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10/10/21, 10:36 AM Matchschedules | Martial Arts

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Matching Number System

Event : World Class Sparring

1st Round Winner

2nd Round Looser

3rd Round In-Progress Matches

Final Upcoming Matches

Match # MatchSchedule_id Gender Group Blue Red Match Status/Winner

1 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Augustus Schultze : 780 Taylor Dulin : 764 Augustus Schultze : 780

2 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Brandon Seymour : 751 Zachary Wiseman : 868 Zachary Wiseman : 868

3 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) KaMHeru UbakaBlackmoore : 888 Cesar Guzman : 766 Cesar Guzman : 766

4 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Bailey Dulin : 763 Seth Slaughter : 512 Bailey Dulin : 763

5 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Jorge Cubero : 874 Kai Heuangpraseuth : 783 Jorge Cubero : 874

6 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Michael Schreiber : 31 Gianella Linares : 921 Gianella Linares : 921

7 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Markus Lugo : 802 Alexander Schultze : 781
October 10, 2021, 9:36 am

8 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Isaiah Soegeng : 9 Awaiting Results of Match # 7

9 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Daniel Soto : 431 Gabriel Simon : 423 Gabriel Simon : 423

10 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Tyler Choe : 164 Angelo Paiva : 545 Tyler Choe : 164

11 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Stewart Schultze : 779 Matthew Niculae : 137
October 10, 2021, 10:09 am

12 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Noah Quinones : 91 Augustus Schultze : 780

13 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Zachary Wiseman : 868 Jorenie Encarguez : 710 Jorenie Encarguez : 710

14 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Luis Mendez : 553 Cesar Guzman : 766 Luis Mendez : 553

15 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Bailey Dulin : 763 Dominic Sipia : 83 Bailey Dulin : 763

16 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Hayden Mcavoy : 11 Jorge Cubero : 874

17 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Mitchell Toomey : 161 Jason Lee : 125

18 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Theodore Salmon : 105 Benjamin Char : 244

19 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Gianella Linares : 921 Matthew Kim : 74

20 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) Keiron Baska : 871 Brandon Ramos : 864

21 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) Nilesh Shrestha : 854 Aedan Della : 274

22 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) Elias Halbleib : 831 Alessandro Gonzalez : 412

23 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Andrew Duan : 421 Tyler Snider : 363 1/5
10/10/21, 10:36 AM Matchschedules | Martial Arts

Match # MatchSchedule_id Gender Group Blue Red Match Status/Winner

24 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Jacob Lee : 269 Shawn Hwang : 290

25 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Amiel Vertreese : 897 Ian MondacaWang : 41

26 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Anthony Garcia : 966 Kenneth Buenavides : 669

27 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Jordan Wang : 651 Anthony Garcia : 968

28 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Jaiden Irby : 440 Matthew Bellinghieri : 541

29 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Raquel Campbell : 395 Morgan Hughes : 292

30 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Anya Shah : 219 Makaela Usserman : 498

31 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Madeline Pitts : 686 Sierra Altizer : 111

32 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Kanishka Khalili : 634 Fergus Curran : 369

33 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Nolan Miles : 193 Dorn Holland : 909

34 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Joshua Vuong : 844 Jason Lewis : 170

35 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) Mark Stroud : 754 Sven Hegde : 509

36 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) DeAngelo Tinsley : 419 Justin Peguero : 187

37 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) Daniel Rodgers : 893 Israel Gonzalez : 223

38 1048 Male Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Joaquin LUCIANO : 660 Michael Sanyn : 646

39 1048 Male Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Nolan Taylor : 513 Ved Londhe : 912

40 1050 Male Age 12-14 ( 99.21 - 108.02 lbs. ) Xavier Villanueva : 321 Jaemin Aziz : 670

41 1050 Male Age 12-14 ( 99.21 - 108.02 lbs. ) Isaac Martin : 403 Yuri Kwon : 213

