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1 Effectiveness of the Communication Process Implemented

As communication is important in a business organization, spa Ceylon make it sure that the
communication process, internal and external impacts on the business in a positive way. The
communication process with in the organization motivates employees to carry out the business
activities effectively. Effective communication makes it easier for the managers to in co-operate
with the employees. Spa Ceylon has an excellent growth rate in sales due to hospitality Spa
Ceylon serves through external communication to its customers. The communication process
implemented with the suppliers have been improved in due course and helps in the effectiveness
of the business communication carried out within Spa Ceylon.

2.3 Human Resource Activities of the Company

Human resource management is the effective utilization of human resources available with in the
organization to reach its goals and to achieve the objectives set. Human resource management
focuses on the branches of recruiting, managing human capital and the direction of people at wok
place. The need for human resource management in an organization is to link the business
strategies and ethics to the goals and objectives of the business.
There are few basic functions in HR as follows:
 Planning (Human Resource Planning)
 Staffing (Selection and Recruitment)
 Employee development (Employee Appraisal)
 Employee maintenance (Employee Training)
 Employee motivation
2.3.1 Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning involves the process of allocating the required sources in order to
achieve the goals and objectives set. Spa Ceylon analyses the skills of the existing human capital
and forecast the workforce required to carry out the business activities in the future, it would be
the fundamental human resource planning done by the human resource department of Spa
2.3.2 Staffing (Selection and Recruitment)
Staffing is the major function carried out in human resource functions. Staffing means acquiring
workforce required by an organization in order to carryout the business activities of the
organization. Staffing is a 2 steps process which includes selection and recruitment. Spa Ceylon
too undergo selection and recruitment during the staffing process. When recruiting employees,
prior to the recruitment, applicants to the specified job description (JD) is filtered out through an
interview or a series of interview processes which includes oral interviews, written examinations
and internship programs. Spa Ceylon, as an organization which has more than 100 outlets has a
unique way of interviewing the applicants as the employees are required to deal with customers
with a good customer service and to attract customers to the organization in the future too.
Selection process carried out in Spa Ceylon can be described as below mention

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