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Cambridge Scholars Publishing: University ‘showcase’

proposal form

This is an opportunity to showcase research from your University (or Department, Faculty,
School, etc.), by submitting a proposal for our new ‘Showcase’ collection.

· Any work submitted for the publication should be free of copyright

restrictions and a statement should be submitted in support of this;
· Material which has been published open access in institutional
repositories, including work-in-progress studies, is eligible for submission;
· Collections should be a minimum of 35,000 words (minimum 8 to 10
chapters) and a maximum of 200,000 words;
· Contributions should be scholarly-based, rather than anecdotal or
· You do not need to declare the title of your University, or applicable
Institution, in the book title, but, if you wish to, this should be mentioned
within the subtitle (for example, Considering Urban Planning: New Research
from the University of XX). The main title should be clearly descriptive of the
topic area(s);
· Contributions must be wholly in English, excluding footnotes, appendices
and short extracts for translation;
· Where possible, contributions should be peer-reviewed, either formally
blind/double blind, or, less formally, through discussion and suggestion;
· While we will perform pre-press evaluations on the collection, we do not
provide full copyediting services, so we ask that the works are submitted to
us in their final, ‘ready–to-go’ form.
Title: Responsible Pedagogies

Subtitle (if applicable): Ten Years of the School of Architecture and Design, Manipal University

1. Corresponding Author/Editor

Title (Dr, Professor, Mr, Ms, etc.): Prof.(Dr.)

First Name: Madhura
Last Name: Yadav
Job Title: Professor
Institution/Organisation: School of Architecture & Design, Manipal University
Address: Dehmi Kalan
Postcode/Zip code: 303007
Telephone 1 (include country code): 91-8890306647
Short Biography (100 words maximum):
Dr. Madhura is an Architect Planner. Over the last two and a half decades, she
has been associated with the Administration, Academics & Research. She is
actively involved as an expert in UPSC, AICTE, CoA and DST Rajasthan. She is a
UNESCO certified mentor in Community Based participatory research (CBPR).
She has delivered keynote addresses on Design of SMART villages, Sustainable
Rural Development, Sustainable materials etc. She has also contributed for
‘Inclusive Urban Planning’ in the World Report on Higher Education published
by GUNI, Barcelona. She is recipient of Asia Pacific Global Award 2017,
Distinguished Faculty in Architecture Award 2017, Global Outreach Education
Award for Excellence in Teacher in Architecture 2018.

2. Second Author/Editor:

Title (Dr, Professor, Mr, Ms, etc.): Prof. Dr.

First Name: Anuradha
Last Name: Chatterjee
Job Title: Dean, Faculty of Design
Institution/Organisation: Manipal University Jaipur
Address: Dehmi Kalan, Off Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway
City: Jaipur
State/County/District: Rajasthan
Postcode/Zip code:303 007
Country: India
Telephone 1 (include country code): +91 9902016070
Short Biography (100 words maximum):
Dr. Anuradha Chatterjee is Professor and Dean at Faculty of Design, Manipal
University in Jaipur, and erstwhile Dean Academics at Avani Institute of Design.
Dr Chatterjee is the author of three books Surface and Deep Histories:
Critiques, and Practices in Art, Architecture, and Design (Cambridge Scholars
Publishing); Built, Unbuilt, and Imagined Sydney (Copal Publishing); John
Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture (Routledge); and is the Area Editor (Asia)
for fourth publication. The Bloomsbury Global Encyclopedia of Women in
Architecture 1960-2015 edited by Karen Burns and Lori Brown (forthcoming).
Dr Chatterjee is Regional Editor (Asia Pacific), Textile: Cloth and Culture;
Companion to The Guild of St George; Member of Editorial Board for
Architecture, Cambridge Scholars Publishing; and Senior Research Fellow
(Honorary), Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism History at the University
of Queensland.

