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NIM: 18.101.175



This undersigned :

Name : Elan Ebi Putrawan

Students Number : 18.101.175

Study Program : English Education Department

Address : Sembalun Bumbung Kec. Sembalun

I hereby certify that this thesis in own work submitted as a partial fulfillment of

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at the Mandalika

University of Education (UNDIKMA) and it has never been submitted to any

other institutions for any other purposes. The works of others cited there in have

been properly acknowledged in the reference section.

Mataram, 2022

Elan Ebi Putrawan

NIM. 18101175

“The Universe My School, Everyone My Teacher ”

This Final Project is dedicated to:

My best parent couple in the world,
Mr. Marwan and Mrs. Habibi
Sisters who always fight,
Eva Dea Dara and Era Qurota’ayuni
My best friends and my comrades who always color my days,
Noviana N.S, Armina, Zakaria and Nedi Suprafto
A friend who always motivates me to move forward
Neni Yuliani
And last but not least, my past, my present
and hope my future
Elan Ebi Putrawan

First of all, the researcher would like to thank Allah SWT who has given
me the grace and opportunity to complete this thesis.
Sholawat and salam we extend to the last messenger our Prophet Muhammad
SAW and his family, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
Secondly, the researcher would like to express his gratitude to Mr.
Fathurrahman, M.Pd.B.I as the first consultant, and Mrs. Sri Ariani M.Pd as the
second consultant, for their advice, support, and patience in guiding the
researcher to complete this thesis proposal.
Finally, none or nothing is perfect and neither is this thesis proposal. Any
corrections, comments, and critics for this improvement of this thesis are
always open-heartedly welcomed.

Mataram 19 November 2022

The Researcher

Elan Ebi Putrawan, 2022: “The Effectiveness Of Using Cake-Learn English

Application Toward The English Ability Of Youth Community Members At
Sembalun Village.” (Supervised by Fathurrahman Imran and Sri Ariani).

The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of using cake-learn English
app toward the English ability of youth community member at Sembalun village.
This research involved 10 member youth community at Sembalun. The
independent variable of this research was Cake-Learn English Application and the
dependent variable was the English ability. In this research, there was one
instrument used, that was a speaking test by content Dialy Conversation by Cake-
learn English applicstion. The data were analyzed using SPSS 25 version. The
researcher discovered that the effect on the coherence of member English ability
of youth community members at Sembalun village was significant. The result of
the t-test also showed that the effect of Cake-Learn English Application pattern in
teaching English ability speaking was significant on students speaking because
The results of the paired sample T-Test show a significant number between the
pre and post-test scores with a significance value (2-tailed) p = 0.000 < 0.05 or the
result of t-test was higher than t-table (8.286>0.05). Thus, there is a significant
difference in mean learning outcomes before test (M = 41.00, SD = 6.992) and
after the application of word square (M = 56.10, SD = 10.418), t = 8.286, p =
0.000. It was also stated that the effect of Cake-app. So, the researcher
summarized than Cake-Learn English Application made the English ability
speaking at Sembalun Village more coherent and well-organized.

