head.

Most Tamers would use to deal with wild monsters, whether it is to figure out their
weaknesses, figure out the best way to capture them, or assess their basic strength. But you
can actually use this on tamed monsters and allies as well, in order to assess details about them
rather than the monsters. When in comes to your own monsters, the information you get tends
to be more precise and catered towards things relevant to your team dynamic. If anything,
being able to keep track of your allies' sentiments towards you along with their mood, needs,
and general combat status can fix more than a few problems before they start.

Beast Doctor 200

As part of their ongoing hunt for new monsters, Tamers typically end up roaming all across
Neverland, so it is little surprise that the monsters travelling with them can end up getting sick
regularly. The shock of being in environments different from their native dungeon is an
inherent challenge, but sometimes the lack of proper food can become an issue as well. In
general, the monsters that follow you will develop a stronger resistance against these issues
the longer they're around you, but there still may be situations when they fall victim to another
monster's poison or petrification (especially since petrification is quite uncommon).

In response to this problem, most Tamers are taught a form of emergency diagnosis and
treatment technique. It's a rather simple magic which can feel a bit haphazard when it comes
to the diagnosis process (when you first start off, diagnosis will feel like spinning a wheel and hoping
you land on the right condition – the accuracy takes experience to improve ), but it guarantees that
you'll get a general feel for your monster's state of health. The effectiveness of the emergency
treatment (which needs you to provide energy) increases the more you know about the monster's
condition, so it progresses from general pain alleviation to the removal of their affliction
entirely. If you're ever stuck deep in a dungeon with a poisoned monster and no antidotes,
keep this skill in mind, it could save your monster's life.
Hard at Play 400

Once tamed, it doesn't take very long for a monster and their Tamer to develop a strong
rapport, but the advice that most senior Tamers give to rookies is to remember to play with
your monsters regularly. Regardless of what the monster looks like or what their temperament
is, nearly all the monsters are somewhat childlike and like to play around. ( But of course, when a
giant floating whale wants to play fetch it can be a little daunting )

The senior Tamers give this advice because this form of play will teach the rookie that monsters
don't need to be put through intensive training just to get strong. The monsters that follow
you around will steadily grow stronger in various aspects, just by doing regular day to day
activities. Compared to a human who has to go through all sorts of training to become a knight
or a mage, the rate at which your monsters grow passively can be a little disconcerting. This
doesn't have much of an effect on active training, it only accelerates their growth rate when
they're engaged in something else.

You probably won't notice it personally, but your strength as a Tamer is tied to your monsters –
quite literally. As your monsters grow stronger passively, so will you, though you only
accumulate a portion of the growth they experience, so this will be more of a gradual climb in
strength rather than straight leaps up. By the time you do notice anything different, you will
likely already be a master at training monsters – the training process only gets easier the more
monster training experience you have.

Human Touch 600

As far as a Tamer goes, you're probably the closest one to uncovering the mystery of the spirit
realm as well as win the Monster Competition. But that's only because your monsters have an
edge that others do not: and that's you. You aren't only competent at taming monsters,
helping them exceed their natural limitations is another talent you can wear proudly. By
putting your monsters through a special form of training, you can help them step beyond what
their body and mind will normally allow, but in a safe fashion that won't kill the monster with
backlash. The catch with this is that while your initial round of training will break open their
limitations and allow them to grow further, the rate at which they grow once they're past the
ceiling is substantially slower as compared to their rate of growth prior. While they can alleviate
this with other means of manipulating how quickly they grow, one of the most effective
methods is if you continue to train them personally.

Preliminary Survey 100

No one wants to venture into a dungeon only to find themselves in a bog stuck with toxic
kappa and man eating lizards. Diving into a dungeon clueless is a quick way to lose your life, so
if you're out in the field and you come across a dungeon, remember to make use of your
surveying abilities. It doesn't take very long to complete a basic survey, nor does it cost you
much of anything, but the information you'll gain could save you a lot of time and work. You
don't even need to actually venture into the dungeon, just by being around it and observing it,
you can start to glean information such as what kind of environment you can expect within,
how dangerous the creatures inside could be, and how deep the dungeon might go.

Surveying is one of the explorer's foundational skills, and it's a skill that doesn't necessarily
have an upper ceiling for you. Eventually, just by drawing on previous experience, all it will
really take for you to make a detailed survey of a dungeon is a glance at its picture, and you'll
be able to have a good idea what to expect inside, even down to details such as what kinds of
creatures you might find within.

Entry Hazard 200

Traps are an occupational hazard for explorers and a bit of an oddity in the community, seeing
as monsters generally aren't aware of their presence and many monsters lack the foresight and
expertise necessary to set down an effective trap. But for you, hazardous as it may be, traps
can also be of great use to you. For one thing, if you don't have any monsters to help you out,
traps could be your new best friend in staying safe.

All you need is a morsel of magic along with a good location, and you will be set for making
your own monster defence line. From Neverland's dungeons, you'll learn about the workings of
four different types of traps. Explosive traps, confusion traps, darkness traps all fall under the
category of hazardous traps, but there's also a special type of “trap” which exists to heal
whatever trips it off. The three hazardous traps are rather self explanatory, darkness and
confusion causes temporary blindness and severe disorientation, whereas explosive traps pack
a great deal of destructive force in a tight space. You'll probably want to save healing traps for
yourself. Naturally, as you come to learn about more traps, you can rapidly assemble those in
this fashion as well. Learning about the traps has its uses in assembly, but naturally you'll also
be able to quickly spot them out in the wild and disarm them.

Hardy Explorer 400

Dungeon exploration isn't a casual job, and most explorers have to travel for extended periods
of time through hostile territory and inhospitable terrain. Though there are many kingdoms
across Neverland, finding a safe place to stay can still be an immense challenge. Thankfully for
someone of your calibre and vitality, putting off food and rest is something you can afford. You
and those who travel with you have understood with your bodies that sometimes the basic
necessities have to make way if it means reaching a safe haven. Even the normal afflictions
which can affect you on a long journey such as sickness or injuries will recover faster than
normal while you're travelling. It isn't quite as noticeable for your allies of course, but it still
works to some degree – which should help with the cost of travelling supplies.

With all the experience you have under your belt, you'll find that venturing through different
biomes isn't anywhere near as dangerous as it should be. Sure, the glaciers might be absolutely
freezing, the oceans may have tropical storms, and the swamps almost certainly carries odd
illnesses and pests, but none of that ever affects you as much as it should. Really, the normal
challenges associated with the environment become annoyances at best.

Data Conversion 600

You don't have to be a member of the Dungeon's Guild to appreciate what they've managed to
accomplish and the magic behind their dungeon creation process is definitely no small feat. It is
unlikely that the humans would have learned anything about the spirit realm had this method
of dungeon creation not been discovered. Now ideally it would be best if you just stuck to
frequenting the Dungeon Guild and having them make dungeons for you, but sometimes you
don't have that luxury. This allows you to utilize their magic, take matters into your own hands.

Whether it is you or the Dungeon Guild using this magic, the general theory remains the same.
The magic utilizes information found in data such as digital discs, and transforms that data into
a dungeon – the data is the incantation in a sense. Because data tends to be rather methodical
in nature, the dungeons created using this method tend to have rather recognizable patterns,
after you've seen enough of them, you get used to certain landscapes that show up regularly.
What kind of dungeon you get will depend on the data which is used, the type and medium
which contains the data doesn't matter much, it's the data itself that matters. Each unique data
instance will create one unique dungeon – copying that data onto a different medium will not
change the dungeon at all. Just be aware that with how the magic works, if the same dungeon
has already been manifested in the world, translating the data again will only lead to the
dungeon changing locations.

The basic breakdown of a dungeon can be summarized in terms of the internal biome ( which
can be completely different from the outside environment, say an ocean dungeon manifested in the
forest), and the few monster species which will be endemic to the dungeon. You can expect
every dungeon created this way to possess those two traits, though some dungeons will be
more complex beyond this. Sometimes you might have a dungeon full of traps, other times you
may find a dungeon full of bizarre magic artifacts.

While most people would only think of using the magic to transform data into a dungeon, in
theory the reverse is possible as well. However, the translation process from dungeon to data
creates a copy which you'll need the magic to access – the original dungeon remains otherwise
untouched after it has been copied.

Basic Properties I 100 (Initially free for Monsters)

As a monster you probably won't be reflecting on your fundamental nature all that much, but
basic properties are how tamers and adventurers assess a monster, so knowing the specifics
here is akin to determining your age and gender. Both Basic Properties I and II are initially free
for monsters.
The first set of properties covers affinities (things that you're good at), and include Elemental
Affinity, Terrain Affinity, Food Affinity, and Month Affinity. When your affinity is aligned, you
perform better all around, this is the most straightforward with Month affinity (basically the
month where your abilities surge in strength ) and Food affinity (the type of food which gives you the
most substantial benefit, and the kind of food you'll always prefer ). But when it comes to Elemental
and Terrain affinity, there are a range of options for you to choose from.

Elements are divided into seven categories, namely Fire, Ice, Light, Earth, Wind, Water, and
Void. The relationships between these elements may be somewhat abnormal to a stranger, as
Void has no strengths or detriments, but fire trumps ice, ice trumps light, which trumps earth,
and earth trumps wind, but wind trumps water, and water trumps fire, forming a circular ring
relationship between the other elements.

Terrain affinity applies to six different major biomes. It's unclear whether these are just human
approximations, because monsters can certainly perform well outside of their terrain affinity,
but this can be considered a “native biome” for the monster. The six categories are caves,
oceans, glaciers, forests, ruins, and swamps.

After you pick one out for each, if you take this a second time, you can make a second choice in
every category.

Basic Properties II 100 (Initially free for Monsters)

Basic Properties II covers details more specific towards combat, and is divided between
Primary Skills and Support Skills. Similar to Basic Properties I, once you've taken this the first
time, subsequent purchases allow you to make the same choices once more, stacking on top.

Primary Skills are quite straightforward, consisting of four techniques ( you can either learn new
techniques based on self development or by studying monsters, but you could also just use skills you
already know). The catch here is that the techniques you choose will work off of the magic
system endemic to Neverland. Rather than casting the spell then paying the cost for it, here in
Neverland the monsters charge up energy before utilizing the technique. In exchange for this,
none of the spells require any specific catalyst or casting requirement, just that more difficult
spells will take longer to charge. While “spells” are used in description, this applies to physical
techniques as well.

Support Skills on the other hand are skills which are always active, but they affect your allies
and not you. There are ten different types of Support Skills commonly found across different
monster species, listed as follows.

Attack Guard Speed

Increases the strength of ally Reduces the amount of Increases the speed at which
physical attacks. damage taken by allies spells charge and techniques
are executed for allies.
Hit Heal Magic
Increases all accuracy Periodically heals all allies Increases the strength of ally
nearby magic.
Money Snipe Clear
Increases your allies' ability to Increases allies' likelihood of Renders allies immune to
earn money landing a critical hit. status effects.
Allows allies to completely ignore the negative consequences of elemental affinities, so their
own elemental weaknesses are negated, & they can pierce elemental resistances/nullification.

Foundation Enhancement 100 (Not initially free for Monsters)

This serves as a basic training regiment for you as a monster or for others ( even if they aren't
monsters). The regiment targets the foundational properties common between all monsters,
that is their overall vitality , physical strength, resilience, speed, and their magical affinity. You
can decide whether to apply for an evenly distributed program that tackles all those properties,
or choose to focus on a specific property for greater gains.

Irrevocable Bonds 200

As a monster, it isn't necessary for you to find a tamer, but without one around there's always
the chance that a tamer will try to capture you or an adventurer may try to kill you. Unless you
plan on living inside a dungeon and hoping no one comes around to disturb you, you should
seriously consider finding a human to partner up with.

Whoever you decide should be your partner, others will recognize your relationship as that of a
tamer and their monster, which means you're not going to get people trying to steal you away
or kill you on sight. From time to time you might have to fight another tamer's monster, but
that's not any different from fighting in the wilderness, except you'll find that your combat
efficiency is much greater when fighting with a partner, not only in terms of coordination but
also your general strength as well.

The bond between you and your partner is what will protect you from external influence – say
if another monster were to try and mind control you or confuse you into attacking an ally, a
strong bond means that attempt won't have any effect. Of course, while outside parties can't
wedge a divide between you and your partner, should you decide that it is time to part ways,
the two of you can opt to break away from one another amicably.

Starcharge 400

An improvement upon the restrictions of basic properties with regards to Primary Skills, with
this you can now utilize all of your skills in the same fashion as monsters do – by charging up
energy beforehand then releasing it in the form of a technique. This allows you to bypass the
normal spell-casting or technique requirements, though it doesn't change other properties of
the technique aside from the activation requirements.

There is a cap as to how much energy can be generated at once, but there's also a cap as to
how much energy you can store at once, and none of your techniques will go past this upper
limit in terms of requirements. Tamers typically see this process as a monster “collecting stars”,
once the tamer decides on an attack and relays it to the monster, the monster will begin
charging until they have enough “stars” to utilize the technique. Most monsters are capable of
charging anywhere from one to three stars' worth of energy at a time, with the ceiling being
ten. Bringing it back to you, the amount of stars that your techniques will require for activation
is dependent on their normal properties. Techniques that are extremely strong, have a
naturally long casting process, or have special requirements will require more stars for
activation, whereas techniques which are simple or weak will require less.

You can freely decide which skills this spell casting system should apply to.

