ALCPT Practice With Long Paragraph

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A handout that is considered rather difficult - I cannot absorb so much information in such a short period of time. .take out b.takeover c. take off d. take in -Ifl smart, I would not have agreed to do that. .am b. had been —_¢. was d. were been - You look extremely harried today. . tired b. happy c.calm — d. relaxed . By the time I graduate, I 13 ECL tests. am take b. will be take . might have taken. will be taken . Two dozen people were injured in the train wreck. .12 b.6 @36) d. 24 . There was a small stream of black smoke issuing from the aft portion of the ircraft. a. front b. side c. nose. d. rear 7. 1 wish today Sunday, not Friday. a.was _ c. were: d. would be 8. While a shower, I heard the phone ring repeatedly. a.take b.took — c. taken d. taking 9. The price of cars, boats, furs, jewels, VCRs, and other luxury items rising rapidly. aare bis c.were — d. will mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 10. Joe has never been arrested, ? a.ishe b.hasn'the —c.doesn'the —d. has he 11. This liquid will not burn. It is a. flammable b. inflammable c.nonflammable — d. no flammable 12. Don't cry over spilt milk. . People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. b. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. c. Don't count your chickens until they've hatched. d. It's all just water under the bridge. 13. Ilet the children ___. up late and watch television. a.tostay b.staying c¢.stay stayed 14. If he is a lumberjack, where does he probably work? -inamine b.inthesea c.inabank d. ina forest 15. I like fishing, camping, hunting, and i a.hike b.hiking c.tohike d. to be hiked 16. Which of these is not a tool? a.a wrench b. a pair of pliers c.ascrewdriver d. a copperhead 17. He was raised by his grandparents after his mother's death. a. brought around __b. brought to c. brought about — d. brought up 18. How many different events would be in a pentathlon? a.four b.five c.six mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 19. Would you mind me that ashtray? a.topass b.passing c.pass d. for to pass 20. Where is your shin? your leg b. in your arm c. in your head d. in you back 21. Ifa line is curved, itis ‘ a. straight b. parallel c, narrow d. not straight 22. When my brother was in college, he played _— the softball team. -in bon cat 23. I'm fed up with this job. a. Love this job. b. I wish I could quit this job. c. I'm fond of this job. _ d. Ican say only good things about this job. 24. It's high time that he anew car. a.buys b. bought c.buying d. will buy 25. The Captain ordered that Lt. Smith to Defensive Driving School on Saturdays for 2 months. a.go b.goes c.going | d. went 26. If he passed the bar exam, he will probably become a.alawyer b.aplumber cc. acarpenter__d. amechanic 27. My nephew is plump. a.chubby b.skinny cc. tall —d. precocious 28. Iam exhausted. a.I'mlonely. b.I'mfull. c.Imbroke. d. I'm weary. mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 29. The streets of this town . a.needs repair b. needs repairing c. need to be repaired d. need be repair 30. You can reach that remote site only___ horseback. ain bof cat d.on 31. Which of these is NOT a bird? .adove b.apigeon c.ahawk d.atoad you, I wouldn't do that. cam d. were 33. Idon't have money. b.some ¢.any d. many 34. The ice will melt in a few hours. a.thaw b. thrash c. gnaw d. neigh 35. The bad rumors about you by your ex-wife. a. was spreaded b. is spreading c. were spread d. were spreaded 36. We could not light the wick of the dynamite stick because it was soaked. a.flow b.rite c.brew d. fuse 37. Which of these is the correct sentence? a. He has an university degree. b. He has university degree. c. He has a university degree. d. He has many university degree. 38. Let's hoist the flag now. a.lower b. raise c.salute d. ignore mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 39. Let's . a. not yet to begin b. not beginning yet c. begin not yet d. not begin yet 40. Which of the following is an odd number? a.34 b.63 c. 78 d.144—e. 412 41. Thurt my leg when I down yesterday. a.felt b.feel c.fall d. fell 42. Where's your mate? . enemy b.boss c.employee d. spouse 43. He scuffed up the floor. a. made marks on b. polished and buffed c. replaced tiles ond. inspected the cleanliness of 44. 1 saw the man a.fell b. felt c. felling “a. fall 45. [have not kept informed about my high school friends. a. caught up with b. run into c. lost track of d. run across 46. The privates have to paint their barracks : a.theirselves b. theirself c. themselves d. themself 47. Which of these would NOT be a good navigational landmark? a.amountain b.abridge c.atalltree d.acloud 48. Once you are kicked out of DLI, you a. wouldn't be call b. won't be called no be called d. not going to be called mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 49. We will issue the gas masks at 0915. a.distribute b. collect c.clean — d. discard 50. The rifles by the soldiers when the warning sirens sounded. a. was being clean _b. were cleaning _c, were be cleaned d. were being cleaned 51. Seven of the production lines in that factory are idle. . running b.notbeingused — c. productive —__d. working 52. I wish I a Colonel already. was c. were dis 53. We plotted the enemy's position.on a system of squares on a map. a.grip b.grid d.grit —e. grind 54. The General ordered that Major Smith reassigned to the boonies. a. is a. a big city b. was b. a remote area c. were c. Headquarters d. be d. a better place 55. If the furnace is malfunctioning, what will we do about the 2 a.water b.heat dz. lights 56, At this exact moment,the Amigo Inn fumigate _ b. is being fumigate c. is fumigating d. is being fumigated 57. They decided not to get a divorce for the sake of the children. b.time c.damage — d. good mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 58. Someone stole a cake from the Supervisors’ office. a. Who could has did that? b. Who could did that? c. Who could have done that? —_D. Who could done that? 59. I'm fond of peach cobbler. a. Thate it. b. Ilike it. c. dread it. d. Tean't stand it. 60. I have been living in Texas only two weeks. a.for b.during csince 61. The money from the bank has not been recovered yet. . which steal _ b. that was stole c. stole d. which was stolen 62. He gave the message to ¥ -heandI b.herandI c.himandI d. him and me 63. Which of these is the most correct? a. What do you did? 