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three evaluated

mind is
morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the annual Sports and cultural Fest
for the year 2022-23.
hardik Swagat ladies and Gentlemen let's welcome our
chief guest Mrs pratibha badani welcome ma'am request you to please put your
hands together and welcome her [Applause]
our chief guest is being felicitated with the bouquet of flowers [Music]
thank you foreign
[Applause] [Music]
walking to the grotto [Music]
are being offered to our Patron Saint Lawrence for the innumerable benefits
and blessings he shows on us
foreign [Music]
foreign [Music]
ayush is humbled by nature and takes Keen interest in planning
he is the captain of the under 17 School
cricket team and has an immense bond with his teammates
anshuman is an active but reserved child he is passionate and an all-rounder in
the game of cricket foreign
ladies and gentlemen our chief guest Mrs pratibha badani director of town
planning and the joint Secretary of Urban Development welcome ma'am
I request Suman ma'am to offer a token
of our appreciation to our chief guest Mrs pratibha badani
I now request our chief guest to please Hoist the
national flag ladies and gentlemen you're requested to please stand
ma'am please
thank you ma'am
I now invite a managing trustee and founder principal Mrs Suman datta to
please give the welcome address ma'am please ladies and Gentlemen please be
ladies and gentlemen good morning
welcome to the annual Sports and cultural Fest 2022-23
it's so nice to have you all back here after three long years
on behalf of the management staff and students of Saint Lawrence
High School in Junior College I'd like to warmly welcome our chief
guest Mrs pratibha bhadani ma'am is a director town planning and
Joint Secretary of the Urban Development Department at the mantralay Mumbai
she's an engineer by profession highly accomplished and widely traveled
planning is her forte in fact she has literally
revolutionized town planning in nashik she has also done extensive work in
urban planning Regional planning legislation planning Urban Development
all over in cities like Pune dhulia dhanu
Mrs badani is highly decorated she was awarded the lady and Junior
award by The Institute of engineers in 2007.
pcmc awarded her with outstanding lady and Junior award in 2014-15
she was awarded the leading lady award by a social group called Phoenix in Pune
in the year 2017. she was also awarded
for the fast Regional Fast Track Regional plan by The Honorable chief
minister wow those are great achievements
on a personal front she is into singing and cycling
ladies and gentlemen let me tell you she is no ordinary cyclist
she has done nothing which is 360 kilometers four times
she has done nashik Mumbai twice and on the international tour Europe cycle tour
she has done Vienna Budapest which is 500 kilometers in five days let's give
it up for her Mrs badani thank you ma'am it's an honor to have
you here with us today I would also like to extend a very warm
welcome to all the invitees and guests present here today
a very hearty welcome to all my parents
thank you for walking alongside us and working for the happiness of the
children I would like to begin by expressing our sincere gratitude to our patrons Saint
Saint Lawrence for blessing and protecting us
always especially through the covet times I would also like to express our
heartfelt thanks to our Mentor Dr daisaku Ikeda
who encourages us guides us who fills us with hope to take on challenges bravely
and boldly well the last two two and a half years
have been difficult times there have been times where there's been acute financial
health issues there have been emotional stress worries and tensions everything
was shut down schools colleges Industries Institutes
my settlements I would like to share or
Express through the words of an educator called Peyton Anderson
school is not closed the building is
if you listen carefully you can hear the harm of the hard-working teachers and
administrators yes ladies and gentlemen that's exactly what happened
and there were situations so they would come we had a computer sex
section operational in school it was the epicenter my computer teachers have
worked day and
night we had an online team heart teachers organizations
but I have to give a loud shout out to all my teachers my coordinators my
computer Department my online team my core team and nalani
they were working 24 hours there was no such thing as sleeping time and waking
time called they would go for it and attend it so ladies and gentlemen they do
deserve a better Applause let's give it to them [Applause]
it has been such an experience such a touching experience for me to see how
I'm really grateful to my team I feel from this
life may change first thing I would say
isn't that something to be grateful about so let's begin from today to be grateful
grateful for every little thing for the food on the table
so there is so much to be grateful so let's start by saying thank you to God
every day second thing is let's value what we have
let's appreciate it
let's be a part of their life
successful parents another thing is respect
so let's begin with ourselves foreign
but you must treat him with respect ask him for his opinion ask him to share in
the house plans
another thing is there is a reason
there are no coincidences in life whatever is happening is happening for a
reason um
it's here and now let's start now
so that is important and be the have the courage to be true to yourself if you
are true if you are honest if you are sincere with yourself you will realize you know
in the end I would like to conclude with a quote
that has really impacted my life
yesterday I thought I was clever so I wanted to change the
world but today I am wise
so I'm changing myself the change will
come here if I'm straight my shadow is straight so ladies and gentlemen thank
you for Patiently hearing me out and have a lovely morning back to school
back to Children back to Josh and energy thank you so much
thank you ma'am
and Now ladies and gentlemen the four proud houses of Saint Lawrence High
School and Junior College will present the March past
[Music] Phoenix is being led by rudra garak
the school is being led by a head boy
sudden my Chaudhary
our head girl shravani shinde
Sports Captain prachi Nike damios
Marigold house
I request our chief guest Mrs pratibha badani to please come forward and take
the salute ma'am please
Chowdhury our head boy is sincere focused and hardworking he weighs the
pros and cons before taking a decision he is a born actor is techno savvy and
