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Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences with the

1 Complete the second sentence so words in the box. There are three
that it has a similar meaning to the extra words.
first. The first letters are given.
gig engage emotions
0 The actors made several mistakes, but upload cast
they decided to continue as if nothing had appear drummer enhance
happened. viral
The actors made several mistakes, but
they decided to carry on as if nothing 0 That rock group is doing their first
had happened. live gig in nearly ten years.
1 The group’s new album is going to 1 A good ___________ keeps the
be released next week. musicians together by clearly
The group’s new album is going to marking the beat.
c________ o________next week.
2 The people watching the play were
absolutely silent during the final 2 The musical soundtrack of a film
scene. helps to stir up ___________ which
The a__________ were absolutely people might otherwise not feel.
silent during the final scene of the 3 Audiobooks can ___________ the
play. reading experience for some people
3 A number of actors have decided to start by adding more drama.
knitting as a way to pass the time 4 My favourite singer is going to
between scenes. ___________ in a TV series soon,
A number of actors have decided to and she is going to play herself.
t________ u________ knitting as a 5 Many parents ___________ videos
way to pass the time between scenes. of their children doing funny things
4 I know you are afraid of going on stage so that others can view them on the
now, but the feeling will disappear as Internet.
you perform more. /5
I know you are afraid of going on
stage now, but the feeling will
w________ o________ as you Grammar
perform more. 3 Complete the Reported Speech
5 She is a person who writes and performs sentences with one word in each gap.
her own songs and who appears all over
the world. 0 Helen pointed out that I was wrong.
She is a s_____________ - 1 We suggested meeting for lunch in
s______________ who appears all Oxford the ____________ day.
over the world. 2 The actress explained in a press
interview that she ____________ not
going to work in the US in the future.
3 Allan was very happy when I told 5 ‘Will you invite your family to the
___________ that I wanted to offer performance?’ I asked Vincent.
him a role in my new film. I asked Vincent
4 The film producer was looking for _________________________
actors who ____________ swim and ______________ to the performance.
were good with children. /5
5 Nobody believed Andrew when he
claimed that he ____________
Use of English
studied acting in London.
5 Complete the text with the correct
form of the words in the box. There
4 Complete the second sentence so are two extra words.
that it has a similar meaning to the
first. Use Report Speech. attend engage be
distract entertain
0 ‘Who do you want to be in the
memorise encourage
future?’ the teacher asked us.
The teacher asked us who we wanted AUDITIONS
to be in the future. If you 0 were a major Hollywood
1 ‘Please don’t use your mobile movie star, you would probably get a
phones,’ the teacher told her lot of offers and everyone would ask
students. you to appear in their films. If you
The teacher told her students aren't a major star, you'll have to go to
______________ ____________ auditions if you want to make
their mobile phones. it in acting, and going to endless
2 ‘Why didn't you phone me at the auditions is the usual accompaniment to
weekend?’ my friend asked. any actor’s early career. An audition is
My friend asked me like a job interview, so prepare for it
______________________ carefully. Dress nicely but simply,
_____________ her at the weekend. avoiding extreme styles which might
create a 1_______________ from your
3 ‘Have you seen that advertisement acting skills. A word-for-word
before?’ the woman asked Elena. 2
_______________ of the part you are
The woman asked Elena trying out for isn’t necessary, but do
__________________ be familiar with the director’s style
________________ the and what the role is about. Don't
advertisement before. expect any 3______________ from the
4 ‘Can you help us with this exercise?’ people watching the auditions. – in fact,
we asked the teacher. don’t expect any criticism either.
‘We were wondering Directors and producers need time to
_____________________ think, so they seldom react during an
_______________________ with audition. Generally, in the
this exercise’ we asked politely. 4
_______________ industry, it's
difficult to know whether you have
done well or not, but don’t worry
about it. When you have finished the
audition, thank everyone for their
time, go home and wait for a

6 Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the words in

0 I need a new pair of glasses (pair /

1 I enjoy watching thrillers, but that
_ (crime series / be not) exactly what
I like.
2 Robert asked me
________________________ (if / I /
see) that programme before.
3 The struggling musician got
________________ (piece / good /
advice) from a famous music
4 Jane
____ (add / her / father / be) her
favourite actor.

_ (you / mind) we take a few photos
of your house?
6 Wendy told her sister
_________________________ (not /
believe) the rumours about her.

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