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Children and a lot of people dream of being famous and popular.

They watch their idols on

TV and think this is the life they would like to have. But in life it is not like on the screen. 
Not every feat ends here with a happy ending.

"All tricks are performed by professionals!"  or “Stunt performed by professional stuntmen. 

Do not try to repeat at home!".  Do you remember this warning from movies or

Bad influence on people and especially young people

It was from the media and from Jackie Chan's films that the subcultures of roofers, who
illegally climb to the top of skyscrapers, and zappers, who like to travel by public transport
with the breeze were formed. And it's not surprising: the generation grew up on Hollywood
action movies and fantasy.  They admired the courage of the actors, or rather, their stunt

A hot button

A public person attracts the attention of others, thus every negative action or reaction
immediately becomes known to a wide range of people.  No one is perfect, therefore,
various unpleasant details are always revealed.
Often, such people become hostages of their image, because everyone expects from a
famous person only what fits into the image.  If a person has a public vision of a serious and
respectable person or, on the contrary, a "cheerful joker", then everything that goes beyond
this will be perceived negatively and critically by others. That is why famous person can
easily become a subject or issue that people have strong negative feelings about and argue
about a lot. 

Paparazzi, the stalker problem and a lack of privacy

Think about paparazzi - they watch every step you make just to take a picture of you –
usually provocative ones. Your residential address will not be a secret. Your family will also
be in sight. For example, Gigi Hadid, who tried so desperately to hide her child from photos
and failed to do so.
 Or we can take Kendall Jenner, who is a constant object of the paparazzi.  Her photos
always appear on the Internet where she does not look on various shows like we used to.
Thus, You dont have enough time for your private life, because usually magazines and
newspapers spread gossips about you.

Moreover, you can be a challenge for the killer

It also can be quite dangerous to be famous – there are so many mentally disordered people
who can follow you or even harm you. The celebrity charms a lot of attention from
representatives of the criminal world, which are various thieves and fraudsters who can act
both on their own behalf and on someone's orders. 
Such people required the protection and control for all the time. Here we can recall the
murder of the founder and leader of the Beatles. John Lennon, who was returning with his
wife from the recording studio, was brutally shot by a fan.

Stress and drugs

Moreover, famous people are frequently so stressed because they have to be in public very
often they need to hide their true emotions and seem happy and pleased all the time. That’s
why they often resort to drugs to forget about everything in the world, but then return to the
usual notorious life.

To sum up, I can still give many examples of the downs of fame, but these are the main
ones. We are the creators of our own destiny. People can have a lot of money just by
working. We can get everything without being on TV-shows or well-known films. 

The same is true of fame: it represents what we desire, deem and believe we can achieve by
becoming famous.  But what exactly does a celebrity represent?  And how realistic is it to
believe that being famous really satisfies this need?

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