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Digital Game Addiction On Child


Digital game addiction among children is a growing concern in the modern age where technology has
become an integral part of our daily lives. Digital games provide children with a source of entertainment
and relaxation, but they also have the potential to become addictive. Digital game addiction can have
severe consequences on a child's mental and physical health, academic performance, and social life.

Studies have shown that digital game addiction is similar to other forms of addiction such as substance
abuse, where the individual experiences intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they are
deprived of the game. Children who are addicted to digital games often display symptoms such as
irritability, restlessness, and a lack of interest in other activities. They also tend to neglect their personal
hygiene and social life, which can lead to isolation and loneliness. The addiction to digital games can also
have a negative impact on a child's academic performance. Children who are addicted to games tend to
spend excessive amounts of time playing games, which can lead to a lack of concentration, reduced
productivity, and poor academic results. This can further lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and
depression. Digital game addiction can also have adverse effects on a child's physical health. Children
who spend prolonged periods playing games may develop problems such as obesity, sleep disorders,
and posture-related issues. These problems can further lead to long-term health problems such as
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention and intervention strategies are crucial in managing digital game addiction among children.
Parents can play a vital role in monitoring and regulating their children's gaming habits. Setting clear
guidelines on the amount of time spent playing games and ensuring that the child has a balance
between their academic, social, and gaming life is essential.

In conclusion, digital game addiction is a growing concern among children, and it has significant
implications on their mental and physical health, academic performance, and social life. Early
identification and intervention, along with parental guidance and responsible game development, are
crucial in managing this addiction and ensuring that children have a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


In a draught document that has not yet been finalised, gaming disorder is named. The WHO guidance is
important because doctors use it to make medical diagnoses. It lists signs like diminished gaming
control, greater prioritisation, and increased gaming despite unfavourable effects.

a problem for parent. For parents, this presents a challenge because it could conflate normal passion
and delight with a medical condition. To avoid demeaning other mental health conditions, we must be
careful in how we use these designations.
Having said that, it does provide useful terminology to recognise when kids diverge from delight and
intense gaming into less healthy routines. While children who continue to play after dinner are
undoubtedly not experiencing a problem, parents should keep an eye out for Any child who prioritises
playing video games over relationships, physical activity, academics, or personal cleanliness should be

Having fun together and remaining attentive

It's crucial that parents don't simply concentrate on the one child who is acting in this way. According to
my observations, the problem is as much a parental one as it is a condition in children. In most
circumstances, encouraging parents to participate in their children's gaming lives is the best way to find
a solution.

Play together, assist in establishing sensible boundaries, and actively look for a range of online activities
for kids to engage in. For the majority of kids, this strategy will keep gaming safe and responsible,
especially if it is implemented early on.

According to recommendations made by professionals in child protection, educators, and researche
rs at EU Kids Online, parents should not presume that their child's use of digital media is bad but in
stead should consider the following:

- Is my child growing properly and getting enough rest?

- Is my child interacting socially (in any way) with family and friends?

- Does my child like and succeed in school?

- Does my youngster engage in any hobbies or interests?

- Does my child enjoy and learn from using digital media?

What to do about it: the next steps
If the responses are affirmative, parents should assess whether their concerns about children using 
digital media are justified. 
If the responses are negative, "these specific parents and children may need to put in place limits an
d restrictions to address problematic use," the study concludes.

In other words, parents and other carers can combat the misuse of online games by making changes 
to their homes that promote balance:
 create standards for screen balance
 practise digital detox
 Find inventive ways to balance gaming and technology use with artistic or outdoor activity.
 check that the games' content and age rating are appropriate.
 See how your kids use their devices and games (aggressive, irritable, may mean that less scr
een time is needed)
While playing games is common, they are made to be engaging—many by behavioural scientists. 

The issue emerges when kids and teenagers begin to disregard other aspects of their lives in order t
o play video games, or when playing video games is the only way they can unwind. Over time, a you
ngster may start to use video games as a coping mechanism for challenging life situations.
Identification of gaming addiction symptoms.
It's crucial to watch out for indications that your child is getting overly dependent on video games.
They constantly chat about the game they play for hours on end, and when told to stop, they becom
e defensive or even hostile and aggressive.