'b. What you did? c. What does you did? d. What did you do? 64. I didn't all weekend. a.donothing b.didanything c. did nothing —_d. do anything 65. There was a quick attack on the neighboring village that left 23 people dead. araid b.ray c.tiot rail 66. I was so tired that I in bed all weekend. a.stood b.stay c.stand d. stayed 67. We might have won the game if we better equipment. a.have b.werehave c.hadhad — d. would have mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 68. The windshield by the tree limb cost me $280 to replace. a. break b. which break c. broke —d. broken 69. That movie was very . a.bored b.boring c.bore d. bores 70. I want to have my house 2 . repaint b. repainted ¢. repainting d. be repaint 71. The man by the door is my cousin's friend. . sit b.sat c.whosit d. sitting 72. After the papers burned, nothing except remained. a.ashes b.timber c. silk. flames 73. She is such a nice person! a. What a person nice is she! _b. A nice person what is she! c. What a nice person she is! d. How such a nice person she! 74. My kids quarrel all the time. a. snack on sweet junk food b. fight and argue c. play politely outside d. study quietly 75. Thad. much work that I couldn't go to bed until after midnight. a.too c.very d.enough 76. If I were you, I would study more the weekends. aon d. for 77. He is a mere lad. a. He is an adult now. __b. He can vote and join the army. c. He isan adolescent. — d. He is old enough to retire. mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 78. Which of the following is NOT part of a ship? a.stern b.ailment c.anchor —d. keel 79. His whiskers were gray. a. eyes b. skin c. fingernails _d. beard 80. It is dangerous ____ _ rapidly in the rain. . drive b.drove c,todrive © d. to be drive 81. He got 99 on the ECL, he is very happy. but b. yet c.however 82. had to walk to the post office the heavy rain. a.despite of b.inspite ¢. spite d. in spite of 83. Ihad already bought my airplane ticket when the boss told me that my leave a. is canceled b. has been canceled c. was being canceled d. was cancel 84. _ you hear otherwise, don't pick me up tomorrow morning. a. Although — b. Because c, While d. Unless 85. I worked very all day yesterday. a.hard b.hardly ce. hardy — d. hardiness 86. [saw a man was suspected by the police of robbing a bank. a.which b. who c. which — d. whose 87. Which of these items is most like a nail? a.arivet b.arate c.ahoist d.ahinge mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 88. I paid $75 for a worthless CD Walkman. The store will not take it back or let me exchange it. I guess I $75. a.ambehind b.amout c.amupon d. am under 89. He committed a act, a.crime _ b. criminality ceeriminal d.crimes 90. How long have you been at DLI? a. since two weeks __ b. during two weeks c. at two weeks d. for two weeks 91.When it comes to work orders here, it's either feast or famine. a. We have a steady about of work. b. The workload always increases. c. We either have too much or too little. d. The workers are always content. 92. What is the key ingredient of ketchup? a.mustard b.cucumber c.tomato d. pickle 93. He told me last week that he finish the report by noon yesterday. a.will b.wouldbe c. willbe — d. would 94. We finished around midnight. a.gotover b.gotup c¢.gotin d. got through 95. Treally don't like to eat salmon very much. a.carefor b.carewith c.careto d. care of 96. Although he has a high ECL, he will not be a distinguished graduate because of his OPT rating. a. Because his ECL score, he will not be a distinguished graduate. You b. His ECL score notwithstanding, he will not be a distinguished graduate. c. Since his ECL score, he will not be a distinguished graduate. d. Although his ECL score, he will not be a distinguished graduate. 97. The little boy defied his father's orders to come inside. a. followed — b. carried out. obeyed disobeyed 98. Ineed to the bank today. a.go b.togo c.going d.tobe go 99. She rejected my offer of marriage. . turned out b. turned off c. turned over d. turned down 100. We could see a faint glow off in the distance. cliff blight c.animal —d. tree 101. Q: How did you do on the test? A: Oh, I think I good b.did good c.did well d.dobad e. done bad 102. The ticket booth is closed. a. small stall b. headquarters c. central office d. operations center 103. We can't have our parade practice because of the rain. a.dueof b.sinceof. ¢.dueto — d. since 104. He slammed his fist against the wall when he got the bad news about his car. a.hit b.patted c.stroke — d. petted 105. When the Captain goes away, Lt. Smith will be charge. aon d. for mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 106. I need to have a dry run of my briefing. a.anoutline — b. some help c.arehearsal d. more confidence 107. Which of these is a metal? a.polish b. gopher ce. hydrogen _d.. tin 108. He needs to save $300 a month toward the purchase of a car. a.putaside b. put off c.puton | d. put out 109. The road has too many curves. The engineers are going to a. straight b. straightize _c. straighten d. straightify 110. Steve gave a good speech, but Joe's was 5 a.gooder b.more good _¢. better___d. the more better 111. I was talking on the phone when someone on the door. a.knock b. knocks —¢. knocking —_d. knocked 112. If I were you, I that. a.won'tdo b.don'tdo c. willnotdo — d. wouldn't do 113. I found a bundle of newspapers in my closet. a.stack b.few c.couple d. single 114. He looks he were lost. aas b.if c.asif d. that 115. Which of these is the best sentence grammatically? a. I need to know where is the hotel. b. I need to know the hotel where is. c. Ineed to know where the hotel is. d. I need to know where hotel is. mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 116. The prosecution team was unable to prove that O. J. Simpson committed the murders. a. suggest —_b. say c.establish — d. claim 117. My son is young to play regular baseball. b. very c. enough d. too 118. The train conductor made a hole in my ticket. a.cutup b.punched c.toreoff — d. ripped up 119. Before he leaves for work, he breakfast. . Willeat b.ate c.hadeaten — d. was eating 120. I have not been able to remain informed about current events in Bosnia. .runoutof — b, take out after c. keep up with d. check off of 121. It is absolutely crucial that Tom the next game or he will be eliminated from the tournament. b.wins ¢.won d. has won 122. I would rather __ in Miami. b.tolive c.lives —d. live 123. Where are your knuckles located? a.thehand _ b. the foot c. the ankle d. the neck 124. I really enjoyed all those people at the party. . seeing b.tosee c.see d. being seen 125. The fringe elements of that organization are going to separate themselves and form a new group. b. marginal c. basic