US Vs UK Top University Comparisons PDF

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Decide between the most prestigious

universities in the US and UK


Every year, hundreds of students apply US Education System
to the most competitive universities in
the US and the UK to take advantage
of the unparalleled opportunities Students at US universities typically
offered by a top university education. spend four years as an undergraduate
where they mostly study liberal arts
Both the US and the UK have some of degrees and science and engineering
programs. As part of their commitment
the world's most renowned and
to providing students with a broad and
respected educational institutions. In
comprehensive education, most US
the US, there are the eight Ivy League
universities do not require their
universities (Harvard, Princeton, Yale,
students to select a 'major', or area of
Columbia, the University of
study, until they are in their
Pennsylvania, Cornell, Dartmouth and
second year.
Brown) as well as Stanford, MIT,
Caltech and the University of California Courses in liberal arts are
‘family’ including UCLA and UC interdisciplinary and cover a wide range
Berkeley. Meanwhile in the UK, there of topics, allowing students to explore
are Oxford and Cambridge, along with different academic avenues in order to
the ‘Russell Group’, which consists of expand their knowledge in chosen
24 prestigious institutions including subjects and discover hidden passions
the University College London, King’s prior to selecting a major. Additionally,
College London, London School of students can take 'minors' or
Economics and Political Science and 'certificates' in other areas of study to
Imperial College London. complement their majors and add
diversity to their final two years
With so many options available, how at college.
do you decide where to apply? First,
let's take a look at how the US and UK
education systems differ:

Ivy League
Stanford MIT
Caltech UCLA
UC Berkeley
Russell Group
UK Education System Investing in your education is an
investment in your future — and
choosing the right schools is one of the
The UK educational system places most important steps in your
more emphasis on in-depth admissions journey.
knowledge in a specific area of study,
with undergraduate programs Both US and UK universities offer a
typically lasting three years. While they plethora of choices, and we’re here to
are more traditional and less help you narrow down your options.
concerned with a student’s non- Using the QS World Rankings 2023, we
academic pursuits, they do want to see have compared the top five US and the
evidence of a student’s passion — top five UK universities in this eBook.
what matters to them and why, and Read on to find out what makes each
how they intend to pursue these one unique and why one may suit you
passions to make academic progress better than the others.
and contribute to the university
in question. Crimson has helped thousands of
students gain admission to top US
Particularly at Oxford and Cambridge, universities, with more students
the tutorial system takes this desire to getting accepted year after year — so
examine a specific area of study in let’s help you join them soon!
great detail to a new and highly
individualized level. In their weekly
tutorials, which are often as small as
one faculty member to three or four VS.
students, students have an
opportunity to learn, enquire, share, MIT Cambridge
and discuss their thoughts and ideas
with leaders in their chosen field.

Stanford Oxford


Harvard Imperial


Caltech UCL


UChicago University of

MIT Cambridge
"Mind and Hand" is the motto of the The University of Cambridge is one of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology the most prestigious universities in the
(MIT), one of the highest-ranked world, located just an hour south of
private universities in the world. The London in the town of Cambridge.
coeducational, independent institution After Oxford, Cambridge is the second-
maintains a strong focus on scientific oldest English-speaking university in
and technological research. Located in the world, founded in 1209.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT sits on
the Charles River not far from its highly Cambridge’s six schools are spread
prestigious neighbor across the university’s colleges: Arts
Harvard University. and Humanities, Biological Sciences,
Clinical Medicine, Humanities and
MIT offers undergraduate, graduate, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and
and postdoctoral degrees across 30 Technology. In contrast to most UK
departments and five schools and universities, undergraduate programs
colleges. It was founded in 1861 by at Cambridge start with a broad focus
William Barton Rogers, who served as before allowing students to
the university’s first president and specialize later.
envisioned a “new polytechnic
institute” for technical and scientific
education. Built during the Industrial
Revolution, MIT’s original purpose was
to help drive the US industry forward!
01 Admission Stats and Requirements

MIT Cambridge

STUDENTS 11,035 20,871



Average SAT
Score 1520 - 1580 -

Requirements - A*A*A-AAA

Average IB
Score 40 40

Did you know: Researchers at MIT identified the first

genes responsible for cancer in humans!

