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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS settlement will take place can be measured

PAS 1 prescribes the basis for the reliably.

presentation of general-purpose financial
statements to improve comparability both Current and Noncurrent Classification:
with the entity's financial statements of Assets and liabilities should be separately
previous periods (intra-comparability) classified on the face of the balance sheet
and with the financial statements of other except in circumstances when a liquidity-
entities (inter-comparability). based (unclassified) presentation provides
more reliable and relevant information.
Complete set of financial statements
1. Statement of financial position Minimum line items in the statement of
2. Statement of profit or loss and other financial position
comprehensive income a. Property, plant and equipment;
3. Statement of changes in equity b. Investment property;
4. Statement of cash flows c. Intangible assets;
5. Notes(5a) comparative information in d. Financial assets (excluding amounts
respect of the preceding period; and shown under (e), (h) and (i))
6. Additional statement of financial e. Investments accounted for using the
position (required only when certain equity method
instances occur) f. Biological assets;g. Inventories;
h. Trade and other receivables;i. Cash and
Statement of Financial Position (Balance cash equivalents;
Sheet) – a formal statement showing the j. Assets (or disposal groups) classified as
resources (assets), obligations (liabilities), held for sale in accordance
and equity at a given point in time. k. Trade and other payables;
Elements of the Statement of Financial l. Provisions;
Position (Balance Sheet) m. Financial liabilities (excluding amounts
• Assets – resources by the entity as shown under (k) and (l));
controlled a result of past events n. Liabilities and assets for current tax, as
from which future economic defined in PAS 12 Income Taxes;
benefits are expected to flow to o. Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax
the entity. assets, as defined in PAS 12
• Liabilities – present obligations of p. Liabilities included in disposal groups
an entity arising from past events, classified as held for sale in accordance
the settlement of which are with PFRS 5;
expected to result in an outflow q. Non-controlling interests, presented
from the entity of resources within equity; and
embodying economic benefits. r. Issued capital and reserves attributable
• Equity – the owner’s residual to owners of the parent
interest in the assets of an entity
that remains after deducting its ASSETS
liabilities. CURRENT ASSETS
An entity shall classify an asset as current
Recognition of Assets and Liabilities: when:
Assets – are recognized in the balance 1. it expects to realize the asset or intends
sheet when it is probable that future to sell or consume it, in its normal
economic benefits will flow to the entity operating cycle;
and the asset has a cost or value that can 2. it holds the asset primarily for the
be measured reliably. purpose of trading;
3. it expects to realize the asset within
Liabilities – are recognized in the balance twelve months after the reporting
sheet when it is probable that an outflow period; or
of resources embodying economic benefits 4. the asset is cash or a cash equivalent
will result from the settlement of a present unless the asset is restricted from being
obligation and the amount at which the exchanged or used to settle a liability
for at least twelve months after the reports known as financial
reporting period. statements.
All other assets should be classified as c. Has no precise coverage but is used
non-current asset. generally to refer to services to
clients on matters of accounting,
Presentation of Current Assets: finance, business policies,
Current assets are usually listed in order organization procedures, product
of liquidity. The line items in the current costs, distribution and many other
assets section are: phases of business conduct and
1. Cash and cash equivalents operations.
2. Financial assets such as trading d. Is the preparation of annual income
securities, AFS securities and other tax returns and determination of
short term marketable securities tax consequences of certain
3. Trade and other receivables proposed business venture.
4. Inventories
5. Prepaid expenses 3. Which is incorrect concerning financial
Noncurrent Assets – a residual definition, a. The objective of general purpose
meaning these are the assets that were financial statements is to provide
not classified as current asset. The information about the financial
noncurrent assets include: PPE, long-term position, performance and cash
investments, intangible assets and other flows of an enterprise that is useful
noncurrent assets. investments, intangible to a wide range of users in making
assets and other noncurrent assets. economic decisions.
b. b. Financial statements also show
the results of management’s
Quizzer 1.1 stewardship of the resources
1. Accounting is
entrusted to it.
I. A service activity and its function is to c. The management of an enterprise has
provide quantitative information, the primary responsibility for the
primarily financial in nature, about preparation and presentation of financial
economic entities, that is intended to statements.
be useful in making economic d. Financial statements are prepared and
decision. presented at least annually and are directed
II. The art of recording, classifying, and toward the specific needs of a wide range of
summarizing in a significant manner users.
and in terms of money, transactions
and events which are in part at least
4. Financial statements portray the
of a financial character and
financial effects of transactions and
interpreting the results thereof.
other events by grouping them into
III. The process of identifying, measuring
broad classes according to their
and communicating economic
economic characteristics. These broad
information to permit informed
classes are termed as the
judgment and decision by users of
a. Elements of financial statements
the information.
b. Features of accounting
a. I, II and III b. I only c. II
c. Accounting constraints
only d. III only
d. Concepts of capital and capital m

