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Atmosphere: it is the layer of gases around the earth

There are 5 layers:
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Thermosphere
5. Exosphere
Write the names of the layers of the earth:

Now, let’s see how many kilometres they have:

1. Troposphere 0- 12 kms
2. Stratophere 12-50 kms
3. Mesosphere 50 – 80 kms
4. Thermosphere 80- 700 kms
5. Exosphere 700 -190000kms
Now, you write again the name of the layers and their size:

Now we are going to study the characteristics of each layer:

1. Troposphere: it is the closest to the Earth. Climate and

meteorological phenomena.
Es la capa más cercana a la tierra. El clima y los cambios de
tiempo son ahí.
2. Stratosphere: it has the ozone layer that protects from ultraviolet
Tiene la capa de ozono que nos protege de los rayos ultravioleta
3. Mesosphere: it is the coolest layer (más fría)
Es la capa más fría
4. Thermosphere: it has high temperature to destroy meteorites
Tiene una temperatura alta para destruir meteoritos
5. Exosphere: the outermost layer. It has a low density.
Es la capa más despegada de la tierra. Tiene una baja densidad.
Lo hacemos al contrario: yo te doy la definición y tú eliges la
 The outermost layer. It has a low density:………………….
 It has the ozone layer…………………………………
 It is the coolest layer……………………………….
 It is the closest layer. Climate and meteorological phenomena
happen ……………………………………
 It has a high temperature to destroy

Ahora trata de aprenderlo de memoria.


1. The five layers of the atmosphere are:
a) Troposphere, stratosphere, geosphere, mesosphere y
b) Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and
c) Atmosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and
2. The closest layer to the earth is:
a) Exosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
3. The outermost layer is:
a) Stratosphere
b) Exosphere
c) Thermosphere
4. The layer that destroys meteorites is:
a) Troposphere
b) Exosphere
c) Termosphere
5. Climate and meteorologial phenomena happen in:
a) Troposphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Exosphere
6. The ozone layer is in:
7. the troposphera is:
a) 0-12 kms
b)12-50 kms
c)50 – 80 kms

8.The stratosphera is:

a) 0-12 kms
b) 12-50 kms
c) 50-80 kms

9. the mesosphera is:

a) 0-12 kms
b) 12-50 kms
c)50-80 kms

10. the exosphere is:

a)0-12 kms
b) 80-700 kms
c)700- 1900000 kms

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