42 1080 Female Age 15-17 ( 108.1 - 114.6 lbs. ) Aika Jolovich : 481 Lauren Kaften : 12

43 1080 Female Age 15-17 ( 108.1 - 114.6 lbs. ) Chloe Chua : 649 Elizabeth Marinov : 676

44 7320 Female Age 18-32 ( 108.1 - 116.9 lbs. ) Alyssa Roseman : 905 Trisha Trinh : 295

45 7320 Female Age 18-32 ( 108.1 - 116.9 lbs. ) Katie Smith : 723 Ashley Taylor : 147

46 1046 Male Age 12-14 ( Under 72.75 lbs. ) Shain Jackson : 695 Maximilian Jung : 642

47 1073 Male Age 15-17 ( 150 - 160.9 lbs. ) Julian Basalatan : 312 Jaden Baxter : 938

48 1078 Female Age 15-17 ( 97.1 - 101.4 lbs. ) Julia Stelmaszuk : 714 Tiara Roy : 278

49 1046 Male Age 12-14 ( Under 72.75 lbs. ) Matthew Giacomantonio : 44 Awaiting Results of Match # 46

50 1046 Male Age 12-14 ( Under 72.75 lbs. ) Anthony Manulat : 614 Joey Arcangelo : 279

51 1047 Male Age 12-14 ( 72.76 - 81.57 lbs. ) Ethan Gun : 355 Dylan Quenano : 256

52 1047 Male Age 12-14 ( 72.76 - 81.57 lbs. ) Emmanuel Tan : 239 Charles AlejoDickey : 365

53 1048 Male Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Gabriel Pol : 35 Awaiting Results of Match # 38

54 1048 Male Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 39 Issai Rodriguez : 133

55 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) JOSHUA SORTO : 271 Awaiting Results of Match # 20

56 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 21 Awaiting Results of Match # 22

57 1050 Male Age 12-14 ( 99.21 - 108.02 lbs. ) lane Smith : 119 Awaiting Results of Match # 40

58 1050 Male Age 12-14 ( 99.21 - 108.02 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 41 Dieter Englert : 364

59 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Joseph Mang : 13 Awaiting Results of Match # 23

60 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 24 Awaiting Results of Match # 25

61 1059 Female Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Olivia Humenchick : 899 Madison Purser : 925

62 1059 Female Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Amalia Pacleb : 285 Dominica Leighton : 924

63 1061 Female Age 12-14 ( 97.01 - 103.61 lbs. ) Jazleen Romero : 441 Natalia Um : 16 2/5
10/10/21, 10:36 AM Matchschedules | Martial Arts

Match # MatchSchedule_id Gender Group Blue Red Match Status/Winner

64 1061 Female Age 12-14 ( 97.01 - 103.61 lbs. ) Yvette Sowka : 682 Jessica Lee : 606

65 1063 Female Age 12-14 ( 112.44 - 121.25 lbs. ) Riley Otto : 109 Kamdyn Newsome : 716

66 1063 Female Age 12-14 ( 112.44 - 121.25 lbs. ) Ariana Rosado : 468 CAROLYN LEE : 322

67 1067 Male Age 15-17 ( 99.3 - 105.8 lbs. ) Derrick Collins : 348 richard hernandez : 709

68 1067 Male Age 15-17 ( 99.3 - 105.8 lbs. ) Ian Lopez : 705 Joshua West : 668

69 1068 Male Age 15-17 ( 105.9 - 112.4 lbs. ) Jarrett yee : 615 Daniel Vega : 235

70 1068 Male Age 15-17 ( 105.9 - 112.4 lbs. ) Joshua Fong : 320 Connor Corcoran : 387

71 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 8 Gabriel Simon : 423

72 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Tyler Choe : 164 Awaiting Results of Match # 11

73 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 12 Jorenie Encarguez : 710

74 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Luis Mendez : 553 Bailey Dulin : 763