Starstone Infusion 400 (200)

Anyone who has ventured far enough into a dungeon will know of the existence of “Bosses”,
monsters which ascended to the role of the dungeon's guardian after absorbing too much soul
energy into themselves. For tamers and adventurers alike these creatures are especially
valuable, as they are the only reliable source of starstones. But to a monster, these creatures
are akin to “apex predators”, their word is law within the dungeon and other monsters won't
think of going against it.

As with “Bosses”, you can increase in strength dramatically by consuming soul energy, whether
that's in the form of starstones or some other type of soul material. However, there's a distinct
physical change that is associated with this, something which you can observe in boss entities
as well. As you consume more soul material, your physical size will increase alongside your
general strength – after you hit about three times your base size, you won't notice much of a
change in your stature. For those worried about being too large to fit through a door, rest
assured that the size growth is something you can control – you can manipulate how much of
your soul energy is being used and control your size that way. (This does mean that your fully
enhanced strength comes from being at full size)

There's something that you will notice if you make use of this often: when your power is being
fully drawn out, your personality can undergo some extreme shifts. It isn't the kind of change
that's permanent, but you may feel a sudden surge in a specific emotion – this could be
beneficial in some ways, detrimental in others (Anger, for example, could be beneficial for inducing
focus, but detrimental because of the same thing ). What that emotion is...well that's something for
you to figure out.

After the first time this is taken, subsequent purchases are at the reduced price indicated.
Doing so increases the degree by which your strength can be enhanced by absorbing souls, and
is physically gauged by your stature increasing even further beyond three times your base size.
Lingering Spirit 100

Through careful study of the monsters defeated by adventurers as well as though captured by
tamers, the researchers have confirmed that the monsters, regardless of species, serve as a
makeshift holding vessel for starstones. As monsters become stronger, the concentration of
starstones increases within them – but it's only after they reach a certain strength ( around the
threshold of a dungeon boss) where defeating the beast will leave behind a starstone. You'll find
that even if you travel away from Neverland, monsters of sufficient strength will continue to
leave behind starstones upon death.

Junk Peddling 100 (Free for Shopkeeper)

One man's junk is another man's treasure, and you excel at convincing people that you're
offering treasure to them, even when all you have is junk. Regardless of an item's actual value,
you excel at pitching a drastically marked up price for it and people will take it without any
question. It doesn't matter too much what you sell, though ideally, you should be selling things
that people aren't very familiar with so as to not rouse any suspicion from a third party. Just
because somebody is willing to buy your trash, doesn't mean other people won't notice you
selling trash. Thanks to your shrewd business practices, you'll develop an eye for figuring out
who are the most likely buyers that won't raise any trouble, so if you want to keep your
business on the down low, you may want to approach these people privately.

Recognized Title 100

Neverland has always been divided into many different kingdoms and with the land in a state of
peace at the moment, people from many different kingdoms are taking the opportunity to
roam around the continent. If you're planning on travelling, it is very likely that you'll encounter
some major figures – recognizing these people is fairly easy, as they tend to introduce
themselves by the title bestowed upon them. Title recognition is rather significant for
Neverland natives, as it serves as acknowledgement of the individual's personal ability.

This option is a loophole of sorts, allowing you to self declare a title that others will recognize
you by. But it isn't just a title in name, it's also a reflection of your ability...even if you're not
actually capable of those feats. By taking on a title ( say, “The Blue Flame of Dravania”), you will
learn the basic abilities which suit that title ( likely pyromancy – magic is fairly common in Neverland,
and since what is given is rather basic, it isn't likely to cause a commotion ). Because what you learn is
elementary at best, it would serve you well to at least train a little and build upon that
foundation before you go around announcing yourself to others.

Data Refresh 200

At some point during the Dungeon Guild's research into the Disk Dungeons, they discovered
that it was possible to restore an already created dungeon into its original state. The process
would create the exact same dungeon while removing the original – anything foreign to the
dungeon would be kicked out. At first, the idea was to farm these dungeons, but the Guild soon
realized that while monsters could respawn along with items, the efficiency of this harvesting
process was extremely low and most of what respawned were relatively common to begin
with. As such, most tamers and adventurers request this for the sake of training rather than
hoarding supplies.

You've learned from the Guild's research, allowing you to perform the same feat. While Data
Dungeons (or dungeons with data based structures) will offer you the greatest chance of success,
technically this can be used with other dungeons as well. For dungeons that don't have a
“basic” data structure, it'll be refreshed to the point when you first entered it. This is especially
important when you take note of the fact that something removed from the dungeon is not
longer considered part of the dungeon, the refresh process will only regenerate the removed
object if it was originally present when you arrived.

The odds of success for this will drop dramatically if you refresh the same dungeon repeatedly,
but since the process can be somewhat taxing on your body and mind, you probably don't
want to abuse this repeatedly to begin with.

Freak Mutation 200

Tamers have noted a very odd affliction that sometimes occurs to their monsters. It never
happens immediately, most accounts note that it tends to happen a few days after the Tamer
has captured a monster, but all accounts collaborate that a Tamer's monster can suddenly
mutate from one species to another. The cause and mechanisms behind this phenomenon are
unknown, but given that you can induce a similar mutation in creatures around you, you might
as well chalk it up to magic.

The process is simple, you inflict this affliction on a target and if the affliction successfully takes
hold, the target will mutate from their current species into a different one. Most tamers have
confirmed that for whatever reason, their monsters often mutate into...well, a pile of shit (s ee
#145 in Appendix A for monsters, it is a pile of shit). If turning living beings into shit creatures isn't
your cup of tea, you can designate a different monster provided that you've encountered and
studied said monster.

The transformation primarily affects their physical appearance and leaves their strength
untouched – if they were naturally strong, they will still be strong even as a pile of shit. It
doesn't make them ridiculously strong, but depending on what species you choose to
transform a target into, they may learn abilities inherent to their species. Do note that while
this works quite effectively on weak monsters and things which could be considered cannon
fodder, the more unique or stronger a target is, the more likely this will fail – especially if
they're aware of what you're doing and actively resists you.
Spectral Force 200

This technique is the culmination of years of research by the Dungeon Guild into the workings
of the spirit realm, a process which utilizes starstones to open a pathway into one of the
dungeons isolated deep within the spirit realm. Because of how dangerous these dungeons are
compared to those manifested within Neverland, the Guild generally keeps this a trade secret,
only allowing tamers who have proven their mettle to learn of it.

The lynchpin of this process is soul energy, hence why collecting starstones is necessary. As
long as enough soul energy is provided, you can burn all of it to open a pathway regardless of
where you are. The more soul energy you offer in tribute, the stronger the dungeon becomes,
reflected in the strength of its denizens and the quality of resources found inside. But you need
to especially careful once the gate is opened, because a doorway is a connection between two
spaces and while dungeon monsters typically stay within the dungeon, there's actually nothing
stopping them from venturing out into the “real” world.

You can of course, close the gate whenever you please, but doing so is permanent. Whatever is
foreign to the dungeon will be spat back out, while you will have to collect soul energy if you
want to open the gateway again. As long as you don't close the gate however, it will stay open
until the end of time.

Companions cannot take companions of their own (There is a special clause for monsters).

Bringing in Pals 50/300

Import a companion for 50 points; companions go through the same initiation procedure as
you, but are granted 700 points to spend as they see fit aside from purchasing companions.
With regards to how this works with monsters, refer to the option below.
You may import in batches of 8 for 300 points, with the same benefits.

Monster Team 50/300 + (2 free for Tamers) / (Special for Monsters)

Monsters form the core of every tamer's team, performing equally well whether they're used
for combat, as research aides or even just for assistance in exploration. But capturing them can
be a challenge, especially if you lack the magic tools designed for monster capture, and many
tamers run into the problem of their pets becoming oddly distant, sometimes even hostile as
they age. With this, you can assemble a small team of monsters which won't challenge you with
either of these problems.

You can recruit monsters one by one at a cost of 50 points each, or you do it in batches of 8 for
300 points instead. With each monster you recruit, you're given a choice of what species they
will be (refer to appendix A)– but their background is locked to Monster, and they can only
spend the 700 points they have on modifications. Tamers are given two monsters to begin with
to help them start off their journey. If you happen to be a Monster however, one additional
oddity is associated with monsters recruited this way. Your relationship with them is different
from that of a Tamer to their pet monsters, rather, they consider you as their boss, which not
only means they'll be completely subservient to you at all times, but they'll instinctively know
when you need them and rush to your side however they can.

A Meeting of Strangers 50/100

If you're looking to find a companion from one of Neverland's major figures, this will facilitate
that, as long as you can either find them once you arrive and convince them to join you, or
you're willing to pay the full cost up front to have them travel with you from the moment of
your arrival. Companions recruited in either method will gain 700 points to spend as they wish,
but the choices they make won't take effect until they join you, and any choice of background
they pick only applies towards discounts with no effect on their identity.

Magic Exchange 100 -> 50

If you have too many points and nowhere to spend it, this allows you to convert your points for
your companions to use. Conversion occurs at the indicated rate, and applies to all of your
companions. Only you can take this option.

Items taken by companions are bound to them. Those of the Shopkeeper background will have all
costs for items reduced by 50%. (Items aren't reduced to 0 cost, unlike baseline modifications)
Generally speaking, all items can be purchased as many times as your budget permits – but some
items may function differently when purchased multiple times.

Everyone can pick a single 50 cost item for free (but only once)

Blank Demo Disk 50

This disk contains the information and magic necessary to manifest a dungeon, both the biome
data that determines the dungeon's internal environment as well as basic monster data used to
populate the dungeon. Deployment is a simple process – plant the disk down where you want
the entrance to be and channel magic into it to manifest the entrance. Retrieval is similarly
straightforward. It's up to you whether you want to specify the biome and monster data within
the disk or leave it randomized – but these disks are only good for creating dungeons with
monsters and little else.

Exploration Gear 50

In the past, exploration equipment was primarily used by trailblazers and adventurers who fine
tuned their kits using the experience they had in the wilderness. Nowadays, with the amount of
children who set off into dungeons with their pet monsters, the “standard” for exploration
gear has been simplified, made more accessible, and is now generally intended to ensure
survival above all else.

Every kit contains a “scarab”, named for what it resembles, which is a magic artifact allowing
for instant teleportation out of a dungeon to the latest town the explorer visited. It also
contains a set of basic healing potions and various food samples – because the exploration
gear was tuned with tamers in mind, the food samples are for monster distraction and taming
purposes and not personal consumption.

Mysterious Emblem 50

A peculiar seal imbued with magic, while no one really knows who or what made these, they
sell for a relatively high price on the market as everyone seems to know that they are magic
artifacts. Seasoned adventurers normally warn against actually using the artifact, as the magic
is unpredictable and the effects can be both beneficial and detrimental – all up to chance. So
far based on the information gathered by adventurers, the emblem is capable of healing an
entire party, strengthening or weakening nearby monsters, resurrecting or killing nearby
monsters (it'll make an attempt, though whether it'll succeed is a matter of chance ), multiplying the
amount of gold you have on you, or consuming a portion of the gold you have on hand. Based
on these effects, you probably have an idea why merchants are willing to pay a high price.
If used or sold, another one will manifest in your possession within a few days.

Star Stone 50

Star stones are spiritual force given physical form, essentially a solid chunk of soul energy.
Manifesting within monsters as part of a strange phenomenon that even most sages still do
not understand, what is known is that when a monster becomes sufficiently strong, often
they'll leave behind this artifact when they're killed. Though mages have various uses for these
artifacts, often utilizing the soul energy for various experiments – some of them not the kind to
be discussed publicly, the Dungeon Guild has found that by gathering enough star stones, the
energy amassed can be used to open passageways through space into specific dungeon planes.

In theory, star stones can also be fed to monsters in order to strengthen them – monsters
influenced by star stones are distinctive, as they're generally two to four times their normal size
and they demonstrate much greater intellectual prowess than their brethren. However, this
isn't a practice that most tamers partake in, likely as monsters are still considered quite
dangerous at the end of the day.

Blank Crest 100+

Though similar in nature to the Mysterious Emblem, crests are artifacts in which spells are
normally sealed. When a crest is consumed, the spell is released and taught to the crest's
beneficiary – typically tamers use these to teach monsters new skills, even skills that they
would normally be incapable of learning. This crest is reusable and with a donor, it is possible to
“inscribe” a skill to the crest, thereby making an artifact which can teach whatever skill was
donated. However, as the term donor implies, whoever donates the skill can't utilize the skill
themselves – though they can “re-learn” the skill with no loss of ability by utilizing the crest.

However, an alternative exists in which you can purchase a specific crest. These crests are
reusable in that they can teach a specific ability without being consumed. Naturally, there's not
much of a reason to learn any skill more than once per individual. To date, the following crests
have been found, mainly within the dungeons.