also aspires to be an artist shravani shinde a head girl has a cheerful demeanor she
has excellent persuasive abilities and aspires to be a cardiologist
prachi Nike our Sports Captain is a born leader bubbling with energy her
interests are swimming she aspires to be a patriotician the first star is
Marching In is the marigold house the boys being led by tanyata Monday she's
energetic disciplined and possesses team spirit she aspires to be a cardiologist
Marigold house girls being led by atarwa nimbalkar he is humble and aspires to
join the iaf as a pilot the second house Marching In is the
Tulip house the boys being led by rugved walk he is cheerful by nature and is
very ambitious he participates actively in all co-curricular activities
tulip house girls being led by Priti yolei she is studious and excels in
mathematics she is also an excellent striker in the game of volleyball under
14 and is looking ahead to become an architect
a school band Phoenix being led by rudra garak it comprises of 15 members rudra
is a well-behaved and extremely talented in music he follows directions he has
been in the band since class three Rhythm Melody and Harmony are his heartbeats
the third house Marching In
is the Lily house the boys being led by prachi Pirates she is compassionate
organized and is a part of the under 17 volleyball school team
lady house girls being led by mahavish Ansari she is a poitous and completes
every task assigned to her meticulously she aspires to be a social
worker the fourth house Marching In is the Lotus house the boys being led by
Tanish maidyani Tanish believes in what he does as a curious mind and is very
outspoken he aspires to be an IAS Lotus house girls being led by Jai Mahajan Jay
is determined and dependable and lends a helping hand to all who are in need he
aspires to be a naval officer thank you ma'am
in the center we have our head boy tanmai Chowdhury
head girl shravani shinde Sports Captain
prachi Nike Marigold house boys and Marigold house
girls tulip house boys followed by tulip house girls the school
band Phoenix house boys [Music]
followed by Lily house girls
Lotus house boys followed by lotus house
girls foreign
houses marigold tulip
Lily and Lotus
we will now witness the lighting of the torch the torch is being held by pranav Yale a
nashik district Cricket player who has won the best batsman award and is a
committed Cricket player being passed on to sairaj daisley
a left arm spinner he has played for the number District cricket team was the
highest Wicket taker for the team and is also an outstanding Fielder being passed
on to Aryan sonar a skill right arm of spino and Cricket he is an economical
bowler also a champion carom and had won the inter-school competition in class
five he excelled in football as a midfielder at the district level being
passed on to ayushi she is hard working and very
cautious about what she does she has played Karam at District level and has
qualified for the divisional level Karen competition
a friend a parent and focused child he has played for the number District cricket
team was
the highest Wicket Taker and leading run scorer of the team [Music]
the flame is now lit [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
I now request our chief guest Mrs prati babadani to please declare the annual
Sports and cultural Fest open ma'am please
I declare the annual athletic sports and cultural Fest of Saint Lawrence High
School and Junior College for the year 2022-23 open
thank you ma'am [Applause] I now request our chief guest Mrs prati
babadani a managing trustee and founder principal Mrs Suman datta and trustee
Colonel Vijay dutta to release the balloons
thank you ma'am and sir [Music]
the head girl shravani shinde leads the school to take the oath
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
this in the house
[Applause] thank you
and now the four proud houses of Saint Lawrence High School and Junior College
will March off the field
[Music] notice house girls
followed by lotus house boys
Marigold house boys
followed by Lily house girls
house girls
Lilly house boys
folks captain
I see marching towards the flagpole
banned Phoenix has taken position on the field
the flags are now being placed in the stand
oh boy
followed by the school band Phoenix
thank you
and Now ladies and gentlemen we will witness the 50 meter book balancing for
five girls first call renuka bukhari Arya chitalkar mukda Bali Rao Marigold
chinmayi anikevi Marigold House John Vistana tulip house
Lotus house [Applause] sanskriti car dealer Lotus house
Marigold house 50 meter book balancing for grade 5 girls
there we go come on parents come on ladies and gentlemen book balancing
racing progress Sac race for standard six boys first
call darshan Mahajan vivekira said
[Music] darshan Patel and shadab Ansari Lotus
Lily Marigold and tulip 50 meter set race for grade six boys
50 meters factories [Music] for grade six boys
sacris in progress very well done students slowly slowly go until the finishing
Point very good very good and that was the 50 meter sacris for grade six boys
and Now ladies and gentlemen we begin with the sports events for the Junior
and senior girls and boys 100 meters for junior boys first call Aditya pavar
Gardner Marigold house [Music]
Dax sahil birari Lilly house Kunal gaidani and tanishq
Lotus house 100 meters running for junior boys
first call for 100 meter running for junior girls arohi patil shraddha bottle
Marigold house shravani titwe akshara sangli tulip house
Anushka sonone Arya Pandey Lotus house
100 meters running for junior girls first call and now we are witnessing the
100 meters for junior boys come on boys [Music]
yes well done Marigold and tulip very well done that was the 100 meter running
for junior boys we will now witness the 100 meters running for junior girls
first call 400 meters for senior boys [Applause]
Marigold house ayush katkar sairat desley tulip house Prasad garika ruplal Maji Lilly
ayush sahu and Aryan sonar Lotus house first call for 100 meters running senior
boys we will now witness the 100 meter running for junior girls
foreign [Music]
faster you can do it very good very well played here we go very good very good
now we will witness 100 meters for senior boys first call for 100 meters senior girls
nirmative darshana karnat Marigold house roshniada Gayatri Patel tulip house
mohini bhagat Shreya kashti Lilly house niranjani kadam and Aditya Lotus house
first call for senior girls 100 meters
we are witnessing the hundred meters for senior boys
for senior girls
[Music] 100 meters running for senior girls race
in progress [Applause]
Marigold Lily Lotus and tulip
100 meters running for senior girls
