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SET1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE HKDSE PRACTICE PAPER A PAPER 1 PART A 7 (QUESTION-ANSWER BOOK computsory | [Candidate Number | | I Read Text I and answer questions I-21. (31 marks) 41 (Stated information, L3) ‘According to the ttle and lines 1-6, Britain’s new street food ... ‘A. _artives from Hong Kong every day. 1B. has been changed to suit the tastes of locals. C._ is eaten by many people. A D. is only available in London, oO {92 (Meaning, L3) ‘The phrase ‘cashing in on’ (line 6) suggests that Hong Kong street food sellers are @v ° ov A. giving up some money. B. losing a lot of money. C. making a lot of money. D. spending a little money. 3 (Reference, L2) In line 6, what does ‘the city’ refer to? Hong Kong 24 (Meaning, L2) ("Find a phrase that the writer uses in paragraph | to show that the new trend is surprising. least expected 8 (Stated information, L3) According to paragraph 2, Bubblewrap’s owners... O> Oo e Oo rgargins will not be marked, A. always knew egg waffles would be popular. B. opened their first store in Hong Kong. C. sell egg waffles and other Hong Kong snacks. 1D. were students when they started their business, 26 Reterence,L3) Whats “the idea’ (ine 1)? making selling / serving egg waffles (at Bubblewrap) ai (State nformatonL2) AH ren.) @) Based on te information in paragraph 3, complete the summary by writing ONE word in each blank. You should Answers writen in the O> Ow Oa @v ‘make sure that your answers are grammatically correct, marks) The owners of Bubblewrap fist got a (p 'ci2e for popular Hong Kong street food from Internet They then changed itto make the dish less (i) ing that their (iy) British / English customers would like it. 8i, i (Relevant information, LA) According to paragraph 3, what TWO things are included on Bubblewrap’s egg waffles to make them different from the original dish? (2 marks) 08 items can come in any order. “Answers written in the margins will not be marked. i) gelato ii) toppings ‘swe writen athe margins wil not be marked. CEP Cored Sat1 Per (QAB-A) = © Peanon Edn Ai Lined ATES where margms sn oT Ne TMATKES all CER TH aa Which of the following is closest in meaning to ‘catchy’ (line 17)? A. confusing B. impressive C. memorable A B D. strange oO ‘to (state information, L3) f° Bubblewrap got its name because its owners thought that Hong Kong-style egg waffles ... ‘A. are familiar to locals B. feel nice to touch. C. look similar to bubble wrap. A B Cc D D. taste like bubble wrap. 00@0) tt (Stated information, L2) @) ‘Where could people buy Bubblewrap’s food when the company first opened? at various food markets 12, v(Soted information, L2,L3)@Y2i (Views and ates, La) _Q42 ference, L} 12. According to paragraph 4, are the following statements True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG)? (4 marks) Statements T FONG z $] (97 Satbir Sandhu was bom in Hong Kong oOo @ z 8 wr Wu did not like Sanchu’s suggestion for the name of the food store. o@°o 2) (yi some cusomers ns we ad wt Hong Kone wails @oo {47% Bubblewrap food became available ata fixed location in 2017 eoo YA ar24 i state information, 2) | 13.) According to paragraph 5, why did Ivan Kam start going to Bubblewrap? (2 marks) i) He saw some eye-catching Instagram posts of their egg waffles niiiciaheiet bahia ii) Egg waffles reminded him of home {214 (Relevant information, L4) Where is Pop Up Wok based? Newcastle (in Britain / the UK) 15 (Stated information, L3) Which of the following is NOT true about Pop Up Wok? A. Itis found in one place ; B. opens three days week. C. Itopened for business in 2017, A Bc D D. tw founded by two fiends. g¢ @000 16 inferdhoe, La) " ‘Complete the sentence: The founders of Pop Up Wok moved to the UK\to 24 = 17 (Stated information, La) According to paragraph 7, why does Pop Up Wok use Cantonese names for some of the dishes? Pop Up Wok uses Cantonese names because they help the owners to start conversations with their customers. (Accept any reasonable answers) NC [ain a {Hew? aw “Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Lof-3 Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘CEP Core 2nd ed) Set1 —Paper I (QAB-A) (© Pearson Education Asia Limited {9A-G (Views and afiudes, 13) 18, sing information from paragraphs $-9, match each person with one of the quotes below. Choose from A-D and write the letter in the box next to each person, One of the quotes will NOT be used. @ marks) Quotes Quotes "A | Wes not surprising that Hong Kong street food | C | ‘Ilike these egg wifes almost as much as the recipes have changed over the years.” ones I grew up with? B | ‘Weren't waffles first created in France?” D | ‘People are really interested in Hong Kong culture’ Ivan Kam c Austenseully | 8 | Sunny Wo A 19 (Retgrence,Lé) | 19.\ wines (line 39) refer to? T the recipdtor egg waffles \ — 0 Faatve language, L4) 20, Avhen Wu says “Egg waffles are so woven into the fabric of local culture’ (line 40), she means that egg waffles . A. first appeared in Hong Kong, B, have been in Hong Kong for a long time. . recently became popular in Hong Kong. A D. spread from Hong Kong to other places. oO 2A (Main theme or ideas, L3) 24 Which of the following is the best alternative title for this article? |A. A British welcome for Hong Kong street food B. Hong Kong’s favourite street food C, How to make Hong Kong-style egg waffles D, The many flavours of Britain’s street food scene ev Oa ov @> Oe Oa ov END OF PART A Answers written in the margins wi “Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘CEP Core Qed ed) Set! —Paper 1 (QAB-A) -3- ‘© Person Eaton Asia Limited dl ‘margins will not be marked, 2% Answers wien inthe SET1 HKDSE PRACTICE PAPER ENGLISH LANGUAGE B2 PAPER 4 PART B2 QUESTION-ANSWER BOOK [D'FFicutrsecrion| [Candiate Number | | Read Tex Sand answer questions 42-59. (37 marks LS (42 Stated information 13) Acconding to paragraph 1, most milfennials A. do not like to think about the future B. prefer to live in a central location, C. get around the city in their own vehicles, D. want to buy a property in the suburbs. 43 (state ntermation, La) . According to paragraph H\why) might people move tothe suburbs From the city? They might want to move to the suburbs because the housing is cheaper there. // They ean get better at ey mig) 3 y can g housing for their money there, (Accept any reasonable answers) fee the need for(a change of scenery >) 245, States information, 3) 45) Write ONE word in each blank using the information in paragraph 2, ‘Most millennials (i) 242) easily to new situations and have an 246 (Figurative language, L4) 46 What does ‘the wall” (line 6) suggest about today’s cost of living? Ieis an obstacle/ high / expensive. 247i i (Stated information, L3) iy They put off significant fe events, such as getting married and buyi 48 (Meaning, L3) ve (a. ‘What isthe meaning of the phrase ‘come in handy’ (line 10)? ae are /become useful 44 (Meaning, La) verb phrase @ Find a phrase in paragraph 1 which can be replaced by “Canty go sdmewhere different, hg ee “7 Accorsing to paragraph 2, what ae TWO common situations that millennial find themselves ina more ') They lve with their parents for much longer than the children of previous generations 49 (Meaning, L3) 49. \ Find 2 word in paragraph 3 that can be replaced by ‘troubles? woes A BC D Ce@00 2 marks) XA ve rato (Li 47 toms can come in any ode. ing property, sain i ae mad “Answers written in the mi Answers written in the margins will not be marked, (CEP Core 2nd ed) Set 1 — Paper | (QAB-B2) sae [Geen iotenextpage > © Peon Edvaton Asia Lime ‘Answers written in the margins will aot be marked, FSET TEN C2} OBO. SST eTaIN LI) Based on the information in paragraph 3, complet the summary by writing ONE word in cach blank. You should make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (GB marks) x Arta oving residents ave tic onm «9 22220T/ 04 / yh, espace snd share commen ving oi ‘a areas. Co-living rent is much(ess (i) ©°Stly / expensive x in regular rent and allows people to join a small living community. However, they must be comfortable living in an environment that is not iy private v7 piv Ava 51 (Figurative language. LS) = R pin the comparison the writer makes inthe phrasgliread their Wits’ (Line 16)? ¢ Young people are compared to birds that have wings