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Have you ever wanted a different pair of jeans from the ones that you have? Or have you ever put
on a pair after a long time and realized that they don’t actually fit anymore?

Maybe you just want a different look, but don’t want to spend hundreds of rands on a new pair…

Introducing ONESIZE… (slogan on pptx)

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Now… what is so special about ONESIZE you might be asking?

Well… ONESIZE jeans are jeans of the future, why? Because ONESIZE jeans come in only one size
and fit everyone. ONESIZE jeans even have the ability to change size and fit based on your choice
and body dimensions, furthermore, they can even change to any colour you choose.

That’s right, any colour you choose! You want skinny yellow jeans so that you can look like a minion?
Well… you’ll have them!

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You may be wondering… how is this product actually able to do all these cool things? Allow
me to explain…
ONESIZE jeans use built-in kinetic sensors and an Ultra-Smart Micro Chip to sense your
movement and body dimensions which then use the data gathered to perfectly fit the jeans
to your legs depending on what style you choose, this being regular, slim and oversized fit.
However, if you find that none of these styles suits you, or if you simply don’t like the way
the jeans have been automatically fitted to your body… you can even custom-fit them
yourself however you want to, through the ONESIZE mobile app.
What I’m basically saying is that there’s absolutely no reason not to own a pair of ONESIZE
jeans, because they can look however you want them to.
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Now I know a lot of you may be thinking… “how will I wash them with the electrical
components inside?” or “what if I get burnt or irritated by all these electrical components?”
Well… the answer is simple, ONESIZE jeans have smart temperature regulating fabrics to
ensure that you aren’t bothered by the electrical components as well as waterproof
breathable fabrics to ensure perfect comfort and safety of components when washing the
product as seen on the screen. After all, why shouldn’t you buy this product? Everyone one
wears jeans, and everyone wishes from time to time that they had something a little more
versatile to match with that one outfit they love so much. And at the end of the day… it’ll
save you a lot more money than you can imagine. So, what’re you waiting for? Get your pair
of ONESIZE jeans at today!

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