X - Link Verb + Adjective - 1648543510

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Looked nice and looked carefully 1 After be, fook, feel, seem, smell, taste, and sound we use adjectives: 3B 33 That egg is/tastes bad. (Bad is an adjective describing the noun egg.) [> 1.2C] F z 23 2 After other verbs, we use adverbs: John behaved badly. [> 7.1] < & (Badly is an adverb: it adds to the meaning of the verb behave.) Compare: zg John looks good. (adjective) John fooks well. (adjective > 6.28}) John plays well. (adverb) Sigs ze ih Se5e LINKING VERB + ADJECTIVE ACTION VERB + ADVERD Bape Tom was hungry. Paul ate hungrily. gvene The children seemed happy. The children played happily. 2 oe ‘My soup has got cold, The man stared coldly at us, 3 An adjective can come after linking verb such as. We use an adverb when the verb meansthat = 2 be (see Unit 104.2). something happens. Ba Some verbs lize look, taste and appear can be either linking verbs or action verbs. 8 ¥ J LINKING VERB + ADJECTIVE, ACTION VERB + ADVERB é 3 3 g 2 ‘Mike looked angry, He looked carefully atthe signature Bader The medicine tasted awful. Emma tasted the drink nervously. £ 2 eRe § =nos The man appeared (to be) drunk. Choose the correct form (ether the adjective or the adverb) and explain your choice. 1.Our University basketball team played (bad / badly) yesterday, because their two best players were il. 2. Anna looks really (unhappy / unhappily). Perhaps she has gota bad mark. 3.Tina's hair fels so (soft / softly). She uses a very ex- pensive hair conditioner, 4. The lecturer doese't speak (loud / loudly), and his students can't hear everything (goad / well). A waiter appeared suddenly. Putin the correct word, 1 Thisteatastes abit strange. 2 | alvays tel 3 The chien wee playing 4 The man became {violent violently) 5 You look 6 There's no point in doing ajobif you don't doit. 7 The soup tastes 8 Hurry up! You're alwaysso 5. Gillian said she hadn't felt so (terrible / terribly) in her life, 6. The rice tastes (bad / badly), Itis overcooked. 7.Granny looked at us (kind / kindly) and smiled. 8 The wedding dress is (beautiful /Beautfuly) sewn. Tlike it! 9, The table was (heavy / heavily). 10, The table was (light /stighly) broken. 1 Gabrlella is (amazing /amazingly) good with animals. 12, Surie was driving 2 (real / really) beautifully restored 1964 Mustang, (strange / strangely) when the sunisshining. (happy / happy} inthe garden, (tappy/ hap) when the manager ofthe restaurant asted him to leave ! Are you allright? (terrible / terribly} (oper property (good /wel) (sow slowly) between the two patterns; 1, Alink Verb + Adjective: Sheila looks angry. (Looks = is, seems) 2. Anaction Verb + Adverb: Sheila looks angrily at Pete. What has he done?

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