Research methodology

Digital game addiction is a growing concern among parents and researchers, particularly as more and
more children spend their free time playing video games. The aim of this research methodology is to
investigate the potential negative impact of digital game addiction on children and to suggest ways to
minimize or prevent the issue.

Research Design:

The research design will be a mixed-methods study that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative
research methods. The study will involve a survey and interviews. The survey will be conducted using a
standardized questionnaire to gather data on the extent of digital game addiction among children. The
interviews will be conducted with parents to gain insight into their experiences and perspectives on
digital game addiction among their children.


The participants will be children between the ages of 8 and 16 who play digital games and their parents.
A sample size of 200 children and their parents will be selected for this study. Participants will be
selected from various schools and communities to ensure diversity in the sample.

Data Collection:

The survey will be conducted online to reach a large number of participants. The survey questionnaire
will consist of questions that measure the extent of digital game addiction among children, the factors
that contribute to it, and the potential negative impacts. The questionnaire will also include
demographic questions such as age, gender, and frequency of digital game use.

The interviews will be conducted with parents to gain insight into their experiences and perspectives on
digital game addiction among their children. The interviews will be conducted either in-person or online,
and they will be recorded with the consent of the participants. The interviews will be semi-structured,
meaning that the researcher will have a list of questions to guide the conversation, but the discussion
will be open-ended to allow for new topics to emerge.

Data Analysis:

The data collected from the survey will be analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, median,
and standard deviation. This will help to identify the extent of digital game addiction among children
and the factors that contribute to it. The data will also be analyzed using inferential statistics such as
regression analysis to examine the relationship between digital game addiction and potential negative

The data collected from the interviews will be transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. This will
help to identify common themes and patterns in the data related to digital game addiction among

Ethical Considerations:

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines to protect the participants' rights and privacy. Informed
consent will be obtained from all participants, and they will be informed of their right to withdraw from
the study at any time. The data collected will be kept confidential, and the participants' identities will be

all age groups enjoy playing video games. They usually play video games on mobile phones, computers,
play stations , DVD’s etc. Children and adults alike gets addicted to these video games. It has become
the favourite pass time for everybody. Getting addicted to these video games has its own positive and
negative impact on children. It improves the reflexes and skillfulness of a child. Puzzle solving video
games improves the skills and raises the level of intelligence in children. It keeps the child skillfully busy,
making him more confident and gadget- friendly . The negative effects of video games includes
negligence of other responsibilities like neglecting school work, studies and other activities which results
in the poor academic performance. Staying glued to TV, computers, mobile phones etc for playing video
games for a longer duration of time results in health problems like obesity and poor or weak eyesight.
Playing video games for a long time can cause aggressive behaviour and thoughts and other
psychological problems in a child. The role of parents and elders is very important in monitoring the
duration of play time of playing the video games and the types of video games being played by the
children . Video games should entertain the users rather than harming them.

Negative Effects of Video Games:

Video games can have a negative effect on a child’s development. This is particularly related to aspects
of violence, antisocial behaviors and increased aggressive thoughts and feelings.

1. Encourage violent behavior:

Studies show that those who watch simulated violence, like that in video games, can become immune to
the violence and more inclined to act violently themselves. There has been a correlation between
violent game use and aggressive behavior. There is insufficient evidence to link violent video games to
criminal behavior. The interactive nature of some of the video games can worsen the effects of the
game violence on children by encouraging repetition and rewards for the behaviors.

2. Promote social isolation and anti-social behavior:

Spending too much time playing video games can isolate children. They may spend less time doing other
activities such as reading, sports, homework and interaction with family and friends. However, amongst
video gamers, being a loner is not the norm. Video games can actually augment a child’s social life.

3. Discourage children to do well in school:

There are studies that show that the more time children spend playing video games, the lower their
performance is in school. A study found that video game addicts have lower grades and have more
destructive behaviors such as arguing and fighting with parents and teachers. Some students admit
that their video game habits affect their school performance.