Crest Associated Magic

“Summon Inferno”「召喚インフェルノ」
A fire elemental conjuration spell which manifests the Fire Spirit Inferno. Out of the various summoning
Crimson 紅蓮 spells, this is considered one of the most dangerous, as Inferno has a tendency to spray fire
haphazardly across the battlefield in order to eradicate enemies. As the summoning can be maintained
as long as the spellcaster has magic, Inferno can turn a battlefield into a sea of fire with relative ease.
“Summon Lailah”「召喚レリエル」
A light elemental conjuration spell which calls down the Angel of Light, Lailah. Lailah serves to protect
Dawn Light 天光 its summoner by dropping meteors on top of nearby foes. The meteors, really concentrated balls of
light magic, are quite effective at killing small groups of enemies without much collateral damage to
the environment. Like Inferno, so long as magic is provided, Lailah's manifestation can be sustained.
“Calamity Skyfall”「死天滅殺」
A void elemental spell that invokes the power of the Big Dipper, cursing its target to be struck four
Death 死 times by the death magic – the spell tracks its target as long as the curse mark isn't removed, and while
the four strikes comes in rapid succession, even if the target can delay the strikes, as long as the mark
remains, sooner or later they'll still be struck.
“Summon Gigant”「召喚ギガント」
An earth elemental conjuration spell which manifests the spirit known as Gigant. Gigant's ability to
Earth 大地 manipulate the terrain around it is formidable, but its tendency to completely flatten the earth around
it and create sharp hills randomly to impale enemies can be difficult to work around when fighting as
part of a large unit. Given its terraforming capabilities, Gigant generally has more potential off the
battlefield than on, and can also be manifested as long as the spellcaster can sustain it.
“Curseheart Staffstrike”「邪心棒撃」
A sacrificial void elemental spell which binds both the spellcaster and the target in a blood ritual. Both
Evil 邪 parties will continually suffer damage, though the damage that the target suffers is several times
greater than what the spellcaster suffers. The spell ends when either the target is killed, or the
spellcaster is brought to the brink of death.
“Eradication Pulse”「瞬殺光波」
A concentrated beam attack which originates from the user's body – originally intended for use with
Flash 瞬 various mechanical war machines which had reactors capable of sustaining the beam's output. In the
absence of these reactors, it appears that whoever learns the spell can sustain the output for as long
as they have magic to spare.
“Last Purifier”「天魔最終」
A void elemental spell which deploys a magic sigil that runs along the ground until it reaches its target.
Heaven 天 The sigil is invisible while moving to its target and will track the target as long as they remain within
range. Upon reaching the target, the sigil will release a massive explosion of magical force with the
target as a “ground zero”. Due to the size of the explosion, this is considered a spell for countering
armies rather than individual targets.
“Evil Purifying Sword”「破邪聖剣」
Holy 聖 A void elemental spell used primarily for eliminating single targets by impaling them with swords of
light from every angle. Given the amount of swords and as the swords are created with magic, the spell
is difficult to block and the speed with which they impale their target makes it difficult to react to.
A void elemental spell that gathers large amounts of pure magical energy and releases it in a chaotic
Null 無 storm, effectively barraging enemies in a wide area with large magic clusters. Once the burst is
released, attempting to block from a specific direction is generally futile, as the clusters are too
numerous, come from all directions and move in unpredictable paths.
“Summon Fenrir”「召喚フェンリル」
Permafrost 極寒 An ice elemental conjuration spell which summons the Ice Wolf Fenrir. Fenrir likes to idle around, but
utilizes ice magic in the form of giant pillars to either kill or freeze foes solid. Maintaining Fenrir's
presence requires magic, and as long as Fenrir persists on the battlefield, it will conjure ice pillars to
target surrounding enemies.
“Cure Aurora”「キュアオーロラ」
Sky 空 The strongest healing spell that monsters have demonstrated the capacity to learn, as the name
implies this spell conjures an aurora over the battlefield. All allies under the aurora will be healed
multiple times, the strength of which is dependent on the spellcaster.
“Pot Laser”「壺レーザー」
Just as the name implies, this teaches the beneficiary how to summon a pot, supercharge it with magic,
Truth 真 then release that magic in a concentrated beam. The charging process is “self facilitated”, as in once
the technique is taught, the user doesn't have to expend significant amounts of energy to charge the
Water God 水神 “Summon Aquaria”「召喚アクエリア」
A water elemental conjuration spell that brings forth the spirit known as Aquaria, an entity made of
water resembling a human woman. Aquaria primarily attacks using large whirlpools to ensnare
enemies and attempt to drown them. So long as the spellcaster has magic to spare, Aquaria can
continue fighting.
“Summon Windarr”「召喚ウィンダール」
A wind elemental conjuration spell that brings forth the spirit known as Windarr. While similar to
Wind Fang 風牙 Aquaria and Lailah (Windarr is effectively a humanoid spirit made of Wind), Windarr's tornadoes have an
additional secondary effect of draining the life of affected enemies and converting it to health for the
spellcaster. As with other conjuration spells, the summoning is maintained by the spellcaster's magic

Forbidden Seed 100

These nuts have become rather well known among adventurers and tamers for their bizarre
gender shifting effect, which many tamers have demonstrated using their monsters. Because
of their similarity to other nuts, inexperienced adventurers are often warned not to consume
nuts recklessly in the wild unless they've identified what effects the nuts they find may have.
The nuts will change the gender of whatever consumes them, and this effect is most apparent
in monsters which have distinctive form differences due to gender. It works on creatures that
aren't monsters as well, but it's probably for the best if you don't experiment with it too much,
unless you're certain you want a gender change.

Naturally, since this is a seed, it can be planted and cultivated into a tree to produce more of
the gender changing nuts. If you do start planting trees however, for the sake of everyone else,
it would be best if you put up sufficient warnings so that no one carelessly consumes these.

Large Magic Jar 100+

The standard magic jar is a tool used by tamers and obtaining one should not be difficult,
especially as most tamers are granted one by the Dungeon Guild. This larger magic jar is a
modification that works on a similar principle, allowing a person to suck a monster into the jar,
upon which the “taming” process will immediately take effect. For monsters native to
Neverland, the effect is almost instantaneous, but for monsters of other worlds this may take
longer – and naturally there's a chance that the monster will resist being sucked into the jar.

This variant is several times larger than a standard jar, which makes transportation an issue,
and as such tamers generally don't carry these around with them when travelling. But the
increased size also means that they have no storage capacity issues, unlike the standard magic
jar, which can only hold up to six monsters at a time.

Having a single jar is enough for storage purposes, but having multiple jars effectively allows
for monsters to be transferred instantly across vast distances, as the jars are all linked to the
same space.

Magic Fountain 100

Though this fountain makes for a nice decoration piece in any garden, its intended function is
to provide tamers and mages with a stable supply of enhancement potions. The effects of
enhancement potions are rather weak as it takes a large quantity of potions to see noticeably
gains, but because the effects are permanent, these potions sell at prices that could keep
adventurers stocked and fed for months. By bottling up the water in the fountain, you'll get
random potions enhancing various physical parameters – but the fountain does take time to fill
up again once it runs dry.

Medicine Mixer 100

As a tool that serves to aid tamers rather than apothecaries, the medicine made with this tool is
primarily for use on monsters, serving as a catalyst which facilitates evolution. The medicine
has natural origins, as they were initially found by adventurers and tamers off of subjugated
dungeon bosses, but the rarity of the medicine prompted mages to look for a means of
creating an artificial supply. This tool is rather simple, it consumes a large amount of natural
resources and in return it produces medicine. The medicine comes naturally in three different
varieties – red, green, and yellow. For evolutionary purposes related to monsters of this world,
some monsters will only evolve using specific medicines, the colour tends to be related to the
monster's coloration. However, for monsters outside of this world, the colour doesn't matter
much, though the rate that this will successfully induce evolution is reduced.

Resource Demo Disk 100

Though the theory behind how this disk works is the same as the blank disk, this disk is
different in that no monsters exist in the dungeon which is created. Rather, these dungeons
are meant for harvesting various materials, such as rare coins, fruits, nuts, meat, so on and so
forth. While tamers generally would utilize these materials for monster taming purposes, there
is no stipulation demanding that these resources must be used for taming purposes. Once
deployed, the dungeons will regularly “refresh” their contents, though what type of materials
you find will largely depend on the biome you choose – forests tend to have more fruits and
leaves, seas tend to have more fish, ruins tend to have more coins, and so forth.
Coliseum 200

A recreation of the coliseum used in Green Town for hosting the Monster Competitions, this
can be used to host fights with monster groups wherever it happens to be deployed. While
you're not going to get new tamers show up in worlds where monsters don't exist, the
coliseum will remember past fights you've had (whether it's with monster teams or not) and
you can go through those fights once more at your own leisure. If deployed somewhere in the
world, the coliseum will attract combatants to it and can record their data this way.

Observatory 200

The massive telescope on this building would lead one to believe that it is an observatory for
stars and stellar phenomena, but astronomy is not a well developed field in Neverland. The
telescope on this building is actually a magic device used to unearth hidden locations, like
dungeons, ruins, relics and other odd places. While the Dungeon Guild uses their Observatory in
conjunction with the blank disks, this doesn't need any data disks in order to function – just
that without the disks, the telescope is limited to locations that actually exist within the world.
If you do have data disks however, or some means to create dungeons with data disks, the
telescope is capable of “projecting” these dungeons to specific locations across the world, as
well as retrieving them if necessary.

Pocket Station 200

This specialized magic tool was designed to serve as a training aid for aspiring tamers,
particularly those who focused on capturing monsters but lacked experience in training them.
Intended to function while the tamer was out on a journey, this tool creates an environment
that allows a group of monsters to train as the tamer travels (though it functions best when used
to train a lone candidate). Depending on the tamer, the type of training program can be set – the
effectiveness of this is largely dependent on what proficiencies the tamer has attained (such
that training monsters in fields that the tamer has no familiarity with is far less effective ). The longer
the journey, the more effective the training process becomes, though you won't be able to
change the training candidates until you “return home”. You can however check through the
device to confirm the results of their training and see how strong they've become.

While intended for use with monsters, technically there's not too much of a difference
between a monster and a companion individual, so if necessary, this could be used to train
companions that can't come along with you on a journey. How effective it'll be in this regard is
somewhat questionable.

There is no upper limit to the amount of points which can be attained by allowing additional
modifiers to affect your stay, just be wary that having the effects stack with one another may
result in unexpected and abnormally dangerous situations.

Environmental Modifier: Veil of Darkness +100

Dungeon exploration is best done with sufficient lighting, but in your case, keeping a good
lantern around isn't going to suffice if you want a smooth journey. Whether it's a pitch dark
ruin or cave, or a sudden rainstorm or snowstorm, the conditions of your surroundings will
almost always work to hamper your visibility. It won't affect the monsters though, so be wary
that ambushes can and probably will happen. With enough practice and familiarity, you can
probably mitigate this somewhat by packing different equipment to lessen the impact of the
aggravating phenomena which plague you, but negating it completely will be unlikely.

This will affect you periodically outside of dungeons as well.

Environmental Modifier: Failure to Read +100

The process for creating a dungeon has been tested and tried so many times that the Dungeon
Guild is generally quite confident it is “flawless”. But of course, there are few certainties in life,
and the Dungeon Guild definitely isn't correct in assuming their procedure is without flaws. The
normal process requires converting the dungeon's information out of a storage device – and
herein lies the potential flaw.

When the conversion process becomes corrupted, there's a chance that the magic will create a
dungeon that doesn't match the original data. The outcome won't be apparent until you
actually explore the dungeon – you won't know if you enter a dungeon completely devoid of
life, or a dungeon that seems to only contain mysterious seals, or maybe a dungeon that has
monsters with bizarre coloration. On top of this, because the rate of corruption isn't
consistent, predicting when you'll run into an anomalous dungeon is rather futile, and even if
you don't go into any dungeon created with the Dungeon Guild's magic, you may still run into
odd problems on your own property...

Environmental Modifier: Data Patterns +100

Adventurers tend to not notice anything, but cartographers as well as tamers (who can afford
to study their surroundings when their pets keep the monsters occupied) have observed that
many of the dungeons created are arranged in such a way that calling them modular wouldn't
be an exaggeration, as if someone took landscape pieces, copied them and put them together.
By itself this isn't really a hassle to deal with, at least if you stick to “shallow” dungeons where
finding the dungeon's boss isn't a challenge. But as the dungeons get “deeper” and grow in
complexity, you'll run the risk of hitting countless passageways that look exactly the same, just
rows and rows of them arranged in a grid that seems to extend on without end. Naturally,
getting lost is a concern, but trying to find a moving target in these natural mazes will be a
major headache as well. You might not necessarily have a good sense of direction or spatial
awareness, but the monsters residing in the dungeons won't suffer from these problems.

Bushwhacked +100

With the number of dungeons far greater than the number of active adventurers and tamers
combined, it's normally quite rare to meet someone else within a dungeon that isn't a monster.
Unfortunately while this is active, you're going to encounter a lot of people, enough to make
one think that you have a fan club...or a group of obsessive stalkers committed to following
you across the world. They don't all behave in the same manner, some of them are content to
just chat and go on their way, but others will go out of their way to challenge you to a fight – or
if you're a monster, attempt to capture you.

Don't assume that staying out of the dungeons will allow you to avoid them, these folks will
show up in the oddest places, at the most peculiar times, and they'll stop at nothing to get to
you. But at least if you anticipate that each of them wants to fight you, then you should be
pleasantly surprised if it turns out that they just want a chat.

Freak Mutation +100

Spontaneous mutations in monsters are not an unheard of phenomenon, but the rate of
mutations occurring is rare enough that neither sages nor scientists have been able to collect
consistent information that would shed light on the mutation mechanisms. What little they've
been able to collate suggests that mutations occur from species to species – such that rather
than sprouting an anomalous limb or sprouting an extra head, when a mutation occurs the
monster changes from one species to another completely.

Someone in your circumstance would probably be more interested in what triggers the
mutation, but unfortunately, not only is that unknown, your case won't provide very good data
for analysis. Mutation strikes you randomly, regardless of whether you're human or a monster,
regardless of whether you're in a dungeon or in a town, at any moment and any time there's a
chance that your physical form will spontaneously change into a monster species (or back to
your original form). Thankfully, since all monsters can survive in Neverland's environment, you
don't have to worry about suddenly being unable to breathe. Unfortunately, if you mutate in
the presence of someone else, it is very likely that they'll notice and take interest in you.