d. fundamental mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 126. The policeman gave Tom a speeding ticket. a. A speeding ticket was given to Tom by the policeman. b. Tom gave the policeman a speeding ticket. c. A speeding ticket was given to the policeman by Tom. d. The policeman was given the speeding ticket by Tom. 127. After you _ your assignment, you may leave. . finished b. has finished c.are finish — d. have finished 128. We will each contribute $10 toward buying the Colonel's wife some flowers. a.thinkup b.chipin c.getin. — d.take up 129. This new jeep is equipped with red laser sensors. a. stripped b.used c. outfitted d. removed 130. If I had felt better last night, I to the movie. a. would gob. wouldhave gone c. willgo —_—_d. might be going 131. Playing in the hot sun will make you perspire a lot. a. sweet b. sweep c.sweat d. swat 132. The fox ran so that the dogs couldn't catch it. a.quick b. much quick c. quicker _—_d. quickly 133. Scientists claim the core of the earth is hot molten iron. a.atmosphere c. surface d. edge 134, We will not play tennis if it a.rain b.rains c.israin d. raining e. rained mohajir ALCPT and ALC You 135. He is a very honest person. He has a lot of a.mistrust b.evil — c. indecency d. integrity 136. We will initiate a new system of record-keeping next year. a.implement b. abandon — c. curtail _ d. discard 137. It is essential that Joe at the airport before 0800. .is b. be c. goes d. have to be 138. Joe totally destroyed his car when he hit the telephone pole. . injured b. wrecked c. salvaged —_d. improved 139. You have the problem a place to live when you go to a foreign country. . of find b. to finding c. to find d. of finding 140. He got hit in the guts by pieces of shrapnel. a.legs b.eyes c. intestines _d.. feet 141. My son is trying to learn how to a bicycle. b. go d. ride 142. Tam not scheduled for an OPI today,____ a.arent] b.amI c.amn'tl d.areT 143. We found a serious flaw in the design of the intake system. a.bird b.insect c.tool —d. mistake 144. I don't like winter, and - . my brother don't either —_b. neither do my brother c. my brother doesn't neither d. neither does my brother mohajir ALCP” id ALC You 145. They don't like cold weather, __———_sthey turned down the assignment in Alaska. a.however b.thus c.yet —d. but 146. My neighbors have a new car, and a a.soIdo b.Itoodo c.lalsodoes d.sodoI 147. He doesn't have any siblings. a. He is an only child. b. He has a twin. c. He's the youngest child. _ d. He's the oldest child. 148. My folks live in Miami. a.friends b. parents c. co-workers d. grandkids 149. If Lt. Smith has a bad five o’clock shadow, what should he do? a. eat b. rest, c. study d. shave e. depart 150. I saw the robber from the bank. a.ran b. runs ¢. who run d. running 151.1 school for 14 years. a.attend b.attendedto —cattended _~—d. was attend 152. The bus filled with screaming school kids stalled on the railroad tracks. a.raced across _b. sped over c. stopped d. honked it horn 153. Everyone knows that this handout by Mr. Williams. a. creates b.iscreate c. was created d. was creationed 154.Don’tjump __ conclusions. b.on c. in d.into eto f.for g. with mohajir ALCP” id ALC You SELECT THE MAIN IDEA 1. The Marines had a problem in World War II. Orders were sent in code, but the enemy kept learning the code. Nothing could be kept secret. Then someone thought the Navajo soldiers could help the Marines. Since very few other people could speak Navajo, this language was used as a code. No one on the enemy side:knew Navajo, so the messages stayed secret. a. how Navajo people kept secrets . when the secret code was used . how the Marines used Navajo as a code |. The enemy of World War II . The peanut is a humble plant with hundreds of functions. Most peanuts are roasted in their shells and lightly salted. About half the peanuts eaten in the United States are ground into a thick paste called peanut butter. The rich oil made from peanuts is good for frying foods and is used for oiling machines and making soaps and paint. Even peanut shells are used to make plastics and to fertilize soil. . why peanut oil is used for frying . how much peanut butter is eaten in the United States a. b. c. the many uses of the peanut d. why peanut shells make good fertilizer 3. There are many ways to learn about people. You can learn a lot about people by simply watching or talking to them. Looking at the floor can also give you information about-people. You can tell where people walk most frequently because of the worn carpet. The next time you’re riding in someone else’s car, notice the music on the radio. The type of music played on the station can tell a lot about the person. a. how to guess where people walk b. how learn about people 7 LCPT and ECL c. how to listen to the radio d. how watch people 4. Sharks have a keen sense of hearing and can smell blood from almost 2,000 yards away. Sharks also have a special system of channels in their skin that helps them feel the vibrations of a splashing swimmer. We know that in clear water, sharks can see dinner from about 50 feet away. If you ever spot a shark, always swim away smoothly. . how well sharks hear . why sharks have poor vision - how sharks sense food |. when to swim away smoothly 5. In real life, rattlesnakes try to avoid people and seldom attack. Most people are bitten only after they step on these snakes. A rattlesnake may not even inject its poison when it bites. In fact, more Americans die from insect stings than from snakebites! a. why insects kill people b. when rattlesnakes use their poison c. how rattlesnakes aren’t as dangerous as everyone believes d. how snakes bite 6. The diamond is a hard element that can cut through almost any metal. That is why it is often used for industrial purposes. Whole diamond stones are set into tools. Dust from crushed diamond stones is used for coating the edges of tools. Care must be taken when exposing diamonds to extreme heat because heat_can turn them into graphite. Graphite is the soft material used in the manufacture of lead for pencils. . how to turn a diamond into graphite . how diamonds are used in industry . how diamond dusty coats tool edges . when diamonds are used in pencils = LCPT and ECL * 7. For years, food scientists have tasted hot peppers used for chili sauce, ketchup, and pizza, but people had a hard time figuring out the spiciness of the peppers. After eating two or three, their taste buds were burning. Now a machine can test different kinds of hot peppers. It measures the chemicals that provide the spicy taste of the peppers. how scientists