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Assignment Questions – 1

1. What is a state-space search? Write an algorithm and explain the water Jug problem as a state-space

2. What do you mean by heuristic search? Write a heuristic function for travelling salesman problems?

3. Explain Breadth-first search and depth-first search. List down the advantages and disadvantages of

4. Explain(usual definitions): Production system and characteristics (with def), Problem

characteristics(with def), AI techniques (define AI), Turing test, Control strategy, Hill Climbing and its

5. Explain A* and AO* Algorithm with example?

6. Discuss the tic-tac-toe problem in detail and explain how it can be solved using AI techniques?

7 .List all task domains of Artificial Intelligence?

8. Explain Minimax procedure of tic - tac – toe?

9. List all production rules for the water jug problem?

10. Illustrate Slot – and – filler structure method in Question and Answering system?

11. Explain Hill climbing issues which terminates algorithm without finding a goal state or getting to a
state from which no better state can be generated?

12. Apply AO* algorithm for the following graph and find final path?
2nd Assignment Questions:-
1) What Are Properties Of Knowledge Representation?
2) Explain Four Approaches To Knowledge Representation?
3) Explain Concept Learning Task With An Example
4) Apply Candidate Elimination Algorithm And Obtain The Version Space Considering The Training
Example Given Table(C)
Eyes Nose Head Face Colour Hair Smile(Tc)
Round triangle Round purple Yes Yes
Square Square Square Green Yes No
Square Triangle Round Yellow Yes Yes
Round Triangle Round Green No No
square Square round Yellow Yes yes

5) Write Find-S Algorithm. Apply The Find-S For Table G1(C) To Find Maximally Specific Hypothesis
6) Explain The Concept Of Inductive Bias.
7) Explain ID3 Algorithm And Explain Steps Involved In It?
8) Obtain Decision Tree For Following Expression
I. A n B
II. A U [B n C]
IV. [A n B] U [C n D]
9) Explain The Concept Of Decision Tree Learning Discuss The Necessary Measures Required To
Select The Attributed For Building A Decision Tree Using ID3 Algorithm.
10) Write Gradient Descent Algorithm To Train A Linear Unit Along With The Derivation.
11) Define Perceptron And Discuss Its Training Rule.
12) Show The Derivation Of Back Propagation Training Rule For Output Unit Weights.

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