and here we go come on come on very good
very good Marigold house well done [Music] yes very well done very well done very
well played children very well done students notice Lily Marigold and fuel
it ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together and give them a round of
applause nice and Loud ladies and gentlemen thank
and Now ladies and gentlemen we will award the winners of the 50
meter book balancing for grade 5 girls I request
Mrs Shilpa Shetty to give away the prizes
50 meter book balancing for grade five girls
foreign [Applause]
50 meter book balancing for grade five girls
to please award the winners of the 50 meter sack race for grade six boys
third position darshan Mahajan lettuce house
second position pranav Mali Lilly house
and First Position pushkar sarode Marigold house
50 meters sacris for grade six boys
thank you I request Colonel Vijay Kumar datta to
give away the prizes to the winners of the 100 meter running for junior boys
thank you Mrs Shilpa Shetty [Music]
100 meter running for junior boys third positions
[Music] second position Aditya power Marigold
house [Music] and First Position
100 meter running for junior boys
I request you sir to please award the winners for the 100 meter running junior
girls first position arohi Patel Marigold
house [Music] second position
[Music] and third position akshara sangli
tulipers 100 meter running for junior girls
[Applause] [Music] I request Mr Abhishek Chauhan to give
away the prizes to the winners of the 100 meter sprint for senior boys thank
you sir
100 meters running for senior boys [Music]
third position hit rasadhya Marigold house
[Music] second positions
and first positions
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause]
I request you sir to please give away the prizes to the winners of the 100
meter running for senior girls third position
[Music] to position roshni yada tulipal
first position nirmative Patel Marigold house
100 meter running for senior girls
[Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Mr Chauhan
and Now ladies and gentlemen we bring to you an AV presentation of
the achievements for the year 2022-23
ladies and gentlemen good morning the annual report for the Academic Year 20
ladies and gentlemen good morning the annual report for the Academic Year
2022 2023 seeing our students back amidst us after
two years has filled our hearts with great joy and we want to cherish every
day of school now on the very first day of the opening to
welcome the students back and to help them to connect and have fun many games
were organized it was simply delightful to see them catching up and bonding with
their friends and teachers the Academic Year began in full force
and all the value-building tasks and activities were carried out alongside
the academics a father doesn't wear a cape but still
is nothing less than a superhero who works day in and day out to make his
family's life better to inculcate a sense of gratitude towards All fathers The Father's
day was
celebrated in school with great father [Music] instilling love for a healthy lifestyle
is an important aim for us at Saint Lawrence weekly dance sessions are conducted
promote the importance of regular exercise we also celebrate the world yoga day
with the students where the teachers first brief the students about the various
benefits of irregular yoga
practice and then they perform the various asanas together [Music]
the students paid homage to the indomitable Spirit of the Indian soldiers
raksha bandhan was celebrated by tying rakis to the police officers and
thanking them for their selfless service students also expressed their love and
gratitude for our founder Mrs Suman datta on the occasion of the founders
day through songs dances poems and speeches
the sweating and ceremony of our student council filled us with immense Pride
seeing our young leaders determination to lead the student body with responsibility
and fairness also gave us
hope that our next generation is on the right path
there can be no bigger gift than the gift of life and the organ donation seminar
by us was the perfect way to address this topic the students were acquainted with
need and procedure for organ donation by Dr Sanjay rakibi who has been creating
Awareness on this issue for a while now as part of the ranga campaign we hoisted
the tri-color for three days in the school and for the first time ever our head girl Miss
shravani shinde also had
the privilege of hoisting the national flag in this Academic Year two workshops are
organized for the class 10 students by bringing in Experts of specific fields
the financial literacy Workshop made the students aware of the various means and
ways of saving and investing money the creative writing Workshop was
conducted to help students strengthen their writing skills and polish their
knowledge of grammar many more such workshops focusing on
emotional well-being adolescence creating positive images are
being planned for the students in the coming months the gift of knowledge is a
unique gift
bestowed on humans to polish the language skills of the students we conducted an
elocution competition on two levels celebration of Hindi Divas highlighted
the history and the rich culture of our country tree the world reading day saw
participation of students and it gladdened our hearts to see the little bookworms
enjoying a variety of stories
and tales our students of Class 5 and of Class 8 had the opportunity to visit the
parle factory and experience candy making first hand
the classic students were taken to the sprawling sahyadri Farms where in the
factory they saw various processes and operations that are done to make food
easily available to us the class 7 students paid a visit to the
lokmat printing press to see how newspapers are created
at St Lawrence High School and Junior College our focus is to inculcate in our
students a sense of responsibility towards their environment as well as the
people in their surrounding the Academic Year 2022-23 began with the students
acquainted with the sustainable developmental goals and the aim and
objective behind setting these goals tree Plantation drives were undertaken
by the students of class 9 and 10. the class 10 students planted shed giving
trees around the school campus whereas the class 9 students planted more than
200 saplings of local trees on fallow land to turn it into Greenland our
Primary School students will explain the importance of the ozone layer they were
deeply saddened to know how Reckless human behavior is leading to the
depletion of this protective layer they shared various remedies to repair