2. Financial accounting
5. It is the process of incorporating in the
a. Is the examination of financial
balance sheet or income statement an
statements by an independent CPA
item that meets the definition of an
for the purpose of expressing an
element of financial statements.
opinion as to the fairness of the
a. Recognition
financial statements.
b. Allocation
b. Focuses on the preparation and
c. Realization
presentation of general purpose
d. Summarization
10. Metlog Inc. reported the following
6. It is the process of determining the items in its December 31, 2022
monetary amounts at which the adjusted trial balance:
elements are to be recognized and Accounts payable, net of P121,000 debit
carried in the balance sheet and balance, P1,089,000; customer’s account
income statement. with credit balance, P120,000; advances to
a. Measurement employees, P45,000; unearned commission
b. Recognition income P288,000; provision for warranties,
c. Reporting P258,000; bonds payable, P5,000,000;
d. Interpreting discount on bonds payable, P250,000; and
deferred gain P100,000. What total amount
7. Which is not a current asset? of liabilities should be reported by Metlog
a. office supplies inventory in its statement of financial position?
b. petty cash (undeposited) a. 6,626,000
c. cash short-term investment b. 6,726,000
d. cash surrender value of life c. 7,126,000
insurance d. 7,226,000

8. Theoretically, at the date of a service 11. The accounts and balances shown
which is not immediately consumed, below were gathered from Hakdog’s
the cost of such service is a (an): trial balance on December 31, 2022.
a. Accrued expense All adjusting entries have been made.
b. deferred revenue
c. expense Cash and cash equivalents, P300,000; loans
d. asset and receivables, P700,000; prepaid
expenses P100,000; stock in trade
9. Cloud Company, a parent company has P800,000; investment in associate
reported the following current P1,000,000; investment property P900,000;
accounts in its financial records as of long term fund investment P500,000; PPE -
December 31, 2022: net P8,000,000; Patents and trademarks –
Cash and cash equivalents P 3,000,000 net P600,000; Goodwill P800,000; accounts
Loans and receivables 20,000,000 payable P150,000; notes payable P300,000;
Inventory 2,000,000 unearned revenues P250,000; bonds
payable P1,000,000; dividends payable
Prepaid expenses 500,000
P140,000; premium on bonds payable
Total P 25,500,000
P100,000; taxes payable 250,000; advances
from shareholders P500,000.
Included in the loans and receivables is a
P5,000,000 loan to Panda Company, a
Question 1: How much should be the
subsidiary. The loan is repayable on
amount of current assets on Hakdog’s
demand but the demand feature is
December 31, 2022 balance sheet?
primarily a form of a protection or a tax
a. 1,400,000
driven feature of the loan and it is the
b. 1,700,000
intention of both parties that the loan will
c. 1,900,000
remain outstanding for the foreseeable
future. What is the correct amount of d. 2,200,000
current assets that Cloud Company should
report in its December 31, 2023 financial Question 2: How much should be the
position? amount of current liabilities to be reported
a. P20,500,000 in the December 31, 2022 balance sheet of
b. 23,500,000 Hakdog?
c. 25,000,000 a. 840,000
d. 25,500,000 b. 1,090,000
c. 1,450,000
d. 1,590,000
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS compensating balance shall be part
of cash. If the compensating
Composition of Cash – includes cash on balance is legally restricted the
hand as well as current and other following rules shall be followed:
accounts maintained with banks such as a. The related loan is short-
the following: term: The compensating
a. Undeposited currency and coins balance shall be part of
b. Petty cash current assets but separately
c. Demand deposits from cash.
d. Undeposited negotiable checks b. The related loan is long-
e. Foreign currencies term: The compensating
f. Bank drafts balance is part of non-
g. Money orders current assets as an
h. Other short-term funds investment.
Valuation of Cash and Cash Equivalents ➢ An informal agreement to maintain
a. Fa – Face Amount a minimum amount of deposit will
b. Cu – Current Exchange Rate not be legally restricted and
c. E – Estimated Realizable Value therefore included in cash.

Financial Statement Presentation TIME DEPOSITS – Bank savings account

Shown as the first item among the current that earns interest but not subject to
assets as one line item but the detail of immediate withdrawal or check issuance.
which should be disclosed in the notes to A notice must be submitted by the
FS. depositor for the withdrawal of funds and
interest earned shall be forfeited.
Special Items
➢ Time deposits are excluded from
CERTIFIED CHECKS – Checks that have
cash because of their restriction on
been accepted by the bank and where the
availability as funds and are
drawer’s account has been debited but
classified as restricted and shall
the money has yet to be withdrawn by the
follow these specific classifications:
payee. The funds are now held by the
a. Cash equivalents if the
bank on behalf of the payee and the check
is no longer outstanding. original term is 3 months or
b. Short term investments if
BANK OVERDRAFT – presented as an
the original term is more
accounting liability. However, a bank
overdraft that is repayable on demand that than 3 months to1 year.
forms part of an entity’s cash management c. Long-term investments if the
should be included as a component of cash original term is more than 1
and cash equivalent. year.