3. Your Book
Subject Field (select one):
Humanities Social Sciences Physical Sciences Life Sciences Health
Sciences Other (please specify)

Physical Sciences

Please supply up to 6 descriptive keywords for this title:

Architecture, climate change, sustainability, ecology, resilience

Please write a short descriptive abstract (up to 200 words). Include
purpose/objectives; why this book is needed; methodology; key findings;
limitations; impact; contribution to research; contribution to practice;

This edited collection is a showcase of the research and pedagogical journey of

the School of Architecture and Design, Manipal University Jaipur since its
inception in 2012, which reaches its decennial year in 2022. In contemporary
India, there are a number of ‘avant garde’ colleges that continuously dismantle
and challenge conservative positions in academia, industry, and society,
respond to the ever-present scenario of crisis (ideological, financial, political,
institutional, regulatory and so on), devise ways of proceeding, and propose
new critical/experimental paradigms that are relevant and urgent now. One of
the most urgent issues globally is climate change. Anthony D Cortese’s
argument is timely: “What if higher education were to take a leadership role, as
it did in the space race and the war on cancer, in preparing students and
providing the information and knowledge to achieve a just and sustainable
society? What would higher education look like?...All parts of the university
system are critical to achieving a transformative change that can only occur by
connecting head, heart, and hand (Planning for Higher Education, v31 n3 p15-
22 Mar-May 2003). To this end, the School of Architecture and Design,
positioned in the hinterland of Jaipur and near an important craft centre called
Bagru, has been quietly and consistently pursuing ‘responsible pedagogies,’
through research, teaching and social outreach, in architectural and urban
sustainability, with related foci that include landscape and ecology, disaster
and resilience, and heritage conversation, all of which talk to the urgent
premise of tackling climate change. The collection invites the eminent
community of architects, designers, and academics, who have been associated
with the School in its ten-year journey to contribute book chapters (between
4000 words - 7000 words each including references) on their work, inside and
outside the academy, which responds to ways in which new pedagogies of
learning, teaching and knowledge generation have attended to the theme of
climate change and sustainability.

In one sentence, describe your book:

A micro-historical account of the responsible pedagogies in higher education—

of architectural and urban sustainability, landscape and ecology, disaster and
resilience, and heritage conservation, from an institutional community of
academic and industry practitioners at Manipal University Jaipur.
Please list a possible Table of Contents and possible contributors:

List of possible contributors, subject to acceptance of abstracts matching the

scope of the book


Higher Education in Architecture and Climate Change, Dr Anuradha Chatterjee

and Dr Madhura Yadav

Part 1 Building, Architecture, Construction

Ashok Lall
Sanjay Prakash
Neeraj Manchanda
Madhura Yadav
Bibhu Kalyan
Ritu Singh
Jit Gupta

Part 2 Landscape, Urbanism and Ecology

Ashay Kaul
Anjali Krishan
Anu Mridul
Shikha Jain
Aniket Bhagwat
Meenakshi Dhote

Part 3 Pedagogies, ways of thinking and doing

Madhura Yadav
Yatin Pandya
Badrinarayanan Srinivasan
Manoj Mathur
Neelkanth Chayya
Ali Hakim Reza
Ananta Duta
Snehal Mathur
Ajay Kulkarni
Harimohan Pillai
Jagdeep desai

4. Manuscript information

Estimated chapter count (minimum should be 10 chapters/35,000


Will you contribute a chapter or chapters yourself? Please list
(provisional) title or titles, and co-authors, if applicable.

Introduction: Higher Education in Architecture and Climate Change, Dr

Anuradha Chatterjee and Dr Madhura Yadav

Sustainability in Architectural Education, Dr Madhura Yadav

If accepted, when do you expect the collection to be complete?

December 2021 / January 2022

Please note any likely special features (photographs, tables, diagrams

illustrations etc.):


Please indicate if any parts of the proposed title will include sections in a
language other than English:

All contributions in English; foreign words will be translated

5. Permissions

Has any part of this work been published previously?

(For example, in a different language; as a journal article;
as a book chapter; or in a previous edition)


Are there any permissions required from other copyright holders? Please
note that, should you require permissions for your project, your proposal
will not go to review until you supply evidence that the owners of this
permission are willing to release the rights.