75 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Pablo Parillo : 108 Awaiting Results of Match # 26

76 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 27 Awaiting Results of Match # 28

77 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 16 Awaiting Results of Match # 17

78 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 18 Awaiting Results of Match # 19

79 1073 Male Age 15-17 ( 150 - 160.9 lbs. ) Sheldon Wilcox : 283 Awaiting Results of Match # 47

80 1073 Male Age 15-17 ( 150 - 160.9 lbs. ) Aidan Chan : 50 Celso Chua : 648

81 1078 Female Age 15-17 ( 97.1 - 101.4 lbs. ) Audrey Duan : 270 Awaiting Results of Match # 48

82 1078 Female Age 15-17 ( 97.1 - 101.4 lbs. ) Claire Tolentino : 638 Hazel Della : 273

83 1080 Female Age 15-17 ( 108.1 - 114.6 lbs. ) ANDREA KIM : 116 Awaiting Results of Match # 42

84 1080 Female Age 15-17 ( 108.1 - 114.6 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 43 Sofia Shumsky : 272

85 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Larissa Donohue : 152 Awaiting Results of Match # 29

86 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 30 Awaiting Results of Match # 31

87 1082 Female Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Lydia Garrick : 118 Sierra Howard : 474

88 1082 Female Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Makenna Silva : 115 Elain Park : 153

89 1085 Female Age 15-17 ( 150 lbs. and Over ) Kiana Yoshimura : 236 Paityn Adams : 771

90 1085 Female Age 15-17 ( 150 lbs. and Over ) Brianne Usserman : 497 Savannah Smith : 291

91 7320 Female Age 18-32 ( 108.1 - 116.9 lbs. ) laila shahraki : 68 Awaiting Results of Match # 44

92 7320 Female Age 18-32 ( 108.1 - 116.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 45 Alexandria Wongmanee : 547

93 7560 Male Age 18-32 ( 128 - 138.9 lbs. ) Daniel Kwak : 234 Joseph Schubert : 765

94 7560 Male Age 18-32 ( 128 - 138.9 lbs. ) Steven Bowman : 889 Dylan Scott : 833

95 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Isaac Fenta : 103 Awaiting Results of Match # 32

96 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 33 Awaiting Results of Match # 34

97 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) Zaidan Quintero : 973 Awaiting Results of Match # 35

98 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 36 Awaiting Results of Match # 37

99 1052 Male Age 12-14 ( 116.85 - 125.66 lbs. ) Aiden Ryu : 124 Alexander Penate : 753

100 1054 Male Age 12-14 ( 134.49 - 143.30 lbs. ) JOHN LEE : 324 Tiancheng Wei : 445

101 1055 Male Age 12-14 ( 143.31 and over ) Jaron Collins : 886 Cameron Massay : 284

102 1060 Female Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 97 lbs. ) Selene Ahlersmeyer : 706 Adrianna Davis : 528

103 1062 Female Age 12-14 ( 103.62 - 112.43 lbs. ) Claire Choe : 132 Ariela Artagame : 114 3/5
10/10/21, 10:36 AM Matchschedules | Martial Arts

Match # MatchSchedule_id Gender Group Blue Red Match Status/Winner

104 1066 Male Age 15-17 ( Under 99.2 lbs. ) Harish Venkataraman : 732 Brendon Ayers : 729

105 1074 Male Age 15-17 ( 161 - 172 lbs. ) Bashir JonesJohnson : 969 Sean Laloan : 957

106 1079 Female Age 15-17 ( 101.5 - 108 lbs. ) Montana Miller : 378 Haylen Pando : 221

107 1087 Male Age 10 - 11 ( Under 65 lbs. ) Hunter Schenck : 139 Taylor Olvera : 727

108 1088 Male Age 10 - 11 ( 65.1 - 78 lbs, ) Kruz Wilson : 748 Kendrick Wang : 846

