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Election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual

or multiple individuals to hold public office. It is a way people can choose their candidate or their
preferences in a representative democracy or other form of government. Most democratic countries
hold new elections every few years. What elections do is select representatives for the local areas.
Elections may fill offices in different department of the Government whether in the Executive and
Legislative branch. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs
to voluntary associations and corporations. In addition, election is not only confine of selecting a person
for public office or of accepting but also rejecting a political proposition by voting. Participation of all
citizens in formal political processes is fundamental for democracy. If a segment of the population is
deprived of the right to vote or is disengaged, the representativeness and legitimacy of these processes
is undermined. Although young people participate in political processes in multiple ways, their
representation in formal political processes is limited. There is a growing recognition, however, that
young people’s involvement is critical to making elections more representative.

In our Country, Election is one of the most important events because in this event people are
united as to whom they will give support, as to who’s candidates and parties they will have to vote. In
this event, people are very cautious as to who’s the next leader they will going to vote, people are very
wise and people are very aggressive because they are making debate with each other when it comes to
the qualification, accomplishment and other things which relates to certain candidate. It is one of the
most important events in our country in sense that through election its good or bad will happen. Good
or Bad will matter on who we select as a leader of our country. If we select a good, responsible,
reputable and very experience in managing government, a probability that prosperous country we will
have. But if we select those corrupt person, then opposite will happen, a lot of negative consequences
may arise, like poverty, unemployment, losses and etc will happen. As a youth, law student and as a
citizen, in my hand I have an important role in this coming May election. In our hands there’s a lot of
changes that can contribute to betterment of our society and country as a whole.

As Law student, we should have a voice for others that cannot speak for their right. In times of
election, at least we can be a channel to inform the rights of individual and the consequences of
exercising the right. To encourage the community to support the election as it is one of the right
enshrined by the constitutions and cannot be taken by other individual and do not fear to vote because
of undue influence by famous individual. At least make a legal advice to certain individual for them to
know better how they can properly manage their right in the event of election, in order that they may
not fool by other people. Be a leader for other and encourage them to make a change in the election
period to attain the honest and clean election.

The role of a citizen in the election process, by voting, citizens are participating in the
democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support
the citizens' interests. As a citizen we must not only participate in the election but also must be a
beginning of change. Change in the manner that we should not tolerated the violations of election laws
and vote and select leader wisely. Violation of election laws, according to data, is one of the most
problematic during the time election campaign up to the election day because nowadays maybe not all
but mostly of the politician are not following the guidelines of election code and most them are
circumventing the law. In addition, other politician is doing a dirty practice in order to win the election.
In the above situation we must not tolerated this kind of practice, as a concerned citizen if we have
know or have known we must report it to the proper authority in order to avoid the election fraud. If we
cannot avoid this kind of practice, at least do not participate in that kind of illegal doings. Not only me,
but also, I will encourage my family, friends, relatives and workmates to avoid and not to participate on
those will constitutes supporting illegal practice.

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