and can fly, that is, leave home and live on th own. (Accept any reasonable answers) q 'Q52 (Main theme or ideas, L3) 7 52 In paragraph 3, the writer wants to A. argue why co-living is the best solution, zg B. explain why people should try co-living. z g C. _ give information about co-living. AB D B| Ds slate the benefits of co-iving, OO @ OF B| _, assi(ivrence, 3) _aSsi (Relevatinormation, Lt) QS, tv (Sate formation, 2) 3 = | 53. What FOUR examples does the writer provide to show that co-living isn’t a new idea? Using the information given | = 5 in paragraph 4, complete the following table. marks) | : ‘Types of accommodation ‘Types of tenants 2 z 2 + dormitories @ university students 2 = = a + shared residences i) young, single women a = i + hostels (din, backpackers and budget tourists A a + shared houses (@) company employees a z 2 ‘Q54i, i (Stated information, L2,L3) _Q54il (Views and attitudes, L2) Are the following statements about Mark Hill True (T), False (B) or Not Given (NG)? @ marks) Statements. i) His workplace is located in the city centre. ii) He doesn’t think co-living is a good idea. Coes O@O0- @00%8 iii) He can cope with the tiniest living space. /a55 (Stated information, L3) ‘Which ofthe following is NOT true about Amanda Su? A. She did not get on well with her flatmates. B. She had her own TV in the residence. C. She regretted trying co-living. AB ‘D. She uses swear words from time to time. oo;°o Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘CEP Core (2nd ed.) Set 1 — Paper I (QAB-B2) ‘© Pearson Education Asia Limited | aa a er 156 Viens and amigas U3) *) ‘What is Amanda Su's opinion on co-living? ‘A. She is strongly against it, § ———" B. She considers ita modem concept. C. She has yiked feeling} towards it. D. She thinks it = Something worth trying. 57 (inference, L3) ‘Which ofthe following can be inferred from paragraph 8? Marco Diaz ... ‘A. does not get on well with his flatmates B. lived in a dormitory while a university. CC. moved away from Spain to pursue a job. D. ues his roommates’ help with his studies. {958 (slated information, L2) Ax. How does Ryan Ross make reservations at co-living residences while he travels? He)ises an app. {Q50i-y (Views ane attiudes 3) n ‘only. One quote isnot used and you should select "Not Applicable” AB D @o g Oo A BC D o@e@o;° Which person is most likely to say each quote below? Match each person with one quote, Use each letter ONCE, (5 marks) ‘A. Amanda Su B. Maco Diaz C. Mark Hill D. Ryan Ross E. Not Applicable Quotes Person “Lill never try co-living again because I like things to be neat and tidy, but not E ‘everyone cares about that as much as I do.” ii) ‘Co-living may work for some people, but I'm certainly not one of them.” A ili) “I’m not a big fan of being told what to do. That said, I now realise that I can benefit «lot from sharing a residence with others.” Answers written in the margins will not be markgste iv) “Teould never imagine that co-living would make my life as an expat so much easier.” v) ‘Idon’t mind living with strangers if the arrangement is only temporary.” END OF PART B2 Marler zd “Answers waitten inthe margins will not be marked, Answers writen inthe margins will not be marked (CEP Core 2nd ed) Set 1 —Paper | (QAB-B2) (© Pearson Education Asia Limited ‘Answers writen in the margins will not be marked. seT4 Candidate Number | HKDSE PRACTICE PAPER | ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 3 PART B2 loeReUCTaccTION Question-Answer Book Insituctions from: DE2 DF = Data File Task 8: Advice column (18 marks) Injrmation om R, OF, OFS R= Recording ‘Complete the advice column forthe HKBA newsletter using information from the B2 Data File and your notes. You should ‘ite around 150 words. Advice about buying a bike We often receive letters from people asking for advice about buying a new bike. Here are some of the most common questions, and our advice Where's the best place to buy a bike? M pay list bike shop because they If you are looking to buy “pie: should only buy ene from a s can help you to choose the ri size type of bike for your needs. If you have any problems c with your bike, a specialist bike shop will also provide good after-sales services. What types of bikes are there? 