Part of or deposits that a bank can use to Cash equivalents are short-term highly
offset an existing loan. However, liquid investments that are readily
compensating balances can also describe convertible into cash and so near their
a minimum amount of the deposit that a maturity that they present insignificant
depositor agrees to maintain to guarantee risk of changes in value because of
future credit availability. changes in interest rates.

➢ In the case of deposits that a bank The three important characteristics for
can use to offset a loan, the cash equivalents as mentioned in PAS 7
assumption is that this amount is are short-term, highly liquid and near
legally restricted to withdrawal and maturity. In other words, short-term debt
therefore excluded from cash, instruments with low risk (also low yield)
however in cases that it still and acquired 3 months or less from
remains to be unrestricted, the
maturity date shall be considered as cash 4. If material, deposits in foreign bank
equivalents. which are subject to foreign exchange
restriction shall be classified
Examples include Treasury Bills, Bonds a. Separately as current asset with
and Notes, Time Deposits, Certificate of appropriate disclosure
deposits and Bankers Acceptances and b. Separately as non-current asset
Commercial Papers. with appropriate disclosure
c. Separately as current asset without
appropriate disclosure
Quizzer 1.2 (Cash Equivalents) d. Separately as non-current asset
without appropriate disclosure
1. An item that should be excluded from cash
and cash equivalents on the December 31,
5. Which of the following statements in
2005 balance sheet of Haydee
relation to the cash short or over
Company is
account is true?
a. A customer’s check denominated in
a. It would be impossible to have cash
foreign currency.
shortage or overage if employees
b. A check issued by Haydee Company on
were paid in cash rather than by
December 30, 2005, but dated January
10, 2006.
b. The entry to account for daily cash
c. A P1,000,000 time deposit which
sales for which a small amount of
matures in 4-months
cash shortage existed would
d. A P100,000 balance in the company’s
include a debit to cash short or
current account maintained as a payroll
over account
c. If the cash short or over account
has a debit balance at the end of
2. Which of the following is not a basic the period it must be debited to an
characteristic of a system of cash control? expense account
a. Use of a voucher system d. A credit balance in a cash shorty or
b. Combined responsibility for handling over account should be considered
and recording cash a liability because the short
c. Daily deposit of all cash received changed customer will demand
d. Internal audits at irregular intervals return of this amount.