Keywords: Using Cake-Learn English Application

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY..................................................................................iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION MOTTO..........................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................9
A. Background of Study..................................................................................................9
B. Statement of the problem..........................................................................................11
C. Purpose of Study......................................................................................................11
D. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................11
E. Scope and Limitation of Research..............................................................................9
F. Definition of Key Terms............................................................................................9
1. Cake Application................................................................................................9
2. Effect................................................................................................................10
3. Speaking Skill..................................................................................................10
CHAPTER II REVIEWED OF RELATED LITERATURE............................................11
A. Theoretical Review..................................................................................................11
1. The English Ability..............................................................................................11
2. Speaking...............................................................................................................12
a. The Definition of Speaking.....................................................................................12
b. The Elements of Speaking........................................................................................13
1. Pronunciation...................................................................................................13
2. Grammar..........................................................................................................14
3. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................14
4. Fluency.............................................................................................................14
5. Comprehension.................................................................................................14
B. Cake – Learn English App...................................................................................15
C. Basic Features Of Cake – Learn English App......................................................16
D. Previous Study.........................................................................................................20
E. Conceptual Framework............................................................................................21
F. Hypothesis................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD...........................................................................23
A. Research Design.......................................................................................................23
B. Population And Sample............................................................................................24
1. Population........................................................................................................24
2. Sample..............................................................................................................24
C. Instrumen Of The Research......................................................................................24
1. The Indicators Of Variable X (Using Cake App )............................................24
2. The Indicators Of Variable Y (Speaking Skill).................................................24
D. Data Collecting Technique.......................................................................................25
E. Data Analysis...........................................................................................................28
CHAPTER IV..................................................................................................................33
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION................................................................33
A. Research Finding......................................................................................................33
1. The Data Description................................................................................................33
2. Normality Test.........................................................................................................34
3. Testing Hypotheses..................................................................................................35
B. Discussion................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER V...................................................................................................................40
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.............................................................................40
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................................40
B. Suggestion................................................................................................................41
In this chapter, the researcher presents some points related to
this research, including the background of the study, formulation of the
research problem, purpose of study, formulation of hypothesis,
significance of the study, scope and limitation of the research, and
definition of key terms.
A. Background of Study
In the current era of globalization, English language skills play an
important role to be introduced to students. English is the first foreign
language in Indonesia. Many schools or courses have provided English as
one of the lessons. English has four skills: speaking, reading, listening, and
writing. And speaking is one of the most important skills in supporting the
ability to speak English.
One of the main problems faced by Learners in mastering and
learning English is very difficult to speak and communicate using English
because they rarely practice speaking. This happens to the youth
community in Sembalun besides that they speak very slowly and tend to
be silent. Because of mispronouncing the word or fear of the grammar is
Meanwhile, (Agustin, 2011) stated that "English is taught in
educational institutions, not a means of delivering education. Sembalun
village is one of the tourist destinations with low English skills.
Nowdays, in the new era of revolution 4.0 where technology is
developing very fast and creating a variety of advanced technological tools.
In this era, there are many applications show up to support increased levels
of technology in education and it can give it easier for teachers, and also
students to learn English, especially in the process of learning and teaching.
According to Kamhi-Stein (2000: 423-455) said that “ ESL teachers are to
use technology effectively for teaching in the future, they must use it for
learning while they our students.” So, for using the technology of education
teachers or lecturers and the students need hardware and software to
provide technology.
In the research, the researcher used the CAKE App as learning
media for studying speaking at home. The CAKE App is an application to
facilitate learning English, especially learning to speak English like a
native speaker. Because of the communicative competence model.
This application is highly recommended for students who want to
improve or do more practice in speaking English. This application was
made by Korea, in 2018. It can be downloaded by the play store for using
Android and the iOS store for used iPhones.
Thus, research discussed the establishment of English ability,
especially Speaking by using CAKE App and the title is “ The
Effectiveness of Using Cake-Learn English Application Toward The
English Ability of Youth Community Members at Sembalun Village.
B. Statement of the problem
Based on the research background above, the researcher
formulated the following research problem: ‘Is There Any Effective
Of Cake App-Learn English Toward the English Ability of Youth
Community Member At Sembalun Village ?’
C. Purpose of Study
The purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness
of using cake-learn English application toward the English ability of
youth community members at Sembalun village.
D. Significance of the Study
The researcher expected this study to be beneficial for:
1. English students
The Researchers hoped that students can improved their
English skills after being taught by using the Cake Application as a
learning medium so that in the future students will found it easier
to learn anywhere and anytime.
2. English community
The researcher hoped this research can gave inspiration to
the other English community to increase their English quality. In
addition, the result of this research can be useful to improve the
community’s ability to make innovations and new strategies for
learning English based on the effectiveness of using Cake
Application as a learning medium.
3. Researcher
The researcher hoped that this research can be used as a
reference for future research with a similar theme but being seen
from different perspectives.
E. Scope and Limitation of Research
To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher limits the scope of
the study to make it more detailed and focused. This research only
focuses on the effectiveness of using Cake Application in teaching
students English abilities, especially speaking skills provided or
available within one of the contents of the application name
(Percakapan Harian) but in the next discussion the researcher will use
Dialy Conversation as the name of the content. This research
conducted on members
(1) of the youth community in Sembalun
(2) village.