15 There are many different types ofpikes and they are all designed for ae pyrposes. For y example, mountain bikes are dedgned for off-road use, road bikes provide“ast and comfortable mountain bikes a i Se fast and comfortable, transport and folding bikes make travelling mo convenient for commuters, 20 Answers written in the margins will not be marked. [Goon tothe next page >> (CEP Core Qn ed) Set — Paper 3 (QAB-B2) -1- (© Pearson Education Asia Limited Answers written in the margins Ww Hpmamuehshonld | expect o pay fp. god qual bike? auality bike, It's better to pay mare fora. good bike s You shouldn't buy a bike if you can't take it for altest ride first. that you must put together yourself, a oo Drak think ne Peck Rersmally.. LC Talivce [| exceas [_P- fake, Eh CO rarrictlutntints | Aporopriacy _| vod 4B... yd you shoud never buy a bie cers written in the margins will not be marked. Answers written in the margins will not be marked Total Answeryfuritten in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 8 Instructions from: DF2 ‘Task 9: Email (2 marks) Information om’ DF2, OF, OFS: ‘Write an email to bike shop owners using information from the B2 Data File. Write around 100 words. ‘Subject: Help with Cycle Safe Hong Kong campaign not be marked, Dear bike shop owners invite the owners of Hong Kong bike shops to Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘Answers Written in the margins wi Answers written in the margins will not be marked. CEP Core (nd ed) Sot | —Paper 3 (QAB-B2) (© Pearson Education Asi Limited campaign, or you may choose to sag ae “There are. several ways you can help out, One q is to donate money and equipment to the tin dhe dr more of the campaign's events and activities. "IC 10 You can also help by displaying promotional material for the campaign in your shops Answers written in the margins will not be marked, Contact us now if you are interested in helping out, 30 Yours faithfully Toby Lau Hong Kong Bikers Association 35 Answers written in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 9 (CEP Core nd ed) Set 1 — Paper 3 (QAB-B2) -3- Your business can benefit fr prying vith the campaign, For example, helping with the campaign e { q 20 is a great way to promote BA In addition, if the campaign is successful, cycling wi become more popular in Hong Kong, which wil q¥b for your products, [ Task completion | ‘Answers writen in the margins will not be marked. Language Coherence & Organisation Appropriacy Total Answers written in the margins will not be marked, Instructions from: DF2 ‘Task 10: Letter (12 marks) Information rom: R, OF2, DFS, DFT ‘Write a leter to the principal of your schoo! using information from the B2 Data File and your notes. You do not need to write an address. Write around 120 words. Dear Principal Ma £2.1.f Jam n witng to make a request that the school installs bike racks that will hold at least SO more bikes. bse 10 Currently there are only 30 bike racks avalabl lout shoo, owevey according 8 gm survey carried out by the Kowloon College Cycling Club, already around 5O students ride their bikes to school each day This means that students are cs ade their bikes to the schools fence. This is far from ideal as it can cause damage not only to Te slents bikes, but also to the fence, 1s - to: boo (would like to ask if it would be possible to schedule a meeting with you so that we might discuss 25 this issue in person. Please let me know if and when this would be possible, Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘CEP Core 2nd ed) Set | — Paper 3 (QAB-B2) - (© Pearson Education Asia Limited ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Answers written in the margins will not be matked. 30 Thank you for your time, 3 Yours sincerely Toby Lau Class 56. Answers written in the margins will not be marked, Task completion Te Language 3| Coherence & Organisation [& ‘Appropriacy fai Total 71a Answers written in the margins will not be marked. CEP Core 2nd ed) Set 1 —Paper 3 (QAB-B2) END OF TASK 10 End of Part B2 (© Pearson Education Asia Limited

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