the holes which have already formed in the ozone layer and decided that they
themselves would walk the shorter distances and urge everyone around them also to
start walking instead of using
Vehicles compassion and empathy for the less fortunate is inculcated among our
students from a very young age the students of Class 8 visited the Zilla
parishad School in navega and gifted them books and stationery they also
played games sang songs and read books aloud to the students of the school to
get them interested in Reading as per the values and traditions of Saint Lawrence the
students of Class 12
visited an old age home and spent time playing games and entertaining the
residents the students of the primary classes were introduced to the concept of
eating they also learned the importance of not wasting food and eating local food it
was fascinating for students to know that's simply by choosing locally grown
food they could help to reduce global warming by minimizing their carbon
footprint by making our students realize that world peace begins with them we
ensure that the concept of Peace isn't merely a huge idea on paper alone
they are made aware of how even a small Act of intolerance or anger ultimately
sows the seeds for war thus the students made symbols and
slogans of peace and they also internalized the true meaning of it and promised to
realize it in their thoughts
words and deeds our students also made us Proud by
winning various titles certificates and cash prizes at the inter-school drawing and
Rangoli painting competition
organized by Keke wag English School Miss Rasika manual and Miss tanishka
pattu secured the first and the third positions respectively in the dongoli competition
Miss madhura Chaudhary and
Miss ruchika titmi secured the first and the consolation prizes respectively
our students participated in and excelled at the drawing competition too
Miss Johnny kekker secured the first position and was awarded with a cash
prize our students also participated in various competitions like elocution
singing art dance and short filmmaking in the malhar Fest an inter-school
competition organized by GEM School in the shock filmmaking competition the
first prize was backed by a team comprising of Tanya Chaudhary siddhi patil and
Riya ahire and the second
prize was one by our team comprising of shravani shinde Gert Naran and atharva
ahire in the elocution competition rishabh Joshi of Class 8 and sanika agnihotri of
Class 10 won the first prize in two categories in the singing competition the school's
choir the Laurentian Symphony brought home the first prize Anjali ready won the
consolation prize
in the dance competition in the drawing and poster making competition
consolation prizes were backed by Bruno [Music]
and achal sahani our students have always excelled in various disciplines
of sports pandemic deprived them of opportunities to prove their metal however
post the
pandemic they have bounced back and are actively participating in games like
swimming skating carom and volleyball Cricket has always been our Forte and
our cricket team did a sprout by reaching the finals in the inter-school
tournament organized by Indian oil and the semi-finals in the tournament
organized by nasik Cricket Academy six members of the team pranavioli
[Music] ayushkar anshuman thakur ruplal majhi
sairaj daisley and chinme Bhaskar won the man of the match
pranav was awarded the best batsman of the tournament while ayush won the best
Fielder of the tournament in the Indian oil tournament [Music]
Lawrence High School and Junior College we love the children we value them and
believe in their happiness [Music] the top is Desiring determination to
help the child become a fulfilled responsible citizen of
[Music] the world the students deserve your
appreciation parents please put your hands together and give them a round of
applause louder please louder
thank you
and Now ladies and Gentlemen We Begin our inter-house drill competition the
four houses will compete for the best house drill trophy they will be presenting drills
with a
particular theme every house will perform a value-creating skit followed
by a dance drill yeah
foreign [Music]
on the face of the Earth the tiger is a symbol of par and courage
it is known for its Grace and Agility and that is the reason why India has
adopted the tiger as the national animal ah Indian defense system is nothing less
than a tiger in the sense where it epitomizes the qualities of a tiger in
all the Arenas today we pay tribute to our Indian defense system
service before self may the Lord of water be auspicious unto
us touch the sky with Glory we have come a long way over 75 years of
Independence today though being our developing country we rank fourth in
terms of having the strongest defense system in the world time and again the
external Powers have
tried to harm the country but the defense system has left no stone
unturned to protect our motherland and her freedom
let everything go okay
thank you foreign [Music]
[Music] tomorrow [Music]
[Music] foreign
[Music] Sonoma foreign
and Farmers fulfill it 75 years ago we did not have enough to feed our own
country and today we export Surplus greens worth billions of dollars that is
why our former prime minister Lal bahadur shastri gave the slogan Jai Jawan
Chacha we farmers are very like this Banyan Tree our national tree the kalpa bridge
the Banyan Tree gives each of its
part and we Farmers to give we grow we give we toil we feed is
I know that the path I have chosen will not be easy but I am determined for me
more than a job it's way of life and we will win
again [Music]
two minutes
happy birthday [Music]
freezing bring it out
he's in breathe out
breathe in bring it
through Urban life
thank you foreign
[Music] I am offering a lotus flower to God why
Mom because it has the qualities of Purity rebirth and resilience then
mother I should offer this lotus flower to you despite the Hard Day's Work you
doctors remain calm and a much stronger
the next morning just like the lotus flower even during the pandemic when the
hospitals were fudded with patients and
everyone was sick but just like the lotus flower blooms in muddy water despite the
difficult situations you
doctors continue to strive selflessly and fought passionately to save each life
health workers amongst Victorious because they didn't fear the troubles but worked
with dedication determination
and passion and used the trying times as an opportunity to fight harder We Salute
each Health worker for bravely battling every disaster and for their service to
humanity [Music]
[Music] today
foreign [Music]
[Music] foreign
foreign [Applause]
[Music] foreign