Picture: example of Percakapan Harian Picture: example of quest Percakapan Harian

Content of Cake App Content of Cake App

F. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding some words in this research, it is
important to give some explanations or definitions as follows:
1. Cake Application
The Cake is the newest popular Android mobile

This section presents the relevant topics to give the theoretical

bases for the topic under study. It covers the definition of English
ability, the definition of the Cake-learn app, topics of concern about
teaching English ability and its role and language learning, and the
previous studies that are similar topics of interest.
A. Theoretical Review
1. The English Ability

The English ability is the integration of listening and speaking

with reading and writing that will make learners good listeners,
speakers, readers, and writers to be able to communicate effectively.
The mastery of these skills is a gradual process. Teachers, for instance,
should expose learners to gradually challenging tasks and material. A
more detailed discussion on teaching English ability is presented in the
sections below:
Teaching English ability language is difficult and easy.
Language serves many purposes. The absence of language is a mere
dearth of communication. The role that language plays is immense
since time embarked. Identified as the need of the hour, the four
necessities in language or commonly known as the four skills- reading,
writing, listening, and speaking play a vital role in any language
learning quest. The four skills are the pinnacles of language which will
take you to greater heights. They are separate yet bound together with
an inseparable bond.
Teachers must understand the characteristics and needs of
their students for ESL classes. They must work to create the necessary
conditions for students to learn effectively and achieve the desired
results. For English language teaching to be successful, the four skills,
reading, listening, speaking, and writing must be effectively
integrated. These skills should be handled in a way that helps students
meet the standards you set for them and develop their communicative
competence gradually. These include: Listening and speaking: these
two skills are closely related and work together in real-life situations.
So, the integration of the two aims to foster effective oral
communication. This integration will ensure real-life and purposeful
communication. Reading and writing: they form strong relationships
with each other as skills. They are tools for achieving effective written
communication. Students need opportunities to develop their reading
and writing skills. Developing students' competence in reading and
writing requires students to gradually challenge reading materials and
writing assignments. The goal is that students can read and write
2. Speaking

a. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking skill, as the researcher writes in the previous

chapter is one of the basic language skills that have an important
role rather than other skills due to their significance and their use for
communication. So, the writer will explain the nature of speaking
itself so that gives obvious information about what speaking is.
In the point of view of (Jones 1989), “ speaking is a form of
communication, so it is important that what you say is conveyed
most effectively. How you say something can be as important as what
you say in getting meaning across”. Based on that opinion, speaking is
realized as communication, therefore, speakers are required to be able
to express what they want to say as effectively as possible to convey
the message.
(Bygate Oxford University Press, 1997), “Speaking is a skill which
deserves attention every bit as much as literary skills, in both first and
second language. It is the skill in which the students are frequently
judged. It is also the vehicle par excellent of social solidarity, of social
ranking, of professional advancement and business”.6 It indicates that
as one of the language skills, speaking should get the attention of
teachers and learners because it plays the important role in our society.
(Melbourne: Blackwell Publishing, 2003) state, “There are some
reasons for speaking involved expressing ideas and opinions:
expressing a wish or a desire to do something; negotiating and/or
solving a particular problem or establishing and maintaining social
relationships and friendships. Besides, fluency, accuracy, and
confidence are important goals in speaking”. Therefore, as a language
skill, speaking becomes an important component to master by the
students as the main tool of verbal communication because it is a way
to express ideas and opinions directly what we have in our minds.
Based on the previous definitions above, it can be synthesized that
speaking is the process of using the urge of speech to pronounce vocal
symbols to share information, knowledge, idea, and opinion with the
other person. Moreover, speaking cannot be dissociated from the
listening aspect, because speaking involves the speaker and listener.
b. The Elements of Speaking
(New York: Longman, 1990) Speaking is a complex skill requiring
the simultaneous use of several different abilities, which often develop
at different rates. Either four or five components are generally
recognized in analyzing the speech process:
1. Pronunciation
(including the segmental features – vowels and consonants
and the stress and intonation patterns). As stated by, (Harlow:
Pearson Education Limited, 2007), if students want to be able to
speak fluently in English, they need to be able t o pronounce
phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation patterns
and speak in connected speech. The speaker must be able to
articulate the words and create the physical sounds that carry
meaning. At the level of word pronunciation, second language
learners regularly have problems distinguishing between sounds in
the new language that do not exist in languages they already know.
2. Grammar

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), It is obvious

that in order be able to speak a foreign language, it is
necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary,
(New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998), Grammar
is the sounds and the sound patterns, the basic units of meaning,
such as words, and the rules to combine them to form new
sentences. Therefore, grammar is very important in speaking
because if the speaker does mastering grammar structure, he
cannot speak English well.
3. Vocabulary

As we know, vocabulary is a basic element in language.