Aside from your physical form changing however, very little changes about you otherwise. Like
monsters that spontaneously mutate, your general temperament remains the same and while
verbal communication could present a challenge for some monster forms – certainly you may
still be able to work around that, say with written communication.
Just be aware that with enough mutations, the sensation may become so familiar to you that
you won't even notice when you change from one species to another. It's something you'll
want to keep in mind if you're going to be interacting with people regularly.

Monster Magnet +100

Many adventurers and tamers will attest to the generally unpredictable nature of monsters
within the dungeons. While certain species do behave in a consistent manner, generally
adventurers would advise those with less experience to observe the monsters from afar and
study their behavior carefully. Well, in your case, you don't need to bother – or rather,
monsters won't give you the opportunity to. From the moment you enter a dungeon, monsters
will swarm towards you. If you put your mind towards outrunning them, you shouldn't have
any problem staying ahead of them, but the moment you falter, they'll overwhelm you and
you'll have to beat them off with whatever you have on hand. It's possible to distract them
with food or arrange for diversions such as traps, but those will only stall the monsters for a
short time before they focus on chasing you down again.

Exactly what happens if they do catch you tends to vary from species to species. Some
monsters may just want hugs, others might want a piece of your body as their next meal or as a
souvenir. Going about figuring out how each species reacts to your presence may not be the
best idea.

Sickly Disposition +100

Many tamers come into the profession without much of an understanding of how monsters
behave and what pitfalls they have to watch out for. But most tamers will quickly learn that the
“school” of monster medical treatment exists with good reason: because the tamers
themselves lack experience, monsters falling sick isn't just a common problem, it's a problem
that can quickly ruin the rapport between monster and tamer. For you it's a particularly serious
concern, because regardless of your abilities or physiology, you and your companions will
regularly fall sick. Naturally this occurs for monsters in your company as well.

Treat it early enough and this won't be much of an issue, an annoyance at best. But if you put it
off, whether you have to ignore it because you're in the middle of completing a dungeon
survey or you're too swamped with work to take care of yourself, your condition will quickly
worsen until you're bedridden. The same applies to the others as well.

Unnatural Unfamiliarity +100

Under normal conditions, you wouldn't have to worry about the monsters you tame turning
feral on you. But these are normal conditions, and you do have to be wary – there's no telling
when a monster which you've built up a trusting relationship with will act like a complete
stranger. It's unclear why this happens and while you can still salvage the circumstances by
working closely with the affected monster, playing with them, feeding them, checking their
state of mind and physical health, it'll still be something you have to keep up with on a routine
basis. Consider it the price you need to pay for their company. The same circumstance will
befall your companions, should they pursue the path of monster taming.

Should you or your companions not happen to have any monsters – this affects the other
tamers and their monsters across the world. Considering that many of these tamers are
children, it's questionable whether they would survive this.

Whimsical Fauna +100

Monsters may come in all shapes and temperaments, but tamers have learned that generally
speaking, each breed has a specific disposition they lean towards. Some species are inherently
more aggressive, others are inherently more naive and trusting, and while variations exist
within the species, the majority of them match a specific temperament. There's a problem with
this, and the problem has to do with you. Every monster you interact with, every monster you
come across, will start to develop “oddities” in their behavior and “quirks” in their personality.
Feed an aggressive monster, and there's an equal chance that it'll become obsessive or docile.
Chuck a pebble at a monster that's supposed to be harmless and it might suddenly turn
irrevocably hostile.

A simple way to understand this is that as you roam around the world, monsters are going to
change in how they act. Your interaction with them don't need to be direct interactions –
something as simple as a monster observing your presence can be enough to trigger a change
in personality.

While you're certainly free to stay somewhere that monsters can't possibly exist ( which, could
be somewhat difficult as tamers and their monsters roam around the world a fair bit ), this
phenomenon will inevitably spread even if you attempt to self isolate, affecting the monsters
through either your companions or people/entities that you interact with.
(伝説獣の穴) Densetsu Kemono no Ana is the second version of a game by Idea Factory
originally released in 1999, a monster collection game that used the PS1's disc swap mechanic
similar to how Monster Rancher did so. Technically the prequel to the Spectral
series/alternatively known as the Neverland series, the story wasn't very elaborate and the
connections to Spectral Force were only reduced further with the second iteration.

The majority of the Spectral Series is a war story and is seen by some as being difficult to
decipher, as there are many different factions and following the chronology of Neverland
requires following each game to figure out which factions were intended to win “canonically”.
Densetsu Juu no Ana, being a prequel, has none of this atmosphere and is fairly lighthearted.

The game, like much of the early Spectral series, never saw a localization when it was released,
and because it requires extra PS1 discs in order to be played to its full extent, is relatively
difficult to experience in its entirety (even emulation has limitations, as I discovered while making the
frameworks of a jump for this). So it is about as obscure as a PS1 game can get for an English

Generally speaking, this was intended to be a rather compact/small/low effort jump. All
translations were done personally as there are no English resources for this.

Modification Notes

Monsterology *By encountering monsters, you'll learn basic details about them – both their
species and the monsters as individual creatures. The details you learn are
rudimentary, typically things such as relative strength (level), age, gender, what
sort of techniques they can utilize, what sort of preferences they have, etc.
*This accumulates in the form of a mental “monster encyclopedia” that you can
access at any time.
*With tamed monsters or monsters that you're training, the more time that you
spend with them, the greater the amount of information and the level of detail
that you'll be able to determine.
Beast Doctor *Makes it possible to cure monsters and other creatures while allowing you to
identify health issues they may have regardless of whether you are familiar with
their natural physiology. The effectiveness of treatment improves the greater
understanding you have regarding the target. (If you know absolutely nothing
at all, you'll still get a general sense of what's wrong – i.e. poison or bleeding)
*Increases the baseline vitality of creatures that you tame/train, making them
more resistant against sickness, corruption, and debilitating conditions.
Hard At Play *Increases the rate of growth for creatures that you tame/train and allows
them to passively increase their strength even without dedicated training.
(What grows is still dependent on what the creature does – running increases
speed, eating increases health/stamina, etc.)
*A small portion of the training results that your monsters attain will carry over
to you as well. The more monsters that you tame and train, the easier the
process becomes for subsequent monsters, even if you don't have much
experience with them.
Human Touch *A limit breaker for creatures that you tame/train, allowing them to exceed the
normal limitations applicable to their species, whether this is for their physical
traits, magical traits, or limitations associated with skills that they are capable
of learning on their own.
*Past their normal ceiling cap, the monsters have a reduced rate of growth.
Preliminary Survey *Allows you to gather information regarding a dungeon by observing its
location, without requiring you to enter the dungeon and conduct a survey. The
details include facts such as the general biome within the dungeon, the general
threat level of the dungeon and inhabitants, as well as an approximation of the
dungeon's size.
*With enough practice you'll be able to determine the native fauna/flora which
may reside within a specific dungeon without needing to enter it, and even if
you happen to be far away (looking at the dungeon on a map or with a tool) the
effectiveness of this skill won't decrease.
Entry Hazard *Allows for the detection and removal of nearby traps, also grants the ability to
create specific traps using nothing but magic. However, traps cannot be
stacked on top of one another (there has to be space in between them)
*Explosion traps are rather simple, and the blast radius is large enough to affect
a small pack of monsters without destroying a dungeon.
*Darkness traps cause blindness on anyone who accidentally walks over them.
*Confusion traps are also as the name would imply, and induces confusion onto
anyone who steps on them.
*Healing traps are the only beneficial device, and can be used to heal allies, but
doesn't affect enemies.
Hardy Explorer *Greatly improves your vitality, allowing you to go for prolonged periods
without needing to eat or rest. Also allows you to quickly recover from
debilitating conditions. These effects extend to those who travel alongside you
including monster allies, but the effects are reduced in effectiveness for allies.
*Greatly reduces the consequences of venturing into dangerous territory,
specifically against environmental hazards (poisonous swamps, intense cold
from glacial fields, intense heat in deserts, etc.).
Data Conversion *Facilitates dungeon creation by converting digital data into physical space.
Dungeons created in this fashion are modular in nature, effectively a
combination of “set pieces” that fall under a specific biome, with each dungeon
containing three or four species of monsters and minimal “loot”.
*Anything containing digital data (CDs, DVDs, USBs, etc.) can be used to create
a dungeon, but each unique instance of information can only be keyed to one
dungeon at a time – using the same data source will always create the same
dungeon, and only one dungeon is created per source at any given time, so if a
dungeon already exists in the world, the conversion process will only move the
dungeon from its “current” location to the “new” location.
*This can be used to make a copy of physical dungeons into a data format for
reproduction elsewhere.
Basic Properties *All monsters fall under one of 7 elements. (Fire, Ice, Light, Earth, Wind, Water,
*Each monster has a specific type of terrain in which they excel. (Caves,
Oceans, Glaciers, Forests, Ruins, Swamps)
*Each monster has a specific type of food which they benefit from to greater
*Each monster has a specific month in which their abilities are stronger.
Basic Properties II *Each monster has four techniques they can use as primary techniques. Those
of the monster background can use this to learn new techniques, slot their own
skills into those slots, or learn skills from other monsters in the world.
*These skills use the starcharge system: see that perk for how it works
*Each monster also has a support skill type. There are a total of 10 support skill
types to choose from.
Foundation Enhancement *Basic option for enhancing parameters associated with monster strength,
namely health, strength, speed, defense and magic.
Irrevocable Bonds *Binds you to a specific individual, this individual will be recognized by others as
your master. While you're fighting alongside them or fighting for them, your
abilities are drastically improved, this is particularly noticeable when you're
fighting in their defence.
*As long as your “master” is around, your resistance towards other attempts to
control you is greatly increased. Between you and your “master”, a relationship
of trust exists which outsiders cannot interfere with (though either you or your
“master” can break this should either of you wish).
Starcharge *Applies the starcharge system to all skills/spells in your repertoire, not just the
ones that are the four default techniques associated with the monster.
*Monsters here utilize their abilities by charging up energy (represented in the
form of stars). Stronger techniques require a longer charging time (up to a cap
at 10 stars – where normally they would gain 1 – 3 stars each charge), weaker
techniques have a shorter charging time (as low as 1 star)
*This removes other necessary spellcasting/skill requirements and restricts it to
a charge cast system.
Starstone Infusion *Effectively the same phenomenon which affects bosses within dungeons, this
(Goes from 3x, 4x, 5x, etc.) causes your size and strength (the strength of your skills) to increase based
upon the amount of starstones you've absorbed into your body. In the absence
of starstones, soul energy can be used as a direct substitute. Normally, with one
starstone, a monster can triple in size – as noted in how bosses tend to be
substantially larger than their normal counterparts.
*This can be suppressed by not drawing on the soul power residing within you,
thereby allowing you to regulate your size as you see fit.
*While there is no limit to the increase of both size and strength from this
process, there is a side effect as the growth process will intensify a specific
personality trait while active (bosses tend to have extremely polarized
behavior, be it extreme hostility, passivity, or specific quirkiness) – this tends to
revolve around specific emotions/mental states such as anger, sorrow, apathy,
arrogance, or scorn.
Lingering Spirit *Causes defeated entities, specifically those with a soul/spirit, to leave behind
starstones occasionally. The stronger the entity, the more likely that you'll find
a starstone. This starstone functions in the same manner as the starstone item.
Junk Peddling *Your ability to convince people to buy useless junk at ludicrous prices
increases such that you can easily sell trash for at least ten times their normal
worth and even worthless objects will sell for a mediocre baseline price.
*Affects sales with currency only, not useful for trading goods.
*Gives you an innate ability to detect people who are easy to fall for your
marketing pitch and people who can't manage money well.
Recognized Title *Allows you to declare a title for yourself and others will recognize you by this
title without requiring you to produce further proof regarding your identity.
Depending on the title chosen (i.e. you become the fire mage of somewhere),
the title can bestow some basic abilities/skills relevant to the title (in the case of
a fire mage, you'd gain basic fire magic), but the abilities/skills you gain this way
are rather basic.
Data Refresh *Re-initializes any space that can be considered a dungeon, reverting it back to
the state it was in before anyone entered (essentially bringing monsters back to
life and regenerating items that may be present). Things already taken out of
the dungeon are no longer considered part of the dungeon – but the re-
initialization process will create a separate entity in its place.
*If this is used on the same dungeon repeatedly, the odds of success will drop
dramatically. This culminates in the process requiring a substantial “recovery
period” before it can be used on an “exhausted” dungeon again.
Freak Mutation *Allows you to inflict spontaneous mutations upon a target, the likelihood of
success is dependent on how much stronger you are compared to them. Used
generally to change the appearance of targets, but depending on the mutation
“outcome”, may grant new abilities based on physical differences.
*By default, this transforms them into a shit monster (it's a specific monster).
You can designate a different type of monster, provided you've encountered
said monster. However, the mutation process does not change their
fundamental strength, which means if they weren't strong enough to handle
the power of their new monster body to begin with, the mutation won't
increase their strength either.
Spectral Force *By expending large amounts of soul energy (in this world the process requires
starstones, which is harvested by subjugating boss monsters in dungeons), this
can forcefully create a gateway into a dungeon inhabiting a parallel space. The
strength of the dungeon's denizens is relative to the amount of soul energy
expended to open the path, and the gateway will remain open for as long as
you need it. Multiple gateways can be opened simultaneously as long as
enough soul energy is sacrificed.
This section denotes the monsters which inhabit the world of Neverland, with general
information relevant to their physical traits, as well as some basic observations. (As there is no
official English translation, all names are based off of plausible interpretations of the original
Japanese names) You can use this to go back to the Monster section.