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
thank you [Music]
found out the box
foreign [Music]
[Music] bird is a symbol of elegant spot and
hope hope a better future hope or brighter tomorrow wild Grandpa the
peacock looks beautiful in all times peacock's dance was used as
a signal for the onset of monsoon now this weather forecast tab tells us that it's
going to rain heavily
yes Grandpa due to Advanced Technology so satellites weather can be forecasted
but how will I do my work in this heavy rain I need to go to bank to transfer money
need to go to City to government
office and also I need to meet my friend who is sunwell at least I should be able to
see his face
wait Grandpa don't you know that all such work can be done from a smartphone
itself you just need to download few apps and voila you can do all your work
from home video call to a friend transferring money or applying for any documents in
government offices it is
just at the tip of your finger on smartphone thank you Arjun now is the time for our
generation to learn technology from you the younger generation
[Music] yeah yeah
[Music] India India India
India India yeah yeah
Hong Kong
[Applause] [Music] [Applause]
foreign [Music]
and that was an awesome performance by all the four houses ladies and Gentlemen
please put your hands together and give them a round of applause they deserve
your appreciation messages
we will now witness the 4 into 100 meter relay for junior boys first of all says
Marigold house [Music]
Lily house [Music]
four in 200 meter relay junior boys come on come on Lotus
[Music] for junior boys in progress
[Music] come on boys very well done very well
done very well done Marigold house You're Rocking
[Music] now we will witness the four in two weeks 100 meter relay for junior girls
first call for four into hundred meter relay senior boys
armaan Sheikh ruplal Maji Prasad karekar divyansh Chandra Lilly house Aditya
rathod ayush katkar sairat are you sing tulip house
four into 100 meter relay senior boys first fall [Music]
and now we will be witness the 4 into 100 meter relay for
junior girls
four into 100 meter relay for junior girls
[Applause] yes for four into 100 meter relay for
senior girls first call
Lotus house first call for four into hundred meter relay senior girls
to 100 meter relay for junior girls next we will witness the 4 into 100 meter
relay for senior boys
[Music] 4 into 100 meter relay for senior boys
[Music] four into hundred meter relay for senior
boys [Music] [Applause]
[Music] you're doing fine come on
please [Music]
come on [Music] foreign
foreign 200 meter relay for senior girls
[Music] first call for the slow cycling for senior boys
Arjun Gill Lotus house Aditya Singh Marigold house om patil Lilly house
Smith kavatya Lotus house and Manish ashtaker tulip house
first call for the slow cycling for senior boys come on
40 200 meter relay for senior girls in progress
very well done children God you're doing well
come on [Music] come on your lips
come on [Music]
yeah boy that's very cold house very well played very well played
and now we will witness the slow cycling race for senior boys
slow cycling for senior boys
senior boys first call [Music]
Lotus versus Lily come on boys you're doing well
we are witnessing the slow cycling for
senior boys very good boys come on
slow and steady wins the race [Music]
yes you're doing well slow cycling for senior boys
come on parents put your hands together for our students
they are doing us proud
slow cycling for senior boys
foreign [Music]
[Applause] Lotus and Lily
we are witnessing the slow cycling for senior boys
come on Julie balls and Lotus house
foreign [Music]
and that was slow cycling for senior boys
thank you [Applause] I request our chief guest Mrs pratibha
badani to spin the coin for the tug of war finals ma'am please
ma'am please [Music]
thank you ma'am [Music] [Applause]
tug of war finals Lily versus Lotus
come on Lydia's Lotus house
come on
[Music] this is
[Music] foreign
you will remember
[Music] foreign
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
foreign [Music]
and now
start what do you say what it is
okay I now request Mrs kaitan to award the winners of the four and two hundred
meter relay for junior boys
[Music] third position
second position
two three
I request you ma'am to please award the winners for the 4 into 100 meter relay
junior girls first position who me son of akanksha
Patel Chaudhary Lily house
[Music] second positions
more into 100 meter relay Junior Girl
one two three [Music]
I now request Mr tarun Mishra to award the winners of the Ford in 200 for
senior boys thank you Mrs kaitan
[Music] third position
second position [Music]
good morning
open it up
I request yourself so please award the winners for the 4 into 100 meter relay
for senior girls third position [Music]
[Music] foreign [Music]
I request you sir to please award the winners of the
senior boys first
positions [Music]
and we have the second position [Music]
Lily house second position foreign
if you change your track parents you will be disqualified judges decision is
thank you everybody
kid I could not connected
everybody [Music]
foreign [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
come on very well done very well played
good job done parents I'm sure you enjoyed the games
[Music] what about now
tell me foreign
it's how I like it Falco [Applause]
thank you Sabi Pati prasis
I now request Suman ma'am to please award the winners
of the parents race dress your lady ma'am please
press your lady
third position Mrs and Mr Patel
second position Mrs and Mr Hardware
first position Mrs and Mr dish Pandey
[Music] dress your lady
foreign [Music]
foreign [Applause]
the students of Class 10 would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to
their alma mater in their journey of 13 long and cherished years
school is not just a building it's an experience an emotion
they say school life is the best life and we can definitely testify to this
our school life has been an in a journey and today we the students of Class 10
would like to extend our gratitude to our school our mentors and teachers of
the last 13 years who have nurtured us nourished us with values and principles
I would also like to thank all our parents for choosing to send us to the
best school Saint Lawrence I express immense gratitude to our
school for providing us with an enriching environment where we learned we grew
made lifelong friends were
provided with various opportunities to showcase our strengths and talents
skills and confidence to face the world outside
if I was asked what is even less than taught in school that I will never forget