(Michigan: University of Michigan, 2004), Vocabulary is single
words, set phrases, variable phrases, phrasal verbs, and idioms.
Limited vocabulary mastery makes conversation virtually
4. Fluency

In simple terms, (Chicago: McGraw – Hill Companies,

2001), fluency is the ability to talk freely without too much
stopping or hesitating. Meanwhile, according to (Oxford:
Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1995), fluency can be
thought of as ‘the ability to keep going when speaking
spontaneously. When speaking fluently students should be able
to get the message across with whatever resources and abilities
they have got, regardless of grammatical and other mistakes.
5. Comprehension

The last speaking element is comprehension.

Comprehension is discussed by both speakers because
comprehension can make people get the information they want.
Comprehension is defined as the ability to understand something
by a reasonable comprehension of the subject or as the
knowledge of what a situation is really like.
B. Cake – Learn English App
The cake is an application that is used for learning
English. Cake - Learn English for Free is developed by
Playlist Corporation and the latest version of Cake - Learn
English for Free 2.4.1 was updated on Dec 17, 2019. Cake -
Learn English for Free is in the category of Education. You
can check all apps from the developer of Cake – Learn English
for Free and find 96 alternative apps to Cake - Learn English
for Free on Android. Currently, this app is free. This app can
be downloaded on Android 4.4+ from APKFab or Google
Play. All APK / XAPK files on are original and
100% safe with the fast download.
In this APP people also can learn real English from
videos. According to (Agus Wilson;2022 ), “Cake provides
vocabulary and speaking exercises with native speakers. What's
interesting is that Cake provides English expression learning
material from videos and YouTube which is so much fun”. Short
English conversation videos are updated every day.
1. Learn real English expressions curated from YouTube. See
similar phrases in one place and spend just a few minutes a day
improving your English!
2. If you want to improve your English speaking skills, look no
3. Our “Cake” app offers speaking practices that simulate
conversations with native speakers!
4. Check your pronunciation with our AI speech recognition.
Simply record your voice and get immediate feedback. Soon
you will learn to sound like a native speaker.
5. 100% free!
6. “Cake” app is completely free and there are no annoying ads.
We are committed to helping you improve your English. Learn
English with “Cake” today.

C. Basic Features Of Cake – Learn English App

Based on the explanation above this APP can be

downloaded on google Playstore. To access this APP you have to
sign in first. you can sign in using your Facebook account or using
your google account, you can also use guest mode which is you do
not need to sign in but, when you use guest mode, only free episodes
(material for speaking practice) are available. To start the speaking
course in this application touch the microphone symbol on the
bottom and decide what level you want to learn then choose the
episode or topic that you need to learn, each episode costs 10 coins.
When you sign in you will get 30 coins to open the episodes of the
speaking course, Notice:
1. Coins are used to buy individual episodes in speak
2. Coins are not for sale. They were given when you use speak
while logged in.
3. The number of coins you are given will depend on how many
coins you spend, the more you spend, the more you get.
4. You can save up to 50 coins, and cannot receive more coins
beyond that

In the speaking course, you need to listen to the

conversation first then, you are asked to speak based on the
conversation that you have listened to. This APP will automatically
correct your pronunciation, if your pronunciation is wrong, the word
will be striped and red. You can repeat the conversation until you
have the right pronunciation. And in reading and writing the APP
give a sentence and a question after you read and ask you to write.
If your answer is wrong, the word will be striped and red. You can
repeat the answer until you answer correctly.
Resource By Cake App
D. Previous Study
In this study, the researcher wants to use previous research
which compares and finds out the differences between the
researchers’ studies. The previous research was done by Nina Almas
Laila Fatin, a statement in her thesis titled “the effectiveness of using
cake application toward students’ vocabulary mastery of the seventh
grade at MTSS PSM Rejotangan”.
Researchers tried to find differences between previous research and
this research those are:

No. Similarities Differences

1. The same is using the cake- The title of the previous study was
learning app as the independent “the effectiveness of using cake
variable application toward students’
vocabulary mastery of the seventh
3. The previous study and this grade at Mts PSM
study used quantitative research. Rejotangan”.while this study is “The
Effectiveness of Using Cake
Application Toward Students’
English Ability Of Youth Community
Member At Sembalun Village”.

