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Repetition of just one line, “And miles to go before I sleep’ transforms the simple and short

poem to a masterpiece. The charm of the woods and the trees can be likened to the worldly
attractions which makes most human beings stray from the right path. The pleasures of life
uproot our moral moorings, entice us to forget the call of duty and find virtue in escapism. Thus,
lost in the indulgences of life, we degrade ourselves.
Only the most steadfast and righteous individuals conquer the attractions of life and cling to the
path of ‘duty’, despite very heavy odds and painful sacrifices. They trudge on to fulfill the duties
the society has thrust on them.

This core message makes the poem such an inspiring one.

 The poet was fascinated by the woods. He wanted to watch such spiritual beauty for ever. But the
horse's harness bell brought him to earth, to reality. He now realised that he had promises to keep.
To fulfill the promises he must walk miles. But life is short. At Any moment death may come. Before
that you must reach near goal. fulfill your promises, otherwise at the verge of death, you will cry -O
Death ! Please wait. I have not yet finished my duties and responsibilities.

The poet was in an absorbing mood. The warning of the horse brought him from the fancy world. He
came to reality and realised that even if the jungle is lovely, dark and deep, he can't stay there
permanently, because he has promises to keep. He has to fulfill a lot of ambitions before death. So he left
the place.

The poet felt that the woods are lovely, dark and deep. He suddenly realized that he had
worldly duties which would not allow him to stand in the woods for a long time.

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