undoubtedly it's the never give
attitude that has been instilling me school gave me the confidence that I can
excel at whatever I can do I just need a strong determination and a will to work
hard one of my first memories of school are from when I was eight years old
I was a wider kid who had no knowledge of English my teachers were patient and
loving over the period of time I learned to express myself in the same language I
didn't know at all when I came to school I sincerely want to thank each person who is
and was a part of this
institution where I have been molded to be a better human where my strength and
potentials have been earned and Polished
a journey of 13 years in the school is the foundation on which we will build
our lives and we couldn't have gotten a better or stronger Foundation we began
the learning by alphabets and we are living Having learned much more and more
importantly a love for learning leave no one behind rather take everyone along
Unity team spirit and cooperation were painstakingly instilled in us at the
school foreign foreign
it was probably my first opportunity and the first time I would be standing on
stage facing a huge audience being completely unaware of how to speak
in front of so many people my teachers had to take a lot more efforts in
polishing me and giving me the strength to face a huge crowd on the final day I
was able to do a great job and win everyone's heart this is how my first Endeavors
out to be successful the diligence of our teachers puts faith into us and develops our
qualities every baby step taken by our school teaches us ethics and helps becoming
better person every day this day is a special one for everybody and mainly for us
the students of class 10. it is probably the last event we would be attending in
our school this day makes us tearful and on the other hand fill this up with so much
love and gratitude for everyone who has been a part of this institution
I would like to end by saying a big thank you to the school management for
gifting us a treasure of memories and the wings to our ambitions
thank you
we will now have the grand finale
foreign [Music]
[Music] I don't know
[Music] foreign
foreign [Music] [Applause]
the four houses to please get ready for the closing
foreign [Music]
houses of Saint Lawrence High School and Junior College will March forward and
take position on the ground for the closing ceremony
thank you
our head boy than my children
our head girl shravani shinde [Music]
Sports Captain prachi Nike
Marigold house boys foreign
by Marigold house girls [Music]
followed by tulip house girls
thank you our proud awardees for the year
the school band Phoenix
Lily house boys
followed by Lily house girls
all right Lotus house boys
followed by lotus house girls Marigold represents power strength and
light that lives inside a person the flower is associated with the sun it
symbolizes positive emotions and energy tulip symbolizes perfect love and
respect happiness protection luck and royalty
Lily symbolizes Beauty protection Glory
par hope confidence innocence and
elegance Lotus represents purity of body speech
and mind it is a symbol of Purity rebirth
eternity and spirituality marigold tulip Lily and Lotus
I now request a chief guest Mrs pratibha badani to please address the students
ma'am please [Applause]
hello yes good morning everybody
namaste uh yeah Saint Lawrence
that is better
so I can freely talk with them no problems don't worry
and get operated yeah so good morning once again
I will take the Liberty to speak in Marathi okay
you are also lucky to have such a nice and discipline school you have been
learning for
this school is not going to give only the education but the morals I need
things to live with the society so uh this you have to take ahead of
inner life is
not important
get involved
in future which you have to be in the field
not only the students
[Applause] [Music]
I'm so impressed I'm so happy to see all these things
so you everybody should have a secret to have be the person whatever you want in
the life um
[Applause] they're never wrong they never teach you
wrong foreign
if you have the dreams and Secret in your mind and all the best for you
for the future
thank you very much
thank you ma'am for your encouraging words
we will now have the price distribution I request Manisha deshponding Manisha
thakur and varsha Swami to please take over [Music]
to be victorious every nerve and fiber in your being will immediately Orient
itself towards your success good morning everyone we welcome you to the awards
ceremony for the year 20 to 23 these awards are presented every year to
acknowledge and honor our students for their outstanding performance in various
Arenas let's begin I now request our trustee Colonel Vijay
Kumar data to please give away the first set of awards so please
these gems have brought Laurels to the school by proving their metal in the SSC
board exams 21-22 Mr Varna Mishra taught the school and the SSC board exam with
96.60 percent [Applause] foreign
come on parents give it up for them [Music]
stood thought with 96.20 percent [Music]
are not present here today hello check [Music]
we would like to begin with felicitating our outstanding Sports person the award
for best best athlete main for the year 20 to 23 goes to
Plus master ayush katker master chaitanya
Singh master plan of yearly Master Aryan sonar
yeah dedicated Sportsman they excel at Cricket football and Karen they have
made us proud with their many achieved
foreign [Music] cricketer he has been selected to play
cricket at the district level Aryan is a dedicated versatile Sportsman
he has competed at the district level in Karim and football
anshuman is a nice cricketer and a fast bowler
the award for the perfect lady goes to music
it's here and Earnest he's meticulous in his work as well as his behavior
our next word is the creative artist award for the year 2223 the recipients
are Miss Archer sahani Mr
[Music] s
there are prominent members of the school art team they excel at Crawford
catching and coloring they take up complete responsibility of all the decor
during any school event they have time and again made a sprout by bringing many
Knowles at radius in the school competition foreign
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
truffle she has mastered the art of shading
the word also goes to master samath Mahajan Master word of capsu and master
Aditya [Music]
Master summer is an excellent organ dedicated to his
work and he showed us the maximum responsibility [Music]
Master's birthday is coloring and he has in-depth knowledge of the same
[Music] and sketches [Music]