1. Differences:
This title of the previous study used a different dependent variable.
2. Similarities
The researcher finds a similarity between this research and the
previous study, which used the same independent variable.

F. Hypothesis
There were two hypotheses:
1. Ha: there was a significant effect of using a cake-learn app on
youth community members at Sembalun village
2. Ho: there was no significant effect of using a cake-learn app on
youth community members at Sembalun village

This chapter dedicated to discussing research design,
population, sampling technique, sample, the variable of the study,
research instrument, data collection, data analysis covering
normality and homogeneity, and hypothesis testing.
A. Research Design
The design of this research was experimental research.
According to Sugiyono (2007:75) in this experimental research,
there is treatment. It consisted of groups of pre-test and post-test
designs. This research consisted of two variables: the independent
variable symbolized by “X” which is the Using cake-learn app and
the dependent one is “Y” which referred to Youth Community

Variable X Variable Y
Using Cake app Youth community member

T1: Pre-Test T2: Treatment T3: Post-Test

The teacher gave The teacher The teacher gave
speaking test to the taught the students about the test about
students before they speaking by using the introducing
were tought by using cake app yourself and someone
the cake app after the students taught
by using the cake app

B. Population And Sample
1. Population
A population is defined as all members of any well-
defined class of people, events, or objects (Ary, et al. 2010:
148). It meant that the population was all subjects of the
research. The population of this research was members of the
youth community at Sembalun village.
2. Sample
The sample is part of the population of the object research

(Arikunto, 2013: 174). The samples in this study was taken by

convenience sampling technique that was member of the

youth community at Sembalun village that consisted of 10

students in the class.

C. Instrumen Of The Research

The instrument of this research was a speaking test. The

topics were taken from the cake App.

1. The Indicators Of Variable X (Using Cake App )

The Independent variable (X) is a variable that influences

another variable to reach the research prospect. in this

research, the independent variable is using Cake App.

2. The Indicators Of Variable Y (Speaking Skill)

The dependent variable (Y) was the result that expects

through the implementation of the independent variable. In

this research, the dependent variable is English Ability


No Variabel Sub Variabel Indikator
1 Using Cake App (X) Following content 1.1 Students can
Dialy master 5 points of
Conversation by speaking in daily
Cake App conversation

2 English Ability (speaking). Following content 1.1 Students can

(Y) Dialy implement 5
Conversation points of speaking
Cake App in daily

D. Data Collecting Technique

To get the data to support this study, the researcher used

the technique as follows:

1. Observation

Observation was used to observe directly the students

which use Cake App in speaking to observe the influence

of Cake App on students’ speaking skills. In the

observation technique, the researcher had a list of

observational items to be an observer in the class during

the teaching and learning process by using the Cake App.


Observer : Elan Ebi PUtrawan

Class: youth community member

Skill: Speaking

Topic: Learning by Cake App

Date observation: 10 October 2022

Time observation: 08.20 – 9.40

No Date Theme/topic Group

1 10 October 2022 Greeting Experiment class
2 11 October 2022 Following content Experiment class
Dialy Conversation y
Cake App (1)
3 12 October 2022 Following content Experiment class
Dialy Conversation y
Cake App (2)
4 13 October 2022 Following content Experiment class
Dialy Conversation y
Cake App (3)

5 15 October 2022 Exercising by Experiment class

previous Content

2. Test

To find out the effect of using the Cake App on students

speaking skills of Youth Community Members at

Sembalun Village, the researcher administered the test to

assess students’ speaking skills, especially by content

Dialy Conversation. The first was a pre-test which was

done before doing the treatment. The second was a post-

test which was done after the treatment.

a. Pre-Test

The pre-test carried out to determine the early

background ability of the students as the sample. It was

held to find out whether they were at the same level

before applying a new strategy. The material was the


b. Treatment

The treatment conducted using cake app specifically

by content Dialy Conversation. The treatment of

teaching by Cake App is as follows:

No Meeting Material

1 I Pre-Test

2 II Treatment

3 III Treatment

4 IV Treatment

5 V Post-test

In the process of treatment, researchers performed

several procedures:

1. Treatment 1: at this meeting, the teacher explained the

use of the Cake App, then the teacher gave an example

of how to learn the Dialy Conversation content in

front of the class.