02 Comparison by the Numbers

MIT Cambridge

QS World University
ranking 2023 #1 #2

ratio 3:1 11:1

Median starting
salary for graduates $95,000 USD £27,000

Fun fact: The double-helical structure of DNA, the

molecule that carries human genes, was discovered by
two Cambridge University scientists!
03 QS World Ranking by Subject Areas

MIT Cambridge

Arts and
Humanities #13 #2

Engineering and
Technology #1 #2

Life Sciences
& Medicine #6 #4

Sciences #1 #3

Social Sciences
& Management #6 #4

Stanford Oxford
Located in Palo Alto, California, The University of Oxford is the oldest
Stanford University is one of the university in the English-speaking
largest college campuses in the world and the second oldest surviving
country, covering 8,180 acres. In the university, located in and around
heart of Silicon Valley, the private Oxford’s medieval city center.
liberal arts university produces a crop Although its exact founding date is
of innovative entrepreneurs who unknown, Oxford has been teaching in
become creators, inventors, developers some form since 1096! Among the
and champions of large-scale university's academic offerings are
initiatives around the globe. Humanities, Mathematical Sciences,
Physical and Life Sciences, Medical
Stanford boasts 18 interdisciplinary Sciences, and Social Sciences.
research institutes on its single
campus and seven schools. This
university was founded in 1885 by
Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane,
who sought advice from the
presidents of Harvard, Cornell and MIT
regarding their vision to establish a
university that would promote the
welfare of humanity and civilization.
01 Admission Stats and Requirements

Stanford Oxford

STUDENTS 14,518 21,972



Average SAT
Score 1460 - 1580 -

Requirements - A*A*A-AAA

Average IB
Score 40 38

Did you know: Stanford is the alma mater of 30 living

billionaires and 17 current astronauts!

02 Comparison by the Numbers

Stanford Oxford

QS World University
ranking 2023 #3 #4

ratio 5:1 11:1

Median starting
salary for graduates $93,000 USD £27,000

Fun fact: Oxford is home to more than 100 libraries,

making it the largest library system in the UK!
03 QS World Ranking by Subject Areas

Stanford Oxford

Arts and
Humanities #5 #1

Engineering and
Technology #5 #3

Life Sciences
& Medicine #5 #2

Sciences #5 #4

Social Sciences
& Management #5 #2

Harvard Imperial
Harvard University is one of the most Imperial College London is based in
highly ranked and globally respected South Kensington in London, in an
academic institutions in the world. The area known as ‘Albertopolis’ — Prince
private, medium-sized liberal arts Albert and Sir Henry Cole’s 19th-
university offers 4-year undergraduate century vision for a place where
programs and 11 postgraduate science and the arts would come
institutions, including the highly together. The university was granted
ranked business school, law school, its charter in 1907, merging the Royal
medical school, and John F. Kennedy College of Science, Royal School of
School of Government. Founded in Mines and City & Guilds College.
1636, it was named for the college’s Imperial is a one-of-a-kind institution
first benefactor, the young minister in the UK, focusing solely on science,
John Harvard, who, upon his death in engineering, medicine and business.
1638, left his library and half his estate
to the institution.
01 Admission Stats and Requirements

Harvard Imperial

STUDENTS 21,877 20,191



Average SAT
Score 1460 - 1580 -

Requirements - A*A*A-AAA

Average IB
Score 42 38

Did you know: Harvard is the oldest university in the

US and has educated seven US presidents!

02 Comparison by the Numbers

Harvard Imperial

QS World University
ranking 2023 #5 #6 (tie)

ratio 7:1 11:1

Median starting
salary for graduates $69,000 USD £30,000

Fun fact: Three Imperial Earth Science and Engineering

professors have recently had asteroids named after them!
03 QS World Ranking by Subject Areas

Harvard Imperial

Arts and
Humanities #3 #223

Engineering and
Technology #12 #8

Life Sciences
& Medicine #1 #10

Sciences #2 #9

Social Sciences
& Management #1 #45

Caltech UCL
The California Institute of Technology University College London (UCL) is
(Caltech) is a world-renowned science located at the heart of London and is
and engineering institute located often described as the city’s leading
about 10 miles north of Los Angeles in multi-disciplinary university thanks to
Pasadena, California. Known for its its modern, outward-looking
academic excellence in STEM fields, commitment to engage with the
the small, private university receives major issues of our times. It was
grants from NASA, the National founded in 1826 to provide higher
Science Foundation, and the Health education to those who were
and Human Services Department. It traditionally excluded from university
was established in 1891 as Throop studies. Arts & Humanities, Built
University and became the California Environment, Brain Sciences,
Institute of Technology in 1920 on the Engineering, Education, Law, Life
principle that "the fundamental Sciences, Math and Physical Sciences,
science of one generation is the Health Sciences, and Social Sciences
applied science of the next." are among UCL's faculties.
01 Admission Stats and Requirements

Caltech UCL

STUDENTS 2,240 41,194



Average SAT
Score 1530-1570 -

Requirements - A*A*A-ABB

Average IB
Score 41 35

Did you know: 64 Caltech faculty and alumni have received

a National Medal of Science, and the university has seven
Nobel laureates currently in residence!