3. Which is false concerning 6. What happens when a petty cash is in

measurement of cash and cash use?
equivalents? a. Expenses paid with petty cash are
a. Cash is measured at face value recorded when the fund is
b. Cash in foreign currency is replenished
measured at the current exchange b. Most small amounts are paid from
rate cash receipts before they are
c. If a bank or financial institution deposited
holding the funds of the company is c. Petty cash is debited when the fund
in bankruptcy or financial difficulty, is replenished
cash should be written down to d. Petty cash fund is credited when
estimated realizable value. the fund is replenished.
d. Cash equivalents should be
measured at maturity value, 7. The petty cash fund account under the
meaning face value plus interest imprest fund system is debited
a. Only when the fund is created
b. When the fund is created and every
time the fund is replenished
c. When the fund is created and when
the size of the fund is increased
d. When the fund is created and when
the fund is decreased
The cash on hand includes a P50,000
8. Unreleased checks (checks drawn check payable to Boggart Company,
before the end of reporting period but dated January 15, 2022. What should
held for later delivery to creditors) be reported as cash and cash
a. Shall be treated as outstanding equivalents on December 31, 2021?
checks a. 1,575,000
b. Shall be restored to the cash b. 2,075,000
balance c. 1,625,000
c. Shall be treated as outstanding d. 2,175,000
checks if the date is shortly after
the end of the reporting period 12. Eme Company had the following
d. Shall be treated as outstanding account balances on December 31,
checks if they are ultimately 2021:
encashed. Cash in bank P4,500,000
Cash on hand P250,000
9. Which of the following is not Cash restricted for addition to plant
considered a cash equivalent? expected to be disbursed in 2022
a. A three-year treasury note 3,200,000
maturing on May 30 of the current
year purchased by the entity on Cash in bank includes P1,200,000 of
April 15 of the current year. compensating balance against short-
b. A three-year treasury note term borrowing arrangement. The
maturing on May 30 of the current compensating balance is not legally
year purchased by the entity on restricted as to withdrawal by Eme
January 15 of the current year. Company. In the December 31, 2021
c. A 90-day T-bill statement of financial position, what
d. All of these total cash should be reported under
current assets?
10. At the end of the current year, an a. 3,550,000
entity had various checks and papers b. 4,500,000
in its safe. Which item should not be c. 4,750,000
included in cash in the current year- d. 7,950,000
end statement of financial position? a. e.
US $20,000 cash 13. Aki Company shows the following
b. Past due promissory note issued in favor account balances in their financial
of the entity by the president records as of December 31, 2022:
c. Another entity’s P150,000 check payable
to the entity dated December 15 of the Checking account at Chinabank
current year (P20,000); Checking account at
d. The entity’s undelivered check payable Landbank P500,000; Payroll account
to a supplier dated December 31 of the BPI P100,000; Foreign bank account-
current year restricted P750,000; Postage stamps,
P22,000; employees postdated checks
11. Boggart Company had the following P30,000; IOU from president’s brother
account balances on December 31, P75,000; traveler’s check P50,000; no
2021: sufficient fund check P18,000; petty
Cash in bank – current account cash fund (P16,000 in currency and
1,250,000 expense receipts for P84,000)
Cash in bank – payroll account 250,000 P100,000 and cashier’s check P36,000.
Cash on hand 125,000
Cash in bank – restricted account for What is the correct cash balance to be
building construction expected to be reported in the balance sheet of Aki
disbursed in 2022 750,000 Company on December 31, 2022?
Time deposit, purchased December 15, a. P582,000
2021 and due March 15, 2022 500,000 b. P686,000
c. P702,000
d. P704,000
The petty cash fund includes
14. The cash account in the current asset unreplenished December 2021 petty
section of Mavis Company showed a cash expense vouchers for P3,750 and
balance of P555,000. It was found to an employee check for P1,250 dated
include the following items: January 31, 2022.

Petty cash fund (P1,000 is in the form of A check for P25,000 was drawn against
paid vouchers) P5,000; checking account PNB current account dated and
balance per bank statement (P25,000 recorded December 29, 2021 but
check is still outstanding) P255,000; mailed to payee on January 15, 2022.
undeposited receipts (including a post-
dated check for P5,000) P120,000; The Money market placement was
currencies and coins awaiting deposit acquired on Dec. 27, 2021 and will
P55,000; bond sinking fund cash mature on February 28, 2022.
P100,000; check drawn by manager,
returned by bank marked NSF P20,000. The Metrobank time deposit is set
What is the correct cash balance for Mavis aside for land acquisition in early 2022.
Company? What amount should be reported as
a. P404,000 cash and cash equivalents on
b. P429,000 December 31, 2021?
c. P430,000 a. 1,282,500
d. P529,000 b. 1,287,500
c. 1,032,500
15. Account of the petty cash fund of d. 1,220,000
Mema Company showed its
composition as follows: Currency and 17. Snow Company had the following
coin 16,500 transactions all through our the year
Paid vouchers 2022 which is its first year of
Transportation 3,000 operations:
Gasoline 2,000
Office supplies 2,500 Sales (90% collected in first 1,500,000
Postage stamps 1,500 year
Due from employees 6,000 Bad debt written off 60,000
Customer’s check returned by bank and Disbursements for cost and 1,200,000
marked NSF 5,000 expenses
Check drawn by entity to the order of Disbursements for income 90,000
the petty cash custodial 13,500
What is the correct amount of petty
Purchases of fixed assets 400,000
cash fund for statement presentation
Depreciation of fixed`assets 80,000
a. 50,000
Proceeds from issuance of 500,000
b. 35,000
ordinary shares
c. 30,000 Proceeds from short-term 100,000
d. 45,000 borrowings
Payments on short term 50,000
16. The December 31, 2021 trial balance borrowings
of Ferson Company includes the
following accounts: What is the cash balance at December 31,2022
Petty cash fund 12,500 a. 150,000
Current account – PNB 1,000,000 b. 170,000
Current account – Allied (overdraft) c. 210,000
(62,500) d. 280,000
Money market placement – BPI
Time deposit – Metrobank 500,000
18. Fanty Company’s checkbook balance 1. A form of business that buys raw
on December 31, 2021 was materials and transforms them into
P2,000,000. In addition, Fanty held the finished products.
following items in its sage on that c. Manufacturing
date: d. Outsourcing
b. Merchandising
• Check payable to Fanty, dated
a. Service-oriented business
January 2, 2021 in payment of a sale
made in December 2020, not included 2. The business borrowed ₱1M from
in December 31 book balance 800,000. the bank. At maturity date, the
• Check payable to Fanty, deposited business pays the bank ₱1.4M to
January 15, and included in December settle the loan. The ₱.4M difference
31 book balance, but returned by bank between the settlement amount and
on December 30 stamped NSF. The the principal (i.e., 1.4M – 1M = .4M
check was redeposited on January 2, difference) is recorded as
2022 and cleared a week later. c. Interest expense.
200,000. d. Utilities expense.
• Check drawn on Fanty’s account,
a. Prepaid rent.
b. Notes payable.
payable to vendor, dated on December
31, 2021, but not yet mailed until
3. Under this concept, a business is
January 10, 2022. 120,000. The not expected to end its operations in
amount was not included in the the near term.
checkbook balance. a. Separate entity concept
What is the amount to be reported as d. Materiality
cash in December 31, 2021? b. Going concern
a. 1,920,000 c. Stable monetary unit
b. 2,120,000
c. 2,600,000
4. All of the following describe
accounting, except
d. 2,720,000
a. A service activity
c. A universal language of business
19. The following information is shown in b. An information system
the accounting records of Brep d. An exact science rather than an art.
5. Revenues earned from rendering
services are recorded in this account.
a. Sales
d. Gains
c. Interest income
b. Service fees