Thanks to how openoffice handles images, the pictures don't fit very well. I was too lazy to use
photoshop layering to make a better fitting image.

#1 ムイムイ A monster with the appearance of a caterpillar. Even if it is faced with overwhelming
(Muimui) opposition, it never backs down.
Prefers forests, generally around 52 cm tall/weighs 24 kg, prefers leaves, has a
somewhat dark personality, particularly active in March. Earth elemental affinity.

#2 ドクムイ Technically a Muimui, it differs from its brethren as it possesses toxic spines. There are
(Dokumui) many who believe these monsters contain a great deal of hidden potential.
Prefers forests, generally around 53 cm tall/weighs 25 kg, prefers leaves, has a selfish
personality, particularly active in May. Earth elemental affinity.

#3 シルキュー The pupal stage of a Muimui, because it has difficulties moving, it often becomes an
(Sirukyuu) easy meal for other monsters.
Prefers forests, generally around 89 cm tall/weighs 10 kg, prefers leaves, has a cold
personality, particularly active in March. Void elemental affinity.

#4 チョリッパー An insect monster that is often seen gracefully flying through the skies. It is capable of
(Chorippaa) learning a wide range of powerful techniques, a testament to the potential that finally
bore fruit after evolution.
Prefers forests, generally around 82 cm tall/weighing 14 kg, prefers bugs, a little selfish,
particularly active in April. Wind elemental affinity.

#5 チュピピ A very lively monster that tends to lose very easily, it likes to use its massive tail to
(Chupipi) smack things, and getting hit hurts a fair bit.
Prefers forests, generally around 58 cm tall/weighs 34 kg, prefers nuts, has a somewhat
lonely personality, particularly active in September. Earth elemental affinity.

#6 チャピピ A mischievous monster that tends to lose very easily, its massive tail actually allows it to
(Chapipi) store magic.
Prefers forests, generally around 55 cm tall/weighs 30 kg, prefers nuts, has a somewhat
lonely personality, particularly active in September. Earth elemental affinity.
#7 アサシン A professional assassin monster, whose heart has been closed off. It is exceedingly rare
(Asasin/ for one of these monsters to open up to a human.
Assassin) Prefers forests, generally around 60 cm tall/weighs 38 kg, prefers nuts, its nature is
difficult to discern, particularly active in September. Earth elemental affinity.

#8 オハナボウ A carefree plant monster, it doesn't handle being in cold environments very well.
(Ohanapou) Prefers forests, generally around 50 cm tall/weighs 84 kg, prefers bugs, rather innocent,
particularly active in April. Water elemental affinity.

#9 マンドラゴア A plant monster born from the spirit world, it's said that its scream is cursed, dragging
(Mandorago those who hear it towards death.
a/Mandrago Prefers forests, generally around 55 cm tall/weighs 84 kg, prefers bugs, has a rather
ra) dark personality, particularly active in May. Water elemental affinity.

#10 コダマ A plant monster that has reached a state of inner awaken and realization, these
(Kodama) monsters are hermits possessing an abundance of magical power and knowledge.
Prefers forests, generally around 61 cm tall/weighs 32 kg, prefers bugs, cool and
collected in nature, particularly active in June. Water elemental affinity.

#11 テンコ An exceedingly rare monster which has been driven to near extinction, this variety only
(Tenko) has three tails, though records suggest they can have up to nine.
Prefers forests, generally around 56 cm tall/weighs 39 kg, prefers meat, innocent in
nature, particularly active in November. Fire elemental affinity.

#12 チャッカー An overwhelmingly intense monster that seems to always be burning with passion.
(Chakka) Sometimes its recklessness will cause it to lose control over its magical flames, and
from time to time it manages to burn itself, but this doesn't deter it in the least.
Prefers forests, generally around 60 cm tall/weighs 49 kg, prefers meat, intensely
hotblooded, particularly active in November. Fire elemental affinity.

#13 テン There are very few people in the world who know that these monsters exist, and most
(Ten) believe them to be an unsubstantiated myth. Extremely calculating and intelligent, it
takes a methodical approach to any given situation.
Prefers forests, generally around 66 cm tall/weighs 46 kg, prefers meat, has a cool
personality, particularly active in November. Fire elemental affinity.

#14 カブリン Related to the Hiyokomushi, these monsters encountered a cursed helmet, and
(Kaburin) following that, their lifestyle was completely changed. Now they live like hermit crabs
within their helmet of choice.
Prefers forests, generally around 50 cm tall/weighing 137 kg, prefers nuts, has an
innocent personality, particularly active in July. Earth elemental affinity.

#15 ラブリン The female variant of a Kablin, it likes wearing flashy helmets.
(Raburin) Prefers forests, generally around 48 cm tall/weighs 129 kg, prefers nuts, often gets a
little lonely, particularly active in July. Earth elemental affinity.

#16 チクリン Though it possesses a massive toxic spike, this species is noteworthy in that its
(Chikurin) fundamental nature is rather demure and it generally doesn't attack maliciously. Enjoys
a strong bond with Kablins.
Prefers forests, generally around 51 cm tall/weighs 138 kg, prefers nuts, somewhat
hotblooded nature, particularly active in July. Earth elemental affinity.

#17 ベビパンダ Since ancient times, these monsters have been raised as pets by humans. This breed is
(Bebipanda/ particularly popular with men.
Baby Panda) Prefers forests, generally around 57 cm tall/weighs 30 kg, prefers leaves, innocent in
nature, particularly active in November. Light elemental affinity.

#18 イヌパンダ A monster with a pure heart that seems incorruptible at first glance, many of these are
(Inupanda) tamed to become pets for households across the continent.
Prefers forests, generally around 62 cm tall/weighs 36 kg, prefers leaves, innocent in
nature, particularly active in November. Light elemental affinity.

#19 ベビピンク A very popular monster among women, generally considered a pet, at the same time
(Bebipinku/ they get along very well with females in general.
Baby Pink) Prefers forests, generally around 54 cm tall/weighs 26 kg, prefers leaves, innocent in
nature, particularly active in November. Light elemental affinity.

#20 ピンクレモ Commonly sought after as a playmate for young children, because they are highly
ネード intelligent, they follow instructions well without needing much training.
(Pinkuremo Prefers forests, generally around 59 cm tall/weighs 29 kg, prefers leaves, innocent in
needo/ Pink nature, particularly active in November. Light elemental affinity.

#21 キラーブラッ A monster whose heart was corrupted by demons, it has a tendency to approach its
ク enemies from behind without making a sound.
(Kiraaburakk Prefers forests, generally around 65 cm tall/weighs 42 kg, prefers leaves, details
u/ Killer regarding its nature are unknown, particularly active in November. Light elemental
Black) affinity.

#22 ボムナッポー A plant monster that moves about purely on willpower alone. If it encounters a
(Pomunapp dangerous situation, it has a tendency to explode and scatter its seeds about.
oo/ Bomb Prefers forests, generally around 85 cm tall/weighs 154 kg, prefers coins, hotblooded in
Apple?) nature, particularly active in June. Fire elemental affinity.

#23 メガボムナッ A plant monster that tries to impart the importance of life to those around it, it
ポー ironically has a tendency of throwing its own life away.
(Megapomu Prefers forests, generally around 97 cm tall/weighs 171 kg, prefers coins, hotblooded in
nappoo/ nature, particularly active in June. Fire elemental affinity.
Mega Bomb

#24 ギガボムナッ Despite its appearance and having an extremely hard shell, these are actually plant
ポー monsters. The power of its explosive blast is enough to level a village.
(Gigapomun Prefers forests, generally around 146 cm tall/weighs 201 kg, prefers coins, hotblooded
appoo/ Giga in nature, particularly active in June. Fire elemental affinity.

#25 キュピーン A rather solitary monster, it often attempts to intimidate its enemies into running away
(Kyupiin) by pointing its spines towards them.
Prefers forests, generally around 61 cm tall/weighs 52 kg, prefers fruits, rather innocent
in nature, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#26 バスタード A rather dark spirited monster that coincidentally likes living in dark places. If the shell
(Basutaado/ on its back is destroyed, it is capable of regenerating the shell in its entirety, spikes and
Bastard?) all.
Prefers forests, generally around 95 cm tall/weighs 81 kg, prefers fruits, dark in nature,
particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#27 ネオ・バス These monsters tend to approach every enemy with the same air of unshaken
タード (Neo confidence. The needles on its back seem to grow sharper and longer as its willpower
Basutaado/ intensifies.
Neo Prefers forests, generally around 142 cm tall/weighs 94 kg, prefers fruits, fairly
Bastard?) hotblooded in nature, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#28 ケルロン A legendary monster, as it was thought to be extinct since quite long ago. Absolutely
(Keruberon) refuses to admit defeat until it fights to the bitter end, its temperament is competitive,
to say the least.
Prefers forests, generally around 61 cm tall/weighs 38 kg, prefers bones, fiercely
hotblooded in nature, particularly active in September. Fire elemental affinity.

#29 ケルベロス A legendary monster, as it was thought to be extinct since quite long ago. However, it
(Keruberosu is commonly believed that it drove itself to extinction as it fought everything it
/ Cerberus)) encountered.
Prefers forests, generally around 81 cm tall/weighs 49 kg, prefers bones, extremely
hotblooded in nature, particularly active in September. Fire elemental affinity.

#30 ケルベロス・ A legendary monster, as it was thought to be extinct since quite long ago. The third eye
F on its head is said to be capable of mysterious magic.
(Keruberosu Prefers forests, generally around 131 cm tall/weighs 52 kg, prefers bones, not much is
F/ Cerberus known about its temperament, particularly active in September. Fire elemental affinity.

#31 ゴーグ Considered a pupal state for the overall evolutionary tree, this monster's shell is as hard
(Googu/ as a rock, and it spends all of its life preparing for its transformation into an adult.
Gog?) Prefers forests, generally around 72 cm tall/weighs 10 kg, prefers bones, not much is
known about its temperament, particularly active in July. Void elemental affinity.

#32 ブラッドク A monster with a proclivity for watching things bleed, before poaching of this species
イーン became an issue, they were commonly found across the world.
(Buraddokui Prefers forests, generally around 146 cm tall/weighs 39 kg, prefers leaves, not much is
in/ Blood known about its temperament, particularly active in August. Fire elemental affinity.

#33 ミーンファウ These monsters are capable of using their claws to tear straight through iron. They have
ル a strong rivalry with their sibling species, the Virainos.
(Miinfauru/ Prefers forests, generally around 150 cm tall/weights 46 kg, prefers leaves, not much is
Minfarl?) known about its temperament, particularly active in August. Wind elemental affinity.

#34 ヴィライノー With a horn capable of drilling through iron, this monster often gets into fights with the
ス Minfarl, and the two can be considered as rival species.
(Virainoosu/ Prefers forests, generally around 150 cm tall/weighs 46 kg, prefers leaves, not much is
Virainos?) known about its temperament, particularly active in August. Ice elemental affinity.

#35 アトゥラスィ Considered by some as the Ultimate Monster, with an infinite level of potential. Though
ティ no one knows whether this is true, among monsters, most that know of this being
(Atourasuiti consider it the King of the Forest.
/ Atrocity?) Prefers forests, generally around 182 cm tall/weighs 47 kg, prefers leaves, not much is
known about its temperament, particularly active in August. Light elemental affinity.

#36 コインマン A monster that was originally inanimate, but life was breathed into it. It has a habit of
(Koinman/ gathering coins and gold pieces to hoard in the nest that it forms with its brethren.
Coin Man) Prefers ruins, generally around 55 cm tall/weighs 68 kg, prefers coins, innocent in
nature, particularly active in July. Earth elemental affinity.

#37 オウサマコイ The de facto leader within a colony of Coinmans. For each nest that Coinmans form,
ン there can only be a single King Coinman.
(Ousamakoi Prefers ruins, generally around 61 cm tall/weighs 71 kg, prefers coins, fairly selfish,
n/ King particularly active in July. Earth elemental affinity.

#38 プレミアコイ A Coinman mutation that is exceedingly rare, because of its unique coloration and
ン physical qualities, it is highly sought after by all manners of collectors.
(Puremiakoi Prefers ruins, generally around 58 cm tall/weighs 47 kg, prefers coins, has a rather cool
n/ Premier personality, particularly active in June. Earth elemental affinity.

#39 タマゴムシ A monster that's commonly found all across the continent, what makes it distinctive is
(Tamagomu its ability to create the egg shell around it by spitting out a silk strand from its mouth.
shi/ Egg Prefers ruins, generally around 57 cm tall/weighs 24 kg, prefers fruits, somewhat cool
Bug) and aloof in personality, particularly active in May. Void elemental affinity.

#40 ヒヨコムシ Though it has existed since ancient times, nowadays encountering one of these
(Hiyokomus monsters takes a fair bit of luck. People tend to find its hollow eyes somewhat
hi) endearing for whatever reason.
Prefers ruins, generally around 62 cm tall/weighs 35 kg, prefers fruits, suffers from
loneliness, particularly active in November. Void elemental affinity.

#41 ピヨコムシ Though it has existed since ancient times, nowadays it is fairly rare to encounter one of
(Piyokomus these monsters. As a result, much of the knowledge regarding this monster has become
hi) outdated.
Prefers ruins, generally around 60 cm tall/weighs 29 kg, prefers fruits, suffers from
loneliness, particularly active in February. Void elemental affinity.