2. Treatment 2: at this meeting the teacher explained the

use of the Cake App, Then the teacher asked students

to start according to the previous directions

3. Treatment 3: at this meeting, the teacher explained the

use of the Cake App, then the teacher made a group to

have a conversation according to the content in the


c. Post-Test

After the researcher gave the treatment, the

researcher gives a post-test sequentially to find out if

there is a significant effect on student scores after being

given treatment using the Cake App. In the post-test, the

researcher gave the topic as before by the App. After

that, the researcher gave the number to the student, then

made a lottery with a number. One lottery consisted of

one number. Then students were asked to choose one

lottery. Student-run lottery the chosen number is the

number that students present in front of the class.

significant, and it is analysis by using t-test.

E. Data Analysis
In analysis data, the researcher used score of pre-

test and post-test of the students. The scores was

analyzed by using statistical analysis test, varience, and

homogeneity. Homogeneity test used to find out wheter

the two classes have homogenous variance or not. After

teaching speaking using video, the data analyzed by

statiscal analysis version 25. To know the result whether

it is statistically significant, it is statistically

Aspect Level Explanation

Comprehension 4 Student was able to

comprehend and respond all
of the questions and the
topics that were being
discussed with ease
3 Student was able to
comprehend and respond to
most of the questions and
topics that were being
2 Student fairly grasped some
of the questions and topics
that were being discussed
1 Student had difficulty
understanding the questions
and topics that were being
Pronounciation 4 Pronunciation was very
clear and easy to understand
3 Pronunciation was good and
did not interfere with
2 Student was lightly unclear
with pronunciation at
times, but generally is fair
1 Student was difficult to

understand quite in speaking
unclear in pronunciation
Vocabulary 4 Rich, precise and impressive
usage of vocabulary words
learned in and beyond of
3 Student utilized the words
learned in class, in an
accurate manner for the
situation given
2 Student was able to use
broad vocabulary but was
lacking. Making him/her
repetitive and cannot expand
on his/her ideas.
1 Student has inadequate
vocabulary words to express
his/her ideas properly,
which hindered the student
Fluency 4 Speech in effortless and
smooth with speed that
comes close to that of a their
3 Speech was mostly smooth
but with some hesitation
caused primarily by
rephrasing and groping
for words
2 Speech was slow and often
hesitant and irregular.

Sentence may be left
uncompleted, but the student
is able to continues
1 Speech was very slow.
Stumbling, nervous, and
uncertain with response,
except for short or
memorize expressions.
Difficult for a listener to
Grammar 4 Student was able to express
their ideas and responses
with ease in proper sentence
structure and tenses
3 Student was able to express
their ideas and responses
fairly well but makes
mistakes with their tenses,
however is able to correct
2 Student fairly grasped some
of the questions and topics
that were being discussed
1 Student had difficulty
understanding the questions
and topics that were being

The researcher focused on all aspect in student speaking

skill, and the score that was calculated in all of it. The data was
analyzed by using some formulas and statistical package
sciences (SPSS) program by 25 versions for windows used.

The data was collected and counting before and after the
treatment test.

A. Research Finding
This chapter leads to discuss the findings of the research and the

discussion of the findings. In finding the data, the researcher designed the

study based on the test, which were pre-test and post-test . It was conducted

for the youth community member at Sembalun Village. The researcher gave

students a pre-test and the researcher treated the students by using Cake-app

in several meetings. In giving treatment the researcher gave students

material about speaking, in the form of classroom objects, vocabulary,

pronunciation, and dialy conversations.

It covered the data description, normality test, testing hypotheses, and the

discussion of research findings.