6. In accounting, it means the

What is the cash balance on December allocation of the cost of an asset over
31, 2023 of Brep Company? the periods in which the asset is used.
a. 324,000 b. Depreciation
b. 447,000 d. Cost spreading
c. 758,000
c. Bad debts
a. Allocationing
d. 915,000
7. Cash is increased through
d. a and c
b. a credit.
c. ask Mama to make padala.
a. a debit.
8. Which of the following statements is 14. Which of the following is incorrect
correct? regarding profit?
b. The internal users of accounting b. Profit is the excess of total income
information include management, over total expenses.
owners and creditors. d. Profit is earned if total income is
c. The external users of accounting less than total expenses.
information include potential and a. Profit is measured only indirectly as
existing investors and lenders and an arithmetical difference.
other creditors. c. Profit increases equity.
a. Financial accounting is the branch
of accounting that deals with the 15. Ben deposited P50,000 in a bank
specific needs of an entity’s account in the name of the business.
management. Which of the following is true in
d. Government accounting is the regards to the fundamental accounting
branch of accounting that deals with equation?
the analysis of the costs of products b. Liabilities increase by P50,000
and services. a. Assets increase by P50,000
d. Owner’s equity decreases by
9. Recording assets at their acquisition P50,000
cost (entry value), rather than at their c. Assets decrease by P50,000
net selling price (exit value), is in line
with the concept of 16. The following are decisions made
a. Single entity concept. by external users except
d. Matching principle. a. whether to hold or sell investments
c. Going concern concept. in stocks.
b. Historical cost concept. d. whether to obtain additional capital
from outside creditors or to generate it
10. He paid monthly rent of the office, internally.
P9,500 b. whether or not to extend a loan to
b. Debit rent expense, credit cash the business.
a. Debit cash, Credit J. Ilagan capital c. whether to sell goods on credit to
d. Debit cash, credit rent expense the business.
c. Debit J. Ilagan capital, credit cash
17. The business renders services to
11. The term ‘economic resource’ clients.
connotes a. Sales
a. equity c. Interest income
b. income b. Service fees
c. asset d. Gain
d. liability
18. In accounting, the term “recording”
12. The minimum balance of an is also called
account is zero. In accounting, a d. videoing.
negative balance in an account is b. communicating.
referred to as c. debiting.
c. psychotic balance. a. journalizing.
a. abnormal balance.
b. crazy balance. 19. This includes money or its
d. LOL balance. equivalent that is readily available for
unrestricted use.
13. Costs that are treated as assets c. Cash
until the product is sold are called* d. Cash payable
c. Conversion costs b. Cash expense
b. Period costs a. Money expense
d. None of these
a. Product costs
20. Which of the following statements 25. It is a present obligation that has
regarding accounting is incorrect? resulted from past events and has the
b. Although bookkeeping and potential to cause a transfer of an
accounting are interrelated, they are economic resource in its settlement.
not the same. A. equity
c. The purpose of accounting is to B. asset
provide information that is useful in C. liability
making economic decisions. D. income
d. A transaction or event is recorded in
the accounting records only if it has an 26. Revenues, expenses, and
effect on the assets, liabilities, equity, withdrawals would not appear on a(n):
income or expenses of the business. e. Post-closing trial balance
a. All business transactions and events g. Unadjusted trial balance
are recorded in the accounting books. f. Adjusted trial balance
h. Worksheet
21. Transactions and other events are
recorded in the periods in which they 27. Which of the following is correct
occur, not when they affect cash. concerning the qualitative
d. Consistency characteristics?
c. Reporting period c. Information that is not capable of
a. Going concern affecting the decisions of users is
b. Accrual basis considered irrelevant.
a. Free from error means the
22. A customer bought goods from information contained in the financial
your business, on credit. The customer statements is perfectly accurate in all
orally promised to pay the sale price respects.
next week. Which of the following d. The enhancing qualitative
accounts is increased and therefore characteristics can convert non-useful
debited? information to useful information.
c. Notes receivable b. Neutrality means information is
d. Sales selected or presented with bias to
b. Accounts receivable increase the probability that the
a. Cash information will be received favorably
by the users.
23. Which of the following is not one of
the necessary processes performed in 28. You own a business. Your
accounting in order to provide business is engaged in buying goods
information that is useful to interested at a wholesale price and reselling
users? them at retail prices on Facebook.
c. Recording Your business is a
a. Identifying a. service business.
b. Summarizing c. merchandising business.
d. Counting d. monkey business
b. manufacturing business.