02 Comparison by the Numbers

Caltech UCL

QS World University
ranking 2023 #6 #8

ratio 3:1 11:1

Median starting
salary for graduates $105,000 USD £26,000

Fun fact: UCL was the first university in England to admit

women on equal terms with men in 1878
03 QS World Ranking by Subject Areas

Caltech UCL

Arts and
Humanities #313 #11

Engineering and
Technology #15 #25

Life Sciences
& Medicine #160 #8

Sciences #7 #18

Social Sciences
& Management #187 #18
04 Notable Alumni

Beyond claiming a number of former
students as Nobel Prize winners in
Physics, Molecular Biology and Chemistry,

Institute of UCL alumni include: film director

Christopher Nolan,

Technology preeminent leader of the Indian

Independence Movement, Mahatma
alumni and faculty have won 46 Nobel
Gandhi, Baroness Patricia Scotland, who
Prizes to date, including Physics winners
became the UK’s first female Attorney
Robert A. Millikan and Richard P.
General, former Japanese Prime Minister,
Feynman, and Chemistry winner Frances
Junichiro Koizumi and Coldplay frontman
H. Arnold.
Chris Martin.

Spotlight Spotlight
Donald Mahatma
Knuth Gandhi
Mathematician and Indian Independence
computer scientist Movement Leader

Donald Ervin Knuth is known as the Former UCL law student, Mohandas
"father of the analysis of algorithms" and Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian
was awarded the ACM Turing Award In lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and
1974, also known as the Nobel Prize for political ethicist, who employed
computer science. Between 1963 and nonviolent resistance to lead the
1968, he was an assistant and associate successful campaign for India's
professor at the California Institute of independence from British Rule, and in
Technology where he earned his turn inspired movements for civil rights
doctorate in mathematics. and freedom across the world.

of Edinburgh
UChicago University
The University of Chicago is a private,
of Edinburgh
medium-sized urban research The University of Edinburgh (UoE) is
university, which has a reputation for located in the Scottish capital of
its professional schools, including the Edinburgh and was founded in 1583,
Pritzker School of Medicine, the Booth making it the sixth-oldest university
School of Business, and the Harris in the English-speaking world and
School of Public Policy. The university one of Britain and Ireland’s seven
was founded in 1856 with the aim of ancient universities. A world-leading
providing rigorous academics and research-intensive university, UoE
equal opportunity for both sexes in all offers an entrepreneurial and
departments of higher education. cross-disciplinary culture that attracts
There are 14 different schools and students and staff from across
colleges at the university, as well as the globe.
two US Department of Energy
laboratories and the Marine
Biological Laboratory.
01 Admission Stats and Requirements

UChicago UoE

STUDENTS 16,325 33,861



Average SAT
Score 1500-1560 -

Requirements - A*A*A-ABB

Average IB
Score 36 37

Did you know: With over 11 million volumes, the University

of Chicago Library is the tenth largest research library in
North America!

02 Comparison by the Numbers

UChicago UoE

QS World University
ranking 2023 #10 #15

ratio 5:1 14:1

Median starting
salary for graduates $58,000 USD £22,500

Fun fact: UoE’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social

Sciences enrolls nearly 15,000 undergraduate students —
more than twice the number of undergraduates enrolled
in its other two Colleges combined!
03 QS World Ranking by Subject Areas

UChicago UoE

Arts and
Humanities #13 #9

Engineering and
Technology #121 #66

Life Sciences
& Medicine #54 #24

Sciences #19 #40

Social Sciences
& Management #13 #53
04 Notable Alumni

UChicago University of
has produced 34 Nobel Laureates, 5
heads of state and 17 Pulitzer Prize boasts some of the most accomplished
winners. Notable alumni include alumni in the world including 20 Nobel
presidential nominee Bernie Sanders, laureates including winners of Prizes in
American economist Milton Friedman, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or
writer Susan Sontag and economist Medicine, Peace, Literature and the
Paulo Guedes. Memorial Prize in Economic Science.
Other notable alumni include Pippa
Middleton, David Hume, Alexander
Graham Bell and Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle and many more.
United States Senator Spotlight
Bernie Sanders transferred to the Darwin
University of Chicago in the mid-1950s.
English naturalist,
Although originally an English major, he
geologist and biologist
soon switched to political science once
becoming more involved with social
activism on campus. As student Surprisingly, Charles Darwin did not
chairman of the Congress of Racial study biology or natural history at the
Equality’s social action committee, he University of Edinburgh — he enrolled
became particularly learned on the topic to study medicine in 1825, when he was
of the trade union, civil rights and just 16 years old. However, while at
foreign policy and peace movements. Edinburgh, Darwin became a member
of a student natural history group called
the Plinian Society. Four years after
leaving Edinburgh, Darwin joined HMS
Beagle as the ship's naturalist, his
resultant theory of evolution by natural
selection forming the basis of modern
evolutionary study.

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