1-Environmental Research of Groundwater in The Urban

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Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18

DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-1135-6


Environmental research of groundwater in the urban

and suburban areas of Attica region, Greece
G. D. Bathrellos Æ H. D. Skilodimou Æ A. Kelepertsis Æ
D. Alexakis Æ I. Chrisanthaki Æ D. Archonti

Received: 27 July 2007 / Accepted: 12 November 2007 / Published online: 18 December 2007
 Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract In this study, 92 groundwater samples were to shrubby and sparsely vegetated areas, while elevated
collected from the Attica region (Greece). Moreover, values of NO-
3 are connected with urban and agricultural
geographical information system database, geochemistry of areas.
groundwater samples and statistics were applied. These
were used for studying the chemical parameters (NO- 3, Keywords Environmental research 
Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, and Na+) and conductivity spatial dis- Geostatistical analysis  GIS  Urban and suburban areas 
tribution and for assessing their environmental impact. The Greece
ranges of chemical parameters of the water samples (in
mg L-1) are: NO- 3 1–306, Mg
2–293, Ca2+ 3–453, Cl-
5–1,988, and Na 4–475. The elevated concentrations of Introduction
sodium, Mg2+, Cl- are attributed to natural contamination
(seawater intrusion). On the other hand, NO- 3 elevated In antiquity, the city of Athens, and in general the Attica
concentrations are attributed to anthropogenic contamina- region were famous cultural centers of Greece. The study
tion (nitrate fertilizers). The results of the GIS analysis area (Fig. 1) is characterized by extensive human inter-
showed that elevated values of Na+, Mg2+, Cl- are related ventions, intensive agricultural activities and a dense road
network. The intensive urbanization, small industries and
the uncontrolled building construction represent a consid-
G. D. Bathrellos (&)  H. D. Skilodimou  A. Kelepertsis  erable threat to the environment of Attica region.
D. Alexakis In addition, western, northern as well as eastern parts of
Faculty of Geology & Geoenvironment, Attica region are characterized by agricultural activities.
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens,
These activities combined with the extensive urbanization
University Campus, Zografou, 15784 Athens, Greece
e-mail: gbathellos@geol.uoa.gr resulted in a great demand for water. Besides, the quality of
the groundwater has been affected by human interventions.
H. D. Skilodimou In many cases the lack of wastewater treatment has led to
e-mail: hskilodimou@euof.uoa.gr
the degradation of groundwater (Stamatis et al. 2006).
A. Kelepertsis Various studies (Kounis and Siemos 1987; McCartney
e-mail: kelepertsis@geol.uoa.gr et al. 1997; Alexakis and Kelepertsis 1998; Stamatis et al.
2001; Alexakis 2002; Kelepertsis and Alexakis 2004;
D. Alexakis
Makri et al. 2006; Stamatis et al. 2006) carried out on the
e-mail: dalexak@geol.uoa.gr
quality of groundwater of the Attica region showed con-
I. Chrisanthaki  D. Archonti tamination and degradation in many areas due to natural
Attica Region, 239 Mesogeion St, 11527 Athens, Greece and human parameters.
e-mail: i.hrisanthaki@attica.gr
In this study the quality of groundwater of the Attica
D. Archonti region was examined based on the various factors which
e-mail: darchodi@attica.gr define the hydrogeological conditions of the study area.

12 Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18

poorly developed due to morphology, geological and tec-

tonic structure of the area as well as the urbanization
(Antoniou 2002; Skilodimou 2002). It is a mainly dendritic
drainage pattern and comprises streams with seasonal flow.
The main rivers that flow through the study area are: Kifisos
River, which end up to Saronikos Gulf and Biotikos Asopos
that ends up to Eubean Gulf (Fig. 1).
Generally, the climate of Attica belongs to the Medi-
terranean type, where the rainy period usually begins in
October and lasts until April. The mean annual precipita-
tion in the study area is rather low and fluctuates from
286.4 to 483.1 mm (Skilodimou 2002).
The geological structure of the studied area is dominated
by alpine and post-alpine formations. The alpine forma-
tions belong to three main stratigraphic units, the sub-
Pelagonian unit, the autochthonous unit of Attica and the
nappe of Lavrio-Attica (Fig. 2). The sub-Pelagonian unit
is composed by clastic formations (arkose, greywacke,
phyllite, sandstone, and schist) limestones, dolomites
ophiolithic formations, transgression limestone, iron man-
ganese ores and flysch. The autochthonous unit of Attica
comprises mainly schists, marbles and limestones, while
the nappe of Lavrio-Attica consists of phyllite, schist and
Fig. 1 Map showing the studied area metalliferous ores. The Neogene deposits consist of marls,
clays, sandstone, conglomerates and travertine limestone.
Pleistocene continental deposits and Holocene deposits
These factors include lithological parameters, water quality
include unconsolidated material with sand and pebbles,
indicators and statistical methods.
The main objectives of this study were:

(a) to examine the spatial distribution of chemical param-

(b) to assess the most heavily contaminated areas,
(c) to correlate the contaminated areas with the urban
activities and in general the land use.

