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SESSION: 2020-2024
Department: Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET-113
Muneeb Tariq............................................20013122-035
Subhan Fiaz.................................................20013122-029
Moeed Zeb....................................................20013122-039
Haroon Ali.....................................................20013122-014
Ambreen Zahra.............................................20013122-022
Faryal Naeem..................................................20013122-001
Submitted to: Mam Maryam Muneer
“Examine the Faradays law and lenzs law and study the production of emf by fixed
coil and fixed magnet”

In this experiment, we have to study Faradays law and Lenzs law by performing the
experiment on induction of emf by fixed coil and fixed magnet. For this motive we
use ammeter, bar magnet, and coils with one loop, ten loops, and hundred loops and
note the deflection on ammeter while moving bar magnet into the coils. As magnetic
flux is induced it induces the current which is shown on ammeter.

(a) To study Faraday Law.
(b) To study Lenzs Law.
(c) To study the production of emf by fixed coil and fixed magnet.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) is probably best known for his discovery of
electromagnetic induction, his contributions to electrical engineering and
electrochemistry or due to the fact that he was responsible for introducing the concept
of field in physics to describe electromagnetic interaction. In 1831, Michael Faraday
showed that a changing magnetic field can induce an emf in a circuit. Consider a
conducting wire loop (a closed circuit) connected to an ammeter with a bar magnet
(initially at rest) placed above the center axis of the wire loop as shown in Figure 1a.
When the magnet is held stationary, there is no current in the loop, even if the magnet
is inside the loop. However, when the magnet is brought near (or pulled away from)
the loop, the ammeter needle deflects indicating an induced current in the loop
produced by an induced emf (figure 1b). From these observations, Faraday concluded
that there exists a relationship between the induced current /emf and the changing
magnetic field. The results of his experiment are now referred to as Faraday law of
induction. In general, Faraday law states that an induced emf along the closed path in
a magnetic field is equal to the rate at which the magnetic flux changes along the
surface of the area within the path. Quantitatively,

ɛ = -d ØB/dt
Where ØB is the magnetic flux through the closed path, expresses as Ø B =ʃ B.dA

Figure 1(a) When the bar magnet is held motionless near the loop, there is no
induced current. (b) When the magnet is moved towards the loop, the ammeter is
deflected, indicating an induced current I.

If the loop enclosing the area A lies in a uniform magnetic field B then the magnetic
flux is equal to BAcosѲ and thus the emf can be written as,

ɛ=-d (BAcos (Ѳ)) /dt

The negative sign in Faraday law indicates that the induced emf and the change in
flux have opposite signs .This arises in Faradays law indicates that the induced emf
and the change in flux have opposite signs .This arises from a significant physical
phenomenon, referred to as lenzs law: The induced current is always in a direction
that opposes the change of flux that created it. That is, the induced current tends to
keep the original magnetic flux from changing by creating a magnetic field in a
direction that opposes the change in flux. As shown in figure 1b when the north end of
the bar magnet that counteracts the increasing flux of the bar magnet Thus the
direction of induced current is such that its own (created field) is directed
upwards .The direction of this field from the induced current can be determined by the
right hand rule for current loops: If the fingers of the right hand curl around the
loop in the direction of the current, the thumb then points in the direction of the
magnetic field at the center of the loop.

(1) Bar Magnet
(2) Ammeter
(3) Coils (1 loop ,10 loop, 100 loop)

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