24. Which of the following is the 29. Which of the following is most
correct flow of manufacturing cost? likely considered an adjusting entry?
a. Raw materials, work in process, a. The entry to record the payment of
finished goods, cost goods sold interest payable
d. Cost of goods sold, raw materials, d. The entry to record bad debts
work in process, finished goods expense for the period
b. Raw materials, finished goods, cost c. The entry to record the purchase of
of goods sold, work in process equipment
c. Work in process, finished goods, b. The entry to record the collection of
raw materials, cost of goods sold accounts receivable
30. Under this concept, some costs 37. Which of the following is most
are initially recognized as assets and likely not considered an adjusting
recognized only as expenses when the entry?
related revenue is recognized. b. The recognition of depreciation
d. Matching principle expense for the period
b. Historical cost concept a. The accrual of an electricity bill for
c. Going concern electricity used but not yet paid
a. Separate entity concept d. The entry to record the collection of
interest receivable
31. Which of the following credit terms c. The recognition of the used and
allow for a cash discount? unused portions of a prepaid rent
d. 1/10, n/30
a. n/30 38. Your business obtained a ₱1M
c. n/60 loan from a financing company. The
b. n/eom financing company made you sign a
contract promising to repay the loan
32. When two debits get together, the after a year. Which of the following
result is accounts is increased and therefore
c. multiplication. credited?
b. deduction. b. Accounts receivable
d. love and happiness. c. Notes payable
a. addition. d. Notes receivable
a. Accounts payable
33. A controlling account can be found
in the 39. The most common form of
d. Income statement business organization is
c. Accounts receivable ledger c. partnership.
a. General ledger a. corporation.
b. Source documents d. cell phone stand
b. sole proprietorship.
34. Decreases the proprietorship
a. Additional investment 40. Which of the following statements
c. Rent expense is incorrect?
d. Initial investment d. Accounting education is the branch
b. Service income of accounting that deals with the
teaching of accounting and related
subjects in order to produce
35. Which of the following credit terms competent and responsible business
allow for a cash discount? professionals.
b. n/eom c. Tax accounting refers to the branch
d. 1/10, n/30 of accounting that deals with tax
c. n/60 computations, filing of tax returns, and
a. n/30 tax planning.
b. Internal users of financial
36. The measure of how quickly an information refer to the entity’s
item can be converted into cash is management personnel.
referred to as. a. Erroneous financial statements can
c. Liquidity lead to bad financial decisions.
d. Profitability
b. Solvency 41. This qualitative characteristic
a. Leverage requires at least two items.
a. Comparability
d. Understandability
c. Verifiability
b. Timeliness
42. Which of the following appears in 48. You opened up a business and
the balance sheet debit column of a invested ₱5M cash as the business’
worksheet? initial capital. Which of the following
a. Service revenue accounts is increased and therefore
b. Income summary debited?
c. Owner withdrawals b. Owner’s equity
d. Accounts payable a. Cash
d. Accounts receivable
43. This represents the value of c. Accounts payable
inventories that have been sold during
the accounting period. 49. Assets should be recognized
i. Interest Expense initially at original acquisition costs.
iii. Rent expense c. Time-period assumption
ii. Travel expense b. Cost principle
iv. Cost of sales a. Objectivity
d. Materiality
44. Your business sells goods to a
credit customer. Which of the following 50. These users need accounting
accounts is increased? information in evaluating the stability of
d. All of these the business in so far as their job
b. Cost of sales security, future remuneration, and
a. Accounts receivable career growth and opportunities are
c. Sales concerned.
c. Auditors
45. The term ‘present obligation’ a. Employees
connotes b. Creditors
A. liability d. Regulatory authorities
B. income
C. equity 51. A business incurs total expenses
D. asset of ₱630,000 and reports loss of
₱270,000. How much is the total
46. These users need accounting income?
information in order to regulate d. 360,000
businesses that are within the scope of c. 380,000
their legal authority. a. 900,000
b. Creditors b. 320,000
c. Auditors
a. Employees 52. This accounting process is the
d. Government regulatory bodies or recognition or nonrecognition of
agencies activities as accountable events.
f. Measuring
47. Entity A had total assets, liabilities, h. Reporting
and equity of ₱150M, ₱90M and g. Communicating
