Ambe, Vanessa. G. Eapp

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Every child is special

Ambe, Vanessa G.



Every child has their own needs and special attention, but sometimes parents are blinded by their
standards and expectations to see this. The movie “Every Child is Special” tackled this issue. The movie
never disappointed me in any way, even though I’d already seen it when I was in elementary. But this
time my understanding of the movie has deepened, it greatly affects me because I know something
changed in my perspective after I watched the movie because, It was so inspiring. This is also the first
movie that introduced me to the disorder dyslexia. When I was in elementary, I couldn’t understand the
situation of the boy, Ishaan Awasthi. I always thought that he had an eye problem , but now I
understand his situation and his disorder. I was so moved by the movie because of how great it is. It is
one of those movies that you will never forget easily and will surely mark in your memory.

When I rewatched the movie, there were so many significant scenes that I did not pay attention to
when I was watching the movie back then. First is when Ishaan Awashi was answering a math problem.
Because of the boy’s imaginative mind, he daydreamed about the planet. When I first watched it, I
always thought that it was so cool because of the animation, but now I come to realize that the boy was
trying have his best to answer the question.

I also realized why Ishaan Awashi stopped doing art because of the teachers and school in general
pressure on him. Because of his condition, he was labeled as lazy, a crazy and an idiot just because of his
intellectual incapability . They quickly judge him because he doesn't know anything, which is so
frustrating because, as a teacher, you should always make an effort to understand their students. In this
scene, I come to realize that teachers can influence how a child performs. For instance, because of the
punishment and mistreatment, Ishaan Awashi stop making arts and doing what he loved.

The movie also depicts how the family should be the first to understand you. Ishaan's family doesn't
make every attempt to understand him. They love him, yes? But they have a lack of patience and
understanding towards the boy. This is one of the reasons why Ishaan felt unworthy, especially when his
family sent him to a boarding house. And I learned in this scene that the relationship of a child with
other people greatly affects his behaviors and how they see themselves. This is why I am so grateful to
Ram Shankar, his artistic and loving teacher, for his patience and effort in giving Ishan the chance to
prove himself and his talents to everyone and helping him see himself as special, just like everyone else.
In conclusion, this movie made me realize that all of us has a special ability or capability that make us
unique, we might night see it because were underestimating ourselves or we just hadn't discover
because we we're looking at something that we might think is good or fit the standard but in the end of
the day its only you and yourself. I also came to realize how I am so similar to the people around Ishaan
which make me ashamed of myself because just like the people around him, sometimes I failed to
appreciate things for what they were because I was too busy searching for something that fitted my set
standards. Everything has a reason so, before you take judgmental on children or other people try to
look from bigger pictures because we never know, it might contain a gem.

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