1. The Data Description

Data of the study were obtained from there steps: pre- test and post-

test. Pre-test aimed to measure students’ speaking skill before having

treatment, then last step is post-test to show the students’ capability after

treatment. The data shows in the following table:

Table 4.1
Score of Pretest & Posttest
No Student’s Name Pretest Score Postest Score
1. ARS 35 45
2. ATF 45 68
3. DHW 35 45
4. EDT 45 65
5. HAR 30 47
6. HHA 45 65
7. HWI 40 46
8. HMN 55 70
9. ISR 40 50
10. LZH 40 60

Descriptive analysis of the data was performed to determine the range

of the data, mean, and standard deviation. These data were taken from the

pretest and posttest, a statistical calculation and test performed through SPSS

25. Software as well as analysis and interpretation were shown in the

following table:

Table 4.2
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
Minimu Maximu Std.
N m m Mean Deviation
Prestest 10 30 55 41.00 6.992
Postest 10 45 70 56.10 10.418
Valid N 10

N shows the number of students is 10 people. Missing means that all

data was valid or there is no missing at the time of input. In the pretest got a

minimum score was 30 and maximum was 55, the mean was 41.00 and SD

was 6.992, while, In the posttest who got minimum score was 45 and

maximum was 70, mean was 56.10 and SD was 10.418. It means that the

mean score shown in posttests was higher than pretest (56.10>41.00).

2. Normality Test
Before finding the value of t by using Paired sample t-test formula, the

researcher conducted a Normality Test was carried out with the aim of

assessing the distribution of data in a group of data or variables, whether the

distribution of the data is normal distributed or not. In this research, the

normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov strategy in which the significant

level a = 0,05 as the rule to accept or reject the normality test. Normality test

was a test to measure whether or our data has a normal distribution or not.

Thus, if the value of sig.> 0.05, it means that the data is normal distribution,

while if the value of sig.< 0.05, it means that the data is not normal

distribution. The data can be seen following the table below;

Table 4.3
Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

ed Residual
N 10
Normal Parameters a,b
Mean .0000000
Std. .06078508
Most Extreme Absolute .246
Differences Positive .246
Negative -.197
Test Statistic .246
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .086c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

Table 4.3 proves, the value in the sig column using the Kolmogorov –

Smirnov test was listed sequentially is 0,086 > 0.05, it means the sample of

this research is normally distributed.

3. Testing Hypotheses
Hypothesis testing is a process for evaluating the strength of evidence

from a sample and providing a basis for making decisions regarding the

population and for deciding whether the hypothesis being tested is rejected

or accepted. Where, the hypotheses in this study are 1) Ha (alternative

hypothesis): there is any effect of using Cake-app in teaching English

ability speaking; 2) Ho (null hypothesis): there is no effect of using Cake-

app in teaching English ability speaking. For testing the hypothesis, the

research used Paired Sample T Test, which. The test was used to compare

the difference between the two means of two paired samples with the

assumption that the data was normally distributed. Both samples came from

the same subject and were taken in different situations. The result of testing

hypothesis following the table below;

Table 4.4
Paired Samples Test
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the Sig.
Std. Std. Error Difference (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair 1 Pretest – -15.100 5.763 1.822 -19.223 -10.977 -8.286 9 .000

The results of the paired sample T-Test show a significant number

between the pre and post-test scores with a significance value (2-tailed) p =

0.000 < 0.05 or the result of t-test was higher than t-table (8.286>0.05).

Thus, there is a significant difference in mean learning outcomes before test

(M = 41.00, SD = 6.992) and after the application of Cake-app in teaching

speaking (M = 56.10, SD = 10.418), t = 8.286, p = 0.000 (see table 4.2 &

4.4). The null hypothesis (H0) in this study was rejected and the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, where there was a significant difference

between the two tests. It concluded that, there is any effect of using Cake-

app in teaching englis ability speaking.

B. Discussion
This research was designed to find the effect of using Cake-app in

teaching speaking at Sembalun village. In teaching speaking, actually there

were many kinds of techniques that can be used by teacher to improve

students’ speaking. One of them is Cake-app in teaching speaking that can

be used in teaching and learning process especially in teaching speaking.

This technique is easy to be applied in the classroom for teaching speaking.

It means that, when the teacher teach the student they can guide the student

to directly learn from native speaker.