₱60M, respectively, at the beginning of e. Identifying
the period. During the period, Entity
A’s total liabilities decreased to ₱40M, 53. Accrued revenues
while its profit was ₱25M. There were d. Increase assets
no other transactions or events that a. Decrease assets
affected equity during the period. How c. Decrease liabilities
much is Entity A’s ending total assets? b. Increase liability
d. ₱125M
a. ₱75M
b. ₱115M
c. ₱95M
54. The accounting standards that are December 31, PP18,500; Raw
currently used in the Philippines are materials used P25, 300; Period Costs
referred to as the P50,500. Direct labor incurred in
d. Juan’s GAAP. December amount to 150 percent of
b. Philippine GAAP. manufacturing overhead in December.
c. Filipino Accounting Standards What is the amount of direct labor
(FAS). incurred by ABC Company in
a. Philippine Financial Reporting December?
Standards (PFRS). a. P75,200
c. P63,900
55. Which of the following relates to d. P49,250
the concept of consistency? b. P39,700
c. Measuring assets at their acquisition
cost. 61. A journal designed for entering
d. Using the same accounting only sales on account is called the
treatment for similar items from period e. Cash receipts journal
to period. h. General journal
a. Treating the business as a separate g. Sales journal
entity from its owner. f. Cash payments journal
b. Recording sales revenue when a
sale occurs rather than when the sale 62. Sales revenue minus sales returns
price is collected. and allowances and sales discounts
56. These accounts are closed at the a. Gross margin
end of the accounting period. c. Cost of goods sold
b. Mixed accounts b. Income from operations
a. Real accounts d. Net sales
c. Nominal accounts
d. Door accounts 63. Real accounts are presented in
what formal report?
57. The “Allowance for bad debts” b. Balance sheet
account is a contra account of d. Worksheet
c. Accounts receivable. a. Income statement
d. Equipment c. Unadjusted trial balance
b. Building.
a. Cash. 64. The usefulness of information is
58. It is an economic resource assessed in terms of its
controlled by the entity that has c. timeliness.
resulted from past events and has a b. verifiability.
potential to produce economic d. size.
benefits. a. qualitative characteristics.
A. income
B. equity 65. Prepaid insurance is a(n)
C. liability d. Expense
D. asset b. Liability
a. Asset
59. The term liability refers to c. Revenue
a. The equity of an owner only
c. The equity of an owner and/or 66. Which of the following is one of the
creditors fundamental qualitative
d. The equity of a debtor. characteristics?
b. The equity of the creditors only a. Comparability
d. Verifiability
60. ABC Company reports the b. Relevance
following cost information for c. Timeliness
December:Cost of goods
manufactured P135,800; Finished 67. What is the normal balance of the
goods inventory, December 1 sales returns account?
P30,200; Finished goods inventory, a. debit
December 31 P35,300; Work-in- d. none of these
process inventory December 1 b. credit
P22,500; Work-in-process inventory c. zero
75. The document authorizing the
68. This account is used to record the issuance of materials from the
temporary withdrawals of the owner storeroom is the:
during the period. d. Purchase order
a. Owner’s drawing b. Purchase requisition
c. Owner’s equity a. Materials requisition
d. Interest expense c. Receiving report
b. Owner’s capital
76. Which of the following is not a
69. Which of the following is not an special journal?
asset? a. Sales journal
d. Salaries b. Cash receipts journal
a. Cash c. Purchases journal
b. Furniture d. Subsidiary ledger
c. Equipment
77. The business purchases inventory
70. What is the law regulating the on account (on credit).
practice of accountancy in the a. Cash
Philippines? c. Accounts payable
d. R.A. 9892 d. Prepaid supplies
c. R.A. 9928 b. Accounts receivable
b. R.A. 9118
a. R.A. 9298 78. Entity A had total assets of ₱120M
and total liabilities of ₱80M at the
71. Which of the following would result beginning of the period. If at the end of
to total expenses of ₱480,000? the period, total assets increased by
a. Total income of ₱360,000 and profit ₱30M, while total liabilities remained
₱120,000 the same, Entity A’s total equity at the
b. Total income of ₱580,000 and loss end of the period would be
of ₱100,000 d. ₱80M
d. Total income of ₱630,000 and loss c. ₱60M
of ₱150,000 a. ₱70M
c. Total income of ₱630,000 and profit b. ₱90M
of ₱150,000
79. The business pays its employees
72. Revenues earned from sales of compensation for the services they
goods are recorded in this account. have rendered during the period.
a. Sales c. Freight-out
b. Service fees a. Rent expense
c. Interest income d. Salaries expense
b. Cost of sales or Cost of goods sold
73. In conjunction with the transaction
in #9 above, which of the following 80. At the beginning of the period, a