#42 ジゴクノトサ A massive Hiyokomushi, this beast will eat anything so long as it can fit it inside its
カ massive mouth.
(Jigokunoto Prefers ruins, generally around 82 cm tall/weighs 87 kg, prefers meat, unknown
saka / Hell's temperament, particularly active in May. Void elemental affinity.

#43 ミー These monsters are children hailing from the spirit realm, but now that they've
(Mii) wandered into this world, they are unable to return home. They wear a bell that serves
as a trinket to ensure that they don't get lost, but its effectiveness is questionable.
Prefers ruins, generally around 51 cm tall/weighs 26 kg, prefers meat, quite innocent,
particularly active in December. Wind elemental affinity.

#44 インプ A demonic beast that has a penchant for playing pranks on others. Many travelers who
(Inpu/ Imp) encounter these creatures will complain about their relentless harassment.
Prefers ruins, generally around 55 cm tall/weighs 30 kg, prefers meat, somewhat hot
blooded, particularly active in December. Wind elemental affinity.

#45 シェイムリス An evolved form of the Imp after considerable exposure to the spirit realm. As a result
(Sheimurisu of its exposure, the magic it can manipulate has also multiplied in strength.
/ Prefers ruins, generally around 58 cm tall/weighs 36 kg, prefers meat, its temperament
Shameless?) varies wildly, particularly active in December. Wind elemental affinity.

#46 プチプチ An entity from the spirit realm that goes about collecting the spirits of the dead.
(Puchipuchi) Unfortunately, under the impression that it can gather more allies, it'll attack travellers
intent on killing them.
Prefers ruins, generally around 34 cm tall/weightless, prefers bones, has a somewhat
dark personality, particularly active in August. Void elemental affinity.

#47 ゴースト An entity that manifested into this world from the spirit realm, it has an odd habit of
(Goosuto/ speaking with travelers in a quivering voice.
Ghost) Prefers ruins, generally around 55 cm tall/weightless, prefers bones, has a somewhat
dark personality, particularly active in August. Void elemental affinity.

#48 マミー Their entire bodies are covered in thick cloth, but it isn't actually because they have
(Mamii/ suffered any sort of major injury.
Mummy) Prefers ruins, generally around 56 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers bones, has a rather
dark temperament, particularly active in September. Void elemental affinity.

#49 ワイバーン These beasts like to reside within towers, but because they have spent so long residing
(Waibaan/ within an indoor environment, their wings have slowly shrunken in size.
Wyvern) Prefers ruins, generally around 124 cm tall/weighing 46 kg, prefers meat, somewhat
selfish, particularly active in April. Fire elemental affinity.

#50 カシュシリア A righteous beast that won't tolerate any injustice it encounters in the world. Though it
ス isn't fond of conflict, it recognizes when things need to be fought for.
(Kashushiria Prefers ruins, generally around 175 cm tall/weighing 78 kg, prefers meat, generally has
su) a rather cool temperament, particularly active in April. Fire elemental affinity.

#51 コボルト Swinging a massive mace around, it has no problems posturing and putting up an
(Koporuto/ intimidating front, but it'll only do this when it knows that its opponent is weaker than
Kobold) it.
Prefers ruins, generally around 57 cm tall/weighing 43 kg, prefers meat, rather
hotblooded, particularly active in March. Earth elemental affinity.

#52 ガリアンコボ Commanding groups of Kobolds to hunt alongside it, the mace that it swings around
ルト madly serves as a symbol of authority, and naturally makes it extremely dangerous.
(Gariankopo Prefers ruins, generally around 88 cm tall/weighing 75 kg, prefers meat, dangerously
ruto/ Galian hotblooded, particularly active in March. Earth elemental affinity.

#53 ゴブリン A vicious and destructive monster that has a deep, instinctive loathing for humans.
(Goburin/ However, despite their hatred for humans, their lifestyle is oddly similar to humans.
Goblin) Prefers ruins, generally around 57 cm tall/weighing 43 kg, prefers meat, has a rather hot
blooded personality, particularly active in March. Earth elemental affinity.
#54 ピーピー Its habitat is limited to select towers across the world. Owing to both its rarity and its
(Piipii) appearance these monsters are fairly popular among tamers.
Prefers ruins, generally around 20 cm tall/weighing 2 kg, prefers fish, fairly lonely in
nature, particularly active in April. Void elemental affinity.

#55 ハーピー A half man half bird monster that resides within the spirit realm. Its appearance is
(Haapii/ considered unsettling by many and leaves witnesses with a chill in their spine.
Harpy)) Prefers ruins, generally around 87 cm tall/weighing 25 kg, prefers fish, has a rather dark
temperament, particularly active in May. Water elemental affinity.

#56 ガルーダ A vicious monster hailing from the spirit realm, because it has a tendency to harass
(Garuuda/ novice adventurers, it is considered particularly dangerous among its brethren.
Garuda) Prefers ruins, generally around 87 cm tall/weighing 25 kg, prefers fish, fairly cool
temperament, particularly active in May. Wind elemental affinity.

#57 スパーク An anomalous monster within its species, it has undergone evolution multiple times in
(Supaaku/ a short time period. Extremely fast, it often loses control as it moves about at high
Spark) speeds and becomes impossible to stop.
Prefers ruins, generally around 87 cm tall/weighing 25 kg, prefers fish, has an oddly
dark temperament, particularly active in May. Light elemental affinity.

#58 デーモン A demonic monster, born within the spirit realm. Tamers are warned when
(Deemon/ encountering this monster, as the scythe it carries is capable of tearing a soul away
Demon) from the body.
Prefers ruins, generally around 169 cm tall/weighing 79 kg, prefers bones, has a rather
cryptic personality, particularly active in December. Void elemental affinity.

#59 G・デーモン A monster born from the darkness of the spirit realm, possessing a terrifying power.
(G Deemon/ Ancient tales speak of it descending upon the land when chaos finally engulfs it at the
G Demon) end of days.
Prefers ruins, generally around 172 cm tall/weighing 82 kg, prefers bones, has a rather
cryptic personality, particularly active in December. Void elemental affinity.

#60 サターンX A monster that is the manifestation of hatred and malevolence, with its left hand it is
(Sataan X / capable of shattering the body, while its right hand is capable of shattering the mind.
Satan X) Prefers ruins, generally around 180 cm tall/weighing 98 kg, prefers bones, its
temperament is unfathomable, particularly active in December. Void elemental affinity.
#61 ドラパピー The infant stage of a Dragon, though they are only children, they already possess the
(Dorapapii) capability of reading into the hearts of those around them.
Prefers ruins, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 24 kg, prefers fruits, somewhat
selfish, particularly active in June. Light elemental affinity.

#62 ドラゴン Considered the strongest monster breed by many tamers across the land, it is said that
(Doragon/ those who hear its roar will be shaken to their very soul.
Dragon) Prefers ruins, generally around 179 cm tall/weighing 91 kg, prefers fruits, has a cool
personality, particularly active in June. Light elemental affinity.

#63 フレアルディ One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Dragon's Altar.
アス Among the six, it is the most intense and very prideful.
(Furearudias Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
u/ Flare meat, its personality is intense, particularly active in January. Fire elemental affinity.

#64 バラハム One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Forest of Evil.
(Barahamu) Among the six, it is remarkably cruel and sometimes suffers from intense jealousy.
Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
meat, its personality is distinctively cruel, particularly active in January. Water elemental

#65 アビスフィ One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Hell Swamp.
アー Among the six, it happens to be the oldest and has a ridiculously strong attachment to
(Abisufuiaa/ life.
Abyss Fear) Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
meat, its personality is depressed, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#66 シルフィード One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Grand Spirit
(Shirufuiido/ Realm. Among the six, it is the only female.
Sylpheed) Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
meat, its personality is haughty, particularly active in January. Wind elemental affinity.
#67 クレリュ-フ One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Ancient Ruins.
(Kureryuufu) Referred to as the Dragon Emperor, its ambition knows no bounds.
Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
meat, its personality is somewhat domineering, particularly active in January. Ice
elemental affinity.

#68 エンパイア One of the six divine dragons, it resides within a domain known as the Central Desert.
(Enpaia/ Among the six, it is considered the leader who keeps the others in line.
Empire) Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
meat, its personality is distant and aloof, particularly active in January. Light elemental

#69 ダブルエック A platinum dragon that only manifests from its den in the spirit realm when the world is
ス in desperate need of its protection. Aside from the Dragon Emperor, it is believed that
(Daburuekk there is no stronger dragon in existence.
usu/ Double Has no specific region it prefers, its general weight and height are unknown, prefers
X) meat, too little is known to discern is temperament, particularly active in January. Void
elemental affinity.

#70 ナイトメア An entity regarded as the king of the spirit realm, though its exact nature is unknown. It
(Naitomea/ feeds off of hopes and in the process, in warps the hearts of all living beings, creating
Nightmare) nightmares that linger within the world. It has been known to manifest in the forest that
borders the spirit realm and this world.
It has no region of preference, its general weight and height varies wildly, prefers meat,
its true nature is unfathomable, particularly active in January. Void elemental affinity.

#71 ペン These monsters tend to have poor memory, but they don't tend to let this stop them.
(Pen) The sphere above their head tends to shake whenever they get ready to fight.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 31 kg, prefers fish, somewhat hot
blooded, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#72 マリリン These monsters will only tolerate living in pristine environments, and seek out the
(Maririn) cleanest ice fields. They refuse to touch things that they consider dirty under any
Prefers glaciers, generally around 55 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers fish, tends to be a
bit selfish, particularly active in December. Ice elemental affinity.
#73 チロル It tends to live at a leisurely pace, but when this monster gets excited, the gem above
(Chiroru) its head will grow in size.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 48 cm tall/weighing 11 kg, prefers nuts, has a cool
personality, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#74 チロリン A carefree monster that loves to take afternoon naps. The jewel on its head has been
(Chirorin) known to be effective at curing shoulder problems.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 49 cm tall/weighing 11 kg, prefers nuts, has a cool
personality, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#75 アップルラ These monsters will intentionally appear similar to fruits in order to fool their enemies.
ビー Using their extremely developed muscles, they are capable of hopping around as their
(Appururabii primary means of locomotion.
/Applerabi/ Prefers glaciers, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 41 kg, prefers coins, has an
Apple innocent personality, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#76 カッター An abnormal mutation of the Applerabi, it relies on its well honed reflexes, high speed,
(Kaataa/ and sharp hearing to protect itself.
Cutter) Prefers glaciers, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 45 kg, prefers coins, rather hot
blooded, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#77 バフー These monsters like to sleep in the ice and commonly do so in their packs. Also fond of
(Bafuu) swimming, it never does this alone.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers bones, tends to be
a bit selfish, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#78 バフフーン These monsters live in packs, and because their fangs can be sold at high prices, they
(Bafufuun) had to be protected under conservation measures.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 79 cm tall/weighing 42 kg, prefers bones, rather
hotblooded, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#79 サンタクロウ A monkey monster that tends to appear in the winter, his appearance is actually a
シ distinct fur coloration. It can converse in the human tongue, but it typically does so in
(Santakurou order to deceive children.
shi/ Santa Prefers glaciers, generally around 77 cm tall/weighing 42 kg, prefers bones, has a rather
Claus) innocent personality, particularly active in December. Ice elemental affinity.

#80 ツノマリン A monster that is quite popular among monster collectors. People consider it quite
(Tsunomarin cute, even when it is engaged in combat.
) Prefers glaciers, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 24 kg, prefers fish, rather
innocent, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#81 ドリリュー A rather easygoing monster, it likes using its drill like horn to break open shellfish for
(Doriryuu) food.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 77 cm tall/weighing 39 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
dark personality, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#82 ワイドス A monster exclusively found within glaciers and prefers living in ice dungeons, when it
(Waidosu) gets hungry, it'll eat anything it can get its hands on indiscriminately.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 79 cm tall/weighing 59 kg, prefers meat, has wildly
varying personalities, particularly active in February. Ice elemental affinity.

#83 イエティ A monster that prefers to live within blizzards and is quite at home inside storms,
(Ieti/ Yeti) despite its appearance, it's actually quite a gourmet. Prefers glaciers, generally around
135 cm tall/weighing 86 kg, prefers meat, its temperament is difficult to discern,
particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#84 フロストドラ A dragon capable of manipulating ice magic, due to the influence of its extensive
ゴン magical powers, its body is consistently coated in a layer of frost.
(Furosutodo Prefers glaciers, generally around 182 cm tall/weighing 125 kg, prefers meat, has a
ragon/ Frost rather dark personality, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#85 クリオネ A fairy monster which was born out of a shard of enchanted permafrost, it is commonly
(Kurione/ referred to as an ice deity by locals who have encountered it.
Clione) Prefers glaciers, generally around 32 cm tall/weightless, prefers bugs, its personality
and temperament are unknown, particularly active in January. Ice elemental affinity.

#86 ピカピカ These monsters can generally be found drifting across the sea. Because of their ability
(Pikapika) to emit light, they're raised locally by fishermen.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 16 kg, prefers bugs, has a
lonely personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#87 ミラージュ A monster that has an oddly intimidating low growl, because its head constantly emits
(Miraajuu/ light, some tamers use it in place of a torch.
Mirage) Prefers the ocean, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 34 kg, prefers bugs, has a
rather hot blooded personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#88 ウニボー These monsters grow spikes as a defensive measure, and as they mature, the spikes will
(Unipoo) grow in hardness and size.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 50 cm tall/weighing 19 kg, prefers fish, has a
somewhat hot blooded personality, particularly active in June. Water elemental affinity.