By using Cake-app in teaching speaking also helps the teacher to

make the students’ focus on the learning process without making them feel

bored in learning English. Cake-app in teaching speaking can be a teaching

media that can be applied to improve student speaking skill. Ina linea with

the effectiveness, student’s responsesa to Cakea applicationa ina Anisa,net

al. a (2021) stated that, most of a students were verya enthusiastica when the

teachera explaineda the materiala usinga Cakea Application. In the study,

thearesultsaofa theastudenta questionnaire stated that the students were

happy with theainteractive displayaofatheavideoainaCakeaand the video

provided anaexample to easily imitatea thea pronunciationaofaaaword.

Cake-app helps the students’ changes their thinking systematically

from generalities to specific. The students’ get an enjoyable situation in the

class, they do not feel bored due to easy way to find other words which

relate to a topic and also be a tool transferring knowledge. Thus, the

researcher chose Cake-app to teach English speaking to students and Cake-

app can made the students’ easy to learn anywhere and anytime they want.

This is alsoihave been supportediby aistatement from Rizkai(2019) through

his research, Improving Students' Speaking Skill Through Cake-Learna

English foraFreea App whichia states that Cake hasibeen effective

iniincreasing students'ispeakinga 8thi grade Juniori High School.A

Based on the data obtained, the result showed that the score of

students’ speaking taught Cake-app media in pre-test was higher than

posttest. From students’ learning outcome, we can see the ability of

students’ mastery in the material taught by the teacher. High learning

outcomes are the success of a students in his studies, understanding in the

material provided. As we know, speaking is very important in our daily life.

Almost all activity we do, we use language as a communication. whenever

we want to communicate with other people using a language, we should

have good speaking. Thus, it can be stated that motivation can influence the

improvement of students’ speaking and understanding in their studies.

Regarding speaking, the first thing should be noted was the definition

of speaking itself. speaking  is the delivery of language through the

mouth. To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including

the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips. speaking is very

important because if we want to have good communication the firs thing we

need to mastry is speaking skill. In addition, the target of teaching English

in youth community members at Sembalun village is to have good speaking

to communicate with guests from other countries.

Based on finding and supported by statistical analysis for the research

about students’ speaking, it was proven that data comes from the population

which was distributed normally variance. Then, the data were processed to

test the hypothesis.

A. Conclusion
There are three types of t-tests and these are: Independent sample t-test,

dependent sample t-test and one sample t-test. One sample t-test compares the

mean of a sample to a predefined value. (Gerald, 2018). The one-sample t-test

is used to compare a sample mean to a specific value. The researcher use

one-sample t-test to compare the mean of a sample with a hypothesized

population mean to see if the sample is significantly different.

Than the final consideration and conclusion about the Cake in this

research, Cake was effected in teaching the students’ English ability

especially speaking skill. It can be seen from the result of mean score on

post-test. The mean score of post-tests was higher than the mean scores of


The results of the paired sample T-Test show a significant number

between the pre and post-test scores with a significance value (2-tailed) p =

0.000 < 0.05 or the result of t-test was higher than t-table (8.286>0.05).

Thus, there is a significant difference in mean learning outcomes before test

(M = 41.00, SD = 6.992) and after the application of word square (M =

56.10, SD = 10.418), t = 8.286, p = 0.000. It was also stated that the effect

of Cake-app are as follow:

1. Cake-app not only makes the students enjoy in teaching learning process,

but also, they have a lot of opportunities to practice while they are

studying speaking with the Cake-app.

2. Cake-app is a suitable media to make the students enthusiasm especially

for the students in the community in teaching-learning process of English

as an international language in this world.

3. Through Cake-app the students can develop their brain and express their

ideas and thoughts.

B. Suggestion
As the end of this research, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions for students, teachers, and other research as follows:

1. For the students: students can continue to practice and develop their

speaking trough Cake-app

2. The teacher: English teacher should be creative to choose the appropriate

media, method, or technique in teaching English because it can stimulate

the students’ to be more active and creative in learning English and here

Cake-app can be alternative media in improving the students’ speaking


3. For other researchers, it can be their reference in conducting their research

related with this English ability. By applying those things, the researcher is

optimistic that teaching English speaking for other youth commuinity will

more active and enjoyable in every English subject.”.

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Appendix 1. 1 Dokumentasi

First meeting with members of the youth community

Sembalun and the researcher explains the research Introducing the Cake-Learning English App to the
plan to be carried out. member of youth community Sembalun before the


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