measure chemicals . how hot and spicy peppers are used . why people have trouble tasting hot peppers |. how a machine helps the hot-pepper industry 8. It takes more than food to make babies grow up to be healthy and happy. If babies are not patted and hugged, they grow more slowly and are less healthy. Also, they will not be as smart or happy when they become adults. Many studies show that love is the most important thing in children’s lives. |. why good food is important to babies . what makes babies grow up . children need love to grow up healthy |. how to have smart children 9. Probably the best-known rodeo cowboy in the world is Larry Mahan. Mahan was the national champion six times before he was 30. He was good at every event and was so successful that he had his own plane. When he got too old to be in the rodeo, he didn’t stop doing rodeo work. He started a rodeo school. . where to ride bulls and horses . about the most famous rodeo cowboy in the world . how to get rich in the rodeo |. where to go to rodeo school = LCPT and ECL * 10. The temperature of Antarctica once fell to -128° F. In the summertime, temperatures average well below freezing. Most of the land is covered with ice that is up to 2 miles thick. Only a few strong mosses and sturdy spiders can live on this big block of ice. Since very little snow or rain falls there, Antarctica is a desert. . about a desert with extremely cold temperatures a. b. which plants and insects live in Antarctica c. how much snow and rain fall there d. how low the temperature once fell 11. Doctors think that wearing red-tinted glasses can relieve sadness. Some people get very moody and sad in the winter. They may be affected by brief days. Bright lights help some people but not everyone. The reddish light coming through rose-colored glasses seems to make people feel happy. a. bright lights help some people b. when some people get sad c. how short the daylight in the winter is d. how colored glasses may help people feel better 12. Can fish climb trees? It sounds like a fishy story, but mudskippers living in the swamps of Asia really can climb trees. After filling their gills with air and water, they climb onto land. Mudskippers use their front fins to move along the ground. Suckers on their fins help them climb trees. a. where mudskippers live . how they fill their gills . how mudskippers climb trees |. where mudskippers have suckers = LCPT and ECL * 13. A United States astronaut was the first person to set foot on the moon, He was Neil Armstrong. This happened on July 20, 1969 as the world watched on TV. . a United States astronaut was the first person to set foot on the moon. . This happened on July 20, 1969/as the world watched on TV . He was Neil Armstrong |. He was from the United States 14. Marie likes to play on the playground at school. She likes the swings and the twisting slide. Marie’s favorite thing to do is climb on the Monkey bars. . Marie’s favorite thing is to climb on the monkey bars . She likes the swings and the twisting slide . Marie likes to play on the playground at school |. Marie 15. Every year, hungry deer do millions of dollars’ worth of damage to young pine trees. Scientists in Washington have found a way to protect the trees. They use a substance called selenium. Selenium produces a bad smell when dissolved. A bit of this element is put in the ground near trees. Rain dissolves the Selenium, and the trees absorb it. The bad smell keeps the deer away until the trees are fully grown. . how much damage deer do to trees . how trees can be protected from deer . what Selenium is |. why deer eat pine trees = LCPT and ECL ~* 16. Garlic is one of the ingredients that makes pasta sauce taste so good. Now doctors think garlic has healing powers, too. Early tests show that it can kill harmful germs. Garlic has also been found to have a good effect on the blood. Doctors think it can help protect people against heart disease. . how garlic can help keep people healthy, . what goes into garlic sauce . how garlic kills harmful bacteria |. how garlic affects the blood 17. Dolly Madison was the wife of President James Madison. She was quite a brave First Lady. When the White House burned down, Dolly rescued important government papers...She also saved the portrait of George Washington that hangs in the East Room today. . who Dolly Madison’s husband was . how the White House burned down: . about Dolly Madison’s courageous acts . where the portrait of George Washington hangs 18. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite to help builders, but it was used for war, which made him feel very guilty about the misuse of his invention. He was a rich man, so he set up a $9 million fund. Today, the fund is used to reward people who have improved human life. Nobel prizes are awarded in six fields, including peace, medicine, and chemistry. a. what Nobel prizes are awarded for . why Nobel funded the Nobel Prize fund . how much money was set aside for rewards |. what invention Alfred Nobel created = LCPT and ECL “° 19, Benjamin Franklin loved to write. When he was twenty-two, he set up his own printing shop and started a newspaper. He also printed a book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. It had funny stories, information about the weather, and wise sayings. a. Benjamin Franklin loved to write stories and books. b. Benjamin Franklin worked very hard when he was young. c. Benjamin Franklin knew a lot about the weather. d. Benjamin Franklin was very poor. 20. Benjamin Franklin loved the city of Philadelphia. He started the city’s first hospital and fire department. Ben also started Philadelphia’s first public library. Benjamin Franklin worked very to make Philadelphia a better place to live. . Benjamin Franklin worked hard to make his city a great place to live. . Benjamin Franklin knew a lot about books. . Benjamin Franklin worked for the fire department. . Benjamin Franklin went to school in Philadelphia. 21. Benjamin Franklin was very interested in electricity. One day he tried a very dangerous experiment to prove that lightning was electricity. He attached a key to a kite string and flew the kite during a thunderstorm. When the lightning hit the kite, sparks flew from the key. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity. a. Benjamin Franklin liked to play in the rain. . Benjamin Franklin proved lightning was electricity. . Benjamin Franklin knew a lot about thunderstorms. |. Benjamin Franklin invented a new kind of kite. = LCPT and ECL * 22. Benjamin Franklin invented many things that made life easier in the late 1700’s. He invented the lightning rod that saved many homes from fires. He also invented the Franklin stove. The stove could heat a room better than a fireplace and saved people a lot of fuel. He also invented a special kind of glasses called bifocals. This new kind of glasses helped people to read better. . Benjamin Franklin thought reading was important. . Benjamin Franklin was not afraid of fire. . Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor. . A Franklin stove can heat a whole room. 23. Juan loves to play games... His favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan_also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too violent. . Juan dislikes violence. . Juan likes to think. . Juan enjoys Monopoly. |. Juan enjoys games. 24. Marie is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV! a. Too much Television isn’t good for Maria. b. Books are good for Maria. c. All cartoons are bad. d. Some cartoons are bad for Maria. = LCPT and ECL * 25. Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. Please come home soon! a. Samantha, you have bad manners. . Samantha, you should see a dentist. . Samantha, I miss you. |. Samantha, I have lost my appetite. 26. Someday, we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier. a. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. b. We will able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. c. They will look and behave much like real humans. d. Amazingly, the robots of the future will able to learn from experience. 27. There are several events that change the Earth’s surface very quickly. Volcanoes can erupt and spread lava, rock, and ash for several miles. Earthquakes can leave large cracks in. the Earth’s surface. . Several occurrences change the Earth’s surface. . Earthquakes can cause large cracks. . Volcanoes be dangerous. |. Volcanoes = LCPT and ECL * 28. Most of the world’s volcanoes are part of the “The Ring of Fire.” This is a ring of volcanoes that form a circle around the Pacific Ocean. Thousands of volcanoes make up “The Ring of Fire.” These volcanoes formed the sea floor and many underwater mountains. a. There are thousands of volcanoes in the world. b. Most volcanoes are part of the “Ring of Fire”. c. Some underwater mountains are volcanoes. d. Volcanoes formed the sea floor. 29, Babe Ruth was the first baseball player to ever hit 714 career home runs. By 1920, Babe Ruth was considered the greatest homerun hitter for the New York Yankees. In 1927, he hit 60 homeruns in a single season. This was a single season record... Babe Ruth stopped playing baseball in 1935. . In 1927, Babe Ruth hit 60 homeruns. . Babe Ruth played for the New York Yankees. . Babe Ruth stopped playing baseball in 1935. . Babe Ruth was the first player to hit 714 homeruns. 30. There are four stages in the life cycle of a painted lady butterfly. The first stage is the egg. They are very tiny blue eggs. The second stage is the caterpillar. The third stage is the pupa. This is where the caterpillar forms a hard shell and hangs from a twig until it is ready to turn into a beautiful painted lady butterfly. Painted lady butterflies live almost anywhere. a. The caterpillar forms a hard shell and hangs from a twig. b. Butterflies live almost anywhere. c. The painted butterfly. d. The four stages in the life cycle of a painted lady butterfly. = LCPT and ECL ~~ 31. Texas has a variety of landscapes. In the East there are woodlands. These woodland areas have lots of pine trees and oak trees. In central Texas there is everything from flatlands to giant rolling hills. To the west the traveler might see the beginnings of mountains. All this variety means that there is something for everyone which makes Texas a great place to live. |. Texas is a big state. . Texas has mountains in the West. . Texas has a variety of landscapes. |. Texas 32. Pollution is a serious problem on our Earth today. People and companies pollute the water by throwing trash into it. Chemicals that kill plants and fish are also dumped into the water. Air pollution is another type of pollution that we should worry about. Some of the air we breathe is not clean. Factories and power stations pollute the air with smoke and poisonous gases. Cars also make exhaust fumes that pollute the air. When these gases mix with the water in the air, they produce acid rain. This rain is not good for the plants Earth. The more acid there is in the rain, the faster it will kill the plants. a. There are several types of pollution that are serious problems on Earth. b. Acid rain is bad for plants. c. Air pollution is the serious type of pollution. 7 LCPT and ECL 33. Our solar system is a big place with all kinds of interesting things in it. There are nine planets in our solar system. Earth is the planet that we live on. The sun, which we see every day, is not a planet. It is a star. There are also many other stars that we see in the sky at night. Asteroids and meteors are also in our solar system, but they are not planets either. Comets exist in our solar system, too. Sometimes you can see them travel past the Earth. They have bright tails you can see as they travel by our planet. a. We can see all of the comets in the sky. b. Our solar system has a lot of different things in it. c. We live on the planet Earth. 34, The Internet connects many computers all over the world. Getting on to the Internet is also known-as going on-line. Some people use modems to go on-line. If you are using the Internet at home you probably have a modem that connects you to the Internet. Big companies and some schools use a really big network of wires also known as Ethernet to connect to the Internet. Ethernet is faster than modems and can contro] hundreds of computers all at once. a. Ethernet is a really important. b. Some people use modems to go on-line. c. There are different ways to connect to the Internet. 35. Swimming is a great sport with a lotof different activities. There are a lot of different swimming strokes. You can do the breaststroke, the butterfly, and many other strokes. People float in the water. Diving is another popular activity. Some people are even in diving and swimming contests. People also swim for lots of different reasons. Some people swim in competitions. Other people swim because it is good exercise. Some people like to swim just because it’s fun! a. People swim because it is good exercise. b. Everyone can learn how to swim. c. There are a lot of different activities that you can do in swimming mohajir ALCPT and ALC ALCPT and ECL 36. The Internet is a wonderful resource, but it can also be very dangerous. We can be safe on the Internet as long as we follow some rules. There are three rules that we should follow when we are on the Internet. The first rule is do not give your phone number, address, password, or photo to anyone on the Internet.” The second rule is delete any email from someone you don’t know. The third and final rule is do not tell anyone private stuff about yourself or your family. If we.all follow these rules the Internet can be a safe and fun place to learn and play. a. Do not give any information on the Internet. b. We need to follow some rules so we can be safe on the Internet. c. There are a lot of weird people on the Internet. 