accounts is also increased and business has a cash balance of
therefore credited? ₱20,000. During the period, total cash
d. Accounts receivable collections and total cash payments
a. Cash amounted to ₱100,000 and ₱70,000,
b. Owner’s equity respectively. How much is the ending
c. Accounts payable balance of cash?
a. 10,000
74. This process refers to the reporting d. 70,000
of the information processed in the c. 50,000
accounting system to interested users. b. 30,000
c. debiting.
b. communicating.
a. journalizing.
d. videoing.
81. Accounting is described in various
ways. Which of the following is not one 88. Entity A’s accounts receivable has
of those descriptions? a balance of ₱10,000. If the related
c. Accounting is the “language of allowance for bad debts account has a
business” because it is fundamental to balance of ₱4,000, the carrying
the communication of financial amount of accounts receivable in
information. Entity A’s financial statements is
b. Accounting is a social science and a d. 0.
practical art. b. ₱6,000.
a. Accounting is a process and a a. ₱14,000.
service activity. c. ₱4,000.
d. Accounting is the art of
professionally stealing money and 89. The business sells goods to a
other evil purposes. customer who orally promises to pay
for the purchase price after 30 days.
82. The business sells goods to a b. Accounts payable
customer who orally promises to pay c. Cash
for the purchase price after 30 days. a. Accounts receivable
c. Accounts receivable d. Cost of sales
b. Inventory
a. Building 90. A business purchased equipment
d. Owner’s capital for ₱10,000 but deliberately reported it
as ₱100,000. Which of the following
83. When the seller is liable for principles is most likely not violated?
shipping costs, the payment is c. Historical cost
recorded with a debit to: a. Faithful representation
a. Delivery expense b. Free from error
c. Inventory d. Materiality
d. cash
b. Freight-in 91. In accounting, recording a
transaction in a debit-credit form is
84. A decrease in the economic called
benefits of a resource would be d. journalizing.
treated as c. identifying and analyzing.
A. assets b. posting.
B. liability a. journalinging.
C. expense
D. income 92. This branch of accounting focuses
on catering to the information needs of
85. With special journal, summary external users
postings of column totals are made to c. Auditing
appropriate accounts d. External accounting
a. Monthly b. Financial accounting
d. On a periodic basis a. Management accounting
b. Daily
c. Yearly 93. The claim of the owner(s) on the
total assets of an entity is also called
86. The term “accrual” as used in A. equity
accounting means B. income
b. to record an expense that is already C. liability
incurred but not yet paid. D. asset
d. a and b
a. to record an income that is already 94. An increase to an account is
earned but not yet collected. recorded
c. to record the collection of income or c. in the side of that account that
the payment of expense. represents its normal balance.
a. in the debit side of that account.
87. Accrued revenues b. in the credit side of that account.
d. Increase assets d. beside the account.
c. Decrease liabilities
a. Decrease assets
b. Increase liability
95. It is the process of objectively
evaluating evidence and expressing
an opinion regarding the
correspondence between
management’s assertions and
established criteria.
d. Tax accounting
c. Accounting research
a. Accounting education
b. Auditing

96. You purchased a computer for

₱50,000 cash. To record this
transaction, which of the following
accounts will you credit?
c. Owner’s capital
b. Computer equipment
a. Cash
d. Inventory

97. Which of the following users of

financial information is not considered
a creditor of the business?
c. A customer that buys goods from
the entity on credit
b. A supplier that sells goods to the
entity on credit
a. A loan provider, such as a bank
d. A financing company that provides
the entity with machineries on a “rent-
to-own” basis

98. The business receives billing for

electricity used during the period.
Before the bill is paid, it is initially
recorded in this account.
b. Interest payable
c. Accounts payable
a. Utilities payable
d. Salaries payable

99. A business owner’s contribution to

the business results in
a. an increase in assets and an
increase in income.
d. an increase in assets and an
increase in owner’s equity.
c. an increase in assets and an
increase in liabilities.
b. a decrease in assets and an
increase in owner’s equity.

100. You purchased goods to be held

for sale in the ordinary course of
business activities, on cash basis.
Which of the following accounts is
increased and therefore debited?
d. Inventory
c. Accounts payable
a. Cash
b. Owner’s equity

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