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Today, higher paying without the fulfillment in jobs is a buzzword.

In my
opinion, I am strongly in disagreement with this issue because of some reasons
To commence with, the lack of job satisfaction is related to the productivity of
jobs. It is the fact that people work from inclination can motivate people not
only work harder and more effectively but also want dedicate for their
companies. In contrast, employees who are not satisfied from jobs can easily get
bored, so they will choose another work being suitable with them. For instance,
any famous football players deny high income from other clubs, and choose
ones they feel free and enjoy the satisfication in works.
Futhermore, their health in working plays an essential role in my side. It is
clearly to see that the higher income, the more pressure people have to get. Good
salary jobs require them to work for hours without any rest. In addition, time for
themselves, their social relations and their families is limited. As a results, day-
by-day accumulation will be harmful to both their physical and mental health,
and people can not live a happy life in the literal sense.
In conslusion, I absolutely disagree with choosing the high salary jobs without
satisfication. Choosing a satisfying job also benefits society at large.
Some people argue that modern communication technology brings disavantages
on social relationships. From my point of view, I totally agree with this opinion.
To begin with, technology causes the lack of social communication skills.
Contacting with virtual world for hours can lead to technology addiction, so
people will prefer staying at home in front of computers or phones to hanging
out with their friends. As a result, the social communication skill will be
deteriorated significantly, and it is harmful on social relationships.
Another factor to consider is people can find having a truthful friends difficult.
This is because everyone on the internet is disposable. Meeting a 'screen-name'
or 'email address' does not make a person significant enough to continue the
conversation. Moreover, there are numerous criminals who can bring many toxic
and troubled online relationships.
In conclusion, I absolutetly agree that modern technology adversely affecting
social relationships. People should choose face-to-face communication instead
of online

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