109 7572 Male Age 18-32 ( 163.2 - 176.4 lbs, ) Brodyn Tilidetzke : 357 coryn daniel : 135

110 1046 Male Age 12-14 ( Under 72.75 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 49 Awaiting Results of Match # 50

111 1047 Male Age 12-14 ( 72.76 - 81.57 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 51 Awaiting Results of Match # 52

112 1048 Male Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 53 Awaiting Results of Match # 54

113 1049 Male Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 99.20 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 55 Awaiting Results of Match # 56

114 1050 Male Age 12-14 ( 99.21 - 108.02 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 57 Awaiting Results of Match # 58

115 1051 Male Age 12-14 ( 108.03 - 116.84 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 59 Awaiting Results of Match # 60

116 1052 Male Age 12-14 ( 116.85 - 125.66 lbs. ) Holden Miles : 189 Awaiting Results of Match # 99

117 1053 Male Age 12-14 ( 125.67 - 134.48 lbs. ) CHRISTOPHER FOULKES : 408 Matthias Englert : 368

118 1054 Male Age 12-14 ( 134.49 - 143.30 lbs. ) David Cochran : 84 Awaiting Results of Match # 100

119 1055 Male Age 12-14 ( 143.31 and over ) Robert McCormack : 253 Awaiting Results of Match # 101

120 1057 Female Age 12-14 ( 63.94 - 72.75 lbs. ) Kylie Chan : 336 Sruthi Venkataraman : 733

121 1058 Female Age 12-14 ( 72.76 - 81.57 lbs. ) Prishaa Shrimali : 713 Halo Canezo : 859

122 1059 Female Age 12-14 ( 81.58 - 90.38 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 61 Awaiting Results of Match # 62

123 1060 Female Age 12-14 ( 90.39 - 97 lbs. ) Lauren McDonald : 507 Awaiting Results of Match # 102

124 1061 Female Age 12-14 ( 97.01 - 103.61 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 63 Awaiting Results of Match # 64

125 1062 Female Age 12-14 ( 103.62 - 112.43 lbs. ) Abigail Kim : 75 Awaiting Results of Match # 103

126 1063 Female Age 12-14 ( 112.44 - 121.25 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 65 Awaiting Results of Match # 66

127 1065 Female Age 12-14 ( 130.08 and Over ) KaitLinh Morris : 243 Lauren Brooks : 930

128 1066 Male Age 15-17 ( Under 99.2 lbs. ) Gael Gonzalez : 414 Awaiting Results of Match # 104

129 1067 Male Age 15-17 ( 99.3 - 105.8 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 67 Awaiting Results of Match # 68

130 1068 Male Age 15-17 ( 105.9 - 112.4 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 69 Awaiting Results of Match # 70

131 1069 Male Age 15-17 ( 112.5 - 121.3 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 71 Awaiting Results of Match # 72

132 1070 Male Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 73 Awaiting Results of Match # 74

133 1071 Male Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 75 Awaiting Results of Match # 76

134 1072 Male Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 77 Awaiting Results of Match # 78

135 1073 Male Age 15-17 ( 150 - 160.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 79 Awaiting Results of Match # 80

136 1074 Male Age 15-17 ( 161 - 172 lbs. ) Alexis Guerrero : 915 Awaiting Results of Match # 105

137 1078 Female Age 15-17 ( 97.1 - 101.4 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 81 Awaiting Results of Match # 82

138 1079 Female Age 15-17 ( 101.5 - 108 lbs. ) Katherine Cambranis : 10 Awaiting Results of Match # 106

139 1080 Female Age 15-17 ( 108.1 - 114.6 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 83 Awaiting Results of Match # 84

140 1081 Female Age 15-17 ( 114.7 - 121.3 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 85 Awaiting Results of Match # 86

141 1082 Female Age 15-17 ( 121.4 - 130 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 87 Awaiting Results of Match # 88

