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Course : Diploma in Business Management

Module Code : Unit_05

Module : Marketing Essentials

2 Hours

1. Identify and explain the process of consumer buying behavior briefly

Consumer buying behavior is a process which includes recognition of need, information
search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post purchase evaluation. In the 1st
step, need is been recognized, what the customer needs and it is stimulated by internal and
external factors. In the 2nd step consumer does an information search on what goods need to
be bought in order to satisfy the need. In the 3rd step evaluation test would be done by
collecting various sources and finding alternatives foe the item required and as the 4th step
purchase would be done by considering the information search and alternatives evaluated and
as the final step post purchase evaluation would be done to check whether the customer is
satisfied or not.

2. Name few personal factors affecting consumer buying behavior. Provide examples.
Age and life cycle- age is mostly concerned when buying dresses
Occupation- dresses are bought according to the job they are working
Economic situation- the financial ability at the time of purchase
Personality – dresses are bought according to the personality to boost confidence in an

3. Identify the types of buying decision behavior. Provide one example for each type.
a. Complex buying behavior- buying a luxurious product
b. Dissonance buying behavior- when there is low availability of different brands
c. Variety seeking buying behavior- having different brands to select
d. Habitual buying behavior- buying a daily using product

4. Identify and briefly explain the consumer buying roles.

Initiator- a person who 1st suggests to buy a particular product
Influencer- a person who influence and view the product
Decider- the person who makes the actual purchase
User- the person who does the final consumption

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5. What are the external factors that affect the consumer buying process? Provide examples.
Culture- basics values and ethics the family observes
subculture- the religion and the caste they belong to
Social class- income and occupation Family- what the family members influence
Reference group- the people with whom a person associates himself
Roles and status- by what and whom the person is influenced of

6. Differentiate product and production concepts with the help of examples.

A product is something that can be sold in a market which has attention by the customers and
the process of producing the products is known as production. As far a product is concerned
it can be dived in to 5 types as core product- the fundamental product offered to the consumer
, generic product- the basic version of the product, expected product- the minimum attributes
the customer expects in the product, augmented product- inclusion of value added services,
potential product- future products provided by the company

7. Differentiate marketing and societal marketing concepts with the help of examples.
Marketing basically refers to ass promoting products that has an attention in the market as far
as marketing is concerned, it includes a marketing mix in which product, price, promotion and place
is concerned. But in social marketing, the product which has been already marketed is socialized in a
group of people who pay a great attention on the particular product

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