37. A lot of animals live in different places on Earth. Some exotic animals live in zoos. You can go visit them there and learn about them. Some animals, like cats and dogs, live in our homes with us. Other animals live in the wild. Animals like deer and rabbits live in the forest. Some other animals, like dolphins and whales, live in the sea. Other animals like groundhogs, live underground. Bats, which are flying animals, live in cave in large groups. Some animals such as camels and snakes, can live in the desert. a. Different places on Earth. b. Different animals live in many various places. c. Dolphins and whales are animals that live in the sea. = LCPT and ECL * 38. The United States of America is made up of fifty different states. Some of the states, like Texas and California, are quite large. Other states like Rhode Island and Delaware, are very small. Two states are further away than the main forty-eight states. Hawaii is made up of several islands in the Pacific Ocean. Alaska is further north and next to another country called Canada. The United States also has some territories that are further away from it, such as the island of Guam and)Puerto Rico. The different States are all very unique. Some are warm and)sunny most of the year, others are cold. All of the states have their own unique culture and characteristics, but are part of the same country. a. The United States of America is made of fifty different states. b. Alaska is a territory of the United States. c. All of the states have very cold weather. 39. Computers are used in many different places today. People use computers in their homes to do work. children use computers in schools to learn. Teachers can also use computers to teach their classes, grade papers, and talk to other teachers through e-mail. Stores use computers as their cash registers. You can see them in stores at the mall or at the grocery store. Businesses also use computers to help them do their work. Almost everyone can use a computer to get information from the Internet. Computers are used everywhere now!. a. Businesses use computers a lot. b. Computers are used in many places today. c. You can use a computer to get information from the Intemet. mohajir ALCPT and ALC ALCPT and ECL 40. Thanksgiving is a holiday with many traditions. It was started over 200 years ago. Native Americans and Pilgrims met and had a feast together. They celebrated a good harvest. There were was a variety of food. Some of this food we still eat today. Turkey is traditionally served at Thanksgiving. Other traditional foods are cranberries, and pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving is also known for the famous Thanksgiving Day parade. The most famous parade is in New York city. Thanksgiving also brings people together for a meal. Families usually gather together. They eat a meal and remember all the things they have to be thankful for. a. People eat fish at Thanksgiving. b. Thanksgiving is a holiday with many traditions. c. Native Americans and Pilgrims celebrated the harvest. 41. High blood pressure is sometimes called the “Silent Killer” because there are no symptoms. Another disease that often goes unnoticed is heart disease. The first signs of a heart attack are not always obvious. Diabetes is yet another illness that many do not know they have. In fact, MSN Web page says that 16 million people are “silently at risk” for diabetes. . What you don’t know won’t hurt you. . Heart disease is a common and serious health problem. . Some serious medical conditions often go unnoticed. . Heart disease and diabetes are two serious health problems. . Sixteen million people are at risk for diabetes. = LCPT and ECL * 42. Money often causes problems in a marriage, sometimes leading couples directly to divorce court. To control money problems in a marriage, set goals to clarify what you really want. Another technique is to find out where you are really spending your money. Add up those “little” expenses such as a morning cup of latte at $3.00 a cup or an apple- blueberry muffin for $1.00. At the end of the year, you’ve spent $1,460. In addition, set a “talk to me” limit, deciding which purchases require a household discussion. For example, many couples might decide that any purchase over $200 requires a joint discussion before purchase. . Money problems can ruin a marriage. . There are several ways to manage marital money problems. . The best way to control a budget is by clarifying goals. |. Couples on a budget should not overspend. . There are a number of problems that lead to divorce. 43. When aging parents need help, it puts a tremendous weight on their adult children. The situation is particularly difficult if the parent does not live nearby. To handle such difficult situations, some health experts advise adult children to investigate community resources such as Meals on Wheels. Another suggestion is to rotate care among other family members. Sometimes the problem can be alleviated by having the parent move closer. It is also essential to assess the parents’ actual needs. a. Caring for aging parents is difficult. b. You should always consider your own needs when making decisions about aging parents c. Community resources can be an enormous help to adult children who don’t live near their aging parents. d. Adult children can use several strategies to assist their aging parents. mohajir ALCPT and ALC ALCPT and ECL 44. The cold and flu season typically occurs during the fall and winter. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one billion colds occur in the United States each year with children suffering the majority of these. To ward off colds, wash your hands frequently. Another technique is to,avoid touching one’s eyes and nose. Cleaning household surfaces with disinfectants can also help reduce the spread of infection. However, avoiding people with colds is equally important. a. People can use many techniques to avoid colds and the flu. b. Millions of people suffer from colds in the U.S. each year. c. Colds are most prevalent during the fall and winter. d. Colds are difficult to prevent. e. Children have more colds than adults. 