#89 トゲトゲス A monster that protects itself with a peculiar mucous membrane and many spikes, the
(Dogedoges spikes themselves are harder than diamond, so it never worries about the spikes
u) breaking.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 74 cm tall/weighs 36 kg, prefers fish, has a
hotblooded personality, particularly active in June. Water elemental affinity.

#90 マリン A monster with wings said to be blessed by a divine entity, it is capable of flying above
(Marin) the water, and likes to flutter about for fun.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 34 kg, prefers fish, has an
innocent personality, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#91 アクアスター These monsters are renowned for how quickly they can swim, to the point that sailors
(Akuasutaa / and tamers have dubbed them the Shooting Star of the Sea.
Aqua Star) Prefers the ocean, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 46 kg, prefers fish, has a cool
personality, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#92 ファラウェイ A monster that serves as the enforcer of the seas, possessing phenomenally high
(Fuarauei/ strength. It tends to attack those who it believes are disrupting the peace.
Faraway?) Prefers the ocean, generally around 169 cm tall/weighing 98 kg, prefers fish, its
temperament is unknown, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#93 ギョジ A monster that tends to live in the oceans all across the world, because of its rough
(Gyoji) skin, people tend to avoid cooking it...
Prefers the ocean, generally around 73 cm tall/weighing 35 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
cool personality, particularly active in June. Water elemental affinity.

#94 タコカリン A monster that is actually a hermit crab sharing its abode with an octopus, the pair
(Takokarin) have a symbiotic relationship and live in harmony.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 55 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers bugs, it has a
rather cool personality, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#95 イコ Typically found living burrowed within the sand, it lays eggs here in copious amounts.
(Iko) Prefers the ocean, generally around 56 cm tall/weighing 21 kg, prefers bugs, rather
innocent, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#96 サイコスコー These monsters have been recorded in historic annals, and thus were thought to be
プ fictional beings from legend until tamers rediscovered them. Their visual prowess is
(Saikosukoo phenomenal, capable of seeing through all things.
pu/ Psycho Prefers the ocean, generally around 77 cm tall/weighing 38 kg, prefers bugs, possesses
Scope) a cool personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#97 ヤリヤリ A monster with a strange swirl shaped shell that it carries on its back, from the moment
(Yariyari) it is born, it sets off in search of this shell.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 19 kg, prefers fish, rather hot
blooded, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#98 グランドクロ A monster that is capable of turning its entire body into a weapon, thanks to its affinity
ス for magic control, it can hover effortlessly in the air.
(Gurandokur Prefers the ocean, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
osu/ Grand dark personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#99 チョキ A monster commonly found in sand dunes and beaches along the coastline, while it
(Choki) normally walks sideways, when it feels endangered, it can run normally at amazing
Prefers the ocean, generally around 49 cm tall/weighing 14 kg, prefers bugs, somewhat
hot-blooded, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#100 デスクラブ A monster that regularly harasses others with its massive pincers, it is considered a
(Desukurab delicacy however, so people raise them as livestock.
u/ Death Prefers the ocean, generally around 74 cm tall/weighing 35 kg, prefers bugs, hot-
Crab) blooded in nature, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.
#101 ミッドナイト A terrifying coastline predator that has a habit of hunting anything weaker than itself.
(Middonaito There is no end to the reports of coastal incidents and fatalities associated with this
/Midnight) monster.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 81 cm tall/weighing 67 kg, prefers meat, it is too
dangerous to discern details regarding its temperament, particularly active in June.
Water elemental affinity.

#102 サタンシャー A destructive beast that even pirates of the sea will fear, once it has confirmed its prey,
ク it'll eat it, bones and all.
(Satanjaaku/ Prefers the ocean, generally around 174 cm tall/weighing 119 kg, prefers fish, its
Satan Jack) temperament is unclear, particularly active in June. Water elemental affinity.

#103 ポポス A rather mischievous monster that tends to do as it pleases, even though it tends to get
(Poposu) into plenty of trouble, because it is generally seen as quite cute, it isn't regarded
Prefers the ocean, generally around 57 cm tall/weighing 34 kg, prefers fish, tends to be
rather innocent in nature, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#104 ポペス A species that is nearly extinct, it tends to be frightful of unknown things, which makes
(Popesu) it hard for tamers to grow close to them.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 54 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers fish, suffers from
loneliness, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#105 ポセイドン A legendary beast said to be only found at the bottom of the sea. Absolutely will not
(Poseidon) tolerant anyone that desecrates the sea and will attack them ferociously.
Prefers the ocean, generally around 194 cm tall/weighing 157 kg, prefers fish, its
temperament is unknown, particularly active in July. Water elemental affinity.

#106 タマリン A breed of monster commonly found in swamps, its cries are rather entrancing and
(Tamarin) makes the monster quite popular.
Prefers swamps, generally around 48 cm tall/weighing 11 kg, prefers bugs, quite
innocent, particularly active in March. Water elemental affinity.

#107 ゴルディオ A type of Tamarin with a distinctive golden hue, also highly regarded for its singing
(Gorudio) ability. At night, groups of these will often sing in unison.
Prefers swamps, generally around 51 cm tall/weighing 15 kg, prefers bugs, quite
innocent, particularly active in March. Water elemental affinity.
#108 ケロンパ These monsters are commonly found hopping across the surfaces of swamps, it is
(Keronpa) particularly fond of rain, and will often burst into song when rain falls.
Prefers swamps, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 23 kg, prefers bugs, somewhat
cool personality, particularly active in April. Water elemental affinity.

#109 セイレーン A monster dubbed the Queen of the Swamp thanks to its appearance, it is actually
(Seireen/ capable of using magic to transform into the shape of a human.
Siren) Prefers swamps, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 26 kg, prefers bugs, somewhat
selfish, particularly active in April. Water elemental affinity.

#110 ドーロ A monster composed of a substance similar to sticky mud. When it hunts, it easily
(Dooro/ snares small bugs and other objects.
Mud) Prefers swamps, has a variable height and weight, prefers coins, is oddly innocent,
particularly active in February. Void elemental affinity.

#111 ドレクン Humans have made good use of these monsters, primarily for war purposes thanks to
(Dorekun) their overwhelming offensive prowess.
Prefers swamps, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers leaves, it tends to
be rather hot blooded, particularly active in September. Earth elemental affinity.

#112 ドレイク A massive monster that prefers to hunt in the dark, there have been many instances of
(Doreiku/ it attacking and eating humans.
Drake) Prefers swamps, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 76 kg, prefers leaves, it has a
dangerously hot blooded personality, particularly active in September. Earth elemental

#113 タトト A monster breed believed to be capable of living well into the thousands, it always has
(Tatoto) a den with an abundance of food nearby.
Prefers swamps, generally around 55 cm tall/weighing 57 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
lonely disposition, particularly active in May. Earth elemental affinity.

#114 タトールス A mysterious beast with a remarkably high magic potential, it is believed to be capable
(Tatoorusu/ of stealing the life force of other creatures.
Tortoise) Prefers swamps, generally around 79 cm tall/weighing 94 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
lonely disposition, particularly active in May. Earth elemental affinity.

#115 ライトニング A monster of legend with a body covered in a golden sheen, it's believed that this
(Raitoningu/ creature was born from light itself.
Lightning) Prefers swamps, generally around 81 cm tall/weighing 27 kg, prefers nuts, has a rather
cool temperament, particularly active in August. Wind elemental affinity.

#116 カラス A monster born from the darkness of the night, it is believed that this creature is
(Karasu) capable of foretelling the deaths of those around it.
Prefers swamps, generally around 82 cm tall/weighing 28 kg, prefers nuts, has a rather
dark personality, particularly active in August. Wind elemental affinity.

#117 カピ These monsters prefer to live in the vicinity of water bodies. If the bowl on its head is
(Kapi) damaged in any way, its mental state suffers greatly.
Prefers swamps, generally around 58 cm tall/weighing 34 kg, prefers fish, somewhat
selfish, particularly active in October. Water elemental affinity.

#118 キピ The gender pair to the Kapi, these monsters also prefer to live in the vicinity of water
(Kipi) bodies. However, if the bowl on its head is damaged, it'll die.
Prefers swamps, generally around 54 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers fish, somewhat
selfish, particularly active in October. Water elemental affinity.

#119 ムーワ A beast that spends its entire life underground, yet its entire body is oddly slimy.
(Muuwa / Prefers swamps, generally around 69 cm tall/weighing 41 kg, prefers meat, has an
Worm innocent personality, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#120 デスムーワ A massive beast that tends to go on destructive rampages, even when it sleeps, it has a
(Desumuuw tendency to roll about.
a / Death Prefers swamps, generally around 81 cm tall/weighing 64 kg, prefers meat, its
Mua) personality is oddly ”innocent”, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#121 バジリスク A ferocious beast with particularly dangerous eye abilities, it is said that this beast
(Bajirisuku / resides deep within the desert, but deserts are quite rare across the land...
Basilisk) Prefers swamps, generally around 188 cm tall/weighing 147 kg, prefers meat, its
personality is unknown, particularly active in January. Earth elemental affinity.

#122 リザガン A rather restless monster that is easily baited by the activity of small creatures in the
(Rizagan) water, it is constantly on the prowl.
Prefers swamps, generally around 57 cm tall/weighing 23 kg, prefers meat, suffers from
loneliness, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#123 リザンガ An aquatic monster that is capable of using its large scissors as weapons effectively for
(Rizanga) fights both on land and in the water.
Prefers swamps, generally around 76 cm tall/weighing 39 kg, prefers meat, has a rather
dark personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#124 リザンガ・ A Rizanga which received the blessing of the water spirits, it has a wide variety of
VX powerful techniques which it uses to eradicate foes.
(Rizanga VX) Prefers swamps, generally around 128 cm tall/weighing 68 kg, prefers meat, has a
rather cool personality, particularly active in August. Water elemental affinity.

#125 ブラック・ A monster corrupted by the blessings of the spirit realm. It will attack anything it sees
VX mercilessly with the intent to kill.
(Burakku Prefers swamps, generally around 128 cm tall/weighing 68 kg, prefers meat, its
VX/ Black temperament is difficult to fathom, particularly active in August. Water elemental
VX) affinity.

#126 パク A beast that is slowly adapting to polluted waters, its ancestors are believed to have
(Paku) had limbs for locomotion, suggesting it wasn't always an aquatic species.
Prefers swamps, generally around 57 cm tall/weighing 21 kg, prefers fish, it has a rather
innocent personality, particularly active in March. Water elemental affinity.

#127 パクーパ A beast that prefers to live in polluted environments, researchers believe that in the
(Pakuppa) past, it used to have limbs and evolved away from this.
Prefers swamps, generally around 71 cm tall/weighing 24 kg, prefers fish, rather hot
blooded, particularly active in March. Water elemental affinity.

#128 ブラスグ A beast that has unfortunately adapted to pollution and thrives in polluted waters, once
(Burasugu) introduced into a stream, it quickly contaminates it.
Prefers swamps, generally around 169 cm tall/weighing 98 kg, prefers fish, its
temperament is unknown, particularly active in March. Water elemental affinity.

#129 ネッシャー A monster that was thought to be a myth since ancient times, thanks to the work of
(Nesshaa / scholars, the species was saved from extinction.
Nessy?) Prefers swamps, generally around 181 cm tall/weighing 137 kg, prefers meat, its
personality tends to vary wildly, particularly active in December. Ice elemental affinity.

#130 クロスネッ A legendary beast that possesses two heads, it has been proven that each head can
シャー think independently from the other.
(Kurosuness Prefers swamps, generally around 181 cm tall/weighing 152 kg, prefers meat, its
haa / Cross personality tends to vary wildly, particularly active in December. Ice elemental affinity.

#131 コロ An extremely hardworking monster, it spends a fair bit of its life buried underground.
(Koro) Prefers caves, generally around 50 cm tall/weighing 9 kg, prefers leaves, has a tendency
to suffer from loneliness, particularly active in February. Earth elemental affinity.

#132 ランディータ A monster that generally spends at least 8 years of its life buried within the ground,
(Randiita/ those who encounter one will claim that it has a rather rough personality.
Land Eater) Prefers caves, generally around 53 cm tall/weighing 12 kg, prefers leaves, has a
tendency to suffer from loneliness, particularly active in February. Earth elemental

#133 キリングバッ These fly in packs at night, sucking out blood, but oddly enough, those who encounter
ト these creatures and have their blood sucked find that their circulation will improve after
(Kiringubatt the encounter.
o/ Killing Prefers caves, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers meat, a rather cool
Bat) temperament, particularly active in November. Fire elemental affinity.

#134 ピク A fairy monster that likes to live in caves, among travelers these are very popular as a
(Piku) starting partner.
Prefers caves, generally around 54 cm tall/weighing 9 kg, prefers fruits, quite innocent
in nature, particularly active in March. Wind elemental affinity.

#135 ウィスプ A monster that drifts between the spirit realm and this world, it has a tendency to
(Uisupu/ bewilder travelers with a strange light.
Wisp) Prefers caves, generally around 58 cm tall/weightless, prefers nuts, has a dark
personality, particularly active in August. Void elemental affinity.

#136 ゾンミー A breed that drifted into this world from the spirit realm, believed to be a lingering
(Zonmii) spirit of sorts. Its body is quite peculiar, resembling something formed out of mud
rather than flesh and blood.
Prefers caves, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 26 kg, prefers meat, has a dark
personality, particularly active in July. Void elemental affinity.