the recipes of the young scientists award are Master Adina and master
Avinash bhatani
they are inquisitive and have a scientific bent of mine they are inclined towards
scientific research and
studies foreign [Applause]
gayathri goes out of her way to learn a helping hand to everyone
sakshi is reliable and responsible you can always count on her when in need
[Music] thank you sir I now request our managing
trustee and found a principal Mr Suman gatta to please give away the next set
of awards ma'am please we would now like to facilitate our
school band Phoenix for uplifting our Spirits with their powerful performance
thank you foreign
I now replace the 40 members of the school art team to please come on the
talent but because of their sincerity discipline dedication and devotion their
presence is felt in each corner of the school with their artistic stroke
inquisitive by Nature he is a store hours of energy be experts or quizzes he
has enthusiastically participated in everything the award for the most
enthusiastic student goes to master ayush sahu
persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement the silent
perseverance exploration of Faith a 22-23 is shared by Master ayush and
master artists [Music]
foreign [Music]
Ty the award for the most responsible student goes to Mishra
[Music] brownie is dependable and sincere
the fight against all odd to find the indomitable Spirit which we call as the
Never Say Die spirit then never just say die award for the
year 22-23 goes full March
Sanam who in the face of adversity stood
tall and strong [Music]
[Applause] Talon hits a Target no one else can hit
the award for the most talented student for the year 22-23 goes to unveisha pagari
samrudi yoga train
dancers they are great to every event by
enthusiastically participating in them
[Applause] a school choir the Laurentian symphony
is [Applause] we are blessed with immensity talented
most talented student also goes to mark this vaishnavi illa Master Ruth
Master Aryan pagari
Master soham Sai master yashkarje and
master Hiram kolaskar what he excels at the harmonium
is very dedicated member of the school
is wooden
is multi-talented and also sings [Music]
is an excellent Tabla player Yash is a master instrumentalist
yes plays drums and Congo he's an energetic and passionate dancer
[Applause] the school foil is incomplete without
Haram he has been actively participating
since class 3 blessed with A Soulful voice
a leader is the one who knows the way goes the way and shows the way the
leader of the 21st century award goes to Ruchi Patel
Ruchi is a born leader a force to reckon with she is someone who knows how to use
failure as a stepping stone to success
the recipients of the award for the most promising student for the year 22-23 are
master prathamesh ahire and pastor atharovar
Esh not just Excelsior academic but is also good at sports
confident and responsible always willing to give a helping hand
[Music] is inquisitive by Nature he has an
insatiable thoughts on knowledge he asked the energy and perseverance
required to reach the star played Mrs stankamani Warrior award for
the best mathematician goes to master ayush Kumar Singh I used like the thrill
of taking on new challenges a state level scholar his knowledge of mass is
astounding [Applause] the academic Excellence award for the
year 22 23. [Applause]
is possible with efforts and determination [Music]
all the students of Class 10 have voted for our next award the Laurentian award
for the most popular student has been backed by other words
why not
I now request and last night Rajan Singh to please
come on the stage and accept a token of our appreciation and gratitude
Today's Show wouldn't have been successful without the support and
guidance of night Ranjit colony and land snack Rajan Singh who are putting their
first day in and day out to train our students for the March pass
is not present here today [Music]
thank you Mom [Music]
I know request our chief guest Mrs pratibha badhane to please come on the
stage and felicitate our students and teachers ma'am please
award for the most sincere and hardworking student is shared by
and always Bears a pleasant temperament
award for the most outstanding student goes to
Miss Sonic of three [Music]
writer an artist a leader a scholar and an enduring individual Sonica is truly
the Golden Girl of sin Lawrence
I would now like to hand over to our trustee miss nalena Mom please
foreign [Music]
is for all their efforts their dedication and sincerity over the last
so many years I know the award ceremony is a little longer
yes or no and you guys I want to hear louder Plus
we should also thank the Sun God today the cloud covers there nobody's painting
yes March pass let's go now I have the awards for the
best athlete Junior group and the award goes to a rohi Patel Marigold house
come on
[Music] the best the award for the best apps
[Music] the award for the best athlete male
Junior group goes to man Benz dadiya
the award for the best apps female senior group goes to nimrati Patel
marigolds [Music]
and now for the senior group mail we have a tie the award for the best
athletes male senior group goes to ayush katkar and sairat this place
the Laurentian award for the most industrious worker for the year 22-23
goes to Sangeeta salvation [Music]
your name is [Music]
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
the awards for 25 years of committed and dedicated servants
[Music] the award for 25 years of committed and dedicated service goes to and
[Applause] [Music]
and he's over 26 years of service is one of the senior most teachers of our
school hard-working sincere dedicated she has achieved 100 attendance for 30
in consecutive years that in itself my dear is commendable
the legs [Music] award for the best teacher in uwcc for
the year 2223 goes to miss diksha Sharma
[Music] honest
honest hard-working she's someone who understands that leadership is not about
position but about responsibility today
she's been shadowing me and I can vouch that she's a very effective worker thank
you deeksha the Saint
Saint Lawrence award for the best teacher in the primary section for 22-23
goes to Kavita yadav [Applause] [Music]
Cynthia and loyal Kavita is someone you want on your team she teaches the most
dreaded subject maths but her children love her for her Uber and the ease with
which she teaches thank you Kavita
award for the most deserving teacher in the secondary section goes to Manju Jada
thank you is someone who has proved that if you are willing to work hard there is
no obstacle you can't overcome genuine efforts lead to unprecedented growth
thank you Manju
