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Ahaan: (Voice Over) Every child deserves a chance to learn, to dream and to grow.

Ahaan: (Voice Over) But for countless children around the world this aspiration is out of

Ahaan: (Voice Over) They face countless obstacles from poverty to conflict that prevent
them from accessing an education that could change their lives.

Ahaan: (Voice Over) War and conflict rob them of their childhoods and their futures.

Ahaan: (Voice Over)Poverty doesn't give them the chance of education, rather they have to
toil long hours simply to make ends meet.

Ahaan: (Voice Over) And for the few fortunate children who believe in education they have to
endure overcrowded classrooms with outdated equipment.

Ahaan: (Voice Over)Despite these challenges these children truly believe that they can make
a difference to the world.

Ahaan: (Voice Over) They believe in society

Ahaan: (Voice Over) so why don't you believe in them?(slow this down)

Ahaan: (Voice Over)It is in our hands to help give these young minds a chance to create

Ahaan: (Voice Over) Join us in our effort to give 258 million children around the world a
chance at education.
(Closing shot of the "minds in motion " logo)

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