Study area

Geomophological and geological settings

The Attica region is situated at the southeastern part of

continental Greece (Fig. 1). It covers a total surface area of
2,920.89 km2 with altitudes varying from 0 to 1,413 m
above mean sea level (m.s.l.). The relief of the Attica
region is quite plain with mountains and hills, while 6% of
the area is covered by mountains, 30% by plains and 64%
by hills (Fig. 1). Also Fig. 1 shows the mountains and the
main plains of the Attica region.
The mountains of Gerania, Pateras, Kitheron, Parnis,
Penteli, Ymmitos, and Egaleo, form the relief of the area.
The main plains of the area are: Megara, Thriassio Field, Fig. 2 Geological map of the studied area (modified from Katsikat-
Athens, Marathon, and Mesogeia. The drainage network is sos et al. 1986; Jacobshagen 1986; Migiros and Antoniou 2002)

Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18 13

alluvial sediments debris cones and lateral deposits (Lep-

sius 1893; Marinos and Petraschek 1956; Katsikatsos et al.
1976; Gaitanakis 1982; Jacobshagen 1986; Katsikatsos
et al. 1986; Skilodimou 2002).
The polymetallic sulphide mineralization of the Lav-
reotiki Peninsula consists of Ag-bearing galena, sphalerite,
pyrite and many secondary minerals. The famous Pb-Zn
mines of Lavrion are located in the East Attica region
(Kelepertsis and Alexakis 2004).
Tectonically, the study area was affected mainly by
alpine thrusts and formed by post-alpine faulting (Fig. 2)
(Migiros and Antoniou 2002).


There are two major aquifers in the area of the western part
of Attica: a karstic formation of Mesozoic limestone and
dolomite, Neogene formations and Quaternary deposits in
which unconfined and confined aquifers are developed
(Kounis and Siemos 1991). Fig. 3 Main towns and urban pattern of the studied area
In the eastern Attica schists and phyllites as imperme-
able rocks, form a poor aquifer. The carbonate rocks,
limestones and marbles comprise the most important
aquifer of the area (Stamatis et al. 2006).


The Attica region is mainly an urban area and 36% of the

total Greek population lives in it. The region is divided into
two subunits of urban areas. The first one comprises the
capital city of Athens including its suburbs and covers
11.2% of the total area (Fig. 3). The second subunit covers
88.8% of the total area and includes the city of Piraeus as
well as the western, northern and eastern Attica. Figure 3
illustrates the main towns of Attica and the urban pattern
including the road network.

Materials and methods

Sampling, sample preparation and chemical analysis

Fig. 4 Map showing the sampling location
A network of 92 sampling sites (drills and wells) distributed
evenly all over the study area was sampled once during 0.45 lm pore size membrane filters and stored in a poly-
May–June 2006, covering an area of *2,920.89 km2. ethylene container. All the samples were preserved in a
Groundwater sample locations were recorded in the field by refrigerator.
using GPS (Fig. 4). Nitrate and chloride were measured photometrically
All possible precautions were taken during collection using a Hach DR/4000 apparatus. Chemical analyses of
and handling of samples to minimize contamination. The Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+ were performed at the Laboratory of the
groundwater samples were collected in polyethylene con- Economic Geology and Geochemistry Section of the Geol-
tainers; 1,000 ml of sample was vacuum-filtered through ogy Department of National and Kapodistrian University of

