2.propozitii Traduceri Lectii Intermediari

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Ceremonia a inceput cu niste The ceremony began with some long

discursuri lungi si foarte plictisitoare and extremely dull/tedious speeches.

Era un tanc in exteriorul unui cort There was a tank outside a massive /
imens. an enormous tent.
Au inceput artificiile colorate asa ca The colorful fireworks started, so the
privelistea era uimitoare si multimea view was stunning and the crowd was
era incantata. delighted.
Cele doua festivaluri au fost Were the two festivals enjoyable?
Cum scapi de oamenii enervanti? How do you get rid of annoying
Ti-ai petrecut ultima vacanta intr-un Did you spend your last holiday in a
hotel luxos? luxurious hotel?
Stii o tara producatoare de ulei/petrol Do you know an oil-producing nation
in secolul XX? in the twentieth century?
A adormit in timp ce profesorul He fell asleep while the teacher was
vorbea. speaking.
The ceremony began with some long
and extremely dull/tedious speeches.

There was a tank outside a massive /

an enormous tent.

The colorful fireworks started, so the

view was stunning and the crowd was

Were the two festivals enjoyable?

How do you get rid of annoying


Did you spend your last holiday in a

luxurious hotel?

Do you know an oil-producing nation

in the twentieth century?

He fell asleep while the teacher was


Ceremonia a inceput cu niste

discursuri lungi si foarte plictisitoare

Era un tanc in exteriorul unui cort

Au inceput artificiile colorate asa ca
privelistea era uimitoare si multimea
era incantata.

Cele doua festivaluri au fost


Cum scapi de oamenii enervanti?

Ti-ai petrecut ultima vacanta intr-un

hotel luxos?

Stii o tara producatoare de ulei/petrol

in secolul XX?

A adormit in timp ce profesorul


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