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(Msc(physics) B .Ed)


Chapter-7 (Sound)

1) What is echo. State two conditions necessary for hearing a distinct echo, How echo differs from
2) What is SONAR ,on which principle it is based and name the wave used for sound ranging and
3) *Draw a time displacement graph for a body executing natural vibrations.
* Why natural vibrations are not possible on earth and where we can get these vibrations.
4) Name the factor on which frequency of sound emitted due to vibrations in an air column depends
and how is it related to factor.
5) Name the vibration off body in given graph and write why its amplitude is decreasing
continuously and what will happen to vibrations after sometime.

6) Define resonance. Write condition necessary for resonance, How resonance differs from the
forced vibrations.
7) Why are stringed instruments like guitar provided with a hollow box.
8) * When a troops crosses a suspension bridge the soldiers are asked to break their steps Give
* How do you tune your radio set to a particular frequency. Write about phenomenon involved in


P,Q,R same string showing 3 modes of vibrations

a) Which situation has a loudest sound and why
b) Which has highest frequency
c) How these vibrations are produced in P,Q,R
d) How the vibrations in 3 situations are related in terms of their frequencies and wavelength.
(Msc(physics) B .Ed)
Chapter-8(Current Electricity)

1) Name and state the law which relates the potential difference and current in conductor.
2) What are necessary conditions for a conductor to obey this law.
3) Draw V-I graph and I-V graph to state above law and write what conclusion you draw from slope
of these graphs.
4) Write 4 differences between ohmic and non ohmic conductors with examples.
5) What is the cause of resistance in a conductor and how it is different from internal resistance of
6) Define specific resistance and write its expression and unit.mention two factor on which specific
resistance of wire depends.
7) Name the material used to make (with reason)
i) filament of bulb
ii) heating element
iii) standard resistors
iv) Fuse wire
8) State two differences between Emf and terminal voltage of cell, How the Emf and terminal
voltage are related with internal resistance and external resistance. write formula.
9) Write two factors on which internal resistance of cell depends.
10) State and define unit of house hold electricity, How joule is related to watt hour and KWh.
11) What is consumed while using electrical appliances for which electricity bill is paid. How the
Kilowatt and kilowatt hour differ.
12) What do you mean by power rating of an electrical appliance
How do you use it to find i) resistance of appliance
ii) safe limit of current
13) Name the factors on which heat produced in a wire depends and name this effect.
(Msc(physics) B .Ed)
Chapter-9(household circuit)

1) What is electrical fuse. On which effect it works and to which wire it is connected, Write
characteristics’of fuse wire.
2) A fuse is rated 8A.can it be used with electrical appliance rating 5KW 200V.write with reason.
3) What is the purpose of switch in circuit, in which wire it is connected. What will happen if we
connect switch in neutral wire. Write the precaution we must take in handling a switch.
4) Identify the given components A and B. Name 3 pins of part A and 3 holes of point B.


5) Why earth pin in 3 pin plug is made longer and thicker. All 3pins are splitted in 3 pin plug why?
6) For earthing of an appliance one has to remove paint from metallic body of appliance to make
Connection, why?
7) Write three characteristics’of high tension wire.

Chapter-11( Calorimetry)

1) Define the term calorimetry.write the SI unit of heat and how is it related to calorie.
2) Compare the meaning formula and units of heat capacity and specific heat capacity of body.
3) Name 3 factors on which heat energy absorbed by body depends also write its expression.
4) What is the principle of method of mixture. Name the law on which it is based.
5) *Why do farmers fill their fields with water on cold winter night.
* Water is used in hot water bottles for fomentation. Why?
6) What is calorimeter? Name the material of which it is made and give reason of using it
7) State the effect of increase of pressure on melting point of ice.
8) 1Kg of ice at 00cis heated at constant rate and its temperature is recorded after every 30 s till
steam is formed at 1000c . Draw a temperature time graph to represent this change.

9) What is the effect of increase in pressure on boiling point of a liquid.

10) Define latent heat and write its formula and unit.
11) What kind of change is observed in kinetic energy and potential energy of molecules during
change of state.
12) The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336J/g write its meaning.
13) Soft drinks bottles are cooled by adding ice cubes why?
(Msc(physics) B .Ed)
Chapter -12( Radioactivity)

1) What is radioactivity. Name two radioactive elements. Write the cause of radioactivity.
2) In given figure S=radioactive substance
i) Label all parts
ii) What is importance of part O.
iii) Write 3 main properties and one use of A,B,C
iv) Why C has greater bending than B.

3) What changes occur to nucleus of an element when it emits

i) an alpha particle
ii) a beta particle
iii) gamma radiation
4) Write the difference between isotopes and isotones with example.
5) What are tracers write with example. What are radio isotopes give one example and use of it.
6) * Write the use of radio sodium chloride. Why alpha particles are not used in radio therapy.
7) What are background radiations? Write examples of its internal and external sources.
8) Name two main sources of nuclear radiations. and how are this radiations harmful.
9) What is meant by nuclear waste. State one way for safe disposal of nuclear waste.
10) State 3 safety precautions that you would take while handling the radioactive substances.
(Msc(physics) B .Ed)

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