#137 アッキー A type of Zonmi that only awakens in the darkest of nights, it's said that in its previous
(Akkii) life, these creatures were well known scholars.
Prefers caves, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 29 kg, prefers meat, has a rather
dark personality, particularly active in July. Void elemental affinity.

#138 コッツー A spirit monster that is nothing but bones, for some reason there is a rather comforting
(Kottsuu/ rhythm to the sound it makes as it moves.
Skeleton) Prefers caves, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 12 kg, prefers meat, with a hot
blooded personality, particularly active in December. Void elemental affinity.

#139 コッツーナイ A skeleton with particularly high intelligence, it is capable of rallying and leading
ト skeletons from all across the land.
(Kottsuunait Prefers caves, generally around 110 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers meat, has a rather
o/ Skeleton dark personality, particularly active in December. Void elemental affinity.

#140 モノ On nights with a full moon, one can sometimes encounter this monster descending
(Mono) from the sky. Its appearance is drastically different when there is a moon versus when
there isn't.
Prefers caves, generally around 54 cm tall/weighing 54 kg, prefers coins, has a lonely
temperament, particularly active in June. Void elemental affinity.

#141 モノース A monster that survives by consuming moonlight, it is widely believed that this monster
(Monoosu/ descended from the moon in ancient times.
Monos) Prefers caves, generally around 121 cm tall/weighing 121 kg, prefers coins, has an
oddly hot blooded personality, particularly active in June. Void elemental affinity.

#142 ドラゴンゾン A spirit beast which is among the most feared for travelers, its body and its heart have
ビ been fundamentally separated and corrupted.
(doragonzo Prefers caves, generally around 183 cm tall/weighing 106 kg, prefers meat, its
nbi/ Dragon personality is unknown, particularly active in April. Earth elemental affinity.

#143 シャド A mysterious monster that floats in the sky with an odd ability to bring darkness to its
(Shado/ surroundings.
Shadow) Prefers caves, generally around 57 cm tall/weightless, prefers bones, its typical
personality is unclear, particularly active in April. Void elemental affinity.

#144 タベロン A monster that will eat pretty much anything, but if it has to eat something it really
(Taberon) doesn't like, it makes a horrible expression to let others know.
Prefers caves, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 21 kg, prefers fish, has a rather
dark personality, particularly active in September. Light elemental affinity.

#145 フンドウ A monster that eats feces to survive. If you see one, there's probably around thirty
(Fundou / more nearby.
Prefers caves, unknown height and weight ranges, prefers bones...has an innocent
personality... particularly active in September. Void elemental affinity.

#146 カザステ A humanoid monster that suffers from mental corruption to an extent, impacting its
(Kazasute) ability to discern right from wrong. As a result, it has no qualms with using unorthodox
means to gain companions.
Prefers caves, generally around 69 cm tall/weighing 36 kg, prefers meat, has a cold
personality, particularly active in October. Fire elemental affinity.

#147 キノピー A monster that resembles a mushroom, it has the ability to scatter an unknown white
(Kinopii) powder from the protrusions on top of its head.
Prefers caves, generally around 52 cm tall/weighing 40 kg, prefers leaves, has an
innocent personality, particularly active in October. Earth elemental affinity.

#148 ギョジー A branch off of the Gyoji species which has adapted to life on land, it works in groups,
(Kyojii) making nests deep underground.
Prefers caves, generally around 72 cm tall/weighing 36 kg, prefers fish, has a hot
blooded personality, particularly active in October. Water elemental affinity.

#149 プラチナチ A monster that tends to hold onto terrible grudges, particularly towards people that
ケット like to compete in the Arena and have a large number of Arena tickets. Few know why
(Purachinac this is the case.
hiketto/ Prefers caves, generally around 79 cm tall/weighing 57 kg, prefers coins, not much is
Platinum known about its temperament, particularly active in June. Void elemental affinity.

#150 アンマン A monster that seems to just be an odd lump, its only noteworthy feature is how
(Anman) quickly it can run away.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 75 cm tall/weighing 27 kg, prefers nuts, has an
innocent personality, particularly active in October. Void elemental affinity.
#151 カルキ It likes to intimidate adventurers with its intense gaze. Researchers theorize that it is
(Karuki) actually the evolution of another monster branch, but what monster it is related to is
Its region of preference is unknown, generally around 59 cm tall/weighing 32 kg,
prefers fish, has an innocent personality, particularly active in June. Wind elemental

#152 カラテン An extremely intelligent monster with an astounding ability to retain information. It is
(Karaten) exceedingly rare, as it only lives in very specific regions.
Its native region is unknown, generally around 118 cm tall/weighing 56 kg, prefers fish,
has a cool personality, particularly active in July. Wind elemental affinity.

#153 ガオウ A monster that brings calamity upon any who encounter it, it has no qualms about
(Gaou) using all of its strength in order to destroy everything it sees.
Its native region is unknown, generally around 190 cm tall/weighing 145 kg, prefers
meat, its behavior is not well understood, particularly active in April. Fire elemental

#154 スナイパー These monsters only live in very specific regions across the land, as its name implies,
(Sunaipaa/ once it marks out its prey, it won't let it escape.
Sniper) Details regarding its native region are unclear, generally around 109 cm tall/weighing
46 kg, prefers fruits oddly enough, has a rather cool temperament, particularly active in
October. Wind elemental affinity.

#155 イズナ A monster which was only recently discovered in very isolated pockets across the world.
(Izuna) It has been considered by the few who witnessed it as a personification of the wind
Its exact region of preference is still unknown, generally around 48 cm tall/weighing
around 12 kg, prefers nuts, somewhat lonely in nature, particularly active in August.
Wind elemental affinity.

#156 ミタマン There are many who can't resist the springy yet soft texture of this creature's body, and
(Mitaman) yet it has been theorized that long ago, these creatures were considered a delicacy.
Its active region is not well known, generally around 53 cm tall/weighing around 21 kg,
prefers leaves, somewhat vain, particularly active in May. Light elemental affinity.

#157 パルック A remarkably fashionable monster, these are believed to have been artificially
(Parukku) manipulated by mages from a tower far away.
It is not local to this world, generally around 72 cm tall/weighing around 39 kg, prefers
leaves, a rather cool nature, particularly active in September. Light elemental affinity.

#158 ニャンカン These monsters have oddly enough, taken up permanent residence inside cans of pet
(Nyankan/C food. It has a tendency of suffering from crippling fear when it encounters adventurers
at in a Can) that it has never met before.
It is unclear where these creatures reside, generally around 70 cm tall/weighing around
110 kg, prefers fish, has a rather lonely nature, particularly active in December. Void
elemental affinity.

#159 ロムジェル There are many who consider the odd plate on top of this creature's head to be rather
(Romujeru) cute, but to this day, no one has been able to figure out what this plate is made of or
how is it formed.
Information regarding their primary habitat is unknown, generally around 51 cm
tall/weighing around 18 kg, prefers nuts, has an innocent nature, particularly active in
December. Light elemental affinity.

#160 ヒマワリムシ These creatures are generally regarded to be terrible both in terms of appearance and
(Himawarim personality, those who approach them without any sense of caution often end up in
ushi/ unfortunate accidents.
Sunflower It is unclear what regions they prefer, generally around 126 cm tall/weighing around 31
Bug) kg, prefers meat, has a rather intense personality, particularly active in April. Light
elemental affinity.

#161 ドリルムシ These are believed to be new mutations of the Hiyokomushi, the drill that it possesses
(Dorirumush is a clear difference, and it is capable of piercing through a wide range of materials.
i/ Drill Bug) It is unclear where these creatures reside, generally around 72 cm tall/weighing around
44 kg, prefers fruits, has an innocent personality, particularly active in January. Void
elemental affinity.

#162 パープルサン These monsters are thought to be born from the residual magic of the Demon King,
ダー with the horn on its head, it is capable of conjuring storm clouds and attracting
(Paapurusan thunderbolts.
daa/ Purple No one knows where these creatures reside, generally around 76 cm tall/weighing
Thunder) around 46 kg, prefers meat, has a cool personality, particularly active in March. Light
elemental affinity.

#163 ゲロック Having an easily recognizable appearance, these creatures have very specific regions
(Gerokku) where it resides, but stand out quite a bit within their natural habitat.
Details regarding their native habitat are not known to the public, generally around 69
cm tall/weighing around 47 kg, prefers fish, has a dark personality, particularly active in
May. Water elemental affinity.

#164 ゲドリン These creatures were created artificially in a laboratory far away. After going on a
(Gedorin) rampage, they managed to escape the laboratory, and since then have managed to
elude capture.
It is no longer known where these creatures are active, generally around 81 cm
tall/weighing around 66 kg, prefers bones, has a selfish personality, particularly active in
November. Earth elemental affinity.

#165 サーピー Another experimental monster which managed to escape from the laboratory which
(Saapii) created it, it is unclear where these creatures have escaped to, and how it is related to
the Gedorin.
No one knows where these creatures primarily reside, generally around 69 cm
tall/weighing around 60 kg, prefers bones, has a cool personality, particularly active in
June. Fire elemental affinity.

#166 ギターヒー These monsters are believed to be carrying the soul of a musician carried over after
ロー death. While they are great at singing, the fact that they'll sing nonstop until late into
(Gitaahiiroo/ the night is troublesome.
Guitar Hero) Prefers caves, generally around 76 cm tall/weighing 88 kg, prefers coins, an intensely
hot blooded personality, particularly active in October. Light elemental affinity.

#167 モチニゲ A monster that looks like the festive objects used for New Years, as one might expect it
(Mochinige) is particularly popular on the first day of a New Year.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 45 cm tall/weighing 10 kg, prefers fruit, has an
innocent personality, particularly active in January. Wind elemental affinity.

#168 リサージュ These monsters have the bizarre ability of growing fruits on its own body, which it
(Risaajyu) consumes to survive. As one of the only monster breeds capable of truly sustaining
itself independent of external factors, its survival versatility is second to none.
Prefers forests, generally around 120 cm tall/weighting 88 kg, prefers fruit, has a rather
cool personality, particularly active in September. Wind elemental affinity.

#169 ハックルドッ A breed of monsters that has adapted well to being around humans, it is capable of
ク learning a wide variety of cute gestures.
(Hakkurudo Prefers caves, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 44 kg, prefers meat, with a hot
kku) blooded personality, particularly active in August. Fire elemental affinity.

#170 ゾンビユウイ A monster that will only increase in number, as death seems to be meaningless to it. As
チ more creatures die, their numbers increase.
(Zonbiyuuic Prefers caves, generally around 67 cm tall/weighing 32 kg, prefers meat, generally has a
hi) rather dark personality, particularly active in August. Void elemental affinity.

#171 マホウジゾウ A statue monster possessing a strange divine power, sometimes it can be seen with a
(Mahoujizou halo.
/Magic Idol) Prefers caves, generally around 129 cm tall/weighing 127 kg, prefers coin, has a cool
personality, particularly active in August. Light elemental affinity.

#172 ピクマル A monster surrounded by mysteries, it is never seen without its hat, which happens to
(Pikumaru) be sturdier than iron.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 72 cm tall/weighing 19 kg, prefers meat, quite
innocent in nature, particularly active in December. Wind elemental affinity.

#173 ダイヤヘッズ A monster whose body is often sought after for its worth, while it is amazingly hard, it is
(Daiyahezzu also quite brittle.
/Diamond Prefers glaciers, generally around 75 cm tall/weighing 54 kg, prefers coins, has a rather
Face) cool temperament, particularly active in December. Light elemental affinity.
#174 バルーンボム A monster that comes alive so long as there is air within it...unfortunately it dies if the
(Baruunbom air inside it is drawn out.
u/Balloon Prefers the ocean, generally around 74 cm tall/weighing 3 kg, prefers nuts, quite
Bomb) innocent in nature, particularly active in August. Wind elemental affinity.

#175 マジシャン A monster capable of using magic from every elemental affinity, it gets excited easily
(Magician) whenever it encounters a being stronger than itself.
Prefers glaciers, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 67 kg, prefers fish, generally has
a cool temperament, particularly active in November. Light elemental affinity.

#176 コオリソル A monster coated in a layer of ice which is impossible to melt, it can manipulate this ice
ジャー to form extremely sharp swords.
(Koorisoruja Prefers glaciers, generally around 80 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers fruit, generally has
/Ice Soldier) a cool temperament, particularly active in December. Ice elemental affinity.

#177 ホノオソル A monster that burns with an indomitable fighting spirit, but suffers often from
ジャー restlessness as a result of its temperament.
(Honoosoruj Prefers caves, generally around 80 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers meat, with a hot
a/Fire blooded personality, particularly active in August. Fire elemental affinity.

#178 カゼソル A monster that was blessed by the spirits of the wind, its body is perpetually shielded
ジャー by a layer of wind.
(Kazesoruja/ Prefers the ocean, generally around 80 cm tall/weighing 48 kg, prefers fish, typically
Wind somewhat selfish, particularly active in June. Wind elemental affinity.
#179 エビロボ A fully mechanized Hiyokomushi, having undergone the process to become the perfect
(Ebirobo/ combat machine.
Shrimp Prefers ruins, generally around 78 cm tall/weighing 123 kg, prefers bones, generally has
Robo) a hot blooded temperament, particularly active in October. Fire elemental affinity.

#180 タコウィン Resembling something that often goes into handmade bentous, why this creature was
ナー given life will likely remain a mystery forever.
(Takowinna/ Prefers caves, generally around 72 cm tall/weighing 9 kg, prefers meat, generally has a
Octopus hot blooded temperament, particularly active in August. Fire elemental affinity.

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