14 Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18

Athens. Mg2+ and Ca2+ were measured by atomic absorption types of land use were classified as follows: urban areas
spectroscopy (AAS/Perkin Elmer 1100B) and Na+ was (including continuous urban fabric, industrial, commercial
measured by flame photometry (JENWAY PFP7). The data and transport activities, construction sites), agricultural
quality was assured by the introduction of internal reference areas (including non-irrigated arable land, permanent crops
samples and by analyzing the duplicates of two samples. The and heterogeneous agricultural areas) forest areas and
electrical conductivity was measured in the field. 39.9% by shrubby and sparsely vegetated areas (Fig. 5).
In order to measure the degree to which Na in irrigation About 15.2% of the total area of Attica is covered by urban
water replaces the adsorbed (Ca2+, Mg2+) in the soil clays areas, 33.1% by agricultural areas, 11.8% by forest areas,
the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), introduced by Richards and 39.9% by shrubby and sparsely vegetated areas.
(1969), was calculated by the following formula: The evaluation of groundwater samples for drinking use
meqNa was carried out by comparing their parametric values given
SAR ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
meqCa + meqMg= by the Directive 98/83/EC (EC 1998). Table 1 summarizes
the maximum and minimum values of the studied chemical
A milliequivalent is one thousand of a compound’s or an parameters of the Attica groundwater in comparison with
element’s equivalent weight; abbreviated meq, where: the parametric values.
mg of ion solution The NO- 3 content of the groundwater studied varies
meq ¼ from 0.2 to 306 mg L-1, while the parametric value given
atomic weight of ion
: by Directive 98/83/EC concentration of nitrate in drinking
ion charge
water is 50 mg L-1. The high nitrate concentration
([50 mg L-1) in the area of Kifisia, Piraeus, Voula, Spata,
Statistical analysis and Agia Paraskevi (Fig. 6) may be the result of the dis-
solution of fertilizers and the leakage of municipal sewage
Correlation analysis was used to define the underlying rela- rich in ammonia which subsequently oxidizes to nitrate.
tionships of the elements and to link any relationships The Mg2+ content of the studied water samples varies
between elements with geological or anthropogenic sources. from 5 to 393 mg L-1, while the parametric value given by
Directive 98/83/EC for concentration of magnesium in
drinking water is 50 mg L-1. Figure 7 shows three areas
Interpolation of analytical data using GIS
with magnesium concentration [50 mg L-1. These areas
A GIS database was developed using ArcGIS Ver. 9.2
software. The following data layers were digitized and
saved in the database:

• sampling locations with the analytical data,

• land use,
• drainage network, road network, towns, contours of the
Using the geostatistical analyst extension of ArcGIS the
initial values of each parameter were interpolated in grid
layers with cell size 20 9 20m2. The inverse distance
weighted (IDW) was used for interpolation. The IDW is
similar to Kriging interpolation method (ESRI 2007), while
the application of the two methods led to the same results.
Moreover, the zonal statistics tool of ArcGIS was used
in order to calculate the percentage proportion of each land
use area lain on every zone of the spatial distribution of the
studied chemical parameters.

Results and discussion

The land use of the Attica region was derived by using the
program CORINE (Bossard et al. 2000). In addition, the Fig. 5 Land use of the studied area

Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18 15

Table 1 Chemical parameters and conductivity values of Attica

groundwater in comparison with parametric values (in mg L-1)
Minimum Maximum Parametric values
value value (Dir 98/83/EC)

3 1 306 50
Mg2+ 2 393 –
Ca2+ 3 453 –
Cl- 5 1,988 250
Na+ 4 475 200
Conductivity 292 9,100 2,500
(lS cm-1)

Fig. 7 Concentrations of Mg2+ of the Attica groundwater

Fig. 6 Nitrate concentrations of the Attica groundwater

occur in the northern, western, and southeastern parts of the

studied area.
The Ca+2 content of the water samples of the studied
area ranges between 3 and 452 mg L-1. Figure 8 shows a
wide area occupying the half eastern part of the studied
area with some small complexes with Ca+2 values
exceeding 200 mg L-1.
The Cl- concentrations show a wide range (5– Fig. 8 Calcium concentrations of the Attica groundwater
1,988 mg L-1) with high concentrations ([250 mg L-1)
occurring in the area of Anavyssos, Lavrion, Piraeus,
Elefsis, and Megara (Fig. 9). Finally, the conductivity values range between 292 and
The Na+ content varies from 4 to 474 mg L-1, while the 9,100 and are related to the total dissolved solids (Fig. 11).
parametric value given by the Directive 98/83/EC in Moreover, the Attica groundwater was classified in
drinking water is 200 mg L-1. Figure 10 shows high terms of salinity hazard (conductivity) and sodium hazard
concentrations of sodium in the areas of Lavrion, Ana- (SAR). The SAR of Attica groundwater samples ranges
vyssos, Voula, and Megara. from 0 to 11.5; while the mean value is 2.06. The Attica