award for the best teacher in the secondary section goes to
anupama [Music]
happy joyful ever smiling and ready to learn she is completely reliable she
hands our computer department and I have yet to hear her say no for anything
thank you anupama [Music]
motivation motivating children is a very important
part of our job I am very happy to announce the prizes for the highest
participation classes the highest participation in drill goes to
5e miss varsha and our monitors
the whole class will get a gift and the teacher will get a special gift
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
the highest participation in March past and drill goes to
foreign [Music]
thank you [Music]
parents 20 days
and I think they've done a fabulous job don't you agree so give them a huge round of
applause please
[Applause] the award for dance with a message goes
to lotusa
thank you [Music]
now we have the award for the best drill and the award goes to
go to um the award for the best drill goes to
and now the award for the best March past for all those days of toil and
sweat and the award goes to marigold
s [Music]
and now I have the results for the championship
Marigold we won now sit I have the result for the championship I
am very happy to announce this award because I was in this house when I was in
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
are you ready [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
come on
[Music] every year at the annual function we
announced the daisak wikida award for the best teacher and best student this year
we will be giving the award for the
best teacher 21-22 and 22-23 because of covet we could not do it last year so
the winner of the daisak wicked award for the best teacher for the year 2122
goes to miss sonali Nayak [Music]
I need the music to go off sonali teaches heartbeats for her students and their well-
being she is an
epiderm of sincerity and dedication and her work is truly praise the worthy she
is an asset to our institution thank you sonali music
now we have award for the best teacher for 22-23 he
lives the Laurentian motto of nurturing lives over the years he's helped so many
students honor their potential and train them compassion and music goes through
his veins he's given us a choir and a band that is truly praiseworthy please
put your hands together for the winner award 22-23 Mr Sandeep that singer
come back [Music]
[Music] foreign [Music]
and now for the final Award of the day award for the best student for the year
22-23 she's warm sincere and dedicated over the years we've seen her growing into
young lady loved by her peers and teachers she's won US many Laurels and
we are so proud of her award for the best student 22-23 goes to
sanika at the authoring
thank you thank you man thank you so much foreign
for being here I request you to please keep sitting we still have one part of
the program I just want to say badanimam told us hey
I can't hear you that's the Laurentian Spirit hey babe
hey babe [Music] I hand over to sanika for the vote of
thanks foreign
there is always always something to be thankful for good morning to each one
present here I
am sanikotri and I'm here to express our thanks to the numerous individuals who
have made a first annual function post the pandemic a jarring success
I would like to begin by thanking our Patron Saint Lawrence and Guiding Light
Dr daisaku Akira each one of us at Saint Lawrence are
immensely thankful to our chief guest Mrs pratibha bhardani mam has traveled all
the way from Mumbai
to Grace our function this morning thank you so much ma'am for being with us and
for your inspiring words
thank you so much for providing us with such varied
opportunities where we learn and enjoy for giving us the school very well loved
and cared for I thank Mr Abhishek Chauhan for all his help in the function
thank you to our churches for judging the in the house March past and drill
I thank our guests for supporting us with their presence thank you to all the parents
encouraging us and being a part of our journey they are the ones who work the most
the ones who are in scene our aunties in all the bayas thank you so much for
keeping our school clean and keeping us safe all the time are teachers the drill
instructors and
anti have put in tremendous efforts into training us for the function today and
as sincerely thank you for all that you do for us this has been a special a very special
function and I thank all of you for being a part of it
[Applause] thank you Sonica
we will now witness the extinguishing of the flame ladies and gentlemen you are
requested to please stand
to please declare the sports Fest closed ma'am please
hello hello I declare the annual athletic sports and
cultural Fest of Saint Lawrence High School and Junior College for the year 20 to 23
closed thank you ma'am
ladies and Gentlemen please stand in attention for the national anthem
foreign [Music]
[Music] hey
foreign ladies and gentlemen you're requested to please sit
and now the four proud houses of Saint Lawrence High School and Junior College
will March off the field
[Music] foreign
boy our head girl
Sports captain followed by
Lily house Lotus house
Marigold house and tulip house
this is [Music]
Marigold house boys
Lilly house girls
followed by Marigold house girls
boys [Music]
[Music] tulip house girls
are proud awardees for the year 2022-23
tulip house girls
our school band Phoenix
foreign [Music]
[Applause] the lowering of the flag
marching forward we have sohamidhani Krishna govardhani Aditya
our head boy all marching towards the flag pole
[Music] ladies and gentlemen I request you to
please stand it [Music]
[Music] [Applause]
foreign [Music]
I request Suman ma'am to please come forward and accept the national flag
thank you ma'am ladies and gentlemen
you're requested to please sit
I extend a heartfelt gratitude and thank you to our chief guest Mrs pratibha
badani director of town planning and the joint Secretary of Urban Development I
also thank our guests parents and well-wishers for being with us on this
occasion thank you one and all and have a great day ahead
thank you [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
our chief guests ladies and gentlemen Mrs pratibha padane director of term
planning and the joint Secretary of Urban Development [Music]
parents I request you to please be seated we shall give you further
Marigold house students will be seated the old fee office
Lily house on the basketball court
Lotus house center of the ground and tulip house
opposite the canteen
thank you one and all and have a great day ahead
thank you [Music]

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