Please specify:


6. Markets and marketing

Cambridge Scholars Publishing is primarily a scholarly publisher, and we’ll

market your book to universities and academic libraries globally. We do not
market to ‘the general public’.

Please list related titles in this field:

Colomina, Beatriz, Ignacio Gonzalez Galán, Evangelos Kotsioris and Anna-Maria

Meister, eds. Radical Pedagogies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Dewey, John. Experience and education. New York: Free Press, 2015. ©1938
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the oppressed. London, UK New York, USA Penguin
Books, 2017.
Harriss, Harriet and Daisy Froud. Radical pedagogies: architectural education and
the British tradition. London: RIBA Publishing, 2015.
Haslett, Simon K, Derek France and Sharon Gedye. Pedagogy of climate change.
Plymouth: The Higher Education Academy, Geography, Earth and
Environmental Sciences, 2011.
Haworth, Robert H. Anarchist pedagogies: collective actions, theories, and critical
reflections on education. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2012.
Pelsmakers, Sofie and Nick Newman. Everything needs to change: architecture
and the climate emergency. Newcastle upon Tyne: RIBA Publishing, 2021.
Salama, Ashraf M. Spatial design education: new directions for pedagogy in
architecture and beyond. London: New York: Routledge, 2017.
Salama, Ashraf M. Transformative Pedagogy in Architecture and Urbanism.
London: New York: Routledge, 2021.
Sanderson, Laura and Sally Stone. Emerging practices in architectural pedagogy:
accommodating an uncertain future. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York :
Routledge, 2022.
Smith, Peter F. Architecture in a Climate of Change: A Guide to Sustainable Design.
Oxford; Elsevier/Architectural Press, 2005.
Viakinnou-Brinson, Lucie. Environment and pedagogy in higher education.
Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.

How will your proposed book differ from these?

The proposed book is entirely different to the listed titled and very much in
demand as there is

1) No comprehensive volume of architectural pedagogy in India

2) No concerted research into the pedagogical innovations in architectural
education in India, with respect to climate change and sustainability

What societies, professional bodies, etc. are interested in this field?

Indian Institute of Architects: IIA,
Council of Architecture-CoA
Institute of Town Planners- ITPI
RIBA: The Royal Institute of British Architects
ARCACIA-Architects Regional Council Asia
Architects' Council of Europe (ACE)
International Union of Architects (UIA)
Architects Council of Central and Eastern Europe (ACCEE)
European Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)
Consultative Committee for Education in Architecture (CCEA)
European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture (ENHSA)
European Network for Administrative Co-operation in Architecture (ENACA)
European Observatory of Doctoral Research in Architecture (EODRA)
Architectural Research Network (ARENA)
International Council for Research in Architecture (ICRA).
Architectural Research Centres Consortium (ARCC)
International Committee of Architectural Critics (ICCA)
International Academy of Architecture (IAA)).
World Architecture Day (WAD)
Network for Theory, History and Criticism of Architecture (neTHCA)
Network created in 1998, which is based in Belgium.
What conferences, events, symposia, etc. take place in this field?

International Conference on Architecture Pedagogy – [ICAP 2019]

ICTMAE 2021: 15. International Conference on Teaching Methods in
Architecture Education
SPACE International Conference 2021 on Architecture and Design Education

What social media groups (on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) could we promote this
book to?
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln

What publications, sites, blogs, etc. might be interested in this book or in reviewing this
Journal of Architectural Education by Taylor and Francis
Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, Emerald
International Journal of Education in Architecture and Design by Emine
International Journal of Technology and Design Education by Springer
Design Studies by Elsevier

7. Teaching, learning and research

Please list at least two qualified people who might be interested in

reviewing this title (please supply email or contact addresses):

Dr Vidhu Gandhi
Associate Dean School of Land, Environment, and Planning
Srishti Manipal Institute

Dr Andrew Crompton
Reader, Architecture
University of Liverpool

Could your book be a set text or recommended reading for a course or

courses? If so, please name the course, institution and course leader if

Yes. All B. Arch and M. Arch courses in India. With the help of the Council of
Architecture, this book can become a set text for all 469 architecture Schools in
Link for list of Institutes in India

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