16 Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18

Fig. 9 Concentrations of Cl- of the Attica groundwater Fig. 11 The spatial distribution of conductivity of the Attica

attributed to the seawater intrusion in the area of Megara,

Elefsis, Piraeus, and Anavyssos (Fig. 13). The high con-
ductivity and the total dissolved salts in some of the
groundwater samples and the association of Mg2+, Na+,
Cl- as basic constituents of seawater (Hem 1985; Alexakis
and Kelepertsis 1998; Alexakis 2002; Kelepertsis 2007)
certify the seawater intrusion.
Calcium shows a low positive correlation with sodium
(+0.38) and a medium positive correlation with NO- 3
(+0.48) suggesting a contribution from two sources; the
first source may be the wide extent of carbonate rocks
(limestones and dolomites) and their weathering products
and the second one is the seawater intrusion. The medium
correlation between calcium and nitrate may be attributed
to the wide extent of calcareous soils, covering the most
part of cultivated and fertilized areas.
There is not any correlation between NO- 3 and the ele-
ments Mg2+, Na+, Cl-, and this is an indication of the use of
fertilizers in the study area. According to Pachero et al.
(2001) if the correlation coefficient between NO- -
3 and Cl is
Fig. 10 Concentrations of Na+ of the Attica groundwater greater than +0.35, this is an indication of a common origin of
these parameters such as industrial or civic wastes. Since the
groundwater samples were classified according to SAR correlation between NO- 3 and Cl
is -0.04, there is no
categories as follows: C3–S1 (72.9%), C2–S1 (7.6%), C3– common origin of these elements in the studied area.
S2 (6.5%), C4–S1(8.7%), C4–S2 (3.3%), and C3–S3(1.0%) The results of geostatistical analyses showed the fol-
(Fig. 12). lowing relationship between Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, Cl-,
According to correlation analyses (Table 2) the fol- conductivity, NO- 3 and the land use (Table 3).
lowing parameters are intercorrelated: Mg2+, Na+, Cl- and From Table 3 it is obvious that the elements Na+, Mg2+,
conductivity. The association of these parameters may be Cl- and conductivity are highly positively intercorrelated

Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18 17

Fig. 13 The spatial distribution of seawater intrusion zones of Attica


to 50 mg L-1 are mainly related both to agricultural

(36.7%) and shrubby and sparsely vegetated areas (36.7%),
while concentrations [50 mg L-1 are mainly related to
urban (39.2%) and agricultural (28.1%) areas. This is an
indication that nitrate pollution is mainly attributed to
urban and agricultural areas covered by calcareous soils.

Table 3 Comparison of elevated concentrations of chemical

parameters with the surface of land use (%)

Fig. 12 SAR-conductivity diagram of Attica groundwater samples Chemical Land use

(n = 92) parameters
Urban Agricultural Forest Shrubby
areas areas areas and
and related to seawater intrusion. The associations of these sparsely
elements are mostly related to the shrubby and sparsely vegetated
vegetated areas. The Ca2+ contents varying between 100
and 200 mg L-1 are related mainly to shrubby and sparsely Mg2+ (30–50 mg L-1) 15.8 30.4 12.8 41.0
vegetated areas, while concentration [200 mg L-1 are Mg 2+ -1
([50 mg L ) 12.5 35.6 10.5 41.4
mainly related to agricultural areas. Nitrate values from 25 Ca2+ (100–200 mg L-1) 22.0 31.6 10.4 36.0
Ca2+ ([200 mg L-1) 20.8 63.6 – 15.6
Table 2 Correlation matrix of conductivity and chemical parameters Na+ (200–400 mg L-1) 16.9 34.1 6.5 42.5
of Attica groundwater (n = 92) Na+ ([400mg/lt) 41.2 5.7 0.6 52.5
Conductivity Mg 2
Ca 2+
Na +
Cl -
3 Cl- (250–500 mg L-1) 8.6 34.2 11.2 46.0
Cl- ( [500 mg L-1) 16.6 27.9 9.4 46.1
Conductivity 1 0.74 0.41 0.49 0.93 0.04
Conductivity 20.0 28.6 8.7 42.8
Mg2+ 1 0.06 0.51 0.72 0.04 (2500–5000 lS cm-1)
Ca2+ 1 0.38 0.19 0.48 Conductivity 24.2 40.1 17.4 18.3
Na+ 1 0.84 0.20 ([5000 lS cm-1)
Cl- 1 -0.04 NO- -1
3 (25–50 mg L ) 8.7 36.7 14.9 39.7
3 1 NO- -1
3 ([50 mg L ) 39.2 28.1 8.1 24.6

18 Environ Geol (2008) 56:11–18

Conclusions Hem J (1985) Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics

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