142 1083 Female Age 15-17 ( 130.1 - 138.9 lbs. ) Emelynn Kim : 438 Aditi Ravi : 293

143 1084 Female Age 15-17 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Madison Howard : 410 Ava Lee : 604 4/5
10/10/21, 10:36 AM Matchschedules | Martial Arts

Match # MatchSchedule_id Gender Group Blue Red Match Status/Winner

144 1085 Female Age 15-17 ( 150 lbs. and Over ) Awaiting Results of Match # 89 Awaiting Results of Match # 90

145 1087 Male Age 10 - 11 ( Under 65 lbs. ) Nathaniel Niculae : 138 Awaiting Results of Match # 107

146 1088 Male Age 10 - 11 ( 65.1 - 78 lbs, ) Ian Alcantara : 358 Awaiting Results of Match # 108

147 1089 Male Age 10 - 11 ( 78.1 - 90 lbs. ) Aaron MondacaWang : 42 Kaden Newsome : 715

148 1091 Male Age 10 - 11 ( 102.1 - 115 lbs. ) Colin Hungerford : 404 Keahnu Renois : 742

149 1094 Female Age 10 - 11 ( 65.1 - 78 lbs, ) Addison Testa : 55 Sadie Mendez : 554

150 1098 Female Age 10 - 11 ( 115.1 and Over ) Aviva Adams : 928 Kamile Blazevicius : 929

151 7320 Female Age 18-32 ( 108.1 - 116.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 91 Awaiting Results of Match # 92

152 7330 Female Age 18-32 ( 117 - 125.7 lbs. ) Mariana Mateo : 437 Alyson Ayers : 906

153 7560 Male Age 18-32 ( 128 - 138.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 93 Awaiting Results of Match # 94

154 7570 Male Age 18-32 ( 139 - 149.9 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 95 Awaiting Results of Match # 96

155 7571 Male Age 18-32 ( 150 - 163.1 lbs. ) Awaiting Results of Match # 97 Awaiting Results of Match # 98

156 7572 Male Age 18-32 ( 163.2 - 176.4 lbs, ) Edlijah Faulk : 65 Awaiting Results of Match # 109

157 7573 Male Age 18-32 ( 176.5 - 191.8 lbs. ) Dallas Parker : 613 John Lacey : 911

158 7575 Female Age 18-32 ( 125.8 - 136.7 lbs. ) Naomi Bennett : 795 Ashley Montes : 910

159 7578 Female Age 18-32 ( Over 160.9 ) Laysha Diaz : 362 Kaliyah Boden : 908

160 1093 Female Age 10 - 11 ( Under 65 lbs. ) TRISTINE Puno : 381 :

161 1096 Female Age 10 - 11 ( 90.1 - 102 lbs. ) Shannon Tejada : 280 :

162 1092 Male Age 10 - 11 ( 115.1 and Over ) Aaron Tejada : 282 :

163 1064 Female Age 12-14 ( 121.26 - 130.07 lbs. ) KAYLA JooBillera : 406 :

164 1076 Female Age 15-17 ( Under 92.6 lbs. ) LESLIE PALACIO : 121 :

165 1086 Male Age 15-17 ( 172.1 lbs. and Over ) Joseph Dunk : 744 :

166 7310 Female Age 18-32 ( 101.5 - 108 lbs. ) Halee Kim : 335 :

167 7576 Female Age 18-32 ( 136.8 - 147.7 lbs. ) Lauren Lee : 602 :

168 7577 Female Age 18-32 ( 147.8 - 160.9 lbs. ) Arina Le : 907 :

169 7550 Male Age 18-32 ( 119.1-127.9 lbs. ) Kyle Choi : 294 :

170 7594 Female Age 41-50 ( Over 147.4 lbs. ) lisa Cuenca : 785 :

171 7878 Male Age 51-99 ( Over 171.6 lbs. ) Armand Morin : 579 :

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