What are parents need to do? Parents need to be involved in monitoring their children’s video game
playing habits. This includes being aware of which video games their children are playing and knowing
when to intervene in their children’s gaming. Be mindful of any kind of video games with violence and
its effects on your children. In addition, parents need to establish boundaries for their children in
relation to their game playing to prevent it from becoming a bad habit. Never allow your children to
spend hours and hours playing video games. Balance and moderation are key. Be proactive in your
children’s gaming activities and be involved in the video game world with your child. As fun and
educational as video games can be, it is important that parents be aware that they can be both
beneficial and detrimental to your child’s development.


The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the extent of digital game addiction among
children, the factors that contribute to it, and the potential negative impacts. The study will also suggest
ways to minimize or prevent digital game addiction among children. This research will be beneficial for
parents, educators, and policymakers in understanding the impact of digital game addiction on children
and how to promote healthy gaming habits.

Suggestion and Conclusion

Put parameters down when it comes to how long they’re allowed to play- don’t allow them to have tech
in their rooms after lights out and ensure that they have alternative activities whether they be sports or
clubs that make them engage with their peers in the real world- if you are still concerned then seek the
help of a professional counselor.

Game addiction can have a detrimental impact on children's overall development, and it is important to
understand the risks associated with excessive gaming. Children who spend excessive amounts of time
playing games can experience physical, mental, and social consequences that can have a lasting impact
on their lives.

One of the most significant risks associated with game addiction is the impact on children's physical
health. Children who spend too much time playing games are more likely to experience obesity, eye
strain, and sleep deprivation, which can lead to a range of health problems. In addition, excessive
gaming can lead to poor posture, joint pain, and other physical ailments. Mental health is also impacted
by game addiction. Children who spend excessive amounts of time playing games can become socially
isolated, anxious, and depressed. They may struggle with communication and emotional regulation,
which can lead to difficulties in building and maintaining relationships. Additionally, gaming addiction
has been linked to poor academic performance and lower self-esteem.

Social consequences of game addiction are also a concern. Children who spend too much time playing
games can become socially isolated, which can lead to a range of social problems. They may have
difficulty making and maintaining friendships, and they may struggle with communication and social

Nowadays, students spend too much time on online games. Inappropriate use of online games leads to
problems such as distraction and addiction. Internet games addiction is characterized by cognitive and
emotional deficits. Online addiction involves playing games uncontrollably for many hours. Students
use online games to relieve them of their stresses but the excessive use of online games may lead to
worsened learning ability, concentration problems, poor academic performance and decreased
interactions with other people.

One most common effect of online gaming addiction is withdrawal from social interactions. Instead of
interacting with family or friends, students would prefer to stay home or in internet cafes. The effect of
this isolation will lead to collapse of interaction and communication. True, they may interact with fellow
online games, but true social lives and personal relationships suffer. When students withdraw from
social work, they also cease from being productive. They become sleep deprived due to extended
periods of time playing that they fail to accomplish tasks at school or at home reducing production. As a
result, they perform poorly in academics. Online games addiction is detrimental to students’ health
because they spend a significant number of hours without eating and wouldn’t even stop to do basic
hygiene tasks such as going to the restroom or bathing.
Obviously, there are positive and negative effects of online gaming. Students should recognize and
practice responsible and appropriate use of internet and online games. Gaming is fun and a sociable
way to spend time. Students should use gaming as a way to develop teamwork with fellow gamers and
develop skills to activate the mind. They should also be aware of the risks to help them stay safe and
have positive gaming experience.

In conclusion, game addiction can have a serious impact on children's physical, mental, and social
development. It is essential for parents to monitor their children's gaming habits and to set clear limits
on screen time. Additionally, parents should encourage their children to engage in other activities, such
as sports, reading, and creative pursuits, to promote a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. By taking an
active role in their children's gaming habits, parents can help prevent the negative consequences of
game addiction and promote a healthy and balanced life.

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