45. Because of the danger of hypothermia, one should dress in layers if exercising during cold winter weather. Another precaution to take for exercising in the winter months is to drink plenty of liquids and to watch for frostbite. Stretching before and after exercising is also vital in winter because one’s muscles will be cold. a. It is dangerous to exercise in cold weather. b. Winter weather is no excuse for lack of exercise. c. There are a few rules to follow for exercising in cold weather. d. Hypothermia is a dangerous condition that exercisers should be aware of. = LCPT and ECL ™ 46. When you reach a stop sign and no one is coming from the other direction, do you roll on through instead of stopping? A large majority of bad drivers gets hurt. Do you talk on the cell phone while driving instead of pulling over to stop and talk? Seventy-seven percent of bad drivers frequently don’t pull over. Do you hate driving behind large vehicles that obstruct your view? More than 60% of bad drivers report that they are frustrated when driving behind SUVs.. Do you find yourself in confrontations on the road because of yoursown driving habits or the driving habits of others? At least half of all bad drivers do. (adapted from 2004) . Bad driving habits include road rage and using cell phones while driving. . There are more bad drivers on the road than there are good drivers. . Drivers should be courteous to their fellow drivers. . There are several ways to tell if you have the habits of bad drivers. 47. Suppose you signed a lease with no early-release clause, and you’ve been in your new place for three months. Suddenly you have a job offer you can’t refuse, but it’s in Boston, and you’re in San Antonio; or you lose your job and can’t afford your monthly rent. How should you approach your landlord? Be straight up and; talk with your landlord, explaining your situation. Treat your landlord with respect. Show your landlord that you care by offering to locate a new=sublease or leaseholder yourself. Don’t just take off and don’t be defensive in your negotiations—after all, you signed the lease. (adapted from Sally Anderson, a. There are several things you should avoid doing when breaking a lease. b. If you treat your landlord with respect and honesty, your landlord will let you break your lease without a penalty. c. Tenants who need to break a lease should know the do’s and don’ts of negotiating with landlords. d. Leases should be broken only for good reasons. = LCPT and ECL ~*~ 48. At Dalton State College, the registrant of a motor vehicle is held responsible for the safe and prudent operating and proper parking of his or her vehicle regardless of who may be the operator. Curbs painted in yellow are no parking areas. Parking against the flow of traffic is prohibited at all times. Vehicles parked on campus after school hours may be towed away. All faculty and staff reserved parking areas will be painted in red. Fines will be paid at the Business Office in the Westcott Building. Speed limits are as posted. There is no parking at anytime on College Drive. Decals are not transferable. (DSC Catalog, pp. 77-78) a. Registrants of motor vehicles are responsible for the safe and prudent operating and parking of their vehicles. b. Dalton State College has several general rules involving parking and driving on campus. c. Dalton State College has parking problems. d. There are many rules related to parking at Dalton State College. 49. Surgical removal of tissue suspected of containing cancerous cells is the oldest approach to cancer therapy. When undertaken early in the course of disease, surgery is best suited for cancers of the skin, breast, cervix, and prostrate gland. Radiation is capable of killing cancer cells by altering their genetic material. Important advances in successful cancer therapy can be attributed to advances chemotherapy, both terms of new drugs and the more effective combination of new drugs. Then there is immunotherapy, which refers to the use of a variety of substances to trigger a person’s own immune system to attack cancer cells. (Adapted from Payne and Hahn, Understanding Your Health) . Cancer treatment takes many different forms. . Many cancers can be successfully treated if caught early. . Surgery is the best method of treatment for many cancers. . Traditional therapies to fight cancer include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. = LCPT and ECL ~~ 50. As we age, our chances of developing heart disease increase, for heart disease tends to develop gradually over the course of one’s life. In fact, almost 85% of people who die from heart attacks are aged 65 or older. Another risk factor that cannot be changed is gender. Young men have a greater risk of heart disease than young women. Obviously, you have no say in choosing your biological parents. By the luck of birth, some people are born into families where heart disease is quite prevalent. In cases such as this, children are said to have a genetic predisposition to develop heart disease as they grow. Race is also a risk factor that cannot be controlled. (Adapted from Payne and Hahn, Understanding Your Health) . Age is the biggest factor in heart disease. . Many risk factors for heart disease can be changed. . Some risk factors for heart disease cannot be changed. |. Heart disease is a serious health issue in the United States Main Idea 51. On Wednesday, the Senate passed a $1.35 trillion tax cut package. This is the biggest reduction in twenty years. The measure lowers all income tax rates. The package now goes to a House-Senate conference committee. In the committee, Congressional and White House negotiators will quarrel over the size and timing of the tax cuts. In the final tally, 62 senators voted for the bill and 38 voiced against it. All 50 Republicans and 12 Democrats joined in support of the package. What is this news story mainly about? a. Negotiators will argue about the timing. b. The vote on the tax cut was 62 to 38. c. The Senate passed a large tax cut. d. Taxes are way too high in America. = LCPT and ECL ~~ Main Idea 52. Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, is known as the Paris of South America for its rich cultural treasures and its ability to attract a great many tourists. Lately, however, a bizarre problem has hit the city: it has become very difficult to make change. Indeed, this small economic crisis has come to be known as the great Buenos Aires coin shortage. People commonly deal in transactions involving only small change, so the problem affects most people in the city. The city buses, the most common form of public transportation, take only change. A quick walk through any of the shops in the shopping districts of Buenos Aires will show the casual visitor many “No Coins” signs in storefront windows. Also, taxi rides are a smidgen more expensive as many drivers have begun rounding prices up to avoid dealing with change. The longest line in the city's central subway station is not for purchasing tickets or getting on the train, it's at the change window! If you hope to visit this beautiful, up-and-coming city soon, dealing with these small inconveniences is worth it! The artistic treasures, the delicious food, the music, and the nightlife make visiting Buenos Aires truly special. Don t let the great Buenos Aires coin shortage stop you. You do need to plan to spend extra time locating coins for many of your simpler purchases and exchanges. If you are entering the city from other parts of Argentina, get a bag of coins, and take them with you! You may end up being more popular than you've ever been before! Which sentence best describes the main idea of the news story? . "You do need to plan to spend extra time locating coins for many of your simpler purchases and exchanges." . "Lately, however, a bizarre problem has hit the city: it has become very difficult to make change." "A quick walk through any of the shopping districts of Buenos Aires will show the casual visitor many "No Coins" signs in storefront windows." |. "If you hope to visit this beautiful, up-and-coming city soon, don't let the great Buenos Aires coin shortage stop you." mohajir ALCPT and ALC ALCPT and ECL Main Idea 53. The most important idea of a story is called the main idea. a. true b. false Main Idea 54, "McHugh joins Gates as Republicans in important positions dealing with the nation's military.” a. "The president values different opinions in his administration." b. "He kept Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense.” c. "He did not agree with cuts Obama wanted to make in military budgets." Main Idea 55. The city of Irving, Texas, has long been known as a middle-class white suburb of Dallas. One of the world's largest companies, ExxonMobil, has its corporate headquarters there. For more than 37 years it was home to the Dallas Cowboys professional football team. Football is a real passion for many Texans. Driving into Irving from the east, you're greeted by the town's most famous building: the white-domed Texas Stadium with the big hole in its roof. Until 2009, it was where the Cowboys played their home games. The Cowboys have now moved to a neighboring city, where a larger stadium was built. The Cowboys won five Super Bowl titles while based in Irving. However, Irving is changing fast. The Cowboys have moved out, and Texas Stadium will be torn down. The ethnic makeup of the city is also changing. According to the most recent census data, Latinos made up 41 percent of Irving's population in 2007. The low home prices have attracted many people. Irving also has many city parks. In 1980, Irving was 93 percent Anglo. Many expect Irving's Latino population to increase to more than 50 percent. You don't need census data to see the change. Many restaurant signs and billboards are in Spanish, Bookstores have large sections devoted to books in Spanish. When visiting a coffee shop, many of the customer’s order in Spanish. Many customers will order café con leche, or coffee with milk, a favorite drink in Mexico. Latin America has definitely made its way to suburban Texas. Which of these sentences most strongly supports the main idea of this passage? a. "Many expect Irving's Latino population to increase to more than 50 percent." b. "Irving also has many city parks." c. "Many customers will order café con leche, or coffee with milk, a favorite drink in Mexico." d. "Driving into Irving from the east, you're greeted by the town's most famous building: the white-domed Texas Stadium with the big hole in its roof." Main Idea 56. The people of ancient Egypt created an advanced civilization. More than 6,000 years ago, they developed a calendar with 360 days divided into 12 months. The people made paper and learned how to write. They also built huge monuments with machines they invented. What is this story mainly about? a. How people in Egypt made paper. b. The creation of an advanced civilization in Egypt.. c. How the people in Egypt built huge monuments. d. Where an ancient calendar was developed. = LCPT and ECL ~ Main Idea 57. During the Revolutionary War, a Yankee invented a submarine called the Turtle. A number of years later, Robert Fulton became interested in undersea craft. In 1800, he built the Nautilus. Then, during the American Civil War, another underwater craft was built. Choose an appropriate topic sentence for this paragraph: a. For many years man tried to find ways to travel underwater. b. For many years Robert Fulton was interested in undersea craft. c. Underwater crafts were very important during American Civil War. d. For many years man tried many ways to win the Revolutionary War. Main Idea 58, Every morning when I get up I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed and make my bed. After that, it is my job to feed the dog in the morning. Then, I can read or play until it is time for the bus to take me to school. a. What time I eat breakfast e. How I go to school f. My morning activities g. Riding the bus Main Idea 59. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier. Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the main idea? a. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. b. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. c. They will look and behave much like real humans. d. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. Main Idea 60. Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood a. Floods can cause a lot of damage. b. Floods cause mudslides. c. Floods damage houses and roads. d. Flood damage may take months to clean up = LCPT and ECL ~ Ihc 19.b 27.a 35.¢ 43.a S1.b 55.b 60.a 65.a 70.b 75.b 80. 85.a 90.d 95.a 100.b 105.b 108.a 113.a 118.b 123.a 128.b 133.b 138.b 143.d 148.b 153.c mohajir ALCPT and ALC ANSWERS 3.b 8.c 13.a 18.b 23.d 28.b 33.b 38.a 43.d 48.b 53. True 58.¢ mohaji CPT and ALC ze Raitube) = ALCPT and ECL

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